(*cue confetti shaped like Oprah’s Favorite Things*)
Yes, People, the Great & Mighty O has decided to start exploring the blogworld in greater depth. A decision which can, in this blogger’s opinion, only be a good thing.
She wants to propel the momentum gained on her daily show to the internet & keep the ideas, interaction and *conversation* going through our medium (please to refer back to aforementioned confetti tossage).
The Bumbling Band has the opportunity to participate as MizFit has been invited to be a part of Oprah’s ever evolving Digital Network of bloggers.
Does that mean you can expect your regularly scheduled programming to be shifted to All MizFit Rambles About Oprah All The Time? No (although we’ve previously established that I do love me some Oprah blogging.).
It does mean, however, that I’ll occasionally have exclusive clips, news, and extra tidbits of information about upcoming shows to share .
Will I ever get close enough to actually reach out & touch (fingerquote) the couch (unFQ)? who can say…
Regardless, it’ll be interesting to see if Oprah’s path and the Bumbling Band’s are as similar as it can sometimes seem. If they are then I’ll thread the information throughout a post. If not? we’ll wait till the next clip or tidbit comes along.
What I know for sure is that if Oprah is searching for good, funny, helpful, snarky, insightful commentversation she’s come to the right place.
I *know* you all agree.
Speaking of giving away things we adore (emulate THAT awkward transition, Oprah. I set the bar high up in herre.) Im going to wrap up today’s post with a treat many of you have asked about.
We’ve established that I wear my Be Present tank top all. the. time.
Sure I like the look of it, but when I have it on you can be certain it’s because Im feeling the pull of being scattered.
Of not being in the moment.
Of nodding to my Toddler Tornado and pretending to listen while Im a million miles away in my head.
Be Present, as a company, is amazing in more ways than one. They, like the Bumbling Band, are committed to living a balanced lifestyle.
They advocate taking time out from your day to STOP, listen to your body, let yourself daydream, have fun, enjoy life and *sweat.*
They encourage us to VOTE and voice our opinion—no matter WHAT that opinion might be.
(Here at MizFit we’re about voicing the opinions in the comments—but VOICING none the less.)
And last, but not least, THEY GENEROUS. This is the second time they’ve done a freebie for us.
You keep asking about the tank. They heard. They’re giving another tank away (or a tee should you be male/prefer that.)
Im off to spend my morning Being Present.
*Listening* to what Ren Man is saying and not merely murmuring UH HUH at proper intervals.
Calling friends hit by Hurricane Ike & HEARING every, single word they have to share.
That’s me.
you? (MizFit note: a few basic tips for getting started *today* in comment #3)
whatcha gonna do this morning to Be Present? How will you be more in the moment than you typically might?
Hit us up in the comments.
(ALL can enter to win. If youre non-USA Ill figure out a way to getcha your treat.)
Great post. This is something I personally need to Sort Out.
I am RUBBISH at being present. I can’t sit still for more than half an hour without my mind drifting to what needs doing around the house, who I need to call, what’s on tomorrow, what’s on next month, was that the postman, is that a tap dripping, etc etc. I can’t remember the last time I sat through a film on my own without pausing it twenty minutes in and going off to do something else. My mind is very very rarely on what I’m doing, especially if what I’m doing is supposed to be Me-Time. I have no Relax button. Hell, I have no OFF button.
Anybody got any tips?
TA x
Wow. You really are a blogging superstar 😀
As far as Being Present? I’m going to start on my weights again, for the first time in an embarassingly long time. As soon as it’s confirmed that my shower is fixed, that is.
Anybody got any tips?
Ill chime in (shocking I know. but since Oprah and Gayle are prolly still asleep….).
for me it’s all about:
gratitude (big post coming on this perhaps too much discussed topic)
DOING ONE THING AT A TIME and focusing on it (not multitasking. KEY FOR ME)
listening to the voice in my head (insert JOKE here) turning OFF background crap (music, tv…) and OBSERVING the world around me.
literally thinking to myself: if I were to take a mental snapshot of this precise moment WHAT WOULD I WANT TO REMEMBER? what would I want to look back and have indelibly marked in my mind?
I think I actually need to be LESS present this morning, or at least present in a different way. I have been going through a lot of upheaval in my life over the last few months, and it has gotten very hard to deal with emotionally and mentally. My mind is always filled with worry over my present (and future) state.
My way of being present this morning is to let all of those worries go for a few hours and spend some time just reassuring myself that this, too, will pass. I am going to walk up the street and get an early morning cup of coffee, and enjoy the sights and sounds of the city as everyone else wakes up, and think about how *everyone* I meet today has gone through rough times of their own.
about needing to be less in the uber-focused moment at times.
I love your plan. and youve also started me thinking (and not just because we’re awake here and jumping around to the mind candy which is Yo Gabba Gabba!) that perhaps being present need not always be what I described in my post.
I like your choosing to listen to the sounds of the city and banishing your worries if even for a little while and wonder if immersing yourself in some mind candy (whatever form that takes for you. music. tv. reading.) to the exclusion of fretting isnt being present as well.
Id always thought of those things as distractions but maybe sometimes they’re NOT!
thanks for the comment and making my brain work so early in the a.m.
I will at least lose the earbuds (headphones) when working on my laptop at home (I just took them out as I wrote that last sentence).
I will invoke my screensaver on the computer in the office when people come in and talk to me (I have a habit of reading stuff on the screen, checking emails that are coming in etc) when talking with them.
How’s that for starters?
I seem to be constantly on the go – with training in Taekwon-Do up to 5 nights a week, cardio & gym work making up another 5 training sessions, oh and my teaching TKD obligations too. I’m always rushing somewhere, and I even speak way faster than most people too!! So I’m always trying to find ways to be more “present”, I think that’s why I love Yoga and Pilates so much, I don’t see them as forms of exercise but as 60mins of trying to clear my mind and let things settle for a bit. I even went on a Buddhist weekend retreat with my Mum recently as part of my ongoing search for serenity.
