Yep, People.
It’s here.
It’s today.
We’re mid-way through 2009.
Whether you set formal resolutions or goals or not we all have at least a few things we hope to achieve before 2009 draws to a close.
Where you at?
Please to hit us all up in the comments. You *know* I’ll be there & oversharing…
My main goal this year was to hit my target weight by Christmas. I’ve lost 107 lbs and have 30.5 lbs to go, so I’m definitely going to reach this goal! 🙂
My goal of writing more and spending more time working on my novels hasn’t had as much success, but I’m not giving up yet.
Thanks for reminding me the year is half over and NOT 🙂
I need to revisit my resolutions as I actually wrote some down this year.
It isn’t going to be pretty.
Long time no comment as I have been bogged down at work.
I needed to hear this today as many of my New Years Goals were about changing that situation.
I’m doing fabulously! I was thinking about this last night and realized that I’ve come a long way this year… I’ll blog about this.
And thanks for the kind comment! I feel much better now…
In your old post you mention a vision board.
Do you change that yearly with new visions?
It’s been one of those years with ever-changing goals! Sort of a whack-a-mole experience.
But I’ll keep whacking away!
My vision for this year was to get a website going about my weight loss and work on writing a book. I’ve done one and in process of another.
I’d also really like to do a 10K, which I’ve never done, but am having some knee trouble right now. I’m going to stay focused though!! Thanks for a good reminder.
wow time flies! i dropped some goals, put some on hold, and picked some new ones. for me, it’s a neverending cycle (in a good way) that keeps me going.
I’m doing ok. I find writing my goals and putting them out on the blog keeps me honest too!
I watched your vid & then dug out my goals.
How can it only be six months ago I made these as I’d already forgotten a few.
Pilates here I come.
Perhaps I should start blogging!
Loved your last tip, Miz! You bet I wouldn’t put up with that negative talk from somebody else–my favorite phrase (from my grandpa) is ‘that’s just your cheap opinion.’ (of course, never said out loud to the person.)
Anyways, no great strides here, but I have made a few changes throughout the year as a direct result of your prompting, including: finally attacking the clutter, getting a sewing (quilting) table (what would you do if you knew you would not fail,) and changing my eating habits at restaurants–I think this is the biggest victory of all. Although I am pretty excited about the sewing table–its the meaning behind it–that I am intentionally working on my quilting as art.
As always, thank you Miz!
I am stealing a new goal for the rest of the year from your Operation Beautiful post.
My new resolution is your diet pill picture post it:
I will treat myself as I would a friend.
Please check back with me in January 😉
Mizfit, great reminder! I went back and reviewed my goals this morning and found that I am making good progress; nevertheless, I also need to get a little more focused on a few of them. I probably need to consider finding a way to track these right in front of my face to keep me in focus.
I’m like Karen.
(Thank you for the video reminder. I hadn’t made the Halfway Point connection on my own ;))
Ha! I have no idea what happened to my goals. I don’t actually remember what they were…
Never mind, everything on the health and fitness front is going well, and I’ll be running my first 5k in October, so I must be accomplishing at least some of my goals 😛
Mine was not so concrete. Mine involved being nicer to myself and supportive. Yes, negative self talk. But, I’m not suceeding in this. I’m glad you asked, because now I can steal the tips that you asked for 🙂
(I cannot even believe the 1/2 way point is here. Time flies too fast!!)
no resolution setter here BUT I am very proud of everything I have accomplished in the past 1/2 year!
but this post makes me sad – I think I just popped a grey hair, I am now reminded I am a half a year older 🙁 although I refuse to admit it out loud (typing doesn’t count?) and still respond I’m 24 when people ask. HA, I’ll fool them!
I’m not a formal resolver, but I checked my vision board and I need to totally redo that thing. I did it before we even decided to have another baby and here I am 6 months pregnant–that’s a whole new vision not on the board. I also cut way back on my blogging and took up a new passion (sewing and selling on Etsy) and that’s not anywhere on there. So maybe it’s not about resolutions right now (main goal this year is to pop out a healthy baby in September) but about re-thinking my vision.
I was going to take the first draft of a novel I wrote in November and edit the hell out of it. Got sidetracked writing two other firsts drafts one of which is not done yet. Still time to get to editing. Unless I get another idea that won’t let me go.
