Old school:
New school:
by Carla
Old school:
New school:
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[…] Monday Facetime. Tricep kickback edition. @ carlabirnberg.com […]
[…] did a new kind of tricep exercises today. I got this from MizFit on Monday and was excited to try it out. It definitely was tough and was a major core workout […]
Ooh, that’s excellent! I’ve been doing one-armed rows in a plank position, but it never occurred to me to do the tricep kickback as well. I guess that’s why you make the big bucks, huh? Or you would if we weren’t a buncha freeloaders.
Thanks a bunch for the tip!
I have to admit I always watch these things at work where I can’t have the sound up, and it honestly gives Facetime a WHOLE new dimension. I get to sit here and GUESS what you might be saying….
I’m sorry, I promise I’ll watch it properly when I get home, but at the moment all I can think of is commentary involving “A Very Big Stick”….
Yours sincerely endeavouring to take her fitness more seriously,
Class Clown
Oh that I hadnt emptied my Freebie Bin in a fit of birthdaycitement as you two cracked me the HELL UP this morning and Id love to toss some swag yer way.
(what can I say. it has been a rough BabyMama morning up in herre)
thanks for the chortle!
Love the new gym! If I had your physique, perhaps I’d be less self-conscious about exercising in public, out of context, in the pretty green forest.
Lately, it’s been me vs. the gravitron when it comes to triceps. Not nearly as pretty! (I finally managed a couple of unassisted dips, hooray! But I can’t figure out what the heck to do with my legs–once they don’t have that little bar to rest on they have no idea where to go and I tend to flail about. NOT very elegant).
Perhaps if I paid more attention to my core like you do I wouldn’t have that problem…
Nice move! I’m all for exercises that target multiple areas at the same time.
All the Bag Lady could think was that she would be on her face in the dirt (literally!) if she tried that one-armed plank thingy….you made it look so easy. Sigh.
The Bag Lady WAS lifting weights yesterday, though, when she was helping fix the baler….
BL? First, you TOTALLY right about the baler and, IMO, harder than any flippin’ tricep plank.
And thanks for the SLAP moment (S.L.A.P.? Anyone? Guess what it stand for? We need to started employing that up in herre).
Next Monday’s facetime might just have to be a BLOOPER.
I’m a one shot wonder (as if it it isn’t done the first time—–it’s never done/used) and have a silly one that will make you (the royal you) realize how poor the MizFit’s balance truly is.
ROFLMAO!! OMG Girl!! I’m struggling with the pushup challenge as it is, you think I’m going to be able to hold that pose?!? HAHAHA I should try it though, I always love me a 2 for 1 dealy 😛
can feel my wobbly bits wobbling just thinking about this one 🙂 love the al fresco location!
good tips 😉 I am heading off to the living room to do my workout now
The one armed plank, tricep thingy. Now that is hard gore…get it? Hard. Core. Sorry, I’m all doped up on cold meds. 🙂
Awww, you love me! I am going through a sick tricep obsession right now. With mine – not yours. Okay mostly just mine. Fine-I dream about my triceps copycattting your triceps. There.
I’m so doing this today. Except I won’t have the nice forest backdrop…
and I never EVER would have done this just for YOU charlotte.
I mean flattery (yours. last week.) gets you no where up in herre.
Id never do that.
**Helpful Fitarella let me know she cant see the OLD SCHOOL video pic! works here. anyone else?
FWEET-FWOW! (yes, i am catcall wihistling at you 😉 )
OMG I am in LOVE. A plank/kickback combo…I haven’t seen this and I am absolutely dying to go try it. I love the plank and I love the kickbacks (if by LOVE you mean “need them desperately even though I suck at them because my wobbly bits are super-wobbly”, which I do). And now I’m even talking like you. And the British, because frankly, how can you possibly beat “wobbly bits”? 🙂
Love it!
As I love the plank, this looks like an awesome move. It makes so much sense to do the triceps kickbacks in a plank position! And I will try it just as soon as my arms are able to do anything more than wobble feebly at my sides (just finished all those push ups- therefore my arms will be MIA for the next 20 minutes or so…)
Did you have a good birthday weekend?
Great, great great!!!! Thanks!!!
Both vids are working for me.
I’ve been on a big tricep dip kick, followed by plank, push-up, side plank x 5 to each side. Might be time to throw the triceps in that mix and forgo the dips. Hmmm…
And p.s. “wobbly bits” is one of the best British expressions ever. Right up there with “saucy minx,” said by Hugh Grant, of course.
so wait—–can you see two different videos?