So, at the moment, I’m trying to make my home a peaceful haven. Somewhere I can just escape from everything and take some time for myself. It starts with finally assembling those bookshelves this evening! It may sound silly, but the chaotic pile of books in my living room just distresses me!
oy vey.
i don’t have *TIME* to be in the present!!
my morning blog stalking/writing is the only real ME time I get each day, so I do it over breakfast while I’m waiting for my hair to dry and my day to start and…..
that’s all i got for you this mornin’
andrew? That’s precisely what I was envisioning.
Shivers? I went on a decluttering tear last week in my bedroom.
Moved all the stacked ‘I’m gonna read some day’ books etc to my office & was left with an oasis of calm I now adore.
I really think it has helped me fall asleep at night.
And FGF? I’m gonna beg to differ or, more aptly put, turn your words inside out.
For NOW the blogreading might be your BE PRESENT time.
It seems to me that one of your current focuses/goals is being the healthiest FGF you can be——–and this morning time allows you to BE PRESENT with the backdrop of that goal.
I didn’t accidentally forget to include tips in the post (the editing piece) but more recognized that *my* being present is far different than yours or shivers’.
All that matters is it calms & energizes you.
You following me on twitter?
I’m gonna be interrupting your day with Be Present for 30 seconds reminders.
That might work for you even with your schedule?
M., THUMBTYPER extraordinaire
That’s really exciting for you about the Oprah Network. Can’t wait to see what happens with that.
Being present. I am bad at that unless I am practicing yoga, so today, even if I don’t get to practice I will attempt to get in that mindset as much as possible.
Have a wonderful day!
Congrats! Well deserved….now everyone will get to see you as we do.
Present today……I plan on stepping up my exercise program this week. I have been slaking on my goals and I am determined to make them real. Thanks for all of your support you are a great champion for us all.
Congratulations on being part of the Oprah Digital Network. I think this is BIG news! I’ll have to read more about this Oprah Blogging thing after posting this comment.
As for being present, I struggle with that too – especially at work. I should be more present with my co-workers. I get busy and in my own little world and just nod and uh-huh instead of really hearing sometimes – when they talk about personal items that is.
Don’t forget us when you become famous, ok? That is sooo exciting! I hope you make it to the couch, should we all write letters to oprah presenting 101 reasons why the MizFit should make the couch (i.e. she makes my mornings wayyyyyyyyyyy less painful because I know I get to read her post)?
I have to drive to a meeting 2 hours away in DC traffic…blehhh. I am going to be present by allowing my mind to focus on the drive and not be all over the place trying to figure out solutions to the other things going on in my life!
So I have not wanted to win a Mizfit contest more than today’s! I need me a Be Present tank!
I always think about the play “Our Town” where the deceased mom can watch and see her family, but can not communicate with them. She mourns her lost opportunities to be truly present. I keep this in mind when I have NPR playing, dinner cooking, laundry going…and in come my children with the rush and excitement of the school day and I stop and look at them. Truly look at them, hug them tight, breathe in the smells from school, recess sweat and joy of their day. That’s how I am present – I don’t want to miss what is right in front of me. They don’t care if I haven’t done my yoga, lifted my weights, finished a work assignment – how can I not be present for people who think I’m awesome no matter my weight, physical ability and/or the fact I may have polished off their ding dongs while they were away!?
Hangry & Mara? GOOD PLANS.
Debra? knowing you in ‘real life’ I cant see this—-but shall take your word for it 🙂
Erica? maybe focus on the meditative quality of the drive. the peacefulness. and, even, CHOOSE one facet of your life to focus upon. one arena in which to BE PRESENT?
(and the emails/letters to the Great & Mighty O? Id never say no :))
She mourns her lost opportunities to be truly present.
chills Beth.
Ive seen Our Town a million times and yet entirely spaced that when creating this post.
Miz., who is compelled to say the DINIGDONG snippet was comedy gold.
Wow, what a coinkidink! The “Be Present” shirt thing flipped through my head last night while I was warming up to do my circuit training. My dental hygienist sp? goes to my gym, and we were talking about workouts. She aske me if I wear an Ipod. I told her “No, I need to get outside my own head. If I have music on, I’m too inside my head and can’t focus on what I’m doing.” When I listen to the news or something, I’m all about that instead of “taking my workout temperature.”
To be more present today, I am going to really listen to my son. I am going to be about helping him get up and ready for the day in a positive way. To do that I need to get showered now instead of reading more blogs. When we are both ready I can read more blogs. Starting out the day as stress-free as possible is the way of the day today. Hopefully every day, but we are on a day by day here.
For my personal all about me being present – I read something wonderful. Or I treat myself to something I really like on TV. Or workout. I’m flexible.
OOooh being present is really a thing I want to work on. I struggle here because I don’t only have an issue with this when I am busy. That’s right Miz, I multitask my down time. It is nothing for me to be half watching tv, half blogging and half (wait there is a maths problem here now isn’t there)… but you get the point. I think I do it because I need that amount of stimulation to quiet my anxious/depression prone mind. But when I can’t even be present in my own down time, that’s a problem.
In the past, meditation has really helped soothe down the monkey mind enough to get me in a better place of being present more often and I think I need to get back to that. Vigorous exercise helps too, both during and in general. Not sure why. I get the during thing (when wee little me runs, wee little me has to focus!) but not so much the after effect. With exercise and regular meditation I get enough of base of calm to be able to remind myself throughout the day that one thing at a time is a good thing but it is something that I think will always take constant work on my part. So so worth it though.
That’s great about Oprah, and wow, what a nice giveaway.
Since I always feel bad about international folks missing out on giveaways, I’ll designate my entry go to a non-US resident should the RNG pick me.
As for being present… must work on that! Not my strong point.
Present? Huh? Okay, I’m taking Andrew’s approach. Screensaver (or screen off or something) when anyone comes in my office – if they do, which is rare – and I need to get out of email, etc, to focus on the task at hand and get them done!
I will also take some mizfit advice and clean up the desk at home – that’s going to have to happen Sunday or in little pieces throughout the week — but I will try to do it so I can have some calm there instead of a pile of distractions.
My “present” time for myself is when I’m exercising whether it be cardio or weights. I am alone and with myself and able to concentrate on my mind and breath. I love this time with myself to reflect and be quiet. My friends that see me at the gym always joke that I stay in my own little world, and they know my hour or so at the gym is not a social outing for me.