I’m still dealing with a certain state that has claimed a bank account and a rather large bond due to nonuse on the account. They’re dragging their feet, so I think it’s time I just download the forms I need off the internet and complete them.
I’m currently reading a book a week, so the “read a book a month” thing is covered.
I’ve learned about wine.
I’m still working on the negative self-chatter.
Thanks for the reminder Miz! While I have accomplished a few of my goals, there are several that I have been neglected. I have 6 months left in the year and plan to make them the best 6 months of 2009.
I’ve done pretty well this year!
I only made resolutions I knew I truly wanted and was willing to work toward.
Bring on the overshare, Miz!!
Finish my book. Birth a baby. Go on a cross country road trip. You know, just little things;)
Thanks for the reminder though! My goal to use coupons has sadly sat untouched on the proverbial shelf. I think it’s a sign.
Love the advice about negative self-chatter. Definitely something a lot of us can relate to.
Personally, I’m taking stock of where I am in many aspects of life (not just health & fitness), and deciding where I want to go. Not going to worry how I’ll get there, but first just making the DECISION.
Often people who want to lose weight / get healthy / start a fitness regime fail to do that. Decide first — I mean really decide — then take action!
I didn’t really have any definite goals this year, just to keep doing what I’m doing really.
One thing I’ve noticed about the negative self-talk is it can be quite infectious. Listening to other people talk bad about themselves makes it easier for you to talk bad about yourself. So perhaps another way of looking at negative self-talk is by saving yourself from it, you’re saving someone else as well?
My goal this year was to incorporate a healtheir lifestyle. I was tired of making all of my gaols about weight because it seemed that I failed year after year after year. So far, I’d say that I’ve met my goals. I’ve even lost a considerable amount of weight. Yeah! So things are going good. yeah, there are some bumps in the road from time to time but that’s just life. 🙂
AMEN, Sister!
For me it is stepping back and re-evaluating in all areas of my life. In fact FITNESS is almost the easiest one as, by virtue of this blog, it is always in the forefront of my mind.
All resolutions/goals/whatever you wanna call it I took time last night to revisit.
especially the last two.
the first 2 I like to think I “visit” daily.
I love reading your insights and goal-sharing.
THANK YOU THANK YOU for chiming in.
Anyone else feel as though time is just FLYING by?!
I don’t make New Years resolutions as I instead make little goals (challenges! yippee!) throughout the year. However, this year I chose the word CONFIDENCE as my way of living. And I think I’ve done pretty well with it. From hugging almost-strangers to being a little more honest about my fears, feelings, and issues, to going out independently and taking the time to figure out what I want from life rather than what other people might want for my life, I’m stepping out into the world with an air of confidence! Even if I don’t always feel it, if I fake the confidence, it becomes the real thing.
With confidence, the world becomes your oyster 🙂
Thanks for this reminder of looking back over our resolutions and that there’s still lots to work on!
hi! woot! 2009 is a good one so far! i’ve hit my goal by beating my plateau, i’m almost there! i have my first triathlon in 11 days and i’m doing another one in september. leaps and bounds since january, leaps and bounds!
ps. the things that have improved within me:
my self image
my confidence
my relationship with my **husband***
my relationship and boundless energy with my kids
my clarity
it wasn’t so much a resolution as it was “resolve”. does that make sense?
It is one HUNDRED percent about the negative self talk for me.
I know once I get that under control I will be able to achieve anything I want.
Starting tonight I am back to your suggestion of writing down my negative thoughts all day and rewriting them at night into positive.
Well I am going to have to say I have not met my goal for this half way point. I wanted to be in the 250’s by now and since the hospital stay and other unexpected life changing situations I have fallen back into some of my bad habits. I was actually thinking about this all weekend so I am hoping July will restart me back on my journey.
I’ve fallen way short of weight goals but am working very hard on the mental game and feel like I’m actually making some progress. I get daily Marianne Williamson blurbs that are very thought provoking and are helping a lot in terms of getting my head in proper working order – at least it feels that way.
Thanks for the reminder. Time sure flies!!
