Subtitle: because sometimes the learn a little/laugh a little is precisely what a monday needs.
please to enjoy the outfit, the fact I forgot I was wearing glasses that turn into 70’s porn star sunglasses tinted in the sun, & the wild Toddler Tornado bursting on & off the (fingerquote) set (unFQ).
She’s a cute tornado though. Have to give her points for that. 🙂
My balance is iffy too. I need mucho practice before I can do that without braining myself.
The best way to sort your balance is to visualise your leg as being 3 feet longer than it is and embedded deep into the ground, rooted firm.
You will then find you can shift your other leg as much as you like (subject to flexibility) without toppling over.
Try it.
The more you do it, the more natural it becomes, until doing up your laces while standing on one foot becomes an everyday experience 🙂
Thanks Kim! Id never heard that tip before and shall commence visualizing this morning!
Thankfully Ive gotten a bit better balance since this video: CLICK HERE.
(with an emphasis on the word BIT :))
Ah, my sister in balance issues. You KNOW I found this vid particularly encouraging this morning. 🙂
I’m glad it’s not just me who teeters and totters!
I like the root suggestion, will have to try it. SLAP!
Exactly what I needed on a Monday morning to bring a smile to my face.
1) The Toddler Tornado is super cute.
2) The exercise is great – a new one for me.
3) Your balance = my balance.
Thanks, MizFit 🙂
The Tornado is so adorable!
One balancing tip I’ve heard is to stare at a fixed point in front of you. It helps your brain to have a stable point of reference (or something like that). I’ll have to try this at home–I’m pretty sure I’ll wipe out and there are too many hard surfaces in the gym!
I second what Jen says. I pick a point on the floor to stare at and it helps me balance a bit better.
Probably not well enough to stand on one foot with the other out behind me arabasque style while rowing with dumbbells…but you get my drift.
I don’t know what’s funnier; you trying to balance or the toddler tornado rolling through!
i especially enjoy hearing your daughter saying “come on! come on!” like she means “hurry up ma’! lets do something else!”
this move that you’re doing is one on of my pilates DVD’s, only you have this stretchy band thing and you hold it underneath the grounded foot while you pull. I can do that one but I’m nervous to do it with dumbells.
REALLY, Jillian?
you’re apprehensive?
after my simple I made it look?
Im off to do the back-plank whilst juggling snakes, knives, and a dirrty (shout out to Xtina!) diaper.
The Toddler Tornado is a cutie. No doubt about that.
I seem to be okay balance-wise when I work out. It’s when I’m walking around casually–at the grocery store, work, etc.–where I become the biggest clutz of all time. My dad calls me Grace.
awwwww Toddler! I want my own! (But for now will settle for spoiling friends’ children and my cat 🙁 )
When I was 16 I broke my foot, and when in physiotherapy for it they kept trying to get me to balance on it.
After falling on my ass, I told them it might not be a good idea to try to get me to do something I couldn’t even do BEFORE I broke it.
Awwwwhhh how cute is she!!
Man, that looks like it would be hard for me. I’ll give er a whirl 😉
I tried it and my balance is better than I thought! (Of course I’m much more “weighted” down than you are!)
I dont wanna take on the role of critical parent, People, but youre disappointing me.
where are the comments mocking my old a** Nike mesh top thing?
my glasses?
the fact Im exercising in a field in front of what appears to be some sorta farmhouse?
I know you can do better….
Dude, I got nuthin’.
But, hey, on that juggling thing? Add bowling balls and running chainsaws and I might could check that out.
(Does the Mr. know you wore his shorts for this?)
fat don’t wrinkle
Sheesh, where’d you get those glasses and that old a** Nike mesh top thing? You look like a throwback to the 70’s…….. 🙂
Great video – made me chuckle just a teensy bit ’cause your balance is so much better than mine!!
I’d need training wheels to keep from falling over 🙂
You know what I say to those who mock my balance? “Back off or I’ll push you up!!!”
Just a little catchphrase that I picked up, somewhere along the way 😉
Hee hee
And, dude, what’s wrong with outdated exercise clothes? I totally thought that’s what everyone wears?!?!?
ooh Hughsmom? Felice?
you are SO rocking the personal catch phrases.
*bows in awe and points & giggles at Felice’s Flashdance-esque sweatshirt & headband*
Im off to bring the Tornado to visit an unsuspecting friend.
