Subtitle: Because we cant let MARTHA have all the fun.
Ok, People.
If youve been reading MizFit for more than a week or so youve already discovered that I like for my life to be filled with levity.
I adored our Blogger Virtual Talent Show for that very reason (keep yer eyes peeled. more is coming!).
Yet I longed for more.
I salivated for some silliness.
As a result Ive launched (mainly on Twitter) the crusade below.
A blatant ripoff spoof of the creative tatics Ellen employed to get on the cover of O Magazine.
Will it serve to get me on her show?
Will I ever dance my way across her stage whilst simultaneously getting my PLAYout on doing lunges?
Only time will tell.
Most importantly, however, Im enjoying the PROCESS.
(oooh is she linking this all back to fitness? can she pull this one off??)
Sure the end destination (be it weight loss, marathon completion, or career goal) is important, but it’s equally important, in my strong opinion, to enjoy at least *some* facet of the journey to get there.
Now, without further rambling adieu, I share with you Ellen, my house guest.
First I invited her to breakfast. Ellen adored my protein pancakes. I mean really though–whats not to love?
Then we worked out. I was kind enough to lend her my skates & I used the Tornado’s pink Barbie ones.
Since she was a *celebrity* house-guest she got to use the best blanket in the domicile.
The first morning we went out to Starbucks for coffee. Who knew Ellen liked iced coffee on a cold morning just as I do!
After coffee it was time for a run. Even though I love having visitors I can not deviate from my running routine.
The next morning we decided to just stay home and drink MizFitMade java.
I was happy to see Ellen was an early riser just like I am!
And yes.
I know youre wondering if I dragged The Ellen into my wacky ways & compelled her to eat healthy while she was visiting.
The answer? Below.
Ellen didnt love the goo’ness of the Chia, but after I gave her some tips she seemed to think she and Portia might actually use it!
I was secretly thrilled that, since Ellen was in town, I had an excuse to skip a day of running outside for some indoor treadmill work.
I dont think she was as excited.
The rest of our day was spent shopping, getting mani/pedis and just hanging out.
Morning came quickly & it was time to get up again and prepare my visitor some breakfast which I must say she ADORED.
At least I she said she did.
Then it was back to the gym, again, since it’s peak training season up in herre.
(We cant forget the obligatory BLOOPER REEL either. That’s what I get for grabbing a total stranger and asking her to film me. Duly noted. Need an assistant. Any takers?)
And that, oh faithful readers, is what Ellen & I have done together thus far.
(and YES. I do still have some tricks up my lackofsleeve which shall be coming your way soon. *cough* MizFit dancing *cough*)
Have any thoughts on how I might best entertain my houseguest?
Wanna link this post on your blog?
Entirely cut & paste & steal it in hopes someone at the show might take a glance?
Have the tiniest of contacts at The Ellen Show you wanna send my way?
Please to hit us all up in the comments.
Miz on Ellen! Miz on Ellen! I’d totally watch. 😉
I think this is great!!! I just emailed her on your behalf! Hope that’s cool! 🙂
P.S. It was her birthday today (Jan. 26)… didn’t you guys celebrate that? Lol!
This is hilarious, Miz!!!
Thanks for the laugh and I hope Ellen laughs along too.
Alas, we weren’t together to celebrate her birthday, 266.
Much to both our chagrin Im sure as my flaxseed birthday cake is nothing short of perfection.
I absolutely love this!! I’m sharing this on my blog and on twitter!! LOL. Where is the petition. MizFit on Ellen!!
I saw that Martha show and was pissed she didn’t invite all of us bloggers too.
This is so fun & creative Miz.
How can I help spread the word?
(I’ve closed my blog)
Hey Miz (and Ellen!),
I’m there if you two are doing coffee together!!
How about Miz and Ellen at the playground?
Miz and Ellen arm wrestling?
Miz and Ellen in the car?
Miz and Ellen camping?
