We’ve talked about the BOSU before.
We defined what it is & how it came to be.
Heck, we’ve even seen me fall off a BOSU in an unplanned display of my lack of balance & core strength. (*cue confetti shaped like tiny, weeping MizFit caricatures*)
Im nothing if not tenacious.
It’s back, People.
It’s another BOSU post and this time Ive discovered something new.
I suffer no mo’ from BOSUNeverEmergingFromUnderBed-itis.
Please to enjoy.
I have to add that, while I laugh about my sad lack of balance skills, I really am quite serious about working to improve them.
I watched in utter awe at how confident & creative the Tornado was with my BOSU right from the moment she saw it.
While I really like BOSU as a company and I really like the BOSU as a product I adore that they take the time to add the below to their website.
They are truly a company which cares about their customers & I completely agree with everything they say.
My BOSU has served as the ultimate Texas HOTHOTHOT summer PLAYout for the Tornado & me.
A child’s ultimate development is heavily dependent upon the optimal timing and sequencing of the introduction to and continual expansion of mental and physical stimuli. Children have an enormous capacity to learn, a capacity that typically far exceeds the opportunities and challenges with which they are presented.
The BOSU Balance Trainer…will help your child develop total body awareness and balance at a time when such development can most easily and completely be imprinted for life. And it will do so in a way that is fun, safe, self-paced, and for the most part self-directed.
Your child will think of it as simply playing, while you witness your child’s inventiveness and physical development blossom in front of your eyes.
As a result, I wanna bestow this upon both the BOSU products and the company:
Outtakes (yada yada yada do not try this at home):
I have tried the BOSU a couple of times and, like you, had no idea what to do on it and fell right off π
The DVD sounds perfect—–now to get a BOSU for my house!
Are the expensive?
Tornado is absolutely ADORABLe. And children are so fearless.
loved reading trhis and also needed to see this.
A childβs ultimate development is heavily dependent upon the optimal timing and sequencing of the introduction to and continual expansion of mental and physical stimuli. Children have an enormous capacity to learn, a capacity that typically far exceeds the opportunities and challenges with which they are presented.
At first glance, I thought that the “upside down” bosu was a rebounder and was thinking I should jump on ity today π
I couldn’t catch the name of the DVDs from your clip..
Hey Miz!
LOVE THIS as I am a golfer and a BOSU fan already.
Is the dvd you used the golf one you linked at the end?
I’ve used the BOSU for basic core movements before and when I started I more closely resembled your Tornado.
Absolutely Abs
Long & Lean
Golf (sport specific down at bottom)
It’s the PRODUCT link above, suganthi.
and YES I am still totally giggling and being mocked in a loving way by Ren Man for my AH HA DVD moment!
I seriously had ZERO REAL CLUE what to do with a BOSU before….
I tell you what – that looks hard, but my kids would take to it in a flash. I’m going to ask around among my friends and see if anyone has one I can try! If nothing else it will make for some funny pictures of me falling over!
LOVE THE TORNADO and the fact you point out that BOSUs might be fun for kids.
It is sad but true that I would never spend the money on one just for me but if the twins might use it too?
I’d get one in a flash.
Where is the MizFit on the BOSU dvd???
I’d buy that one π
Love Tornado’s laugh & Fearlessness!!!!! xox
Thank you Carla. I went to the link after I posted.
Here are reviews for other BOSU videos
Love the tornado adorableness!
And am now seriously tempted to look into the bosu thing. Tho I’d want to check out cardio options for non-gym days. I desperately need more balance work and have been looking for less knee-thrashing cardio options than running.
Thanks for the helpful review!
I have seen the bosu talked about forever love that you poit out more about them as a company.
I use them all the time with my trainer and would love to check out the DVDS too.
And have one at home.
Those things are expensive but worth it I guess.
TT is a cutie and i liked the circus whistling….
Sadly, I wouldn’t purchase one of those contraptions but maybe when i have a child?
Mainly because you admit when things are a challenge and make me feel so normal π
Is there a BOSU kids dvd yet?
There’s your niche Miz.
Also I see the BRACELET IS GONE!
Can we buy tattoos??
I love BOSU balls!! My trainer always incorporates them into our workouts (I think he likes using them too, haha π ). Thanks for the review!! Interesting about the “ball tracker” part of that one DVD.
The Tornado is adorable. And tough. I love how she just started laughing when she fell.
I love the bosu.