(waitforit) SLAP.
oooh t-stance row… i’d forgotten about that one– might have to throw it into today’s workout. SLAP 🙂
your toddler tornado is adorable!
have a wonderful day, mizfit
I love the shorts!! You woke me up this morning 😉
Well, since you brought it up …. where the heck were you when you shot that video!????????
TT is way too cute!!!! 🙂
oh this made my whole morning! I love that there is *something* fitnessy that is hard for you but I gotta say you fall with grace. If you hadn’t said it, I would have assumed you were just stepping down because you were done.
And the tornado makes my day – every time!
You’re pretty funny this morning!
As for you’re outfit, I’d love to see you in a running skirt!! Those shorts are so big for you!!
I love it, bloopers and all! Will give it a try in private 😉
Ummm MizFit did you wear hubby’s shorts today??? LOL
Now errr what’s going on with your balance?? suck it in LOL 🙂 coming from misgutalot LOL
Oh, by the way, 2 things:
1. The tornado is CUTE, but be warned – when they are almost 10 and still engage in tornado behavior…it’s not quite as cute. I live with ‘Hurricane Hugh, Master of Disaster’. Trust me.
2. I got me my very own blog. Be kind.
Now THOSE are some good mocking comments!
And Rachel? How’d you know?!
The running skirt? Coming tomorrow.
Balance on the Bosu! Toddler Tornado was busy! 🙂
Love that little toddler tornado – so adorable.
I need some serious lat rows on a bench, though. Oh- and a Bosu ball so I can fall over just like you!
Hehe, your balance really is bad, huh? Ummm, yeah. You need smaller shorts. 😉
Whoohooo, can’t wait for the skirt test drive. I’ve been really tempted to get one.
Myself, I love the too big shorts although they’re not as scary on you as they are on some men I’ve seen wearing them, sans undies. Pretty.
Come on! Come on! Come on!
YOU know the Tornado’s a cutie, now we do too!
*yanks up edge of shorts & proudly displays ALWAYS present liners*
(in the always baggie shorts….)
you are so rockin that outfit and glasses combo!
i HEART the running skirt!
haha, I love your daughter running in and out and chatting away! What a cutie! This is a fabulous exercise without or without dumbbells! Thanks for the video, I love Monday face time 🙂
Hahaha! background looked like a setup for a horror flick…farmhouse…single ominous car driving by…innocent, sweet (???) child playing in the background…so to have it end with you laughing and falling over but not getting abducted and locked in a basement was quite the relief!!!
p.s. when S.L.A.P. is spoken aloud, should we say “Slap” or “ess ell ay pee”? I’m hoping for the former.
Love the Tornado! So adorable!
I don’t see anything wrong with the glasses or outfit… 🙂
For some reason I’m having connection issues and the video won’t come up. I’ll try again later . . . so I can check out your fab ensemble and the ever-cute TT. My cutie is ransacking the fridge, so I best jet!
Snoochie Boochie!
🙂 That was a great start to my Monday! And your little tornado is super cute!
Too funny – thanks for the laughs! Okay, so what’s up with the outfit? Of course, you look great, no matter what you are wearing. 😉
I think your extraordinary lack of balance may be my very favourite thing about you Miz!
Also, I think it’s about time the toddler got her own video segment.
I love the location for this scene, very bucolic.
I am not sure what part of the video i liked more…the balance issues or the toddler hoping it was time to go. Guess she wasn’t in the mood to work on her lats. 🙂
Like always, love the monday morning video!
Thats adorable!
Whenever I’m doing balancing exercises I find it helps to just have a point to focus on. But then I end up having this very serious look of deep concentration on my face as I struggle to focusfocusfocus and not tumble over like my body is whining that it wants to. Ah well, we can’t all be excellent balancers!
Wow, I’m late today. But, here goes the mocking…your kid is better dressed than you. Hell, today I’M better dressed than you. And I can do the balance thing, forever, even in flip flops. As long as a stiff wind doesn’t come along and start my arm flab a’flappin…. I just found out that my tween tornado left the freezer open. Wednesday night. I’m going to get a lot of exercise hauling up the wasted food and the frost… I use SLAPP (sounds like a personal problem)., it gets used A LOT around here!!
I have no balance whatsoever, I look like a suspension bridge in a windstorm lol.
Apparently you have many many unbalanced readers. Like myself. I will definitely have to try the leg root thing.
nothing to mock, here.