What I’d like to work on is being present for my friends. One of my worst habits include asking my friends/coworkers/husband questions and then before they can answer, I’m on to some other task. When I do take the time to half-heartedly listen, I often start doing something else like read email or something. It’s an awful. I need to stop, be present, and love my peeps.
Being Present is usually all my brain can handle. Especially before my morning coffee.
heather, that’s a mantra for the day if I’ve ever heard one:
Now see, I wear t-shirts as commentary to others, because I don’t spend that much time staring down at my chest.
This morning I asked my son to forgo his breakfast book, and we chatted whilst I flitted about the kitchen making his breakfast and lunch (he’s 12, and yes, he knows he’s spoiled – but that’s why I had him).
I will listen during meetings today. I usually try to sneak in tasks when it appears that I am looking for information or taking notes… bad, bad, bad…
Time to go be present with child #2!
I’ve spent the past couple of weeks worrying and worrying about something…and you KNOW that done pissed me off when I couldn’t get to sleep last night because of it. 🙂 So today I’m going to be present and just be thankful of all that I HAVE in the present. No use in worrying about things that haven’t even happened yet.
Woohoo MizFit and Oprah! Connected, somewhat! As it should be.
There are many things that could be said about trying to be present, but I will try to stick with just what I will try to do today. So often I look forward to things and take more time planning future events or trips instead of focusing on what I am doing in the present. Today I want to forget all the things I am going to be doing this weekend or even further into the future. I will forget about how exciting all that will be and will try not to daydream. I can’t imagine how many days I have just daydreamed away, waiting for a day where I knew there would be fun things happening. Today I will look for the fun that can be experienced in a Tuesday because I know there is some. 🙂
Oh, Miz, you know I’m all about the being present/ mindfulness / living in the moment /all of the above. 🙂
I’m a firm believer that multitasking is bad for the soul. In our daily lives, given the society and culture and times in which we live, sometimes we have no choice. But I truly believe that the best thing we can do for our soul – not to mention our attention span! – is to, whenever possible, do whatever thing we are doing with every fiber of our being and every ounce of our attention. Whether it’s bicep curls or (in my case, today) scheduling depositions and interviewing witnesses – that extra attention makes all the difference. You not only get a greater benefit from the bicep curl and do a better job of interviewing, you also go on to the next task with less stress and more focus, because you’re not distractedly wondering what you left out of the last one…
Today, my big push toward being present is going to be not only giving my full attention to those around me, but really paying attention to my reactions instead of just letting them happen. When I’m tired, stressed and distracted (like, now!) I tend to be very reactive and often my reactions aren’t even to what has just happened, but rather are a cumulative reaction to the entire day. Today, I am focusing on reacting solely to what has just been said or done, without connecting it to everything else. Hopefully, this is going to result in less crankiness with the Ds, more affection and attention to the DH, and less semi-tearful shrewishness with the BF/Boss. Oh, yes, and I’m setting the BlackBerry to “phone only” – so I do’t stop working every five minutes to see who’s emailed me… 🙂
Thanks for the reminder, Miz…mindfulness is better than mindlessness (which is, after all, the opposite) any day!
YEAH MIZ!! That’s fantastic.
I think that “being present” is so important as if you’re not you really can miss stuff. Thank you for the reminder and have a great day!!
hmmm…this is a very timely post, I have been having sad feelings lately and want to just disappear, so being in the present is tough! I know I need to focus on what I NEED to do get the necessities done – complete my tasks at work and double check everything to make certain it is done CORRECTLY, hug and love Bad Cat and Bad Kitten, make certain I eat healthy foods and get my necessary exercise. And I need to STOP dwelling on situations in the past that I cannot change – as mom says, “don’t look bad, you are not heading that way!”
AWESOME my friend! Congratulations! Can’t wait to see you on the couch promoting your book 🙂
I will be taking babygirl to school today for the first time (hubby’s been doing it). I shall be completely present by CRYING!!!
Merry Mary? looking for the fun is a really creative idea. SEEING the world around you (ok me) is a great way to not be able to AVOID being in the moment.
(marianne you made me laugh. from here on out I shall take all your tee-messages as intended for me.)
Shosh? I loved that pic of you and your mom so because of the backstory of being present I imagined went along with it.
and Missicat? Im sad that youre sad and feeling as though you dont want to be loudproud and take up space in the world.
Being present is HARDEST for me when Im in that place as the call of multitasking and the NOT being present that it offers is *tremendous*
I’m writing from a Starbucks in NY and don’t have my special set-up for my neck so I am being extra, super careful to keep my head uo and shoulders back – I don’t think I’ve been this aware of my writng (ie present!) in a looong time.
PS isn’t getting the Oprah clips early exciting? I loved the Olympics one – felt so special and “in-the’know” to see it a tad early!!
Congrats! Oprah and Mizfit – a match made in heaven!!
As for being present, the Bag Lady will most likely be canning tomatoes or making salsa today. One really, really needs to be present when doing this type of thing, or one could find oneself with nasty burns, or some other sort of disaster!
The Bag Lady does really need to stop every once in awhile and make an effort to Be Present….she lives in her head far too much….mind you, there’s a lot of room in that big empty space…..
Oprah, WOW. I love that woman.
I was having such a hard time being present during the work day that I actually set a timer to remind me to focus and breathe and enjoy. Every hour it went off and I allowed myself to reconnect. Even in a cube, it worked pretty well! 🙂
congrats miz! i’ve always considered you to be my blogging oprah so this only makes sense 😀
i think the biggest thing i need to work on to “be present” would be to get myself to focus on where i’m at, instead of worrying about what’s going to happen in the future –like when i’m in class, ignoring the prof and thinking about what i’m going to do when i get home
hope you have a happy tuesday!
Last February I had the opportunity to be a guest on Oprah! My blog was under scrutiny during that time by her associate producer. I actually got started blogging after reading an article in O magazine in Feb. of 2007.
My dream is that Oprah will do a show someday and unite some fellow bloggers so they can actually meet face to face! Woudn’t that be awesome!