I’ll have to dig my resolutions out – thanks for the reminder that we CAN change them and delete them if they didn’t work for us!
I love how positive you always are and how kind to yourself without being to too selfindulgent.
THANK YOU for reminding me that the goals are mine.
I set them and it is ok to reevalute and it doesn’t make me a failure.
I didn’t make any resolutions on January 1. I was depressed, overweight and not feeling like I could make any changes. But on January 17th, everything changed. I was diagnosed with prediabetes and on THAT day I vowed to get healthy.
Since then, I have lost 30 lbs, gone from couch potato to 5k runner (thank you couch 2 5k!), been hired by Weight Watchers as a leader, and am a completely DIFFERENT person than I was on January 1. I can’t believe it some days.
My goal for the 2nd half of the year is to KEEP IT UP. 🙂
I went back and went to my blog for the list… here it is:
I will go to one class, do one circuit, and spend 20 minutes on the treadmill daily.
I will weigh myself daily.
I will eat primarily whole or organic foods… shopping at Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s rather than Smiths and Albertsons.
I will no longer buy separate foods for the kids.
Snack food (crunchy munchies) will ONLY be bought twice a month, and will be organic and baked.
If Cay is not home on time, I will leave and go to belly dancing anyway.
No later than April 3rd, I will buy a new BioPark membership, this time at club level, to provide a fun and interesting place to walk, provide cheap social venues for myself and the kids over the summer, and to be involved in various social activities, getting me out of the house and out with other people.
I will continue to buy home exercise equipment as I can afford it, including buying at least one fitness ball tomorrow. I will begin trying to find an inexpensive, quality treadmill.
I will exercise during the two hours of The Biggest Loser on every Tuesday.
I will count calories and keep an online food log on my iGoogle homepage.
So what have I actually done? Well, exercising during The Biggest Loser (which isn’t on anymore) Looking for exercise equipment (I did buy my ball) and I just recently got the BioPark membership… but not the club level. I also got the New Mexico Culture Pass, which gives us more places to go.
The calorie counting thing, brrt! that didn’t work out. I’m bad at food journaling, because I don’t want to run to the computer or stop to write out everything I eat. The other thing is that without sitting and weighing everything, I find I’m really poor at estimating the amounts. I kinda suspect that most people would be surprised if they started weighing out their food.
I’m not spending the time on the treadmill either, which is a shame. I love the treadmill, but don’t want to drive all the way across town to spend 20 minutes on one. I really REALLY want one in my home.
The food stuff has been good… I do eat more whole and organic food, and except for getting junk food for my son (which my girls are now eating because he decided not to eat here to “help me out”) they eat what I eat (like it or not).
Belly dancing? NOT. I love it, can’t afford the $50/ month on top of everything else I’m doing. I do have some dancing DVDs, but my apartment is so small that trying to dance, with or without my daughter, is a nightmare.
Our new bonding/exercise routine is running/walking together. We’ve decided to do the Run for the Zoo next year (a 5K) Our goal isn’t to win it, just to be able to run the whole thing. Don’t ask how that’s going… I don’t want to talk about it ((blush)) OK… I confess… it’s not going well. We’ve gone out ONCE, and I popped my hip and limped home.
Ugh. Halfway already!? I guess this is a good time to reassess my progress and goals. Somehow this year has been a struggle for me, everything keeps getting in my way (including myself!)
Maybe my resolutions next year should include getting more organized….
You know, when you put it like that, it makes us all feel kind of bad…but that’s a good thing! I had been doing the Medifast diet and exercising in the mornings, but have not been staying on top of the exercise. But with this reminder that half the year is over, I have been reinspired and am getting back on track. thanks!
My goal was to finish novel #1 and to start peddling it. This I did. Got my first rejection, too. I aim to rack up a few more before the year is out.
I’m now 1/2 way through novel #2. I expect to have two stories gathering rejections by year’s end.
I hope then in 2010 to finally get the yes. If it comes earlier, yippee.
How had I never thought about 7.1 as a re-committing day?!
I’m in.
I’m making progress on a few of the really important goals, but some I’ve forgotten entirely. Thank goodness the year is only halfway through.
