Please to enjoy Juliet & let her show us the way.
Juliet is a product manager in the bay area by day, and a food blogger by night. She has a passion for finding low calorie foods that don’t contain unhealthy ingredients (like hydrogenated oils and artificial sweeteners which can be found in many foods targeted at people trying to lose weight). Juliet admits she is not the best cook, but does her best from time to time to throw stuff together. As such, her blog features many great food finds at supermarkets, for people like her who aren’t good at cooking or are too busy to cook.
Hello everyone! First of all, thank you so much to MizFitfor allowing me to post my recipe to her fabulous blog! I recently got on an avocado kick, and I was feeling crazy one day so I decided to throw one into my blender to see what would happen. What resulted was a really thick creamy smoothie, almost like an ice cream shake. Since then, I’ve been playing around trying to make a perfect low calorie avocado smoothie. I haven’t quite reached perfection yet, but I thought I’d show you what I have, and then you could play around with your ideas as well (you may want to substitute richer ingredients depending on your calorie restrictions)! So, here is my current recipe:
Juliet’s Not Yet Perfected Avocado Smoothie (2 servings)
1/2 a small avocado (~60 grams)
1 cup of blueberries *or* 1 small frozen banana
1 cup unsweetened almond milk (my favorite is almond breeze)
2 tablespoons maple syrup (or your own favorite sweetener)
1 teaspoon nutmeg (or to taste)
1/4 cup ice if desired
If you are using a banana, make sure you peel it before you freeze it. When ready, combine all the ingredients into a blender and blend. Pour into your favorite smoothie glasses (2 servings) and refrigerate for a few hours. Drink up and enjoy!
What I love about this smoothie is that it is not only tasty, creamy, and different, but it also allows me to combine a few delicious & healthy fruits together into a yummy drink. Here’s the scoop on avocados, bananas, and blueberries from several sources that I’ve read over the years:
Avocados: Avocados contain a fatty acid (good fat, not bad fat) called “oleic acid” which is believed to help lower a person’s cholesterol, helping keep one’s heart healthy. Some studies have also shown that oleic acid may also protect against breast cancer. Avocados are also a great source of potassium, which helps regulate blood pressure, as well as vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E (an antioxidant that contributes to a healthy circulatory system).
Bananas: Bananas are a great energy source, and are believed to help regulate a person’s mood, thereby helping with anxiety, stress, etc. They are also a good natural source of fiber, protein, and potassium which is believed to help cellular growth in addition to helping to control blood pressure. Also full of antioxidants like beta-carotene, bananas help boost our immune systems, protecting our bodies from infections.
Blueberries: Blueberries are full of antioxidants which help protect against infection. They are also known to help keep skin beautiful! I’m on a blueberry kick right now — I eat them every day. Right now I buy organic frozen blueberries at Whole Foods (black packaging), which I *love* because the blueberries are extremely large but still flavorful.
I hope you enjoy making your own avocado smoothie!
Thanks Juliet! I must out myself as not a big avocado fan. Seriously. In a big way. Few things make me gag more than the very thought of the guac. I did, however, try this smoothie (the Tornado was my taste tester. When she approved I dug my straw right in) & ADORED IT.
I didnt have any maple syrup in the house so I used agave and it turned out FANTASTIC.
Thoughts, oh Bumbling Band? Plan to try? A must miss for you? wanna throw out any add-in suggestions?
Please to hit us up in the comments.
Oh I’ll definitely try it once avocadoes come back into season in our corner of the world! Thanks for posting it!
I too must admit, i’m not a huuuge fan of avacado, unless it is on top of a Chuychanga (no, I don’t crave Tex-Mex AT ALL), but this sounds just intriguing enough for me to give it a shot! Thanks for the recipe!
Avocado smoothie? Interesting. I love avocado but have never had it in liquid form. Once I get my blender back(in storage!!) I will give this a whirl!
I love avocado but never thought of adding it to a smoothie ~~ ingenious! Definitely a smoothie to try!
I peel, pit, cut up my avocado and freeze it before adding it to smoothies. Frozen avocados make smoothies SO creamy. I love it with vanilla or chocolate protein powder and and a frozen banana. It’s so thick, that I normally just use water as my liquid. Yum.
As much as I love Juliet, I don’t think I’ll try it. I despise avocado!
Erica? pun intended in the give it a whirl? 🙂
and Erin I was r-e-a-l-l-y hesitant as well.
totally get that.