One of the old school tricep kickback on flat bench and one with plank?
They’re both broadcasting loud and clear on my ‘puter.
I can see both videos.
The Bag Lady can see both videos, too. And she still can’t see herself doing the plank thing….
Okay, now you have to tell us what S.L.A.P. stands for!!
Great idea. The plank is a killer ab workout. I used to think it was silly till I tried it. Combining the two is a double whammy! Love it. I need some help on my wobbly bits.
I can see both from here.
Not something I’ll go near
Cuz I’m too fat to plank…
I could go to the bank;
Sweat up a stank;
Get myself a drank, but
I cannot plank.
No, not with a stick;
No, not with a brick;
Nor with a flick of my Bic.
Not even to tighten my wobbly bits,
Nor perk up the boys, my wobbly pecs. (:^)
But for those who can plank,
take this to the bank:
This workout is good for a t-shirt or tank.
(ta-daaaaaaa! Polite smattering of applause.)
Terrific idea! Have lifted an arm and leg off the ground before to increase the challenge while doing a plant but never to do an exercise before. Makes perfect sense.
Go *hugh’s mom* go hugh’s mo GO!
Go *hugh’s mom* go hugh’s mom GO!!!
(Proceeds into a breakdancing fit worthy of a reality tv show)
Great suggestion. The new version not only targets your tricep and your ‘core’ but you work and use your shoulder complex and of course your pects.
all around great exercise.
Heck anything you can add or adjust to a plank is great!!!!
You are in just amazing shape. When you were pregnant did you continue to lift weights? Were you one of those people for who the weight just fell off…or worse, who lost so much weight breast feeding and had a “hard time gaining it back”….I hate those people (sorry to those of you out there).
Great stuff!! When I’m over the jet=lag, I’ll see if I’m up to it 🙂
Old school looks like me getting out of bed in the morning and trying not to airlift one of the cats!
New school makes me jealous of the Miz!
Ooh, the new school move is a killer, and there you are just kind of holding it and chatting casually! It kind of reminds me of how in high school my friend was always begging me to punch her in the nose so maybe she could get her insurance to cover plastic surgery…with this move, it’s like I can punch myself in the nose! Or the floor can punch me.
Whooooo…I need to motivate myself to workout today! And wow miz you look fantastic!! I love working out…its just motivating myself to actually “do it” sometimes. Once I start I don’t stop!
What an excellent idea! I love planks, so I’m for sure going to try this. Thank you!!! 🙂
My favorite Tricep exercise if the Bench Dip. It is easy, requires almost no equipment aside fro a chair or bench at about knee level, and works well with only body weight as resistance. 😉
what John?
you’re not a fan of the KITCHEN DIP (click here) that MizFit does?
she likes to be thisclose to her post workout nutrition 😉
Lovely. Now show us something using the corpse pose, because, according to my V02 max test today, I is one.
Ok, so there’s only supossed to be 2 videos then? When I look at it, it looks like there is supossed to be 3.
Old school:
-Then big empty square with an X (as if video was there but not showing)
-Then video at gym
New School:
Video outside
Alright, that looks challenging.
a burning question…what the heck are you doing up at 4:30am-please tell me I’m on another tie zone-otherwise I feel lazy!
oh an great tri move!
sadly surfmom I am up at 430a.
once upon a time I decided I wanted to be a full time SAHM.
once upon a time I decided I still wanted to work (Im a freelance writer but have a couple of monthly columns)
once upon a time I realized that my daughter slept TWELVE HOURS a night but was a no-napper.
once upon a time I realized that until kindergarten Id need to git up at the proverbial CRACK or Id never have time to work.
(hence the thumb typing now. at the park.)
Firs, thank you for stopping by my blog 🙂 I love it when you visit. You are so cool!!
And that tricep kickback looks hard core. I’m going to have to try it.
Wow. So impressed over here–I hope to work up to your new school move, but there’s a lot of training that needs to happen between now and then! I’ve seen dramatic increases in my tricep strength since I started wieght training, though–I’ll get there!
Love it. My triceps are thanking you. 🙂
Can’t wait to try these!!!! Your first video kind of made me chuckle. Is it at all awkward filming yourself at the gym?
Oh yeah, and I always get excited on Monday’s when I click on your blog and I remember I get a video!!! woohoo, face time!
You read my mind today! I needed more arm exercise! Thank you, thank you!
