I love this guest post because no matter how long we (the royal. the we which definitely includes the ME) have been exercising there’s always the temptation to NOT.
I adore weight training. I never try and wrangle my way out of weight training.
I notsomuch love the cardio. Every.single.day.I.do.cardio. it’s an internal battle to get myself moving.
Top Eight Excuses for Missing Your Home Workout and What to Do About Them
Consistently missing your workout (be it an at home workout or gym workout) can be the biggest detriment to reaching your fat loss and fitness goals. To really achieve your goals, you must be consistent. Inconsistency in your workouts and in how you approach your diet are the major factors in determining your success.
We’ve all been there and done that. Missing a workout and making excuses for why.
We know that every year millions of people resolve to work out more and yet within a few weeks the vast majority stop exercising regularly or all together only to start again in April because they’re panicking about the warm weather that’s just around the corner threatening to expose their flabby arms or bulging waistlines.
The only reasons to miss a workout is: you’re injured, you’re sick, you’re physically exhausted or just too sore (not a light soreness, but a “I can’t move my limbs soreness”). Everything else is just an excuse.
If you’re injured, well that one should be self explanatory. Let your body heal itself.
If you’re sick, you need to rest to let your body battle what is ailing it.
If you’re exhausted, do yourself a favor and get some sleep. You need to be reasonably well rested so you can perform your movements without hurting yourself.
If you’re sore it means your muscles need a rest. Most people don’t realize that recovery is actually more important than the actual workout itself. Overtraining, whether it’s too many times a week or too long during one session, is a reason many people have trouble reaching their goals. Know when too much is too much.
Now that we have those out of the way, here are the top eight excuses I’ve heard for missing a workout:
1. “I have no time / I’m too busy.”
This is one of the worst excuses ever. Most people still work out like bodybuilders and split body parts. If your goal is fat loss or even building lean muscle, make sure your home workouts are full body workouts which incorporate short, quick burst exercise movements with minimal rest. You can get a great home workout in about 15 minutes making the argument of “no time” absolutely moot. Do this three times a week to shed the fat and build lean muscle.
2. “I need my rest.”
Yes, rest is important and should not be neglected. If you workout regularly, or even if you don’t, you should be aiming for at least seven hours of sleep a night. But the key to making sure you get your workouts in is by scheduling them. Mark off the time of day that you’ll workout and stick to it, no matter what. By scheduling your workouts at the same time of day it will be easier to treat your workout as just another part of your daily routine instead of a chore.
3. “The weather sucks.”
Another reason I strongly advocate home gyms over commercial gyms…you never have the weather as an excuse not to work out. Buy yourself a pair of adjustable dumbbells and you’re good to go (no you don’t need a bench or a barbell). A stability ball, chin up bar or the Lebert Equalizer are also good pieces of equipment to have at home. On a budget? No problem. In reality, unless you’re looking to get absolutely massive, your bodyweight alone will do just fine. If you know what exercises to focus on, you can build lean muscle and lose fat very effectively with bodyweight workouts.
4. “The gym is too expensive.”
Yes it is, but see #3. There is absolutely no need to join a gym to get into great shape. In fact there are a ton of reasons why you should stay away from the gym (but that’s another article). With a small one time investment in a couple pieces of equipment that will last you forever, you can literally save thousands of dollars over the years by avoiding sign up fees and monthly membership fees all while avoiding…
5. “I don’t feel comfortable at the gym.”
This is a common excuse. Some people are intimidated by the “treadmill bunnies” or the bodybuilding contingent groaning through their workouts. For others it’s not knowing what to do or how to use the equipment or the fact that way too many people use the gym as a place to find a date instead of working out. Not being comfortable at the gym is pretty common. However, this shouldn’t be used as an excuse not to workout. I hate to beat a dead horse, but a good at home workout routine is the perfect answer to not being comfortable at a gym.
6. “I’m in a rut, I’m bored with my workout.”
This one is easily fixable. Change your routine every four weeks. Completely change the exercises you do and change the order of the body parts you’re working on. If you usually do a squat movement first in your routine, do it last. Use lighter weights, user heavier weights, change the amount of rest between exercises. Workout somewhere else, go outside or change rooms. There are literally thousands of ways you can mix it up so your routine is never the same, even one workout to the next.
