(I know. How is my child *not* scarred by my asking her to take this TMI post-Airrosti pic.)
I came. I saw. I had my fascia manipulated. I foam rolled. I got Kinesio taped. I left.
I Airrosti’ed.
A few of you warned me I was in for the worst pain in my life.
A few of you made me promise Id let you know how it felt as you, too, are searching for relief.
I give you my post-Airrosti musings.
Bullet form.
So I wont ramble.
- Airrosti is precisely what it says: you’re assessed, you receive a hands-on treatment (thats the fascia manipulating) you receive a ‘program’ of stretches & foam rolling, & you’re Kinesio taped. I liked (since this was all out of my zone of COMFY) that I researched and what I ‘prepared’ myself for transpired. (I have to add that my doctor and his staff ROCKED. If you’re in Austin and want the name—hit me up below)
- I knew immediately pieces of Airrosti were precisely what I needed. Good lord the hands-on fascia treatment was better than my tennis ball/lacrosse ball. I amble around Austin longing for someone to walk next to me & POKE me in hard the hip 24/7 (can you relate? anyone?). This was better than how I imagine even that would be. The pain was about a 5 on a scale from 1-10 with a few moments of 8.
- Other pieces baffled the doctor and me. The jury is still out with regards to whether my problem is fascia or not. My jury is not out on whether Im returning. I scheduled more sessions as even though I wasnt HEALED!! (as some are) after one visit—–I wasnt hurting more the next day either. And, to be honest. I’d not been foam rolling enough so even just more instruction there will help. Speaking of which…
- I loved getting the one-on-one foam rolling tailored for MY needs instruction. Sure I know about foam rollers. Yes I roll. You BET I own one of these bad boys. No. I’d never made time for me & hired someone to show me precisely what I need for my structure/muscles/fascia. This was a piece of the Airrosti puzzle I loved…in that super-painful foam roll’y way.
- The Kinesio tape made me giggle. Yes, People. I am a five year old and Im married to one. We are the couple who elbows each other when we see people sporting the tape and whisper: seriously?? does she think shes going to the Olympics?! After my appointment I was one of those people (who knew most of them had just Airrosti’ed?). And I was grateful that my, uh, affliction was on my back and bumbum.
- Im not really sold on the Kinesio tape (please to chime in here!) Do my stripes of pink really support my muscles to decrease pain *and* help my body to reduce swelling? Do they really lift my skin so that lymphatic absorption of excess fluid occurs (so theres less bruising)? I dont know. I still think if I saw my bumbum out in public Id mock it.
- I could cry at simply having other people on my team. At having other people (almost) as invested as I in figuring out what’s causing my problems.
- I freakin love the Tornado got up first thing the next morning and announced she wanted to tape herself up just like mama. Good lord I ADORE the age of five.
And thats where I am right now.
Talking about my ailments like Im an 80 year old.
Taped up & PINKed up like a princess (guess who chose the color?).
And heading back for more.
If my fascia is the problem I believe this is the ‘cure’ and, if it’s not, then Ill just be a PINK-striped badass foam-rolling fascia-corrected machine.
Never a bad thing in my misfit book.
(see? who knew I had a book.)
What is Airrosti normally used for? I looked at the site and it seems more injuries than anything else.
I am one of the few who still doesn’t foam roll.
Do you think that it will help non-runners?
Foam rolling will help everyone! I am not a runner but I firmly believe in foam rolling. If you stretch, you should foam roll. If you don’t stretch, you should foam roll. If you move at all, you should foam roll.
In short, you should foam roll. It will make your life better.
I am a non-runner Airrosti believer. Please foam roll.
so glad that you’ve found something that works. it was like when I started going to acupuncture…so good
Oh and off-topic but what is the tattoo on your back say?
I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine in Hebrew.
It’s the same thing I have on my wedding band 🙂
LOL at the Tornado!!
