(I know it’s hard to read, but I love my ring & wanted to share a pic)
Dizclaimer: Ive searched. Ive googled. Ive hunted and asked friends. I can not locate who said the quote completed above. Now that Ive revealed my ignorance Im confident 233873 of you already know and shall hit me up with the name in the comments. ThankYouSoMuch.
Not digging up in doubt what Ive planted in faith has been my mantra lately and not only during my morning meditation time.
Ive employed it as Ive tackled projects about which I feel the merest hint of “can I do this? is this my gift? will I be successful?”
Dont dig up in doubt what you planted in faith.
Ive chanted it in my head as I approached mamahood moments which have thrown me for a loop & where Im pretty much flying by the seat of pants.
Dont dig up in doubt what you raised thus far in planted in faith.
Ive harnessed it when I look at my work-schedule for the next four months, see Ive also committed to running a half-marathon & mightcould veer off my confident path onto the am I flipping nuts?! superhighway.
Dont dig up in doubt what you planted in faith.
Ive even taken to wearing the ring pictured above from Lift Your Sole as an additional reminder.
(for those of you wondering yes I did entertain the notion of getting the phrase tattooed on. thus far Ive resisted.).
As I glance down at my hands (while thumb-typing, driving, eating, playing…) the ring serves as an almost subconscious re-enforcement of my goals & dreams.
It also serves as a reminder Ive set into motion what I wish to achieve and need to have faith in my efforts.
(I know. Look at me deftly avoiding any ideological Let Go Let G-d talk up in herre. That’s not the point of today’s post)
As a result I reached out to Jill at Lift Your Sole.
I love the FAITH ring, adore her t-shirts, and LOVE the yoga charms.
(I really do covet everything at her site not to mention the prices. I should have felt awkward asking for a giveaway since her merchandise is so flipping generously priced—-but I did not. Youll have that)
To her tremendous credit, Jill was willing to do a give away and placed upon the give *zero parameters*
Parameters which I shall now place upon your comments to be entered to win (I know. I never do this and have turned down every giveaway which has required me to. Im a misfit-enigma that way).
You may be entered to with a 25 dollar gift certificate to Lift Your Sole for the lowlow cost of a comment below.
Should you be chosen by the random number generator what item would you choose?
Would you create your own necklace?
Tell the world why you walk?
Would you order the FAITH ring and join me in my mantra?
What ever your choice please to hit me up in the comments.
(Anything like I am and dont wanna wait to see if youve won? The code MIZFIT15 will get you 15% off until midnight tonight.)
USA only
25.00 gift certificate is BEFORE cost of shipping.
Winner announced 7.26.10
Where did my comment go LOL?
I love your quote MizFit (the quote. I don’t know who said it either :)) as I find I often make plans to do great things and then panic and never follow through.
I have enjoyed this week of posts.
I don’t comment all the time but I always read.
I would love to win the FAITH ring for my wife who is just starting her fitness journey.
You inspired me and I hope to inspire her.
@Evan…what an awesome ‘husband’ gesture! Hope your wife enjoys HER journey as much as you apparently do. 🙂
Smiles from Orlando!
I really love that quote! If I were to win this giveaway I would definitely buy that Faith ring. I also love the half-marathon jewelry – I just finished my first half in May! Great giveaway, and a great dose of morning inspiration.
I LOVE the cute little running figures.
I would make a necklace.
Thanks for all you do for us.
Thank you, Miz. This is exactly what I needed, this morning. I think it’s what my mom will need, too.
It reminds me of my half ironman mantra: “Trust the work.”
What a cool site indeed.
Lovely site! I shall point my friends there for Christmas with my list. 🙂
I like “The Journey is the Reward” but not for leather. I also like the simple ‘Believe’ mantra as a reminder that we see what we believe.
Hey you — thanks so much for your comment – means a lot coming from you – Ta Muchly!
I am stealing that mantra today too.
I like the visual it evokes of the digging.
I would definitely get the cuff that says “Life Is Either A Daring Adventure Or Nothing.” It makes me think of the quote from the very very end of the Robin Williams movie “Hook”:
Granny Wendy: So… your adventures are over.
