Dear Bob,
Please know that it is with a heavy heart I am writing you to inform you that you kind of get on my nerves.
I want to like you (and I even stopped to ponder if my dis-love was triggered by my significant doctor-crush on Mehmet but, alas, it is not). I have tried but as of yet to no avail.
Every time I see you on the (great & mighty) Oprah Show you sorta come across as exceedingly smug.
Condescending even.
We get it.
You lobbied your parents for healthy family eating back at the tender age of nine.
You have never, ever salted your food.
You are still the exact same weight you were in high school.
You barely drink. Dont smoke. And yet somehow we’re to believe you possess the unique ability to relate to all of us every-people.
At first? I kept my “I dont love Bob” an ugly little secret.
“WHO doesnt love Bob Greene?!” I knew they’d say.
but yesterday?
As you perched arrogantly eagerly on the edge of your chair whilst an audience member praised you—this woman thinks she saw just the teeeeniest fleeting look of “Bob, you on my last nerve here with all yer goodness” cross the mighty O’s face.
Sure she swiftly covered it all up with a smile & a filled-with-jest “I know what to do. I just dont like doing it!” but this MizFit stood, for that fleeting moment, and gave Oprah (& her TiVo) a mighty cheer.
Please know that this all comes from a loving place.
We just wanna see the smallest of chinks (dents?!) in the armor which is your perfection, Bob.
You know, just so that we’re certain—-under it all—–you’re one of us.
Until today, until this minute, i had no idea who this Bob Green was. Had never seen him, or heard of him……never ever ever……..until you….mizfit………blogged ’bout him.
Now, thanks to the link you provided, i know who he is…..and already, he’s on my last nerve.
thanks for the heads up.
As for “O”…….why is she so skinny on the front of the O magazines………….like her waist looks about a size 2……………
Oh whoops………i shouldn’t be trashy here……..sorry……….
Yeah, Mary.
I wouldnt trash the great and might O(bama) supporter were I you EITHER.
she hath some amazing powers and we just might find ourselves ERASED.
airbrushing? (*cough*) photoshop? (*sputter*)
Ooh I’da loved to have seen that look on Oprah’s face!!
Nice letter to Bob. You haven’t broken up with him yet, you’re just letting him know that his need for perfectionism is putting a distance between him and people. Good deal. I agree, Bob needs to let his hair down and just relax. He’s on O for goodness sake!
I am SO out of it. I do not know this Bob of which you speak.
Hi Karen, Goooogle BOB or click on the link in the post. He’s an interesting guy and the GURU to Oprah’s weight loss!
He just needs, as Stephanie said, to let his hair down a tad 🙂
Thank you! His hair bugs me as well.
I know, carolyn.
I just wanna see him rumpled sometime.
Mehmet? My DoctorCrush? He took one for the team and swallowed a camera!
Hmmmm, Mehmet.
I couldn’t agree more about Bob! Part of me wonders if it irks him that Oprah has never really been his “success” story?
and ditto on Dr. Oz—he is awesome!!
LOL on this post Mizfit!!!
I thought I was the only one who somehow repressed just a tad of gag reflex at the sight of Bob’s latest bout of personal perfection.
Would’ve paid $ to see that look on the mighty O’s face!
I do absolutely adore Dr. Oz. He is so much more real. He really inspires me. Thanks for another great post.
Amen, sister!
I watch Oprah here in Sweden too… although we get too see it like months after it airs in the US. But I’m always glued to the TV when Dr. Oz is on, he’s great!
Doesn’t he have his on show… On Discovery or something?
This Bob guy, I don’t know who he is, I must watch out for him 🙂
who knew? I really did think I was alone in the fact that Bob makes me throw up in my mouth a little bit.
Anna O’The Lotus Necklace I Covet? you must goooooooogle him (or click on the post link).
I COULDN’T agree more! He is so pompous and I’m sorry I think he must lead a VERY boring life.
I have to say I really lean towards Dr. Oz, I like his style. I haven’t really gravitated towards Bob, I’ll need to tune in more – I had no idea he started on the healthy track at nine, makes me wonder if there’s a past life influence there?! 🙂
Post made me laugh, nice one 🙂
Spot on with that one. As someone who struggles to get my own message about fitness and health heard, I am bothered by the fact that BG’s most significant client (and the one that made him a TV celeb and millionaire) still has a LONG way to go to be considered lean or even reasonably fit. I love Oprah and think she has done more to improve the world than all but a few people, but I would be embarrassed if I were her trainer. Ain’t about the genes, it’s how you feed them. Love your site.
I heart Dr. Oz in a big way. And I’d love to see Oprah try a new trainer. Clearly whatever Bob’s doing for her as her trainer is not really working all that well.