The last few years, Hubby and I spend the morning of Jan 1st on the couch with a cup of coffee, pad and pencil, and last year’s list of resolutions. And then we make coming year’s resolutions. You just gave me an idea that we should do as you suggest on the 4th of July, close enough to half-way and insures that Hubby will not have to race out the door to work. Thanks for the nudge!
Good reminder. Went back to my 1/1 goals list and noticed that I’d planned to revisit on 7/1. So here I am. Re-visioning my year.
Spent so much time thinking about goals and resolutions yesterday & today I think TONIGHT Im revisiting and adding to my GRATITUDE board.
Im just sayin’
you know, feel free to join in and all!
i’ve MISSED YOU!!!! sorry i’ve been MIA ..crazy busy.
i am loving Operation Beautiful as well, and now drive around with post its in my purse:)
its mid year ok time’s a wastin…i gotta get a move on..just not sure where i’m going exactly:)
I’ve done really well with my athletic goals, but I’ve let some other stuff slip. This summer is the time to pick up and get some things not related to exercise and fitness accomplished.
If you would have told me 2 years ago I was going to type that, I would have laughed at you. Wheee!
I am so ALL ABOUT GOALS. As you know. But I had a big slowdown the last couple of months. Though I DID manage to hang on to my FatBet end weight!!! Until last week when I went for my checkup and I was so thrilled to still be in the mid 130s I got all cocky and got some extra creamy Breyer’s Vanilla. I think I put on five pounds in one week. So now I have to redo…
And yes, blogging really helps with goals. I don’t think I could work on mine without.
Baby happened this morning!!!
Like I said on twitter – its a good time to assess and reevalute. I’m keeping all my goals, and super happy to see that I am closer to completing most of them.
One of my goals for this year is to enjoy life more and to be mindful and thankful for all the good in my life.
I have made some changes to my work schedule, and I feel I have a much better work-life balance now.
I also consciously take a minute every evening after the toddler goes to sleep to be thankful for the day. It’s amazing how this conscious act of being thankful has changed my outlook on life…
I went back and examined my ‘resolutions’ and have nailed almost all of them already.
I set the bar so low for myself and didn’t trust I could succeed at anything back in January.
I am revisiting and adding more stuff with my newfound confidence.
OH YEAH! That last tip is GOLDEN 🙂
I feel like I am in constant flux but I have worked hard on my blog so I am accomplishing some things there that I wanted to accomplish. There is always more to do & I hope that it all works out by year end!
Well – I had really wanted to get to goal weight, which I have not done.
I also wanted to train and do a triathlon, which I am doing in 1.5 weeks.
I also wanted to get a new job, which I have done. Plus get my own domain name, which I also did. So – not too shabby overall, and there are still 6 months to go!
I’m not quite at the halfway point with my physical fitness goals. Got a bit off track with the very different schedule of having all three kids at home for summer. So, I’m trying to maintain my fitness & keep up with the kettlebell over the next six weeks. I’ll start moving forward with my distance goals once school starts back up.
The decluttering portion of my goal for the year is zipping along at a much faster pace than I thought possible. The incremental steps have kind of snowballed over the last two months. And… as the amount of tangible stuff I have to deal with each day goes down, the pile of emotional stuff seems to be slowly shrinking, too.
Crabby’s whack a mole comment, kinda says it all for me! 🙂
My goal this year was to do a race each quarter. So far, so good: Presidents’ Day 5k in February and the “I Run for Champagne and Chocolate” race (5k for me) in May. Got a triathlon in September (*happy shriek!*) and the ol’ Pumpkin Run in October! Definitely a year of fitness fun!
In answer to your question on my blog. No, I am not so structured in my work life. My health/fitness journey over the last few years has really been the only part of my life where I have been so structured with goals. Perhaps because it was so important? Perhaps, the other parts have come easier? Makes you think though.
Good tips on reevaluating goals and tackling negative self-talk!
I’m very pleased with my progress so far this year because I’ve greatly improved my health and plan to be in much leaner, fitter, healthier shape for my November milestone birthday. Happily, I’ve been able to greatly increase my physical activity and find the more I’m able to do, the better it makes me feel, and the more it improves my autoimmune condition.
Healthy diet plus positive attitude, determination, and getting out there and moving my body has proven to be a definite win-win situation for me. 🙂