Peter Banning: Oh, no. To live… to live would be an awfully big adventure
It was my mom’s absolute favorite movie as she was absolutely addicted to all things Peter Pan and the cuff would have been something I would have gotten for her … if she was still here. Instead I’ll get it for ME.
No need to enter me I just wanted to say that this post has inspired me to not worry about all my grad school apps and have faith all will work out.
I love that mantra! I probably would go for either the ring or a shirt. Such a great message to share.
I still have problems with doubt, but I’m much more adventurous than I used to be! I attribute that to the constant support and encouragement from my husband. That, and my own dreams of DOING! I love jewelry with a purpose, so I hope I win!
Thanks for sharing your mantra!
I’d get the One Tough Mama charm to add to my charm bracelet.
I love that mantra!! I think I may just have to get me that ring too. 🙂
What an encouraging post!
I think I would get the ring or a charm. Or both!
I’m not one for “faith”… but they don’t have “knowing” as one of the sayings 😉
But I do like the idea both of “strength” and “fearless”. I particularly like the strength necklace, but also love both the “strength” and “fearless” rings. I’d be hard pressed to choose should I win!
Anyway, I’m off to do some literal digging today. My daughters and I have taken to working at a turn of the century working farm at our local botanical gardens.
Of course, doubt is not involved at all in that activity 🙂
sorry, thought I closed that ahref tag…
thank you for sharing this site! I love the half-marathon charms! I would love to wear the one that says “courage to start, strength to endure, resolve to finish” for my half in November! Wow, that is now my new mantra!!
I love the mantra and want the ring.
That’s what I would pick if I can wait to see if I won 😉
Great giveaway. I would build a necklace.
Several years ago, I set an intention to treat myself with lovingkindness and wore a bracelet as a visual reminder. These kinds of physical manifestations of intentions are wonderful.
I want EVERYTHING – I LOVE LOVE LOVE this site! How did I not know about it before now?!?!
I scoured through the pages and kept coming back to the necklace that has 3 charms and says “Enjoy the Journey” – a reminder I need, especially on the tough days. However, I am also torn between that necklace and the charm that says “courage to start, strength to endure, resolve to finish” – It just seems so appropriate for my half training I am about starting.
Miz, thanks for sharing a great site! and thanks to Lift your Sole for a great giveaway!
I would get a necklace that said STRENGTH. I think it takes some of that to deal with six years of knee injuries and I’d like to remind myself on a daily basis that though it’s tough going, I am strong.
I would have to join you in wearing that ring…
I like the one about living your dreams. I try to do that every day. Thanks Miz!
I love this stuff. I think I’d make my own with my kiddos names on it.
I love Jill and her soul! I’ve purchased an item or two from her store…custom stuff like a charming Fitness & Spice necklace.
Thanks for the thoughts to ponder. And love the “one tough mama” charm!
Great mantra! I’ll be off to visit the site in a few, no doubt I’ll find all kinds of lovely things to covet. Oh, and if you ever decide to get those words inked on your body, consider a trip down my way..my eldest daughter is a tattoo artist. 🙂
I would love to have the Faith ring. All of the items are great, though, especially the half-marathon jewelry. It’s inspiring, as I just signed up for my first half.
Loving so many things I see! What great reminders of the power within un all. Will definately be getting charms for finishing road races. Thanks for the link.
My favorite is the ‘mind over miles’ charm. Only $12 — I just might have to buy that right now!
THANK YOU for reminding me again.. I’ve been digging up in doubt a lot lately.. letting the demons consume me.. BUT this post just made me come back center.. thank you.. and I would get the half marathon pendant.. 13.1 courae to start, strength to endure, resolve to finish.. hell I’m getting it anyway win or not.. I need that pronto.. thanks.
I’ve had a tri necklace bookmarked from that site for a long time. I never win anything, though, so I think I may just use the coupon code and order it. I’m a sucker for a coupon!
I really like the faith ring. LIke the believe pendant too! Off to check out some of the leather cuffs mentioned in the comments. I will probably get some of her things for myself and for presents this year. Very nice, and as you said, reasonably priced.
I really like the quote you shared. Thanks for including it in this post.
I absolutely love her stuff too and have contemplated over and over and over again purchasing things.