Congrats on Oprah! Although, truth be told, I talk about you the way others talk about Oprah, so I’m not surprised.
I stay present by having a To Do list, which seems like it’d trip me up, but the fact is, when I’m not working on it (and the longer-term goals that the list represents), I get angry faster, probably because I feel like I SHOULD be doing something.
I also do yoga and knit (my grandma taught me to knit before she died, and I’m finishing up her last project. She passed away almost 4 years ago, but it was a year before I could start, and I just found the last ball of yarn.)
Being outside gets me in the “present” mode faster than anything else. When I am feeling particularly overwhelmed, I can step outside onto the patio and just listen and watch. I can hear frogs and birds and fish slapping the surface of the water (we live in a rural area) and I swear nothing makes me feel more in-the-moment than just being surrounded by trees and rocks and peace. And it’s even better when my kids are with me, because I can be in the moment with them.
Im thinking I may need to compile a list of your ideas as many of them Id never thought of (checks watch) & it’s only 750a where I am.
and gina? (and everyone :)) I changed my tagline this weekend (which for some reason Id thought mightcould be a HUGE deal—but no one seemed to notice. in a good way) BUT now I long to adopt your generous overlykind quote and start signing everything:
Your blogging Oprah,
MizFit (MizPrah? OMiz?)
The Oprah thing and the free tank. 🙂
Oprah!?!?! How coooooooool!
I was having a tough time being present with my toddler since I stay at home w/him and work at home. THen, he started biting me when I was on the computer and I realized that I was on the computer a lot, when I should have been doing things w/him. Now, I limit the time I’m on the computer or phone when he is awake (he still takes 2 naps. Thank. Goodness.).
One thing I do related to being present is that hubbie, toddler and I always try to have dinner together, except for two nights a week (when hubbie has v-ball and I have a mtg). That is special time when we are present for each other and a nice ritual.
First, congrats on getting on the Oprah Network! How exciting!
Whatcha gonna do this morning to Be Present? How will you be more in the moment than you typically might?
I’m going to take a walking break and go to the babbling brook outside my office midway through the morning. It’s energizing, centering, and helps restore my frazzled focus after a rough morning.
How will I be present today? I will listen to my knee pains and heed the warnings.
Also, Will try to instill joy in the exciting time of breakfast, getting dressed and rushing off to school- instead of gota do..
Very exciting about Oprah.
Congratulations on Oprah!! If there is one thing that would start making me watch Ms. O again, it would be YOU on that couch!
As for how I’m going to be present today? Interesting question. Well, tough exercise – like today’s planned bootcamp class – always makes me stay in the moment. Nothing like physical pain! But I have a feeling you don’t mean to be forced thru exercise. In which case, I don’t know. Maybe that’s why I exercise so much…
But I have a feeling you don’t mean to be forced thru exercise. In which case, I don’t know. Maybe that’s why I exercise so much…
and that, IMO, is no different from those of us who tune out in other ways. at all. the perpetual ipods. blackberries. radio & tv on in background 24/7 etc.
it’s all the same huh?
lol you asked on the right day 🙂 I’ve planned a charity bbq/picnic today and in order to remember everything i have to do/take i have to in the present!!
So last night i set things out, this morning i have a plan and i’m focused.
And when i get there?? I’m having fun!!
I love Oprah! I record her on the DVR daily and then watch when it’s quiet in the house so I can absorb 🙂
To be present today—-
I will take a day off of my mad woman cleaning and enjoy the outdoors. It is cool right now but looks like it’s going to be a bright sunny day around 80 degrees 😉 I will take the three girls outside for a picnic lunch on their little table in the backyard. I will partake in the sandwiches and not worry about the carbs because I will be running it off chasing them around the acre 🙂
I will turn off the tv for most of the day and open the windows instead.
I will not sweat the small stuff and breathe deeply when stress sneaks up on me… as I count my blessings 🙂
Yep…you and O…now that is a combination I wouldn’t want to miss…
I think it is great!
Today – Being Present means taking periods during the day and doing some deep breathing exercises to focus on myself.
Then go out for coffee with DH where we talk with each other instead of reading a book or newspaper. 🙂
I’m trying to be more present when dealing with my feelings. Stepping back and working through why I’m angry, sad, etc, etc…. I think it’s helps put things into perspective so much.
I also think breaking all the things we have to do down into smaller, individual tasks helps us to be more present cause then we only have one thing to do next and can focus on doing that to the best of our ability instead of trying to tackle everything at the same time and not finishing anything properly.
It’s hard work though!
First, I am very intrigued by this Oprah thing. Here’s my secret…Oprah called me on my cell phone a few years ago. It was on the only day of the century that I left my phone at work when I went out to lunch. She left me a spectacular personal message…and I’ve been waiting for her to call me back ever since.
This morning I am going to light my favorite purple candle and be still. This is a ritual I recently started to calm my mind and to begin my creative work.
Glad you are not boycotting Oprah!
Oooo, I really need to take a break from multi-tasking and focus on one thing at a time! And shut off my internet connection so I don’t get sidetracked when I should be working.
This morning I will turn off my computer and join my 2 boys who are already playing legos in the livingroom.
Later instead of folding laundry, I will take the kiddos for a walk to see the donkeys up the road.
Tonight I will try to enjoy putting the kids to bed, nomatter how long bedtime may take 🙂
Congrats on being part of the Oprah Digital Network, that is pretty cool. also forgot to mention yesterday that I dig the new color scheme/header!
I am with Rosie above that being present means taking a break from overthinking things that are going on in my life and just putting a smile on my face and enjoying a moment instead of stewing!
Being present today…
-less multitasking, at least around other people.
-focus on the good things in my workday, instead of being negative about the not-so-great stuff and losing my forward momentum.
-take some time to enjoy the nice weather. I think that one will be right now, actually. My coffee mug and I are going outside to do some porch sittin’.
Congrats on the Oprah tie-in! That can only help more people discover the wonder of Mizfit!
Oh geez – this has been a big struggle for me lately. Being present. I actually think about it a lot and wish my mind would settle down a little and allow me to live more in the moment.
I think my big issue is oganization. I need to go through one area of my life at a time and get it organized so that I can be more present.