7. “My results suck.”
This one gets a lot of people. It’s easy to get disappointed and use this as an excuse if you’ve been working out for weeks and are seeing minimal changes. Assuming that you’re eating right, your workout routine and frequency are not to blame and you’re getting enough sleep, it’s possible that you’re not looking in the right places. The scale isn’t always the best way to measure your progress. Are your clothes even a wee bit looser? Try measuring your waist and your heart rate. Write them down. Then measure again after a week or two. Celebrate even the smallest sign of progress. We’re all different and our bodies react differently to different stimuli. Just keep at it.
Also remember that whether you see results or not, you’re still benefiting from your workouts. By working out you’re strengthening your joints and connective tissues, which means you’re laying down a foundation for future muscle growth.
8. “I have no energy.”
It’s a vicious cycle. If you have no energy it’s probably because you’re not eating right, you’re not getting enough rest and not exercising. The hardest thing to do is start. However, once you do start, after a few days, you’ll notice that your energy levels are up and you’ll be rearing to go. So get over the initial hump and remind yourself that once you get a couple of days under your belt that the “no energy” excuse will disappear.
The other factor you need to consider here is your total caloric intake. Too many people lack energy simply because they’re not eating enough. Your body needs fuel. An active man may require up to 1,000 calories more than an inactive one.
Throw the excuses out the window. Hold yourself accountable for the workouts you miss. Most excuses can be addressed by developing a solid at home workout plan that requires little to no equipment, watching what you eat and getting enough rest. Now what are you waiting for? Move it!
George is the creator of the BusyBod Workout System. He is a Certified Trainer with over 20 years of experience, a former multiple personal training studio owner, and a blogger.
I think George makes at least 10 good points! At least for me.
But one thing I often feel when I try to do a work out at home is that it is not a ‘real’ workout. I never feel like I am getting as much of a workout as I would if I went to the gym. And I definitely feel like point 6 and 7 are relevant when I try a workout at home. Not many options so get bored and don’t see much results.
I think the trick, for me, is being very self aware. I know that if I don’t workout the first moment I can then I won’t workout at all. There are not endless opportunities to workout everyday so if grabbing the first one is usually my most successful plan of attack.
Interestingly, if I am on a good run…like 4 days in a row or something then that motivates me to keep going too.
Thanks George!
George is right, there should be no excuses.
I’m looking out the window and the weather sucks. Wind is blowing, it’s chilly and the prospect of hitting the track to train for my cycle challenge is not a comforting thought. I can either a. use it as a good opportunity to train in not so great weather conditions or b. take the training indoors and hit the Spinning class. Thankfully using it as excuse to do nothing has not crossed my mind at all. :-))
Right now I’m looking at solutions for point no. 9. On some days at least once a week even after rest days my energy drops and I feel horrid (it’s a horrible feeling) – solution as I see it – find a dietician sometime soon.
Thanks for a great article.
I used to be full of excuses not to exercise when I struggled with my weight. I was too TIRED.
But when I finally got on track and started exercising, I couldn’t believe how much better I felt.
I rarely miss my workout, not because I feel obligated, but because I do enjoy it!
Great post! And a good reminder for me.
It’s amazing how, when the alarm goes off, “I need my rest” quickly becomes “I’m exhausted”. I prefer morning workouts, but I’m NOT a morning person, so I’ve finally begun to teach myself that taking the first step (out of bed) is the key.
Sorry, no time to respond; I’m off to the gym.
Dragonmamma you forgot this:
I think the gym membership vs. home gym depends. BK and I pay 20/month total (10/month for each of us), and the sign-up fee wasn’t bad either. Yes, the gym can sometimes have it’s own little culture and rules, but as long as you keep your DNA to yourself (clean up all fluids that come out of you), you’ll be fine.
I think if you’re not comfortable in the gym (and it’s not because your partner is doing Crossfit and jumping on the weight benches like I did last night), you’re too self-concious (spelling?)