My mantra? One step at a time. Because every step forward, no matter how tiny or small, moves me forward. And that is ultimately the name of the game.
FAITH. So powerful…in fact, for some odd reason, the word brings tears to my eyes today. Maybe because of all the things I can think about right now, this week, this month, is that I have faith in where she is.
Ok — I have to take a couple of deep breaths. Thanks for your post today lady!
P.S. I’m buying the Faith Ring, don’t enter me into the contest.
I deserve this give away as I too am training for a half marathon and every mile further I run in training is the longest run I have ever done. I am going on fumes and faith. The faith ring really resonated for me and I could use a physical talisman to get me past the pain.
I loveyour mantra & would order the “faith” ring. I’m acutely considering a tattoo with that word in it myself. My motto os that I can live Fromm fear or faith – not both. I choose faith!
Love the quote! I am so bookmarking that site! I already see 5 things that I want, but I love the ‘believe’ ring, because I never believed I could be a runner, until i started running!
I would use it towards the 13.1 Believe in Yourself Trio necklace because I recently ran my first half marathon and I LOVE this necklace!
Not US-ian, so not eligible, but I checked out the site and Jill has some really nice stuff! What really called out to me were the ‘fearless’ ring/pendant. Possibly because I am so opposite to fearless and I could use the reminder that I should just go for things. If you don’t try, if you let fear hold you back, you don’t get anywhere.
I love, Love, LOVE the stuff on her website. I would use it toward a “Strength” ring. Actually I would have to use it towards something else because I just can’t wait to see if I win the give away. I’m buying today!! I was actually looking for rings like this last week in a store, but couldn’t find any.
Should you be chosen by the random number generator what item would you choose? I would choose a necklace or ring
Would you create your own necklace? I would love to create my own because there are words and phrases that mean so much to me.
Tell the world why you walk? I started walking to get healthy for me and my family… I continue to walk and now run because it shows what I can accomplish when I put my mind to it. I am a strong, powerful, and empowered woman.
Would you order the FAITH ring and join me in my mantra? I would order a faith ring… I would probably have to post the mantra and look at it for a little while to determine what it means to me.
I dig the *no limits* charm.
I LOOOOOVE the “Run Happy” charm/pendant.
It is so cute – and would help remind me that running should be happy.
I also like the shirt “I don’t run to add days to my life…I run to add life to my days.”
Thanks for the introduction to her great stuff!
Great quote – I’d never heard it! Great jewelry – I would use th $25 toward either the “believe in yourself” or the “the journey is the reward” bracelet.
I would create my own necklace. So many possibilities.
I would have a hard time choosing just one of those adorable charms/rings/bracelets, but trust me, I could do it! Miz, you always amaze me with your fun new links and your inspirational posts. So happy to have found you!
I might create a charm that says “Never give up,” if that isn’t too long!
Your faith ring is awesome, but I think I would want a necklace engraved with “NOW HERE”.
I love that: nowhere, now here…super cool. Nowhere (now here) to go, nothing (no thing) to do, everything to be.
I needed that mantra STATED to me today. & now I walk away with a little more faith in SELF. I think I am now properly FITTED for the remainder of (at least) today! Thanks for inspriring. Enter me! I feel I can win!
Oh, the love!!! Ever since you tweeted this quote it’s been written on my bathroom mirror, right below my goal – I’ve been struggling/agonizing/fretting for far too long about the goal which is to complete my personal trainer certification. I’ve moved the date more times that I can remember because I’ve been too busy doubt digging with a big shovel of “what if’s”.
I have the Faith ring and cuff bookmarked as my gift to me when I finish the essays and hit *send* this weekend.
I would get the Believe in Yourself bracelet because I feel like I need that reminder about one million times a day.
I love her stuff too, especially her rings. I’d like to create my own ring with the phrase, “I am” written on it. To remind myself that I am my own person 🙂
Thanks for the encouragement and the reminder to believe in ourselves.
Wow, thanks for sharing this site. I loved all the running charms. Don’t know how I could pick one! And finally a site with a great shipping price! I will be shopping here soon!
Thank you! This post today is exactly what I needed to hear right now. I have some crazy-ass dreams, but am working toward them so gradually that it feels like trying to move a mountain with a teaspoon.