Im the woman who will pay extra to have the avocado NOT put in her california roll at sushi restaurants (PAID. I dont anymore. Who has the cash? now Im a yanker).
and because of that I shall NOT say “try it try it!’ merely hear your ‘despise’ and meet you where you are 😉
I may put the smoothie to the ultimate test today. The Tornado is sick (& she hearty like her mama. This is the 2nd or 3 time she has been sicksick ever).
Will the smoothie cure what ails her?
The pediatrician didnt have a clue so it’s worth a shot!stay tuned…
Hmm that sounds interesting. I have a hard time getting past avocado with fruit, but I LOVE guacamole! So I will try to give it a try. 🙂 Thanks for posting the recipe Juliet!
Never would have thought of putting avocado in a smoothie, but I will definitely try it! I love avocados and they really don’t have much taste but I’m sure it would make the smoothie really creamy. And your getting all those good fats into you. Thanks for the great idea!
Hope The Tornado is soon feeling better!
I LOVE avocados! This sounds like a great recipes for me. Will definitely check out Juliets blog, I am desperate for good recipes. Especially this time of year – my eating habits unfortunately have not been very good the last couple weeks. 🙁
(thanks lori. We were awake most of the night up in herre and, as I grew slaphappy, I PRINTED OUT the comments from Tuesday about appearing less tired. For reals.)
I hear you Missicat.
I’ve been asked to Guest Blog about ‘eating healthy through the holidays’ often this year and I always politely decline.
I’m still working out what works for *me* –ala the Thanksgiving post–Ive no words of wisdom yet for others.
(Which won’t stop me from a WHAT THE JEWISH MIZ THINKS WE SHOULD ALL DO TO SURVIVE CHRISTMAS post, of course.)
I’m sure it would be good. But I don’t do that texture in a beverage. Hurl worthy. But I mash avocados and use them as sandwich spread, chunk them up and toss them in mexican rice, on salads, and of course guac…
Hope toddler feels better soon…is she a needy patient or the let me sleep type?
: )
I do hope MizT is feeling better soon. Thanks for the Julia tip. Where has she been all my life?
lynn? I like to think a mini-cartoon’y juliet was in my kitchen all along…..I was just too busy yanking avocado from my foodstuffs to take notice!
And marianne? there’s another kind of sick besides needywhiney?
Recent studies up @ casa miz have revealed otherwise.
ren man? tt? all about the whine (insert joke here. Ill start us off: mamamiz, wine, makes).
Hope babymiztodltorn feels better soon.
I love avocados but I would never have thought of making something sweet with them! I can’t stand maple syrup, but might try this with a couple spoons of pineapple and peach salsa – it’s sweet but you also get the hot flavor.
candy canes? may that be my add in?
it is so hard this time of year I am looking forward to your tips.
oh and I know this is selfish (does it make it ok if I want to think of it as asking for what I need??) but I am going to email you the link to my post today.
I bet you aren’t reading blogs if your daughter is sick and I would appreciate your insight.
Oh no – poor Tornado! If her sickness is of the throwing up kind, do not feed her anything you ever want her to eat again……:)
Not a smoothie fan here, although this one sounds interesting. I prefer my avocado with shrimp salad, or as guac.
Sorry avocado lovers, I agree with Miz. I like my avocado left in the supermarket or drying out like a raisin on a vine. That thick green gunk made it to my mouth just once and I never attempted it again. This is not to take away from this recipe and I’m sure there are smoothie lovers that would enjoy this. My wife for one is a huge fan of that giant pitted fruit. May she have a life filled with guacamole. (Hopefully while dining with friends).
I will give this a shot!
I am also worried that you are not going to treat your Tornado right!
will she be allowed ice cream when she’s sick or will it be a protein shake?!
I have been trying out a bunch of smoothie recipes lately. My blender is my new favorite toy. I will have to try this one. I love avacados! Thanks for the recipe.
I’m still a little afraid of avocadoes but agree with Juliet that they are highly delicious.
I like to mush em up with olive oil, balsamic vingegar, garlic powder and salt and pepper then use that as a sandwich spread for my vegan Boy. He LOVES!
TA x
Avocados are one of the few foods that I have yet to try sweet. I’d totally try this smoothie!
I’m a firm believer in the fact that “healthy” doesn’t need to mean “boring” or “tasteless” or “rabbit food”! I mean, look at my site…not ONE of those recipes is unhealthy, nor are they disgusting!