I jump from thing to thing and mix them together… and I keep thinking I’m just multi-tasking… but when does multi-tasking become an ADHD type behavior?
I think It’s really why I prefer running (outside not on a treadmill) as my cardio exercise because I am forced to be doing just one thing.
Thanks for all the thoughts and good ideas/mesasge. Oprah shall be lucky to have you, my friend! 😉
Oprah – sweet! No kidding on the confetti, that’s awesome.
Focus for today: play with my kids. Let them decide what the play will be and really get to know what interests them, hopefully besides smearing snot across their faces and destroying the house. (Ages 4 and 2).
congrats Mizfit, you are a supah-star!
my be present time will be to play with the boys sans Blackberry and keep the laptop OFF until they are napping.
(starting in about 1 minute!)
Okay, I only had time to read half the comments before I post here, so I’ll go back later, but I wanted to throw in my 2 cents. I totally need help in the “Be Present” arena. I am a constant multi-tasker, even if those tasks are only in my head. This helps me with my job, but in general, I think it’s bad for the body and the mind.
I am usually thinking of 17 other things that I need to do when I’m doing something else, and it’s really hard for me to focus (you should see me pack for any kind of trip- talk about ADD!) I have such a hard time focusing on only one thing, and really being present.
I also have a bad habit of wishing away time, as in, I wish this day was over (usually at work, but sometimes not). I am generally looking to the future, to greener pastures, to something (hopefully) better on the horizon. And I think it hinders me.
Today, I will make it my mission to be present. To focus on one thing at a time, to be grateful for who I am, and where I am right now. To recognize what I have become, without immediately thinking of how I need to improve. I will be grateful for the things around me, including my wonderful husband and family (including my in-laws, they really are great- I’m lucky that way). And I will listen to what other people are saying, and not interrupt, or start formulating my next statement in my head (because we have 2 ears and 1 mouth, so we should listen twice as much as we talk, right?).
Well, I’m off to get ready for work, but while I’m washing my hair, I’m totally going to enjoy and BE PRESENT in my “Tea Tree Experience”. Oh, and I noticed yesterday that you changed your tag line and look up top- I really like it.
Hurray! I lovelovelove that tank.
I’ve had so many things on my mind lately that I’ve been having a hard time Being Present, so thanks for reminding us of its importance. Today I am going to really focus on my classes when I’m in them (ever been in the middle of a class discussion and suddenly you realize your brain is running around thinking about moving/work/another class/blogging? It makes for an awkward moment when you REALLY WANT to contribute but aren’t sure if your contribution has already been mentioned by someone else).
I’m also going to rearrange my living room so that its a little less crazy and that way I’ll have somewhere comfy to Be Present and focus. Because not only is it vital that we Be Present but it is also vital that we make ourselves READY to Be Present.
Next step: Oprah, we want you to start using your real name when you comment here at mizfit. I’ve suspected you of doing it for a long time…
As for presence: I have been challenging myself ever since I was turning into an “mmhmm”er while thinking about a dozen other things to become a questioner. When somebody is talking to me, I ask questions. I pursue things. Forces me to listen. Forces me to be present. Because one day I realized all the people I think are truly kind and nice are questioners, not “mmhmm”ers. I still tune out while I work out, I tune out while I do yoga, I write mental grocery lists while I meditate, but when someone is talking to me, I’m responding with only-occasionally-faked-interest questions.
Maybe today I need to give myself a little love too, though, and be present during one of those other things. Eek, meditation’s hard, though, harder than listening…
Congratulations on being asked to participate in the Oprah Digital Network!!! How fabulous!!
Being Present is actually something I’ve been focusing very hard on in the last few months. My father passed away two years ago after a lengthy illness and my sister was murdered 3 months ago. In the chaos of mourning, I had a lightbulb go on over my head. There are so many moments, even pictures of us, where I have to sit and stare and try very very hard to remember what was happening during that visit. What were we laughing about? What was the occasion that we were together?
And how very sad it was that because I have such difficulty being present that i’ve lost these times forever. Its not like I can ask them for the answers.
I have a mother, another sister, a husband and daughter who I love very much. And as we all age, I want to remember our special and even average time together.
So, for example, today I need to go run some errands in the town my mother lives in. I will stop by to visit her, turn off my cell phone, take a deep breath before entering the door and really, truly BE with her. Taste and cherish whatever high fat, certainly not healthy snack she has made and not worry about how many points it is. Pay attention to everything she is saying and really listen, with my whole being instead of making a mental list of things I need to do/people i need to call while she is talking.
Being Present is not just a momentary gift you give to yourself. Its also a lifetime of memories to flip through in times of loneliness and sadness, and to share with other loved ones to keep the people you love alive in your heart.
That’s what Being Present means to me.
How sweet that is!!!!
We’re not worthy.
We’re not worthy.
Am I the only on sick of seeing Oprah in every media outlet available to her?
Miz…I love your sly little jokes. Shout out to my peeps because we know its true. Waking up on the right side of the bed has allowed me to start off the day very present. That takes careful planning and a strict bedtime. To stay present throughout the day I try to listen to what others are saying, take it in, and respond if necessary but not get overly worked up about it. If I’m focused about meeting my personal goals, not much else out there really bothers me. Focus on being present with myself and I can then be present with everyone else 🙂
Congratulations on the “O” thing- This is BIG!
As you know, I have to work very hard at being present- thanks for the reminder.
Regarding the video about the Abundance diet…. it sounds interesting but SCARY for me. I think I would keep refilling the cabinets. I tend to do better when I eliminate the food entirely and lose the taste for it. I do better for awhile and then will give in and start the cycle all over again. I have terrible “all or nothing” thinking that I have to keep in check. Basically, I would be scared to try the diet but maybe that is why I should.
Oprah has a blog? Woo Hoo! And you’ll be a part of it? Double woo hoo!!
So seriously, to be present this morning, what I am going to do is to physically move away from the computer and quit reading blogs!
I’ll be present by going and telling my supervisor that I’m ridiculously bored and that she can feel free to pile the work on…maybe…when I’m done reading blogs…and shopping on Be Present. Can I win a freebie twice in one week? 🙂
Also, super excited about this Oprah thing. Congratulations.