Great reminders why exercise is so important (especially when life gets busy). Whenever a new semester comes around, I get so busy with prepping for classes that I always think “I have to cut out some workouts.” But that’s really the worst I can be doing. While a new semester is always exciting, there is also lots of stress, and nothing relieves my stress better than exercise. Skipping workouts (even just a few) is a slippery slope I have been down too many times, and I just don’t want to go there again.
This year I realized that to make my workouts work, I need to adjust my workout schedule. Planning ahead and taking some time to “be creative” really pays off in the end. I’m determined to stick with my workouts throughout the entire semester, no matter how crazy things get! 🙂
Ok, ok, I swear…every single time you have a “why to get going working out” kind of post is JUST when I need to hear it. I start TODAY.
Great post – can’t stand it when people say they are too busy, for anything. It’s so self-important and if you really want to do something, you’ll make time.
I am so like you MizFit!!! I could do weights all day long & every day if it were not overtraining! Cardio, UGH, but I do it & do it 4 days a week at longer sessions rather than 5 or 6 days since I just want to do it less days!!!
Saying that, great guest post! CONSISTENCY is so key!!! We all can make excuses but we have to learn what is an injury & what is not. What is tired & what is just your mind saying that, what is fooling yourself vs. just getting honest with yourself!
Thx for providing good info for all!
Good refuting of the excuses. I especially liked the ‘no energy’ one.
Miz – with your love of weights and my love of cardio, together we’d make a whole fitness guru! Not a very fun one though: nobody loves a perfect person;)
Great points – I esp. liked the one about the “not seeing results.”
@ charlotte: OK!
Proffers torso…
I just decided that making excuses was not an option. Once I took that option out – I rarely, rarely have a day where I don’t squeeze in something. If that means doing squats while on the phone, that’s what it means LOL!
Thank you for this post!
I’ve used 7 of those excuses.
This post rocks, and I needed a good kick in the pants.
Fantastic post! I think it’s probably the kick in the pants I needed to make sure I make no excuses! Of course, today I am both sick and injured, so I have a real excuse to skip the weights. Unfortunately.
Great post! Boy, can we (royal we) think up excuses!
You tell it George. This year, I went from exercising “when I feel like it” (um, ranging from NEVER to 1-2x a MONTH) to “2x a week” (better than nothing, right?) to “5x a week” to my current Every Day Unless One of the Above. It feels a lot better and “cleaner” this way. There’s no negotiating with myself (“I already did my whatever so I ‘deserve’ a ‘rest'”), just getting out and DOING IT. That way I don’t feel badly if injury/illness/schedule keeps me from it once in a while, because that inevitably happens. Thanks Miz and George!
I so needed this today. Strength training is calling my name and I’ve been ignoring it. I’m doing some strength training right now. Thank you.
I think I said at least 5 of those last night… 🙂
For me the one that really hits home is the “rut” one. I’m such a creature of habit and I do the same running or elliptical routine for cardio and the same weights routine everytime. I don’t really like change so I stick with what I know but I get bored. I need to change it up and add in some other things because somedays I just don’t want to do the same thing over again.
His other points are good too. Especially for people who are more likely to make several of them (me included).
Such great debunks! So, so true! I need to remember these for the weekend when I should be doing something.
So true! Great post!
Any more on the lebert equalizer? I’m intrigued…
So so so true! I’ve used every one of these! I’m going to reread this post next time I come up with one of these usual excuses!
Um…my elliptical just broke. Does that count?? 🙂
(outside? what is this outside you speak of?…!)
I agree…I can make up excuses better thabn anyone…but nothign replaces how awesome you feel when you do workout. 🙂
yes! i completely agree with every word of this, especially the energy part. if i skip a workout, i’m a hundred times more tired the next day and even have a hard time getting motivated to get moving, so it’s a terrible vicious cycle. i’ve never known the whole “you’ll have more energy if you exercise” thing until now but it’s true!!!
In honor of Mizfit and this fabulous post, I am doing a giveaway of one “Unapologetically Myself” Tshirt on my blog! Come visit and tell me your favorite/most creative workout excuses to win.