Miz and Ellen listening to music?
Miz and Ellen resting?
Woohoo!!! This is way, way fun!!!
you are too funny.
Um, YES! Ellen needs an entire studio full of healthy-living bloggers! Let me just grab my American Express Card, and my CoverGirl makeup and I’ll be on my way!
LOL! Wow! Ellen has a rather hectic schedule already with her show and having to wait on Simon to show up for American Idol shoots. Glad to see she can relax at your house!
This is great!
One word: hysterical!
hahah I LOVE Ellen! I hope this gets you on the show, she would get 1000000 extra viewers that day showing MizFit some lurve!
Here is the plan-> you need to have a bloggers troop to have exercise on ellen show and get her to join in.
I commented on FB but came over to officially say this is a great plan and I am sure it will work and I LOVE Ellen. Can’t wait to see you dancing on her stage.
We need to get you on the show!!!
This is great! I loved it!! I totally want to help and hope you get on the show. What is not to love about Miz?!!
All of us on the show!
(Click the Martha link to see what I mean)
I’d watch for the dancing fo sho!
I love this! I will make note to link to it on my blog! I KNOW we’ll be seeing you on ELLEN!!!
Love Love Love Love Love It! Can’t wait to see how this turns out, and I know it will. Did I mention that I love it?
Very Funny. I have my thinking cap on for ideas to get you there, however, if you promise Ellen that I’ll come along, I bet she readily agrees to an appearance.
Clever! Good luck:)
I loved when Ellen did this for Oprah.
Ellen is MY OPRAH.
Good luck!
Love this!! Not just for the fun factor, but because you’re going after something you totally believe in and want to achieve. But mainly (like you said) to enjoy the process.
MizFit on Ellen? I am SO THERE. Oh, and if you need an assistant to help you when you ARE on her show, I’m always available 🙂
You WILL be on Ellen. You will. 🙂
I hope it works!! I can’t imagine her passing up this opportunity!
My friend graduated H.S. with her, so him and his wife got to be on the show. Said it was fun 🙂
OK, now I know why you are going to get on that show & I did not when I tried for a year +… you are way more creative than I am!!! I give up! 🙂
Let me know which day you’re on (’cause you WILL be) the show.
You might offer Ellen a sweater as she seems to be shivering in most of her photos. 🙂
Serious idea here….we take all the footage from the different Ellen episodes and we creatively edit it to make it look like you are interviewing her. This video would easily become viral and we create the tweet storm of the century passing it around. That would create some attention that can’t be ignored 🙂
LOL, this was a great post to wake up and read!! What a fun start to the morning, and what a super-silly-fun creative way to play pretend as adults! I love it! (ps-WHEN you go on Ellen, I’m definitely watching it!!)
We need this to happen!!!!
You both are hilarious.
i LOVE ellen!!!! what a hilarious post! totally wanna see you on her show. it can happen, and when it does, i’ll be screaming and dancing from my living room 🙂
Great post!
when you get on Ellen I will be sure to watch 🙂
This was great!! I love Ellen and watch it daily, so yes you need to be on there!
I have ZERO time for tv – and I would TOTALLY WATCH YOU!!! Ellen (Or Oprah!) need to get you on pronto. You are fun, funny and inspiring (you inspire me more than you would ever really know!!!!)
I love this! You are awesome and Ellen is really lucky to be hanging out with you 😉
If she were here with me I would take here fishing and sorting cattle! Maybe a horse ride or motorcycle ride as well.
If you have access to any of those that would be cool. You live in Texas!
Oh – and how creative! – I’m laughing out loud here at work… my co-workers might be starting to think I’m a lunatic 😉
Wow – it looks like y’all had a fabulous time together – I’m sure she will absolutely want to have you on her show!
(And look at POD, trying to worm her way in….. :))
FUN. I heart you.
And yes: Miz at the Ellen show please & thank you.