Not sure how I feel about the smoothie.
I remember being fed tea (with lots of milk and sugar) and toast when I was sick. I also remember lots of cough medicine (all of which was the drowsy kind, so that we’d sleep and our bodies would fight off the sick. Also to get us to shut up.)
I never would have thought of it. In fact, if you hadn’t said you and the TT loved it I would have disregarded the whole idea! Don’t get me wrong, avacado is so incredibly yummy for me ( as in I don’t keep them in the house b/c I’ll binge on my version of guacamole – that kind of love), but some things don’t go together well. I guess I’ll give it a try!
you don’t like avocado’s?? x(
i have heard of avocado smoothies and that they are amazing! though at first it sounds quite weird.
Poor TT. I hope she gets to feeling better!!!
no worries evan. we are ALL about the comfort foods up in herre when sick.
although the poor Tornado is like her mama (is it too late to unweirdify her OR will kindergarten take care of that for me? Im thinking the latter) and craves the protein shakes when sick.
made, froze, and eaten with a spoon.
AND I tried to push the (icecream) Dibs last night, too.
yada yada yada enough of my boring life.
Oh my. That sounds good. My kiddos LOVE avacado. And blueberries. I recently discovered Almond milk and LUV it.
Yum. I think I’ll try it (after I get my weekly groceries tomorrow).
It reminds me of a sandwich I used to make for myself as a teenager: avocado, cheese, banana, and peanut butter (sounds gross but not bad for eatin’).
I am sooo printing this out! I LOVVVEEE avocado! YUM YUM YUM!!
Something new to do with avacado. I use fozen banana with almond milk and chocolate for a nice fake milkshake sometimes. This is intriguing.
You know, I used to be totally opposed to the idea of avocado in anything sweet (avocados are for guacamole!!!) but then I made brownies with avocado in them and they were fab. it has opened my eyes. I will try your shake!
Hi- smoothie sounds good actually. Wondering if anyone would put a scoop of protein powder in it? I love smoothies but my blender is down to only two studs at the bottom cause I’ve used it to death!
I do like avocados but have never thought about mushing them up and drinking in a shake? I’m very curious to know what this tastes like? I think I will definitely try!
J’adore le guac!
Few things make me as happy as a big ole bowl of guac and chips (and a margarita)!
I love avocados. Avocados are my favorite.
Wondering if anyone would put a scoop of protein powder in it?
YOU KNOW THAT I WILL. for the test run I wanted to remain true to the recipe…but I like to add protein to everything (I know I know, but it works for me) and in here plan to use the pea powder.
Miz, who is pretty proud of her one handed laptop typing as she strokes the SLEEPING tornado’s head.
Hmmm… I hate to say it, but it almost seems like a waste of a perfectly good avocado. I mean, can you even taste it?
If I liked smoothies, I would give it a try.
And I’m with Jill – a bowl of guacamole, some tortilla chips and a margarita makes JavaChick one happy girl.
Bumbling Band:
Do not be afraid of the avocado
Take this advice from one Dave Grotto
Choose the creamy Hass variety for best in taste
Because if you choose the Florida type, it might be a waste
Avocado in smoothies and ice cream is a treat latin culture holds dear
Try Juliet’s smoothie, you have nothing to fear
Avocado is rich in lutein which is good for your eyes
The fat it contains is heart healthy so to eat some would be wise
Avocados can be enjoyed all year round
At your local grocer is where the Chilean Hass variety can be found
I’m a dietitian and can’t ‘bust a rhyme’ like Miz Fit
But my message is simple, life is too short to eat food that tastes like…cardboard. Ha!
yes, mister dave grotto Im messing with your comment. had to. want to let you know that, when the tornado is better, she shall be acting as the HUMAN BEATBOX while I rap this over top (small chance we’ll hire biz markee—not sure).
I must admit i was never one for avocados but recently i’ve been slipping them in salads as i know how good they are for you!! Avocado smoothie i’ll be trying this one 🙂 Thanks
Not terribly healthy but I took an Indonesian cooking class and one of the things we made was essentially ice cream made with condensed milk and ice and avocado and I don’t remember what else. It was unbelievably delicious! I will give this a try some time, I have an avocado frozen right now for kicks, I realized it was going to spoil before I could eat it so I stuck it in the freezer and have been afraid to do anything with it since.
Thanks for the guest post!
