I have been tagged by Rachel at Fitness for Mommies to write my own six word memoir. Essentially, you are supposed to write a six word memoir about yourself and/or your fitness.
MizFit’s first thought was: Holy crapballs gosh Im too tired to even think straight —–but then I decided that by day’s end that’s pretty much my natural state so:
met love on bus with Mounds™
Here are the rules and whom I am tagging (MizFit so deplores rules—-and pressure, People. So do it if you want. If you dont? So be it.):
Ms. ScaleJunkie, Mr. MarathonMe, Ms. Zandria, Ms. HumanRace600, & Ms. NextThingToTry
If you’re so inclined please to:
- Write your own six word memoir
- Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you want
- Link to the person that tagged you in your post
- Tag at least five more blogs with links.
And, because Im a complete and utter reading nerd at heart (and why I happily joined in this tagging), head here to see the book o’six word memoirs and the original Hemingway story which I adore.
Oh, lawd! Six words? To describe me?
Isn’t it funny how being limited to a certain number of words seems more difficult than writing a longer description?
And you HAVE to EXPLAIN your memoir! 🙂
Keep on, keepin on, keeping on!
Check out this article from The New Yorker – http://www.newyorker.com/talk/2008/02/25/080225ta_talk_widdicombe the writer composed a review of the six-word memoir book entirely in six-word sentences. It’s really impressive!
LOVE my New Yorker (second to Renaissance Man and more than my STAR mag).
that article was *way* impressive.
Dr.J? Im even more longing for you to OUT the man behind the three letters now…
and Z? short version? snagged hubby on bus with candy.
Tres cool. didn’t know any of the history etc. Mine’s done and up so check it yo.
a challenge for me , a woman who takes the long road to the point, but I’ve posted it today!
This is wonderful! I actually work for Smith Magazine, and they’re having me hunt for good responses to this challenge. A lot of people out there make a list or some sort of declarative statement, but yours is a genuine story–it sparks our interest and actually has plot, characters, and setting. I’m impressed–I’ve been putting off coming up with one because I that’s what I want for my own. If you haven’t already, definitely post it on http://www.smithmag.net, because we’re collecting new ones for the next book.