Best. Shorts. Evah!
Thanks for the chuckle!!
Looking strong, buddy!
love the tornado, especially she does not have the WHINE level that mine seems to have. (my ears are bleeding, as we speak!)
and cannot wait to see you in the running skirt! 🙂
I’m curious, who is filming all of this? Do you have your own camera crew out in that there field?
Ya see why I went with the small!! Those XXXXXXS tempo shorts are falling off of your skinny arse!
I love tornado. She’s my kinda girl. Cauzin some trouble!
WO Mommy? it’s Regis filming.
and SS? I know. I just HEART the comfort of my mediums and with the liner there’s no risk of accidental v’jayjay display.
(yeah. I said it.)
Now that I know what liners are, would it be ok for me to pass them out to some of the girls at the gym? I wipe down the equipment BEFORE using it….
Hee. I love watching you fall over. Mostly because you’re so fit and fabulous in every other way. Makes you human when you can’t stand on one leg. 😉
I took a class in college on the physics of dance (yeah, I’m a nerd – shut up), and one of the things I learned was that a woman’s center of gravity is low in her torso: right between your navel and your pubic bone. So if you line that part of your body up over your supporting foot – ta da! No falling down!
(Although I will miss the falling down when your balance improves. LOL)
MARIANNE? I do *not* wanna know what aforementioned ‘girls’ are leaving behind.
they need them some sewn in liners and PRONTO.
uh and Marste? you lost me at navel.
I gave it a try.
It’s harder than it looks!
I guess I am balance-challenged too. 🙂
great one!! Love your tornado……….that’s what we jokingly call our 22 month old twins…….our twin tornados…….creating paths of destruction wherever they go! I like the glasses 🙂
Hugs to our favorite tornado & mizfit. I’m off to try that exercise now.
Love it…on so many levels!
I love the toddler tornado!
This video had me smiling… still am smiling! So much fun.
I will do this balance exercise right after I type this! 🙂
So adorable. You can do with with a med ball to, except touch the ground with the med ball instead of doing a row.
definitely the size of those shorts throwing off your balance! Going to use this tomorrow at the gym! People are used to me falling over…
And we shorten Tornado… it’s “F5” around here.
STORKS! such a good exercise. They are really hard to do right- especially when you try and reach the whole down to ground to pick something up (like a dumbbell)
good choice!
Toddler tornado is adorable. I have horrible balance. I tried doing yoga this weekend and it was hi-larious.
Just wanted to finally stop by and say THANK YOU!!!! You rock lady. 🙂
Gee, finally an exercise I can do Really Well! Balancing is a breeze (Could be all that weight holding me in place!). I would rib you about the outfit, but I only wish something would fit me that Loosely! 😆 T.T. is a cutie!
You both are so darn cute!
I’ll have to try this tomorrow in my work out. I definitely need more help with my balance and core. I’ve recently added yoga poses to my workout, and that seems to really challenge my balance as well 🙂
And here I always felt so self-conscious because I have to hold on to something at the gym to do squats or I fall over to one side.
The little tornado is beautiful!
love it! maybe MF needs some yoga to help her balance?
Transitions lenses and all, I think you’re a babe…..and that tornado of yours? TOO FREAKIN CUTE!! AAH!
She made my uterus twitch
Alright, I saw it (without sound, though, because my own tornados have been visiting my work space and causing their own path of distruction) – you need shorts that fit! Miz, if you aren’t careful, those puppies will be around your ankles in a flash! Or are they drawstring? In which case, strike my warning, you’re set.
Jealous of your killer posture, BTW. Just another thing on my list of things to improve . . . I’m ashamed to admit that I was a dancer once upon a time with the weak back I currently have . . . geez!
Happy week!
Love the exercise, love the outfit, love the glasses, and ADORE the Tornado. 🙂
Needed the giggle, too. Thanks as always!
oh my god I love her. can I have a toddler tornado too!?
Lol, the tornado is cute! Is there a modified way of doing this exercise. Thanks for putting up the video! 😀
Ha! Balance! Something you’re actually not good at! 🙂
Love the mother/daughter matching pink shorts!
Twix? What Id do as a modification is initially work on balance (standing on one leg for as long as you can and then switching to other leg) and back (lat pull down machine in gym. one arm row at home with dumbbells at home type thing) SEPARATELY!
then, when youre better than I at each one (wink), attempt them together.
Does that make sense?