I’m not an avocado fan either but I might have to try it 🙂
The only time I eat avocado is when its in sushi- otherwise, no thank you! But this smoothie idea is very clever, it would make it SO creamy! Next time the roommate picks up an avocado (she likes them), I might steal it from her to make this smoothie hehe.
Also am with Bag Lady, don’t feed the Tornado anything you want her to keep on eating if she’s throwing up. When I was little I made the mistake of eating ice cream cake when I was sick. I have never been able to eat it since; it still makes my stomach turn. And that is tragic!
PS Mara I love your comment! Healthy food IS tasty and I am on my way to look at your site right now.
BL? Sagan? I would like to say that im TOTALLY gonna pretend I knew that and had it all covered thankyousomuch.
but I hadnt thought about that.
at all.
I shall drive her from fast food emporium to fast food emporium and cram her piehole with fries & nuggets.
how’s that for a plan? 🙂
she’ll b e a healthy eater for life then, yes?
Hope ‘Tenacious T’ feels better. If still pukey shoes, best not to tempt fate with solid foods – gatorade, pedialyte, etc. is best. Then, introduce ‘BRAT’ diet. This is best for post pukey and diarrhea.
B – bananas
R – rice
A – apple sauce
T – Tea and toast (dry, like some counties in certain states)
I love avocado!!
so I am not sure I can spare one for a smoothie but I will consider it.
I still think the best way to eat them is with a spoon.
Interesting. I love smoothies. Love avocados. Love blueberries. Love bananas. Love maple syrup (especially the stuff that my dad makes from his sap!). I think I would love this smoothie!
I don’t do smoothies. What? I usually feel gipped when I have a liquid meal! This one sounds good enough that I just might give it try. And the avocado means it will have enough fat/fiber that it might not feel like a liquid meal.
LOVE the avocado (I use a few slices of this in place of mayo in sandwishes and salads) and blueberries, and maple syrup.
thanks Dave! I’ll resist the wellworntritejoke about BRAT & just say that she loves her some bananas.
And add that, should any of you find yourselves in Austin (like Stuperb was yesterday! Too fun.), the Tornado will happily beat box for you if you simply ask what the Beat of the Day is.
It keeps us both amused.
Deb? I’m 100% with you. Ren Man adores ready to drink shakes and they depress the heck out of me—-far too fleeting.
I do adore my choc metrx + cold decaf in place of water & frozen for a few hours though.
Avocado is really, really good for you. And an excellent food for growing children with all the healthy fats. When my daughter was smaller I would after puree an avocado in the food processor with a big spoonful of lime juice until it was very smooth and creamy, and then add powdered sugar until it was mildly sweet. It tastes like lime custard of some sort and she LOVED it. I haven’t made it for her in awhile, but I think I will this weekend.
I’m deeply disturbed by the thought of an avocado smoothie.
I don’t even know what else to say about that.
Hi MizFit
I am a new reader and I found you in Austin Monthly Magazine listed as a top Austin blogger.
Very neat and I hope to see you around town sometime.
I LOVE avocado. That said, I think I would probably skip this recipe, because I want to TASTE my avocado! Mmmmmm.
And holy cow, I think TA and I are sisters from another mister, because I make this: “I like to mush em up with olive oil, balsamic vingegar, garlic powder and salt and pepper” ALL the time! But without the vinegar (though I’ll have to try it now). And although I always intend to eat it on whole wheat toast, more often than not I wind up eating it straight from the bowl with a spoon. (I do that with guacamole, too. Why bother with chips when I have a spoon?)
(I wish I had some now. *wistful sigh*)
This sounds delicious! I will sometimes throw last night’s dinner’s leftover avocado in my smoothie and it makes it really smooth and filling. I’d probably just add some protein powder to that smoothie. 🙂 Love it!
I LOVE avocado but the thought of making a smoothie out of it is weirding me out a little. 🙂
I think I’ll stick with guacamole. 🙂
yep. reading the comments made me realize why I love the smoothie.
it is THIS as said by Vered:
that is my palate (or lackthereof. I think I shall deem it my lackthereof).
love the tuna&cottagechees mix
loathe tunafishsalad (and threw up a little in my mouth merely typing the words)
not that’s NOT to say I dont love a good flourless chocolate torte as well.
my lackthereof isnt THAT wacky.
Miz, mama to an avowed no-napper even when sick. good times.