I agree with what he says to an extent’; can these solutions honestly work for someone who wants to actually lose weight? Can a workout at home using dumbbells or even bosu/kettlebells/____ really work the body enough to lose weight?
I am not sure, but I’d always thought it would require a certain amount of cardio (including just 30 minute sessions, HIIT etc.) and then home workouts could be incorporated….
It’s been one of those, “I’ll do what I can” weeks, which are ones that involve walking at lunch rather than going to the gym, although I did pop awake early one of the mornings and went for a run (and had to cut myself off at exactly a half hour…which felt “short,” when my usual route comes in at 35 minutes anyway).
Comment #1, regarding “real” workouts, reminded me of something that’s bothering me lately and what I really would like some help figuring out: how can I remain in a place in which I “feel” like what I’m doing is enough during weeks like these. I feel like I’m changing into someone who feels like they need to do at least an hour and get super sweaty in the process and be sore the next day to have “worked out,” and I don’t necessarily think that’s a healthy mind set for me.
This is a great guest post. Thank you! I am going tp print these excuses out to put in my office for those days that I need a little more motivation to workout. Mizfit – thank you so much for all you do. I am very inspired by you. I am going to buy a “be your own super hero” t shirt as a birthday gift to myself for my 43rd birthday on the 25th. I have also added you to my blogroll. You are definitely a CMF!!!!THIS TOTALLY MADE ME SMILE. THANK YOU
With the grey day outside and the fact that I’m feeling a little off, I had almost talked myself out of my 45 minute cardio session tonight. I am feeling irrationally tired this week, but I think that if I do an EASY run instead of an all out run like I was planning, I’ll be ok. Sometimes it’s better to just put in the time/miles and ratchet down the intensity if you’re not feelin’ it.
And just a gym tip – planet fitness is 10 bucks per month and is a nice, no frills facility – and if mine is any indication, I doubt ANYONE would feel out of place there. There are all types.
how can I remain in a place in which I “feel” like what I’m doing is enough during weeks like these. I feel like I’m changing into someone who feels like they need to do at least an hour and get super sweaty in the process and be sore the next day to have “worked out,” and I don’t necessarily think that’s a healthy mind set for me.
this is a post in and of itself I think. what leaped out at me was your phrase of not thinking it was a healthy mindset for *you.*
I think theres a lot of clue in those few words.
For me I like to view weeks as you described one of two ways. I either take a BREAK and do active rest (or 100% rest. IMO it is just a good for our bods to CHILL as it is for them to be worked into a sweaty lather) or to shake things up and to a badasshardcore 15 minute SOMETHING.
fast and furious.
short and sweaty.
this is more a post than a comment I just wanted to say that less is SOOO OFTEN MORE and that an hours is not necessarily always better than 30 minutes.
Workouts make me feel better. A big reason to keep on. 🙂
I would have read this entire post but I was busy with my workout.
Well crap you just took every excuse I use! There always is one if you want it 😉
Ah, George missed out one of the biggest excuses I have…
“I just don’t wanna” 😀 Kinda hard to get past that one, so you have to trick it and just start doing it till it realises you do wanna.
Really good post. Especially the four reasons to skip a workout.
i have noticed feeling better since i started working out regularly.
i also wake up every morning to “good morning fat (_)_)” on my cell phone.
Thanks for the intro to George, and to George, thanks for the Excuse Review. I shall be vigilant.
This is great! Everyone should print this out and stick it on their refrigerators!
Awesome post and way to debunk those excuses. 🙂
Thanks for these, Miz. I haven’t had a good week workout-wise so far! I’ve been harping on about #8. Not cool. No more excuses.
That was a great post filled with reminders I needed!!!! Number 8 especially has been a vicious cycle for me lately. Also, I just came down w/ a horrible stomach bug this week and I used to have a much better immune system when I worked out.
IMHO: Not working out as much + eating crap food = lowered immune system. An excellent reason to get my sweat on esp. w/ flu season ahead!
Mine is always I have no energy. I know that it’s a cycle! I almost always feel better and more energetic after I work out!