Did your insurance cover this and do you think you could have learned as much from a session with a personal trainer who specializes in foam rollers?
I’ve been curious but I do not have insurance right now and it is so pricey.
Did it hurt super bad???
I’m such a cavegirl that I’d never heard of this until your previous article. I’ll have to explore any local options, should the need arise. Or talk to my chiro about getting some pink tape. 🙂
Glad you found some relief, even if it didn’t get you all the way to where you want to be.
Ooh, I likey!
I love the foam roller! I used to take a class at my gym. I need to get one for home!
Are you making a Leprechaun trap for St Patty’s day? J and I are working on this today. 🙂
Sounds like a really interesting experience. I’d love to give it a go. I’m not sure how I’d feel about the tape though.
I never heard of this until you mentioned it in another post! I’m all for trying “alternative” therapies, so this sounds really cool.
Hoping this is the answer to help you fix the bootay 🙂
Wowza! If the phrase what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger applies here…you will come out like GI Jane on the other side.
Here’s to a healthy back no matter what it takes!
I’ve never even heard of this before. I might have seen a vid under a different name; it was this horrid looking procedure where the practitioner had something that looked like a giant butter knife coated with lard and looked like he was trying to rub the skin off of somebody’s arm. Does that sound like it?
Insurance doesn’t cover and a personal trainer just as good
Correction, Lynn, Airrosti is covered under quite a few insurance plans and Airosti providers are Doctors of Chiropractic and are highly trained in this dicipline, so personal trainers are not quite the same.
And yes it is like you described
I’m trying to work through the scientific basis of the tape. I don’t think your skin interferes with “lymphatic absorption.” I could be convinced that the lifting and supported helps with the pain. Self-care is good!
more when I get my morning wrangled— but no butterknife involved.
All hands 😉
Tho I think I’ve seen that video too!!
What was that?!
For cellulite perhaps?
Is it different than rolfing?
Ive done both and it is different.
That said I emailed the Airrosti doc I went to and asked if HE’D answer this one so Im sure it’s answered properly 🙂
I live in Houston and I think there’s a center here.
I want to try…and get pinked too 😉
I have no clue what Kinesio tape is for and what benefit it can provide, curious I will read more. But I must say, it looks good on you. Do the make it in camo pattern?
I am fascinated.
Love the pink tape fashion statement. Glad you’re feeling good and have some people on your side.
I find this so curious as well.
I foamroll yet I do wonder if I am rolling properly.
Most people do not foam roll correctly.
When you position yourself on the roll, MOVE SLOWLY.
Roll about 1″ a second down the muscle and back up. That is all.
No rolling back and forth multiple times.
No quick rolling.
Let your body guide you to tender spots. When you find them, HOLD on them for at least 30 seconds -until the pain subsides.
Carla, thx so much for this post as you know I have been asking you about it along with others! With age, all things start to hurt! 😉 I did not find this in my area but I will continue to research.. and yes, I own a foam roller & tennis ball too! 🙂
Love the Tornado comment!
THX again!
This is how I feel about KT Tape: it provides support sort of like an Ace bandage would, except because it’s sticky you can put it almost anywhere, it doesn’t have to be wrapped. That in turn, MAY advance healing of the sight. But does ‘it’ actually heal? No. The other issue with it, depending on where you use it, sometimes it doesn’t stay on very well. (Can you tell we’re big tapers due to martial arts in the Helen household?)
I got chocked up at you saying you were happy to have people on your team Miz.
I hope this works!!
Choked 🙂 not chocked.
Note to self: foam roll again.
wait. what people taped where? why don’t we have any of this exotic variety of bird wandering around up northward?
I crave a good mocking. but not you. of course.
I think my comments are being eaten! That’s the third time I’ve had one just vanish! Boo.
Well, the tape is mighty pretty, no wonder the Tornado wants in on it.