Wow! This looks amazing! I’ll have to try this! No wonder my daughter has great skin! Everytime she comes home from school she looks for frozen blueberries to eat. I can’t keep them in the house very long. They all get eaten!
First– YES, in feeding the Tornado (feelbettersoon!) unhealthy foods. I vomited a million times as a kid after eating some deep fried flowers (ah, summer camp) and for years afterwards anything deep fried and battered turned my stomach.
Second– I will try this smoothie come warm weather. I love avocadoes, I love smoothies, but they make me shiver way too much this time of year. You know what else makes a really creamy thick healthyfat smoothie, if you have a good blender? Cashews. I soak them and blend them after having this drink in India– like a milkshake! Thanks, Juliet, for giving me another way to get in the good fats.
OOOH, reread and wanted to say I am NOT wishing the vomit on the Tornado OR you– NOT FUN.
I think I’m going to stick with my coffee and soy milk “smoothie.”
I love all those ingredients separately though.
This is a MUST try for me. I adore Avocado’s (interesting how they seem to be either a “love” or “hate” ingredient).
Since you and the Tornado actually tried it and liked it, I will try it as well. I love avocado, in fact my mom use to make avocado ice cream when my sisters and I were little. She made ice-cream out of everything…LOL
I love that your Tornado is willing to try most everything. I am not a huge avocade fan myself, but i use it on burgers for my friends and family in the summer and I may give this smoothie a go.
I really do not like avocado, period. I completely agree with the “love/hate” comment above. Avocados are very polarizing.
I love avocado – with a spoon, in avocado-spinach soup, sliced on top of any kind of mexican food. I bet the avocado would really balance out the usual sweetness of smoothies…but the texture might be too thick for me. I don’t even like putting bananas in my smoothies for that reason. Still, I’m so curious about this I must try it!
For some reason, I always watched Beauty and the Beast when I was sick. Still had an urge to the last couple of times, but alas, it was at my parents’ house.
why is this all beginning to remind me of Green Eggs & Ham?
Why is this all making me think I need a new Seuss tattoo?
I’m skeptical (even though I love avos) but will try it — my motto? “What if I like it?” Going to try it with soy milk instead since I usually have some of that around.
As an aside, my son could never remember the Beat of the Day…assuming your Tornado watches Yo Gabba Gabba. Even more cool if you decide on your own beat of the day.
Avocados aren’t in the grocery budget just yet. We get them when their on sale and make Completo’s a Chilean hot dog with sauerkraut, mayo, salsa and guac. It’s changes the way hot dogs taste into a gourmet dog.
I am scared by that combination of items.
But I like all of them individually, so hmmm…
sounds interesting… i wouldn’t have thought avos, but i’ll give it a try. I have a couple ripe ones at home right now so I better seize the moment whip up a batch right now.
Conny? Im completely not joking about the Toddler and her beat of the day. (yea, it’s a little weird :))
I took her tiredsick self out to
the chikfila drive through for a milkshakewhole foods for some wheat grass and on the way home she kept saying:mom. ask me the beat of the day!
we now resume regular nonMOMMY BLOGGER programming.
thank you.
You are going to make me have to throw out my, “If it tastes good, it’s bad for you,” motto 🙂
Sagan – that happened to you, too?! The Bag Lady to this day cannot eat rice pudding or pineapple …..especially not together. In fact, just typing those words makes her want to hurl.
She will spare you all the gruesome details, but imagine if you will a very long, very dark hallway, being unable to hold back quite long enough….slipping in it, splattering it all over the walls and your poor mothers’ nightgown when she appeared in her doorway at the exact moment of impact! Then lying there, unable to stop vomiting, crying, having just done a back-flip in half-digested……..
Oops, was going to spare you the details, wasn’t I?
Hmmm, now should this be published or deleted…..? Oh hell, you be the judge…..
Awesome! I actually have 3 small very ripe avocados that I have to use up very soon. Great idea 🙂
I LOVE AVACADO!!!! But I would never think to put it in a smoothie, the thought of this make me want to gag! But I am trying new things this month so I SHALL give it a try:)
I gave you an award – because you’re great!!
I do so love the avocado, especially a good guacamole. I’ll be giving this one a try.
I agree with Dave Grotto: go for the Haas variety. I tried to make some guacamole when I was living briefly in North Carolina during college, and they didn’t have Haas. Stringy guacamole was NOT what I had in mind.