I use a bosu at my workouts and love what it does for my core – it’s intense and makes me really focus when I’m on it. The DVD’s sounds great for a home workout…hmmm, wonder if I could steal…er, borrow, my trainer’s bosu?!?
The tornado is so cute – love her laugh!
Cute out-takes. I honestly think I would hurt myself on something like that. Probably best I avoid it. π
PRECISELY why I never used them, Steve.
Ive such poor balance and just dont want a trainer.
(no $ no time. no woman no cry? :))
love the dvd.
now to get a bosu in every home (& a chicken in every pot).
xo xo,
Miz, who hath lost her monday mind.
Where to begin? π
Love the outtakes.
What would be better than a Dr Seussed up MizFit and a kids bosu dvd?
(now to the serious)
Do you think I could learn enough at home by watching the dvds without a BOSU that I could replicate at the gym?
I can’t see buying one for my house.
eh – I cannot do anything other then stand still on the thing. Good reminder, that is the exact reason why I better dig mine out! Onward with the BOSU training!
My balance is terrible, so I can’t even imagine doing more than standing on that thing, and even that with much difficulty. But perhaps that’s why I should buy one…
And could the Tornado BE any cuter? She is so full of life!
Adorable! Maybe Bosu will use the tornado as their pitch person!
I think I need a bosu!
I have to admit (and now I am embarrassed) I own a BOSU and have been know to yell at my son when he plays on it.
Thanks for the fun review.
Oh this sounds fun actually…which I never thought would be with strength exercises! And haha, BOSU should PAY you for this review! You’ve totally convinced me to check this out.
oh Sophia great point of clarification:
No money changed hands fer this post.
As always….
thanks for an awesome review! i need to start using the bosu more– usually it’s a crunches only kinda thing
love the tornado! precious π
have a great day!
I love the BOSU, but I only have a few things I do with it. A DVD would help so much. Maybe I’ll have to put it on a wish list with some DVD’s. I’m sure it is something my girls would love too! Thanks for the info and the great videos!
Love the TORNADO, so adorable!
The BOSU is an amazing piece of equipment. We don’t have one at home but have used it at the gym and it’s challenging for sure. Would love to have one at home though.
Heh, I’m starting to think I may have to try doing my arm strength moves standing on one of those now, although I do believe that the Tornado just put us all to shame with her skillz and attitude!
Nice post – I used to have a terrible balance problem but now I do a lot better but there is always room for improvement. I also agree that I think kids can do a lot more than we can on these!
LOVE the tattoo it is looking great!
(That whistling during the outtake is too funny. is that you or Ren Man?)
I have seen these at Costco (they aren’t too terribly pricey there FYI) and always assumed it would be another purchased I would never use.
The idea of involving the kids I nanny for it the use of it might be the prodding I need to get one.
Those kids have way too much energy.
I need to look when Im at the computer. I dont think so.
I wonder if that is a liability thing?
yes. maybe. all depends if I can get the price down. as with the bracelets it wont be anything *I* make money on but I need to break even.
That said, keep yer eyes peeled for an entire Unapologetically Myself themed store.
Complete with playlists π
YES. I do think that even I could watch the dvds at home and memorize one movement at a time to practice at the gym BOSU.
I still think it’s easier to spend the money and get the bosu for home use (& perhaps use it more frequently?) but Im the same woman who totally spent money she didnt have on a stationary bike (first thing I EVER changed and payed off!) & it was the best gift I ever gave myself.
The Tornado just made my whole day!! Love her creative use of the BOSU:) It is nice that it can be used for cardio and strength.
My tornado and I want one. *sigh* No money, so I’ll just have to keep using the one at the gym and he’ll just have to be creative on his bunk bed.
That’s so cute how the Toddler falls and then has this enormous grin on her face as she gets up. Go Toddler go!
The BOSU is really a genius invention.
Aww, the outtakes are adorable!!
They have BOSU balls at my gym but I’ve always been too scared to try them out!! I have awful balance, I can’t even use a swiss ball for anything. Do the DVDs teach you how not to fall over? π
Is it wrong that I liked it more when you fell off like I always do?
The bosu reminds me of NYC. When ever I went to NYC I was alert and taking it all in. I had to be because I didn’t want to day dream and run into a New Yorker. The bosu is mindfulness for me because my abs and balance sucketh. Standing on that thing forces me to BE PRESENT!
Love the Tornado. Way tooooo cute!