I’m not sure what I’d get. The “Enjoy the Journey” necklace seemed especially relevant. I also love the “Live Love Tri” charm.
i would def create my own necklace.
but now that you mention it, the tattoo would be really cool… 🙂
Love your words, Miz! Thank you.
Honestly, so many beautiful things on that site. I think I would go for the Believe in Yourself cuff. That way I would wear it every day & work on myself each & every second of wearing it!
I love the “small but mighty” charm. Or the strength bracelet. Or any of the bracelets. I guess I like a lot of the stuff on the site… 😀
In faith we have planted many things in our ministry and we are trying so hard not to pull them up. We believe in our community and in faith I am trying hard to not pull back just to save money.
I would love that ring since I can actually wear it with my uniform to remind me of this exact place in my ministry even when we have moved on to a new place.
I will take one of each thanks. And thanks for the quote. Can we have it tattooed on my brain please?
How generous of her!
I would choose either the Daring Adventure.. cuff or the Fearless ring.
I love the mantra. And, I love everything about Lift Your Sole. If I were to buy, I’d pick up a marathon piece – likely a necklace – because I’m training for my first marathon in 19 years. YIKES!
I love Lift Your Sole and have several of her charms. I would get the “13.1 – Mind Over Miles” as a reminder of my training.
P.S. You should totally do a Fashion Friday post!!!
OH.MY.GOODNESS! Love her store! I would love the bracelet Courage to Start…
And the t-shirt. Especially as I am also training to compete in my first half marathon on spring 2011.
Ohhhh, I might have to get myself an early birthday gift tonight…
Met Jill in March during DPH expo…lovely lady! I adore all of her work, especially the half-marathon items. However, if I won the giveaway, I’d like to sport the Faith ring, too. 🙂
Great quote! I’m really sorry WE didn’t get to meet in Orlando…maybe another time when you return to our beautiful city….
I would love to have a “believe” ring! The quote that you shared with us is absolutely amazing…a new mantra for me! Thanks!!!
I would definitely make a necklace 🙂
I’d do a “small but mighty” charm for my daughter!
I love your mantra and your ring. I’m going to have to remember that mantra and use it in all the situations you mentioned… I think I’d get a charm that said, “Faith in Every Footstep”. Thanks for introducing us to this great shop. As I’m training for my first half, I love her half-marathon jewelry. Awesome!
Why I walk?
To get to the other side.
(don’t enter me. I’m just being silly this late in the evening. just got back from a walk on the wild side with the crazy puppy)
I love hte beautiful simplicity of this jewelry. I do not wear a lot of accessories, but these rings are quite special. I’d order the ‘believe’ ring if I were to win. Thanks!
Love your ring and many, many other items on this site. And, I’m impatient so I just ordered the “Dog Lover Charm Trio.” 🙂
I can’t believe I’ve never seen this site before! I’d order the “Courage to start, Strength to endure, Resolve to see it through” charm. It’s something that I need to remember: it’s not just starting the battle, it’s seeing it through to the end that counts.
I like the “fit woman is a powerful woman” ones. Though I like the rings too. So many to choose..
I don’t have a mantra yet, but I like the idea of creating one. One of the things I like about exercise is that I can turn off my active mind and just focus on my body moving. Now I know how essential this is becoming for me.
Ooo, I checked out the website! Love it. I’d probably use it to get a necklace.
Now you’ve done it and introduced me to a designer I will have to buy something from if I don’t win. As you know I’m running a half- marathon in October and I’ve also committed to raising $4000. I’m taking on two tasks that Ive never before completed but I’m up for the challenge. As I runi think ofmy honored hero Ja’Naya who is fighting leukemia now and when her mom told me this 4 year old had leukemia I immediately drew on my faith and prayed she’d be okay. 7 months later she is doing well, still in treatment but a little trooper.
My desire to do a task that is extremely challenging is based on my faith, courage, strength and resolve so I’d design my own necklace with all of these sayings on it. I’d wear it during my half as I chant Ja’Naya’s name while I run which I’ve taj
Ken to doing when things get rough especially with my injured hip.