Oh, and I forgot to say that I hope the Tornado is well soon! Few things worse than sick little ones. 🙁
Okay, BL…you win the award for first person to make me laugh out loud at work! That was cringe-tastically awful and hilarious.
And MizFit… a second Seuss tattoo? I know nothing about the first! Please share.
YUM!!! Haas avocados!!! One of my most favorite things. There’s a lady at the local farmer’s market that makes frozen avocado pops during the summer. My god, they’re good. As far as suggestions – I would try a splash of lime juice in that smoothie… I can practically taste it now, but unfortunately I do not have an avocado in the house, argh.
Another thing I LOVE to take to a grill party … soak some wooden skewers in water a few hours. Stick chunks of avocado, strawberry, nectarine & pineapple on there. Heat up a little honey with maybe a splash of rum and baste while grilling – just a few seconds per side til you get a little mark.
This soup at epicurious is wonderful in the summer too (I use ff Greek yogurt instead of crema): “Cold Avocado Corn Soup with Cilantro Oil”
Ok… time to stop raving! LOL
TMI. By MizFit.
I swore Id do only one tattoo a year. All that I have are ones I have planned and mean something to me—-I just lean toward liking the look of the Illustrated Woman (all hidden. I guess I have stories to tell but only if we’re intimate?).
12.22 last year was when I got my last one.
I have an appt to get one on 12.23 (sorry mom) and it was (is?) going to be a page from Seuss’ Sleep Book as a Tornado tribute.
now, however Im leaning toward doing the character the page in green eggs & ham BEFORE he tries the G E&H.
the face is what I adore. and the fact that I need to remember to try more things (all.things.) which I initially think I wont like in a house or with a mouse or in a car or near or far.
I luv my avocado! I mentioned this before but I bake with it instead of butter. Talk about a health grease substitute! I work in an organic bakery and we’ve had some test runs with them and its really tasty! I’ve been eating A LOT of avocado lately and my skin and hair has much improved!
I confess I have never tried an avocado. What does it taste like? Comparable to anything specific?
I’m not exactly known for my adventurous food tastes, as you can probably tell.
Hmmm — not sure I can drink a avocado. I do love me some guac, though. And my adventurous-eater 3 yr old (compared to her brother anyway) loveslovesloves “bocaboli” as she calls it, so maybe I can get her to try it with me. I did once make chocolate pudding with avocado and it was TO DIE FOR!
avocado smoothie – delish! my fam all loves avocado so i have to make this for them 🙂
after the avocado pie i made, i’m not surprised that this is a go!!
I am also avocado squeamish, but I do appreciate the recipe. I’ll dutifully copy it into my file, and *possibly* use it for my “new-and-different” recipe of the week. Anything with banana in it has potential. 🙂
Thanks for the recipe!
um. yah. no avocado here. not in a house, or with a mouse or nothing.
as i type my mouth is squished together tight.
i will go to whole foods over the weekend and pick up a big ole bag of organic frozen blueberries!! my daughter and i need some skin cleansing for sure right now lol!!
thanks for the tip!
Hey everyone. Thanks for all of your comments (even the ones about hating avocado or finding the smoothie unappealing). 🙂 For those of you that try it, I hope you love it! Thanks again MizFit for letting me do the post. 🙂
I’m giving this bad boy a try without the maple syrup…. cause I too am a rebel Miz! hahaha
Thanks for the idea!
All the Best,
Andrew R
I make avocado smoothies with strawberries. If I have any peaches or mango in the house, that goes in too.
Honey for the sweetner, splash of orange juice for the liquid.
My daughter, who thinks avocados are one of the grossest things on the planet, likes these smoothies.
My sons, who know that a smoothie is all of things they won’t touch, just put through the blender… not so much.
Day late…dollar short…but I’ve been adding spinach to my smoothies…blends right up, can’t taste it…good way to get the kiddos to eat spinach (I’m so evil that way…) bwahahahah…
Also, I’m a bit anemic, so I get a shot of iron in my smoothie too!
ttfn300 – avocado pie??? Do tell…
Avocado…sounds gross! But I’m sure it’s yummy! It sounds healthy, so I’ll give it a try! Thanks for the recipe!
Hi mz fit gorgeous lazy and friends,
I have a problem and I’m stuck. Well I’m not stuck its the avocado that is. When I throw it in my blender it just sinks to the bottom and stays there.
The blending does nothing to it and it still remains semi solid and not uniform in the shake.
Help me? Oh check out my blog too, we’re on the same wavelength here.