Only you could out-Ellen Ellen. I think it’s ingenious! Let us know when you’ll be on!!! Can I be a part of your entourage?
Love it Mizfit, I bet she’ll come around *smile*.
Ha ha ha. You’re hilarious. And creative. Can’t wait to see what fun you and Ellen are doing today. (There’s got to be a dance party at some point, right?)
Love this idea! Seems you and Ellen had a fabulous time together.
Totally random comment….I have the same coffee maker! LOL.
LOVE IT!!!!!
Will immediately tweet about this to all 3 of my followers!
Seriously, it’s a great idea and she’d be lucky to have you on her show. Go Miz!!!
This was so awesome! It would be so cool to see you on Ellen!
Love the idea and thanks for the laugh! Hope it works.
OK, I have a teeny tiny confession. I don’t watch Ellen very often, but would probably become a faithful viewer if Miz were on 😉 linking, posting, tweeting I’m on it. Good luck!
ah ha ha ha…funny!
Thanks for setting my day up with a laugh even before my first sip of coffee!!
So much of life is tooo serious!
Have a great day
p.s. I just noticed the time my comment went through and I’m 2 hours behind you! 7:19AM here!!
Best post ever. I adore Ellen, and it would kick so much ass if you’d get to be on her show.
tweet tweet! I am trying to get Ellen to notice ya- I keep tweeting! 🙂
Love the *twin* Kodak moment.
#2 I did not realize what the getmizonellen project encompassed. You have an Ellen Degeneres paper doll. This makes it so much better. So much more salient.
#3 I will use my lesbian super powers to get you on that show 😉
Ha! I love that Miz! Too funny. I love Ellen too.
For some reason the photo of her on the treadmill cracks me the hell up, Miz.
Even if this doesn’t get you on the show I, too, enjoyed the entire process of it.
Thank you for the early morning laughs.
(am I the only west coaster here??)
Miz you are the funniest and sassiest blogger on this planet! Can I say that I adore you? You make me SMILE. Big time!
I’ve been loving these over twitter. If I learned anything in pseudo corporate America, it is to MAKE YOUR INTENTIONS CLEAR. And that, my dear, you are doing in spades. These days I’ve been so – bleh – I wish I had your passion for anything! I’m hoping you’ve emailed and linked this post to whatever the external correspondence is for the Ellen show. 🙂 It’s a shot in the dark, but you might impress someone!
GOOD LUCK! I will definitely link you to my small gaggle of blog followers.
I missed that whole Martha thing.
She had bloggers on her show?
You’d rock on ellen.
You must have had a great time doing this, and I hope it gets you on the show.
Very creative.
So funny. I can see you on Ellen very soon.
I totally think that you should be on her show. I hope someone from there sees this and contacts you!
I love watching Ellen on the MizFit Show! Thanks for having her! Who knew the tornado would become your “Gelman”! And who knew Ellen was so well endowed!
Ellen may enjoy meeting people around town while she works out, now that she’s got the routine down!
WoW! Ellen is really getting shown how the MzFit lives.
Does “cold” have the same meaning to Ellen as it does for those of you living in Austin?
Brilliant. LOVE IT!
I need Ellen while walking on the dreadmill. It’s not easy to make a girl laugh while sweating it out walking place but the Ellen show always gets me.
I sincerely hope you make it on the show. Don’t forget to say hi to your fans out in Bloggerville when you make it there! 🙂
after all that Ellen went through to get on the cover of O, she should totally have you on there!
You so deserve to be on Ellen.
Man — Ellen must be BEAT. I know I am just reading. LOVE the traveling with Ellen….keep it going….
Just emailed the show!
Oh you are hilariosu! Ellen must see the genius of this, she must!! You two make such a good team:)
I would LOVE to see you on Ellen! How cool would that be?!
*wonders how long it would take to make some strategic friends at Warner Brothers . . . *
That some pretty bitchin’ photoshop work!