I got my foot taped for plantar fasciitis and didn’t notice much difference, but it was beige so that probably explains it. Hope this new program works and gets you a pain-free booty pronto!
I hope Arrosti does the trick for you. As for foam rolling, once I was taught (thank you running club coach Joni!) the correct way, wow, what a difference (and holy hell, it can hurt so good). I have the KT tape – tried using it when my knee was feeling wonky but I couldn’t get it to stay on during an entire (sweaty) run. I do like it for the arch of my foot, and of course the pink color is very appealing, but like you, I’m not entirely sold on it quite yet.
I need to try it. My friend AK goes every other week. I have some spots in my legs that really need work.
LOL but you do need a book.
Foam rolling is also an intuitive like activity for everyone, if done in a meditative fashion. Whether athlete or not, it is for your!
I’ve never heard of Airrosti Treatment but it sounds fascinating and, if it works, that’s even better.
Your child is turning out to be quite the photographer. 😉
Thanks for this Miz!
I was super curious after you tweeted about it.
Wait a sec. I thought that pic was pink photoshop coloring. I didn’t realize it was REAL tape!!! Sheesh, woman. But why on earth would you photoshop color your body in pink stripes anyway? I dunno.
Good stuff. Sounds like all the right stuff to help fascia get healthy.
I was going to ask about Rolfing too…I was Rolfed in December (10 sessions) and it was all about the fascia. And then there’s the Graston technique (butter knife/lard…not really but thats what it looks like…sorta).
I’m all for stuff like this…I don’t think it can hurt and if it helps? YAHOO!
Yes, the Graston technique is what I was thinking of! I couldn’t find the video I watched before, but this one is a good example:
yes! That’s it…
Thank you so much for this! I’ve never heard of it but it sounds like exactly what Gym Buddy Allison needs!! Girl’s been nursing a back injury for months now. I will proceed to inform her all about Airrisoti (and then pretend like I’m just that smart… before I give her this link!)
Ok, nevermind. I just looked up their site and realized they are TX only. Sigh.
Is is as horribly painful as people say?
Were you sore?
I wasn’t too sore at all. And I didn’t find it too painful either. I’m a misfit ;).
I use the KT tape for my plantar fasciitis. Keeps the pain out of my arches and I can run farther. It may all be in my head but whatever lets me get the mileage in!
When I read Airrosti all I can think of is potatoes…LOL!
It sounds interesting and painful all at the same time…like someone else said, it is just like my acupuncture experiences. Hurts so good.
I hope whatever is ailing you passes quickly.
The Tornado is too funny…and a great photographer!
Lord have mercy, Miz! Thanks for sharing this discovery. I’ve never heard of it. I’ve nursed freakish S-I pain for over 10 years and was just diagnoses with Spondylolisthesis. Calling them PRONTO!!
I could cry at the idea of simply having other people on my team, too!! As a spinal cord injury survivor I’ve been pretty private about my journey. You’ve inspired me to put it out there to help others. Thanks for your brave talk!
Wow, never heard of Kinesio tape or Airrosti – have I been living under a rock or what?
I love that Emma is now your photographer! 😉
I’m not sure for what you need a photographer. The Tornado appears to do a super job with the camera phone…
glad to hear you’ve found something to help. i’ve just had two sessions of manual therapy and accompanying exercises and foam rolling to relieve alot of pain – although its not called airrosti it seems similar. so far it has been helpful in and of itself and such a relief to know people are on my team! i also got taped up, but in beige and it does help muscular tension and pressure on joints, but i’m not sure the therapist thought it would do all those other magical things. i may request pink tape in future, it suits my wardrobe much better than beige.
Had my first treatment today. I have lupus and on Sunday my back was really hurting, thought it was related to the lupus. After two days of severe pain called my DR and he referred me. Hadn’t heard of it before that. Pulled up your website afterward.
Treatment was tough but found I could breathe through the pain of the treatment and now I am able to move more than the past three days. It’s amazing.