Interestingly enough, I did a few of these plank tricept moves the other day in a high school weight room. My husband was working a summer basketball camp and I wanted to get a lift in.
The football coach posted several strength exercises on the wall in the weight room for the players’ summer workouts. Since my intent is mass gaining (like many pre-pubescent high school boys — who I just happen to look like from behind), I thought I’d give some of them a try. I loved how each of the exercises incorperated core strengthening, and my most favorite was the plank + tricepts. They were awesome and come highly recommended!
I forgot to add a suggestion. I used the hexagon shaped dumbbells (as opposed to the round ones that wouldn’t allow for any stability) and alternated between left and right arms on the kickbacks.
Thanks for the tip, cali!
I *guess* I’ll give up my stick 😉 in favor of some hex-weights!
It’s definitely good to watch these types of videos to make sure I’m doing the moves correctly.
that is a great move – definitely will have to try although I absolutely loathe the plank – but I guess that means it is working!
Yeah I think my wobbly bits need a lot of work.
4:30! You are a better sahm then me!!! LOL I guess I need my beauty rest. 🙂
hey girl,
you’ve got a banging bod! i like the videos 🙂
Great exercise. I’ve been doing plank exercises for about a month now to strengthen my core. Never thought to combine it with anything.
I’m certainly not hating on the stick Miz! Some of us are just ready to move on to the big guns, you know? 😉
All I want for x-mas is toned arms.
wow. not quite there yet.
wait, Deanna!
I know you are!
Start on the weight bench with kickback/1 lb weight.
Start just standing on one leg sometimes.
S-l-o-w-ly work up to one leg kickback with NO WEIGHT.
Then one leg plank kickback with stick (wink).
Then, eventually, plank with a 1 pound dumbbell.
This sh*t is a *marathon* not a sprint!
xo xo,
Thought I’d give the plank a try … just went PLUNK! LOL! I’ll keep trying!
MizFit, I’m amazed that you can speak clearly, look cute and make sense while doing the plank/tricep kickback combo. I’d be sweating and wobbling and perhaps drooling (TMI?).
I’m going to try it, though. Any tips for taking the pressure off the supporting wrist? I’ve got a bothersome wrist injury on the left side.
Perfect – I’ve trying to find a good exercise for that stupid underarm fat that won’t go away.
Happy Monday!
come visit me at my blog…you have been awarded 🙂
Where did you get those pipes? 🙂
Dara, Im thinking that you mean both in the plank and not? for me —and I feel the same wrist thing—it has taken a mental shift away from thinking about my wrist (none too helpful, I know) which has helped me to physically tilt more of the weight to my LEGS.
does that make any sense? let me know if not & I’ll try to better explain.
and Mark? Home Depot!
wow the music in your gym is really pumping! :o)
Hey Lady! I just linked to your site from my blog, this is my first time checking it out, how did I not find it sooner? Your site is great! I will definitly be checking back!!!
Nice aproach, i’ll give it a try, i like to mix exercises, i’m a big fan of complexes and combos
Ok- I just did a few of those and the one arm plank is freaking hard! But I DID do them, so now good old practice will need to make perfect, etcetera etcetera…
Except for the stick (unless it’s a really heavy stick), the New School looks harder than Old School! But these are good for me…
Thanks for the demos! 🙂
miz your blog is making me want ot get back into strength training chica. Where will I find the time to get your arms.
Official delurking in progress 🙂
What a great idea! I feel like I just got better instruction through two videos than I get from *hours* (well, maybe not multiple hours at a time) of poring over ptonthenet. Thanks, Miz Fit!
Ey, yay, yah! We did 1 minute planks today in my body pump class at the gym. Adding the tricep looks haaard! I’ll have to try it though. The core zone is my BIG problem area!
OH–I just read your comment about your schedule. Wow. I am in the same place. Only, until recently I just stayed UP until 2 a.m. versus getting up early. But, I keep reading that sleep is so important and working late at night gave me the worst insomnia. So, I’m trying to ease myself into earlier bedtimes and getting up early. Would love to hear any advice you have on this!
Working your triceps while doing a plank? Whatever will you think of next? I love the multi-purpose exercises! 🙂
hi there! i saw your blog on entrecard and decided to pay you a visit. 🙂
yay, I could see the video this week!! I will definitely be trying the kickback plank tomorrow in my workout. I need arms like mizfit’s.
I love the new school! It scares me, but I love it!
I’ve been doing these and they ROCK! Thanks!
That is exactly the method for V02max figures, now you know what you capable of it is time to maximise