And an unrelated question for you: I’m studying for my ACE certification. Besides my textbook and scientific journals, are there any sources that you recommend? Favorite books, sites, magazines?
Congrats! Awesome.
I try to avoid multitasking too, but I’m not always successful. I AM good at taking short breaks throughout the day, so that I don’t spend the entire day hunched over my computer keyboard.
Big Congrats on the Oprah gig.
Be Present? I do it when I meditate, exercise, and when I take my morning coffee outside even when it’s -25C and a wee bit snowy (I draw the line at a cold wind). I need that time for me or my day simply does not work.
Woot! Congrats Miz…. unfortunately, I’m not an Oprah watcher (work, just one more show I don’t want to get sucked into), but I love O magazine. Used to subscribe once upon a time…
you are a rock star!!
congrats on the oraph thingy….how freaking exciting!
Congratulations. I love me some Oprah too! Remember that one liner she wrote about — “Nothing happens until you decide.” Will write more about that later.
In the morning and throughout my day, I *DECIDE* to be present by planning. I’m a big planner. I know what foods will go in, I know any appts I have, I know what time I will exercise. I have control issues and I know it’s only me that can control me. So I’m conscious about who’s in control. And breathing.
Counting to 10 and slowly breathing for that little moment in time helps me focus and be more conscious.
damn you guys are introspective funny insightful & yes, perhaps right, that the Great & Mighty O is everywhere these days.
Me? I’m off to Be Present.
In (waitforit) Mommy & Me Spanish.
No matter how many work deadlines I have looming.
Life’s a challenge huh?
I’m up for it.
Very timely post.
Hey, so what’s your twitter ID, btw? 🙂 (And I’ll be embarrassed if it’s in my face and obvious!)
Twitter? carlabirnberg.
(You didn’t miss it—–I hadn’t posted yet. Go me!)
zomg Oprah! That’s a connection.
I’m strugglng with being present at the moment. Anxiety makes me seek stimulation or distraction. Being quiet or present is good but hard. T try to schedule a “cuppa tea” with myself most afternoons to check in on present.
I’m also keeping “detail diaries”: foods, moods, etc. which rather focuses on the present. But “being in my head” is my least present time.
I’m not worthy, I’m not worthy…WOW! I will have to save all your comments on my blog…
I’m totally in the Present, I have to be, my basement is flooded.
Being a high school math teacher, I can easily get caught up in the grading, returning phone calls, filing paperwork, meeting with other teachers, writing lessons, keying worksheets, taking attendance, submitting grades . . . the list goes on and on.
After reading your post, I have resolved to take the time to REALLY interact with my students. On a personal level–not just “here’s how you solve that equation”, but more of “how are you today?” as they enter my classroom. I have to remember that I can impact a student’s day–and it’s my decision to be present in that moment to enjoy the interaction–not be distracted by the other tasks–and build positive relationships with my students.
Thanks for making me think about this today . . . and to consciously try to be a better teacher.
Congrats about the Oprah Network! That is really exciting news.
It is rare that I am truly present in any situation. I am a day dreamer by nature, but when you add the fact that I picked up the worry wart characteristics from my dad plus my engineering training, I am constantly imagine the worst case scenarios and possible solutions for all events in my life, that I rarely just keep my mind still and enjoy this moment. And all this before I even have kids!
Yay for Oprah!
Being in the Present is something I always have to work on. I always find myself doing too many things at once, and just not focusing on what’s going on around me (except when I’m running, which is probably why I don’t feel right after a few days of not running). So I’m going to focus on one thing at a time, and go from there.
I like the new layout!! Purple ! Yeah!
Being Present:
Today I will have a calming strength to help me recognize that when I am in the middle of a project and my daugher comes up to tell me that she found a frog (or whatever)…she is more important at that moment and I can step away from my project and give her my attention. My project will get done later.
Congrats on the big O.
Congratulations on being part of the Oprah Digital Network! You are SOOOO worthy! I plan on focus on me for at least a minutes every few hours to help keep ME in the Present. Too easy to lose track in me in the course of a day.
I’ve not been able to get to your website the past couple days for some reason…had me some withdrawzzles.
cool stuff about Oprah…I can’t wait to “see”!
Being Present for me means realizing that this very moment is the only one I can do anything about…treat it that way!
My favorite trick to “be here now” is to force myself to paraphrase back to the person speaking with me a summary of what they had to say. That way we both clarify the story.
I think to BE PRESENT today, I might have to actually do my work instead of obsessively checking my google reader for blog updates every couple of minutes.
Great news about the Oprah network! I’m interested to see how the topics fit in…but for sure, the focus on fitness and mindful living are certainly on target.
I’m going to Be Present in the moment today by taking the time to get out of the office for a while. It’s an absolutely GORGEOUS day, and getting outside will be good for me. 🙂
I am going to step out the door in just a moment to run. Instead of letting my mind wander to all the other things I “should be getting done”, I am just going to let myself enjoy my run, and worry about the TCOB afterward!
Way to go, Miz! Oprah! Woo hoo! Proud of you 🙂
I love your “Be Present” tank.
I was trying to explain this concept to The Captain who stresses and worries and gets irritated at every little thing. I try to remind him to enjoy the little things we have around us and how BLESSED we really are. On Sunday morning I kept telling him to just enjoy the fact that he/we can sleep in (until 8am) and just lay in bed and not get up to do anything.
Enjoying little things helps me ‘be present. ‘Fast runs and Bikram yoga also FORCE me to be present. Good wine paired with yummy cheese can help me to be present too. ha ha.
Jeez…I should have “been present” in the comments earlier. 89 is a lot to read!
Congrats on Oprah becoming your new BFF!
you all have some GREAT comments.
Shelley? yours and mine are precisely the same today.
(although with mine it’s more apt to be: LOOK MOMMY!!! BLANCO!!! as she points to something decidedly nonwhite :))
Congrats! That’s awesome!
Today I will be Present by actually putting down my book and really LISTENING when my husband is trying to tell me something that is important TO HIM.