Ellen should be beggin’ to get on your show, not the other way around…
You and Ellen are so cute! She really needs to meet you in person – she would LOVE you!
Did she call you yet?
lol Utterly fantastic. What what that gizmo called that you couldn’t get rewound? Maybe Ellen should have a go at it. 🙂 Thank you for a much needed laugh.
I hope Ellen heeds your call. This is awesome. Are you bringing her to Blissdom?
Funniest. post. ever…
Thank you! I’ll tweet up Ellen 😀
Absolutely hysterical…very clever…I loved this post! What a riot!
Giggling out loud. Sending you good Ellen vibes!
haha this was great! I hope you get on!
You are cracking me up.
Take her out for some Texas BBQ!
Lovin’ the matching do’ rags!
I love this! She has to invite you on her show. There is no way she won’t pass this up.
You are TOTALLY going to get on her show. She loves a great sense of humor- and you are rockin it for sure. Just a matter of time 🙂
Love it. I cant wait to see the show and will tell all of my friends to watch!
I think this might be my favorite thing you’ve ever done. She’s totally going to have you on – get your dance moves ready!!
Hey — no such luck you are on your own with that one!!! I get to sunbathe – you get the kids! lol. Actually its freezing cold and grey – but I can dream can’t I. BTW – whats with that making me scroll down half the world to get to the bottom where it says ‘comments’ – my mouse nearly went on strike!
you are so frickin clever and hilarious! you MUST get on her show! how can she see this and not have you on?!?!!?!
Such a fun read! I am ready and waiting to set my PVR for your appearance on the Ellen show! I don’t want many talk shows, but I do enjoy Ellen. 🙂
Oh man that’s great! I hope this works! Keep us updated, and let us know the SECOND you hear from Ellen! ^_^ Where does Ellen film her show? (Cause if it’s NYC, I’ll make sure to be in the audience wearing one of your shirts!)
LOL – too funny – good luck in your crusade!
You are as funny as Ellen and she would be lucky to have you on her show (true story: I originally wrote “on her shoe.”) Maybe she will have a cut out of you running in her shoe?
lol this was really funny.
Who slept on the couch?
Just askin’!
Absolutley hysterical!!!
What an awesome idea! I hope you email this link to one of her producers. Google the producer’s name…I’m sure they are online somewhere! Good Luck!
She needs to have you on her show! 🙂
Pretty cool idea. OK, one thing, though… You might get more cred if you give her cartoon character a 6 pack, too. I’m just sayin’. LOL 😉
OMG I read this the other day and DIED laughing! You are too much.
I am totally down for the campaign of Miz on Ellen!
Keep it up!
Rock it, sista. Straight from the brain of the MizFit. Loving it.
I LOVE ellen! What a fun photoessay!
Love it! Would love to see you on Ellen 🙂
Ellen would be lucky to have you! How about a double date – Miz and Ren Man and Ellen and Portia.
I’d totally tune in to catch you on Ellen! You’d be an awesome guest!!
Jeez, how is it that Ellen managed to look good in EVERY picture you took of her?! 😉
I think you should be a regular on Ellen! Y’all are a good match and I think she’d dig your exercise style.
Awesome! I love the idea!
This is such a clever idea – I love that you take Ellen with you wherever you go. Best of luck getting on the show!
Loooooove this! It made me LOL! I love Ellen. Super funny post.
I’d like to see Ellen in some Vibram FiveFingers. Whaddayasay?
Am applying to be your assistant. Hope virtual assistant works for you. 🙂 I’ve retweeted and will probably do so again soon.
LOL….love, love, love the post. It’s hard to walk the fine line of Stalker and Staunch Fan, but you’ve accomplished it…the adoring, witty, well marketed Fan that is 😉
Look for an email from me…I have an idea.
That is great!
You are so funny!
That’s a very good post! I have learnt so much from this post! And I will tell my friends this website. Thanx for your sharing.