Carpel tunnel of the arse.**
(if you are checking in through a reader there is a video below. no matter how you are checking in the audio is, for some sad reason, not great.)
**for reals. the general consensus is while Im not a ‘cyclist’ my 30 min of recumbent biking for 10 years mightcould have contributed to my arse-situation. and really carpel tunnel of the a** is far more fun to say than piriformis syndrome.
Have you tried a golfball? People have told me that works, too.
I covet your physique, Miz.
I can kind of hear it LOL.
Love the tattoo and am sticking to my foam roller.
Is there a reason you don’t use the foam?
hey, I live among people who say they’ve got “the sugar” instead of diabetes, so who am I to quibble with someone if she wants to have carpal tunnel of the ass. Hope it continues to improve!
Ouch… I’ve had that condition, and it did take lots of time, patience, stretches and physical therapy, but it did finally clear up. Hope you feel better fast.
Miz, I have a throbbing in my side hip area and I wonder if this would help me?!
It feels as though I want someone to always be pressing there if that makes sense 🙂
I, too, have had this carpel tunnel of the ass and rolled my way to health.
AAAHHHH! I had this with my IT Band issues last year! There is light at the end of the (arse carpal) tunnel! Learn to love your tennis ball! A wooden rolling pin ALSO works reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally well!! As does prone pigeon pose.
Sending you lots of love and good glutes vibes xxx
Thanks for this Miz.
I emailed you this weekend and asked how on earth to sit on a tennis ball 🙂
I’ve heard this works wonders.
Here is hoping it fixes my carpel tunnel of the ass 🙂
Not the point here but you are too cute.
Hope you are fixed up soon and always love the videos even though I don’t need any rolling 🙂
Thanks for the reminder that daily torture can help! I am a slacker but need to do this more.
My son plays lacrosse, so I use a lacrosse ball – its a smidge smaller and harder. I use it on my feet to, since I am prone to plantar fascitis.
I love the pigeon pose. That really gets the spot!
ha! Awesome name! Not so awesome injury I’m sure! Glad you’re able to work on making it better…
I’m laughing at carpal tunnel of the arse!
I’m crying at the pain that is in your arse 🙁 I KNOW that hurts!
What a coincidence…I do not have carpal arse syndrome YET, but for the past week I’ve been preventing it by stretching out my overly tight piriformus muscles. Here’s the best hip-mobility moves I’ve seen so far:
That woman is totally awesome. Check out this other hardcore work-out she does:
And for rolling your butt? Try out one of those dryer balls that have the little bumps all over them, they feel great! (Also wonderful for the feet.)
Do this for me…two tennis balls…one on each glute. I do this on my back/shoulders and it is amazing!
I’ve never heard of this! But I’ve had carpal tunnel, better and worse, for years, and it is indeed a pain in the a**.
Looks great! Here’s a tip for the readers….regarding the leg you have extended straight out while you are on the ball, if you cross that ankle over the knee of your other leg i think you open up that spot a little more and expose more of the periformis.
Yes! Yes!! Took me a week or so to be able to ‘handle’ that position…
that’s pigeon pose or prone piriformis stretch isn’t it?
Thanks for teaching me a new trick! I don’t have this, but hey, there’s always tomorrow 🙂
Sorry you have to deal with CT/A!
Sorry to hear about your CT of A. Honestly, I’ve never heard of that before. Thanks for the awareness. And, you do the demo with style and grace.
Girl I love you and you CTA and your VIDS.
Who knew there was such a thing!? I hate when the healthy habits come back to bite us in the ass. (Bad pun, sorry.) My several-days-a-week-step-aerobics is probably what gave me neuroma. Sigh.
How on earth do you make that look graceful?
I love your tattoo.
Well, i do not want any condition of the arse. Ever! So if this in any way can be considered a preventitive treatment as well, then I may just have to invest in a tennis ball. Now, while doing this; how do i explain it to my wife, hmmm…
Aw, sorry to hear about the injury. No injury is fun–though yours does have a pretty cool name. 😉
Whoa–nice ink!!
Is this something you’d recommend just for piriformis, or for general use/preventative as well?
all I know for sure is what I was told:
it’s great for preventative and if you dont really “need it” then your rolling wont be tender/painful.
anyone else wanna chime in?
I don’t have issues per se with any of my leg muscles, but my foam roll still reveals plenty of tender spots in every muscle I’ve ever taken to it. I suppose there might be someone somewhere whose body is perfectly happy with how it’s being used, but I haven’t met them 😉
That said, there are days that I have more tender spots than others, or that they hurt more or hurt less … but they’re always there…
Nothing like a tennis ball to work out tightness & injuries & stress! I told you my friend takes a stretching class where they use a tennis balls & foam rollers.