I feel like I’m most present when I’m doing dull, routine things like washing the dishes, and also when I’m in uncomfortable situations like at a party where everyone else knows each other except me. Now I just have to figure out why I can ‘get there’ with that odd combination of events and how I can make that translate to yoga, when I find it ridiculously challenging to just be present.
Thanks for the o-ring idea, I will definitely check out the h-girl website to get the recipe.
Congrats on the Oprah deal, what a star, go get em tiger.
Oh, where was this post last night when I needed it? I was sitting at a bar with my date (yes, a real date!), when I realized that I hadn’t been really listening for the last 5 minutes. I’d completely spaced out; my attention span had been exhausted. So I asked her if we could go walk instead.
That’s my usual strategy, when talking with someone; ask if they mind getting up and walking around.
With my PT clients, it’s a bit more difficult. There’s always SO MUCH going on in a gym in any given moment, and I tend to get distracted. So today I’ma try nitpicking more on form when I stop paying attention, and we’ll see how that works.
A few things that I do to make sure we get a few moment of time being present in out family.
We eat dinner at the table, together. And even though I am a fast eater and would love to jump up and start cleaning I sit and chat with my daughter and husband until they (mostly) finish.
When I pick my daughter up from daycare I’m not in a rush. I take the time to talk to her teachers and her about her day.
When I tuck my DD in at night I spend a few moments just her and I forehead to forehead whispering I love you over and over again really fast. She loves it (she’s 2).
Even though DH and I don’t share the same bedtime, he comes and lays with me for a few minutes and we catch up on the day and dream about the future.
That being said, I know I am horrible for doing the nodding and uh-huhing to both of them at many other points of the day. Must be more aware of this.
Leigh anne
Congrats on the Oprah deal!
I am not really a big fan, for reasons that I will keep to myself at this time, but I know how big a following she has and that is huge for you.
As for the Be Present Tank, I have noticed lately that when I really get involved with something I tend to loose track of everything else. When I work out sometimes I am just going through the motions, when I am writing I don’t hear the phone ring, etc. So today I am going to try to do my workout and actually pay attention.
This could be difficult, prey for me!
Be present? I stink at that! Sad, but oh so true! Maybe I’ll stop whatever I’m doing and will pay attention to the nonsensical story my preschooler will come home from school to tell me.
This is all sorts of awesomeness – you continue to rock MizFit!!!!
Be present? I ended up in a meeting all morning — but it was very interactive and (dare I say) bordering on fun. And I WAS present. (Can’t say that for every meeting I’ve been in). Dumb luck that it happened this morning and I’m just seeing your message here now…..
Congrats on being part of the Oprah network – very cool!
The comment about one thing at a time is a huge one for me. I have a tendency to always have a long list in my head of what needs to get done and I’m always thinking about the next thing on my list as opposed to what I am doing. It can be very overwhelming and I am most definitely not “in the moment” when I’m doing it.
I also loved your tip about taking the snapshot – I’ll have to remember that one.
great post Miz, I’m really glad I found your blog 🙂 and congrats on buddying up with O!!
i’ve been avoiding alot of things lately as i’m in a state of transition, but instead of think about the anxiety of a new place/job/friends, I decided to tackle each of the piles I brought with me of things to go through/get rid of. And focus on each task at hand, one at a time. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
WOW, your blog is incredible! Congrats on your connection to Oprah. That’s awesome!
Thanks so much for stopping by my measly little weight loss blog. I hope you enjoyed that recipe and it turned out delicious!
Living in the present, huh? that got me thinking to how much i live my life in preparation for 2 hours, or 1 day, or 3 weeks from now. I guess that’s me wanting absolute control over my life. Maybe I could say something new aged like: “I will live for the moment”… but
I won’t. This works for me. I pay attention to the things I need to: family, friends, current events, and look forward to the things i have coming up.
Then again, maybe I am living in the present. When
i am doing something, I am usually completely focused on that. Not much mind wondering here(except during my free time, which I have a lot of)
Touching the couch? You are the epitome of sofa-worthy!
With a dear friend helping her husband fight the fight of his life, to say my sense of BEING PRESENT is perhaps at an all time high-alert. At the risk of crumbling myself, steady breathing and uber awareness are helping me stay centered.
Thank you, MizFit. Your words extend far beyond this blog.
Very, very cool, MizFit. I’ll be able to say I knew you when.
Congrats on the O thing! That’s great!
And thanks for checking in on my blog. I have a great new cartoon now. Finally got it uploaded properly, it were crap for a while.
I haven’t been checking around on my favorite blogs because I’ve been obsessively cartooning. I used to be totally mellow, but now I’m cranking out the work and my mind is racing like a gerbil on an exercise wheel. Ah well, surgery is next week and then I’ll be in forced mellotude for a good while.
This may sound a bit lame, but my daughter and I both woke up with colds this morning (at 2 AM). So, that basically throws my well-laid plans for the week out the window, and we have to improvise a bit. It’s actually kind of cool: sometimes the days become too similar to one another, and sometimes it takes a stuffy nose (scratchy throat, cough, etc.) to shake things up a bit, I guess.
WOW WOW WOW! Congrats on the Oprah shoulder rubbin’. You’ll be on her couch someday….visualize, visualize. =)
I suck at being present. When I have some free time (HA!) I need to come back and read these comments for some insight.
Congratulations on getting your Oprah Blog Stripes!
I’ve never watched an episode of Oprah, but I’d make an exception for you …
As for being present – I did something today which I interpret as being present. After picking up my child and her friend (who I was looking after) from nursery, we stopped off at a park on the way home with another friend of my daughter’s and his mother. This mother is very sweet, but she is difficult to spend time with in that you have to do all the work in keeping the conversation going. But she is a bit depressed at the moment, and I feel sorry for her as she’s foreign with no family here and she doesn’t seem to have any friends. I was feeling antisocial today and rather tired at the thought of having to look after two boisterous three-year-olds today, but I decided to invite this mother and her child to come home for lunch with us. The easy option would have been to go home and zone out slightly while eating with the two toddlers, but I wanted to do something nice for someone else. I cooked us all pasta and homemade sauce (lots of veggies!) and it was actually quite fun and she was much more outgoing than normal. So I guess in a wierd way that was me being present – engaging with someone, participating more in life if you get what I mean.