I don’t discuss it enough but faith is a huge part of my life. It’s an integral part of everything I do.
Now I’m not a big jewelry wearer, but Mrs. NoMoreBacon and I are starting our half training soon and the “Courage to Start, Strength to Endure, Resolve to Finish” pendant would make a great gift for her and a good reminder to both of us of our goals.
So many lovely items, I would have to ponder.
I need to be reminded of all of these things.
I like the washed out half marathon shirts & I’d probably throw in a stretch cord or two!
Love this post! Your mantra is so true. We would have so much less stress and worry if we just lived by faith. It always works out in the end we just cant see is until we have finished the journey. So why worry and just live life to the fullest.
I have a necklace that I got for christmas from my kids that they ordered from “Lift Your Sole” It has a charm that says “Run”, one of a girl running, and another of a flower. I plan on adding 13.1 when I finish my 1/2 marathon. It is my favorite necklace! Love “Lift Your Sole” great company. Thanks
My mantra has always been ‘Anything is possible’. It helped keep me focused through the seven years it took me to lose that 200 extra pounds, plus all the attached emotional baggage, I had been carrying around for almost 20 years. I did succumb, and have it tattooed on me. Though in French, and worked into a very symbolic tattoo across my lower back, so it doesn’t see the light of day very often. I’d love a more visible reminder! Especially now that I’m taking on new ventures…a catering business and a personal training business…all while raising three kids and going through a divorce. Life is good…but sometimes you just need a little reminder that it’s not as hard as it sometimes seems!
Should I be chosen, I would want the “Yoga Peace Within charm neclace…because I’ve recently began doing yoga for 5+ hours a week, and I’ve noticed not only changes in my strength and posture, but huge changes in how I cope with stressful things around me, and how I relate to others. It’s changed me.
I love her shop!!!
Thanks for the intro. And no thanks as I’m going to spend all my money LOL
I walk for exercise. Since most of my walking is in the mountains, I walk for the beauty and the exhilaration of reaching the top of a mountain. The ultimate joy of making it to the top is exciting, but the beautiful view tops everything.
I would have what if am on a bracelet. because what if am strong enough, able or willing? how far could i go?
Love, love, love the quote and the ring.
I think I found this years mantra over there on a bracelet – “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing”. I’ve done so many things (and plan to do many more this year) of things that are outside my comfort zone instead of being afraid and just sticking to the same ol’ same ol’.
Now it’s time to shower…just got back from training for the trithalon adventure and go on a downtown Austin adventure!
I would get the Enjoy the Journey charm necklace b/c the journey to my tri tomorrow has been amazing. PLUS the 26th is my birthday and my life has been pretty awesome thus far!
Love the mantra!! Faith is my life right now!! I have a watch that I wear that the band is made up of the word faith, over and over again all around the band! It is a great reminder to keep the faith over whatever I need!
I would do a necklace or ring to remind me to breathe and be present in the moment…..to be centered and renewed in focus whenever I feel astray….love the merchandise at this site…..thanks for the wonderful quote too 🙂 A good mantra indeed
I like just about all her stuff. I’d probably choose either the 13.1 courage to start, strength to endure, resolve to finish necklace or one of the rings.
Would love the runner girl earrings for my daughter, and a runner charm for me — if I can keep it up and actually run the 5K I’ve set my mind on!! I think I can, I think I can…..
It is a wonderful quote. My mantra is “love the life you live” and I try my best to do just that – love it all! I would get the 13.1: Courage Strength Resolve charm! I love it.
Love that ring. I just wanted to say I really appreciate all the times you’ve tweeted that quote lately. It’s been a great reminder to me. 😉
I love that website, in fact I’m not waiting to see if I win (although I hope I do!) to order some things!
I would definitely get a ring, probably either “faith” or “strength” just to have something tangible to consistently look at to remind me of my journey.
OK, I just saw this and HAD to order the Strength bracelet and the Faith ring!
I love it! Thanks for sharing Mizfit!
Always my hero, Miz!!
I just wanted to say how much I love that this is your mantra! It is so very perfect for you. You are the epitome of faith:)
I love it! That ring is awesome.
Your blog is so informative … keep up the fine work!!!!