Your tornado is adorable. I am totally see my girls fighting me to get on one of those…and I like the idea of taking turns for fitness π
Haha I love the tornado’s second video. I would not think it was so funny if I fell off.
Im so the same way so, when I use the BOSU, it feels like brain fitness as well.
I just finished writing an article on brain fitness and learned that when we do the same thing in the same way our brain isnt forced to work at all (obviously) but even small changes make our brain work a lot.
I LOVE the idea I can do the same thing (say, bicep curls) in a slightly different way (on the BOSU) and get more bang for my workout buck.
I love the Bosu ball! I use it mostly to do pushups and all flys while standing on it. My balance is pretty terrible, and it’s oh-so-handy for that. Your little tornado is adorable, as always.
I used to use one with a trainer and loved it. I wanted to buy one until I realized how pricey they are. Worth saving for though!
If I’d done a face-plant like the Tornado on outtake #2, I sure wouldn’t come up smiling like she did. Sure could use a little sunshine like that this way.
The trainer who owned the bosu at the gym left. I did a bit of work on it -hated it- but knew it was good for me. Maybe someday I’ll break down and get my own.
I really want a BOSU!
More than the cost (I agree with you Miz that were I to use it frequently it would be completely worth it) I fear it would be another reminder of a failure were I to purchase & shove under my bed.
Maybe dvds would help since I’d have a routine to do?
I love how she never gives up! I agree that the Texas sun is being unusually cruel this year, perhaps it would be a good investment for my little ones – as well as a healthy supply of bubble wrap for them to land on!
Like you MizFit, I have balance probs & many due to my very flat & overpronated feet that keep getting worse with age… BUT, I still work on it & don’t just give up because of that! I use the BOSU a lot for many different things from legs to core to abs to chest/shoulders… I am just careful not to fall off & hurt myself!!!! π I love the kid part too….
OH, Tornado is adorable!!! What a cutee!
I have a BOSU at the gym so that is lucky for me since I can’t afford right now, BUT there are different versions on Amazon & such so readers should check out the official BOSU site to make sure they are getting what they want before buying.
Wow! What coordination I might possess now if I had learned to balance at the Tornado’s age. LOL She’s so adorable.
I learned some balance from pilates and one of my Bollywood dvds. I’m almost getting good at it … I said almost.
LOL!! The BOSU is back? They are not being used as frequently as before at my fitness center, but they are still lurking around. I think they have their place, but not for everyone.
I hadn’t thought about it before but body awareness at a young age would have prevented me from gaining weight later in life!
Just now at 30 am I starting to be body aware and live IN my skin!
First of all: the Tornado is so darn cute! I love how she bounces back up with a grin!
I haven’t tried the BOSU yet. I’ve seen them lurking in the gym, so I might have to give it a go.
Okay, now I REALLY want to check out the BOSU ball AND the DVDs. I’m still really bored with my workouts (even though I am swimming more and doing some yoga at home in addition to my gym workouts). I really have to work on my balance, and this sounds like a fun/different/quieter workout at home. Just what I needed…
The clips of the Tornado are simply adorable! π I love the idea of having kids use the BOSU ball; maybe if I had used it as a kid I would have more balance today! And I know my toddler would absolutely love it…
I swear you follow me around and then blog about the things I have been talking/thinking about.
After a week of struggling with rock-scrambling (no way am I climbing yet!), I became aware that my confidence would improve with better balance.
I even said this week, that a Bosu would be a great help (that and the local rock wall, lol) and will certainly give one a try now you have given me an idea about DVDs!
Tornado is fabulous!
Guess it’s hard to get started too early with those kinds of skills. When I was in h.s. there was this phenomenal drummer a couple years ahead of me… he couldn’t even remember learning to play. His dad had played, also his big brother, and he guessed that he’d probably first picked up a pair of sticks when he was three.
Wow…I can hurt myself enough on my own…I don’t need help fro a balancy fall down ball π
Hi there,
Ugh, I liked! So clear and positively.
So do the dvds come separately or with the pro version? May have to check it out. I like trying different things but usually don’t spend quite that much at a time. May have to save my pennies. I don’t go to gyms. π Thanks as always for the visuals. The wee one is most definitely adorable. π
the dvds come separately.
Great post! Loved the videos!
I love the Bosu, it’s very versatile and fun! π I think it’s great that you found something that works for you to get you to use it. I would love to have one at home as I’m a bit intimidated to use it on my own at the gym. π
Lol too cute… there’s one in my apt. gym, I’ll have to try to get a few minutes on it soon!