By the way, I really agree that decluttering is a great way of being in the present. Because if you have piles of paper that needs sorting, that is a constant reminder of the things you haven’t done in the past and the things you are going to have to do in the future. Sorting them out removes that nagging reminder.
Congratulations on Oprah! That’s AWESOME! *happy dance, happy dance* 😀
I’ve been spending the last week or so trying to calm down and be present. Maybe because I’ve seen both of my (remaining) grandparents recently, and neither one looked so good, but I find myself thinking, “This time is all you have.” So I’m making an effort to slow down, pay attention, LISTEN. To spend time with the people, and doing the things that really matter.
Other things I’m telling myself:
“It will still be there later.”
That one is for when I start thinking, “I can’t have breakfast with my friend! I have laundry! Cooking! A house to clean! Errands to run! STUFF TO DO!”
“What would love do?”
Someone I have a lot of respect for posed that question as a method of living life. He followed it (laughing) with, “I KNOW what anger would do! I KNOW what resentment would do! I KNOW what impatience would do! What would LOVE do?” It’s made me a lot more mindful.
Finally, in order to remind myself of #2, “This will be there later,” I use the FlyLady system. I do all my chores a little bit at a time all week. That way, when my sister calls on Sunday morning and says, “Let’s have breakfast!” I can GO and not worry that I have 12 hours of housework waiting for me at home. It makes it easier, knowing that all my chores can be done later in the day (or even tomorrow).
Miz, like I’ve always said … you are my blogging mentor and idol! That’s awesome …. you and Ms. O! You are truly a superstar!!
OMG did you remodel for Oprah?
Do you know I get a workout scrolling to the bottom of these 113 comments….
Love the new look 🙂
Congrats, Carla! What a great thing to happen to a great person. And BTW – I mean Oprah, for getting YOU into her network! She’s the lucky one here.
I am going to be taking a dayquil to get me to the day to become more present.
Unfortunatly with a little illness I can’t be present as I would like, so therefore, I’ll take the extra help 🙂
And congrats on Oprah.. 🙂
Diana you made me laugh. Sadly, no. I just felt like sprucing myself up a bit.
Shoot…I don’t think I’m doing too good at this today. I just got off the phone with my husband and he asked me to do something…I robotically said “allright” – preoccupied with something else…now i can’t remember what he asked me. Then my oldest daughter asked if I wanted a drink from the fridge and I said sure…not until she set it in front of me did I remember I had just gotten a drink and already opened it 5 minutes before.
*Sigh* maybe early onset alzeimer’s, but really just not Being Present. I’ll do better tomorrow.
It has been a crazy day around here and I have just now stolen a moment to catch on up some stuff I usually do in the early a.m. However, your post today — which I very hastily read — has reminded me to log off and go be present with my kids while dinner finishes cooking!!
Ok the Oprah thing is super sweet! I hope she enjoys your blog as much as I do. 🙂
Since I didn’t get to my blogs this morning I am going to have my Be Present time tomorrow. I think tomorrow I will try and be more in tune with my hubby when he gets home from work. A lot of times he is telling me about his day and I am not giving him 100%.
Gosh,Mizfit, congrads!
Being present is a problem for me. We do guided relaxation on tues. and I, all to often, am mentally rearranging my living room furniture, instead. If my chest said, “Be Present”, maybe I could open an eye, take an upside down gander at it and pay attention.
Holy Cow! Oprah? That’s amazing! I’m so glad you posted about being more “present.” I always have a million and one things going through my head…not good for me or my family. Thanks for the reminder to pay attention!
Being more present….right now I’m still working at getting my body back from being nothing more than a host (read: being pregnant and having a baby). I keep thinking about all these things in the future I’m gonna do…another half marathon, marathon, triathlon…..I need to focus on the next 3 miles. I’m so focused on the future, I’m not paying any attention to now and how I’m going to work toward that future.
Hi Miz.
Great new look!
My recipe for being present is to slow down and be deliberate.
After Oprah, I think you should launch a page a day calendar. Could be great fun – and help keep your Bumbling Band more present a day at a time
Okay, FINE. I did a blog entry. Thanks for the PUSH. Really. No, REALLY.
It is too late for me to say how I am going to be present today because today is already done. Uh, tomorrow, I will be present at work – I will actually DO work, rather than f-ing off on the internet for hours and then complaining that I didn’t get anything done. I will not let me mind wander to lands far away and take mini-vacations on the internet. Do you ever do that – like just plan a trip on Kayak.com or Travelocity or something, just for kicks? I never buy the ticket – just plan the whole thing – something exotic. It’s almost as good as online shopping, filling your bag with thousands of dollars worth of stuff and then clicking “close.” Have I revealed a new addiction? Perhaps…the last thing I need is a new addiction. Okay, damn, I need to go to bed. Good night. I am still in awe of your amazing biceps.
Amazing achievement. Congrats!!
I love your comment about taking a snapshot- that just spoke to me. I feel so scattered lately, I mean here I am up at 12:30! Tomorrow will be all about being present and not letting the day get away from me. Following my list and enjoying the process of doing and crossing the tasks off. Starting with a morning run 🙂
Huuuuuuge news, woohoo! Congratumalations! Oprah is choosing her peeps well, that’s all I can say!
Gawl darn Miz Fit I can’t keep up with you–missed the action again. And I wanted that tank! Tell Be Present to send more! (To wear the Be Present tank might feel a little like wearing my “Happy Mom” t-shirt when it feels more like sarcasm? No, no, no, what we’re striving for!!)
You’ve caught me in the act of watching Oprah, so you know I’m a fan–I am bowing down before you right now. I’m still bowing… while being present.
OMG!! I love me some Oprah!! I am in Chicago so I’m more than willing to sit in on any meetings, lunches, shopping trips what-evers!!
Awesome for you and a wise choice for her!! She is lucky to have you on her team!!
I heartheartheart Oprah! And I’m so impressed that I “knew” you before you were discovered by the mighty O. For being present — less TV for me!
Wow. Congratulations! I am like the biggest Oprah fan ever and I’m in awe of this. I can’t wait to see what they tell you and where this leads. Very cool!!