My youngest stepdaughter now has your prob too so I told her about this & sending her this post! 🙂
Feel better soon!
@Evie: Your pain sounds like ITB Syndrome to me. You’d be better off using a foam roller.
@LindseyAnn: I think using the ball as a preventative thing is absolutely ok. Sort of like using a foam roller after every run whether you need it or not. Won’t hurt, but can’t hurt either!
Miz, did you name your ball yet? I’m dying to know.
Gertie!! Gertie Gluteroller
Yep. Been there rolled that 😉
I suffered from Piriformis Syndrome,too! I went to PT 2X a week over the summer, which helped a lot (along with at-home stretching). But I still have some issues. I”m going to break out the ball and see if that helps!
FWIW, I just said “My a.. was broken” … “Carpal Tunnel of the a.. is definitely much more fun to say!
Lacrosse balls. They are firmer and rubbery so they stick to the spot a bit better. But for a beginner in pain they may be too much. And ideally hold the spot for 30 seconds -and up to 60 seconds if you are older. (Carla and others- the trigger the golgi complex response).
For the questioners- the technique is called Self Myofacial Release. It is a step between static stretching and a personal massage. You can do most of your body (anywhere that a muscle is over a bone.
I “foam roll” my whole body at least once a day. It is magical.
I’ve said it before. We need a Miz Fit Nation workout DVD. I’d totally buy it. Can’t you produce your own? Like an e-book, expect it’s video. ya know?
Thanks for the cool demo – a can of tennis balls is going on my shopping list. Liking the idea of doing some preventative rolling, as CT of the A sounds pretty miserable.
Just have to chime in and say carpal tunnel of the ass is a much better name. 😉 I need to get better with the stretching and rolling. I’ve been lucky this year, but eventually the karma is gonna run out, I know…
It is amazing what a little tennis ball can do, isn’t it? I had to go to P.T. for my piriformis and was doing that, as well as a bunch of other exercises for several months! I was so happy when I could not longer find tender spots on my butt! I have the whole trigger point kit and still try and do the rolling/exercises occasionally to remain injury free. Hope you are pain free soon!
I’m an addict of the foam roller in a very masochistic way, but I can see how the tennis ball would be more targeted too. I’ll try it!
I use foam and now have skin butt-pools.
i had this. omg so painful…it was a running overuse injury and i had to stop running for nearly 3 months. in the meantime i did lots of stretch and strengthening. yoga was my saving grace here. i really believe the core work helped me stop guarding my injury so much. best of luck!
I never thought of using a tennis ball instead of a foam roller! I’ll have to give that a try. I bet I can target the tight muscle in the front of my hips with a tennis ball too.
I was told that a super tight piriformis can throw out your lower back. I think most people who sit all day could use this technique to save their backs, too. 🙂
Thanks for the video, Miz!
Ever since we tweeted about it a couple of weeks ago, I have been wondering exactly how to do it.
Ummmmmm, did you get my application?
Didn’t you have an ad for professional arse massage?
I had references and everything.
Oh, this is good for sore muscles? Cool that it has a functional value too….(my pastor will be relieved.)
I do this with the foam roller. Hurts so good!
Funny how biking could cause that for you. I am a long distance biker and don’t have issues. Wonder if it is the posture of the recumbent?
I know carpal tunnel is an overuse injury which alone could lead to a whole slew of inappropriate jokes which I will keep to myself but still giggle out loud over:) And, for the record, I think the ball (as in tennis or golf) is way better for getting in the muscle than the foam roller… Hope it feels better soon though!
If you have a lot of pain using a ball, use something softer. As the something softer works out your kinks, then progress to something harder and then harder from there.
When I worked at the Core Performance program for a while they had a whole section int he back of the book of pressure points and self massage with tennis balls and foam rollers.
Saved my ass. Literally 🙂
Carla, we need to have a “playdate” where I show you the other exercises that my sports chiro gave me for the “arse” muscles. Magic, pure magic and my ass doesn’t hurt anymore : ).
This is an excellent, cost-effective first line of defense. As a former massage therapist, I would have charged $60 an hour to provide manual treatment for this condition and pretty much would have been doing something similar. This is a common condition with runners, especially those who don’t do adequate stretching.
Your idea could be very helpful for those with damage to the ligaments in the hip/butt area too. Those structures need a good supply of fresh oxygen to heal. Brilliant!
Ouch! I hope your arse feels better real soon!