(If I rocked photoshop there would be a hilarious image HERE of us all hanging out)
One of my favorite quotes is: Show me the friends and I’ll show you the woman.
(no idea who said it & good ole Google proved no help. anyone know?)
Ive found this true throughout my life.
It was true in high school when my friends may have been less than desirable (you know, from a parental point of view) and it’s true now (where I like to think I ROCK by association. Im fortunate to have some smart sassy wise witty women in my life).
I was reminded of this quote when I dated, too.
Show me the friends and I’ll show you the man rang true (to my chagrin) 99% of the time.
For those of you on twitter what strikes me most on beaten to death Follow Fridays is the company into which people place (the royal) you.
What strikes me most is the *implied* message from the Tweeter of how they view the people they’re recommending by the groups into which they’ve placed them.
(pauses. rereads. realizes she’s gone horribly off-track & chooses to continue down said wrong trackage)
I was completely excited to be asked by Cafe Mom to be one of their Transform Your Workout Fitness Experts.
I love the opportunity to giveaway the knowledge Ive been fortunate enough to accrue & the chance to help others.
It’s why I started this blog.
And yeah.
I was completely excited when I was sent the list of the other women they’d selected & saw the group into which they placed me.
I hold no illusions the other women are blogging about their MizFit’citement—-but I’m still honored to be listed among them.
Show me the friends & I’ll show you the woman.
Show me the COMPANY SHE KEEPS and I’ll show you the woman.
These are two concepts I work daily to impart–on her level–to the Tornado.
Am I alone?
Are they ideas and concepts you ponder as well?
Have you, too, noticed the friends can completely be indicative of who the man or woman really is?
I’d love to know…
(Oh and if you’re curious about the workout information I selected to impart to my CafeMom Peeps you can find it all right here)
I’ve never heard that before and it makes lots of sense.
I may need new friends 🙂
congratulations Miz!!!!
That is where you belong.
With them I mean not away from us at Cafe Mom LOL
I used to surrounds myself with women I wanted to be like because I though they would elevate me, too.
I realized I was not being my true self and never would be in their company.
Now I am just who I am and let those like me find me.
You rock.
Uber cool!! You rock girl!!!
For me it was defintely true show me the overweight and out of shape friends and I will show you Steve.
Congrats on the opportunity (AWESOME!), and yes, I truly believe in the ‘show me her friends and I’ll show you the woman’ mantra. Or, as my mom would always say “The company you keep, is a reflection of YOU!”
Interesting food for thought this m orning.
I’ve been thinking a great deal about toxic friendships these days.
What a group of women to be among! I would say that it certainly shows who you are & that is a good thing!!! Very exciting!
As for Twitter – as you went down the wrong road – makes me sort of glad I don’t do it. I had enough of those games when I was in junior & high school!
As for who I hang with – yes, I do think it is telling! I agree:
Show me the friends & I’ll show you the woman.
Show me the COMPANY SHE KEEPS and I’ll show you the woman.
I hang with many women (and men) who are out of shape/overweight because we work together. Fitness never is a topic of conversation at work because we are too busy helping children navigate the day because of their autism. I consider them some of my best friends as we have a common goal of seeing that these kids are loved and cared for throughout the day. Most “super fit” women I know locally are so into themselves and their workouts I would not care to be friends with them as they don’t have a life outside of their selfish routines.
How true, I can remember my parents quoting the “birds of a feather, flock together” line growing up.
Hopefully it is a journey and not a destination so that there may be personal growth to be had. If we are lucky, maybe we can drag some of our questionable peers down a better path with us.
I’d say “Show me her PEERS and I’ll show you the woman” The people you hang out with (those on your friends list, those who follow your blog, those who come to you for help) aren’t necessarily indicative of who you are. My first thought (even though I am not Christian) was the story of the religious leaders who came upon Jesus and criticized him for hanging with prostitutes and tax collectors. Thing is, sometimes we’re not found in the company of others like us, we’re found in the company of those who need us. And sometimes we’re found in the company of those we need.
Peers, however, are a different story, If you’re placed on equal footing with those whom you admire, that’s pretty admirable indeed.
I needed to see this today.
I have always heard the expression as “Show me your friends and I will tell you who you are,” and my Mom used it on me alot during my rebellious teenage years. 🙂
A search on that gave this great result: http://www.quotationspage.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=452
Confucius Say! 🙂
I didn’t believe her back then, but I completely agree with it now because it has always proven true in my life. Yes, there are core pieces of myself that now, as I am older, that I wouldn’t bend for friends, but the influence of a circle of friends is unmistakable. 🙂
I was always told with regards to my friends: one bad apple ruins the bunch.
Now that I look back I may have been that apple!! 🙂
Congrats on the Cafe Mom gig.
Exciting! Congrats.
My boys are six and Id not yet thought about imparting this idea to them.
I wonder if they could ‘get’ it yet?
I love Dara. Congrats.
THESE DAYS JILL? very little 🙂 I count some of my closet friends as people I see once or twice a year MAX.
Life is so hectic then add in kids and work and, well….
Mega cool and congrats!!!!
Hmmm…this is an interesting one. One that speaks to one’s self-confidence in some ways. I run with an amazing, inspiring, supportive group of women. I admire them all so much. And sometimes I wonder if I can possibly give to them what they give to me. You’ve given me more to think about now!
I love and appreciate all your insights.
What you say MissZippy1 I can entirely relate to.
Some days.
many days Im awed by the friends and relationships I have and can only HOPE Im giving back…
I need to think about this more.
I was a wild child and surrounded myself with girlfriends I knew would join me on that crazy path 🙂
Now I am more of a loner.
I don’t have many close friends.
With this quote in mind I’m not sure what this says about me.
(I love Jackie too!!)
What if the woman doesn’t have any friends IRL? What does that say about her? 🙁
I really think it depends on the closeness of friends as well. You can know a lot of people and be around a lot of people that just want to be near you and not necessarily the other way around.
Very nice! Congrats on the new gig!
I’ve heard that expression as “show me the friends and I’ll show you the person.” No clue as to the origination. 🙂
How awesome for you!!! I do believe that about look at the friends you/they keep and you see you/them. I have been fortunate to have some amazing people stick by me for decades. I count my blessings everday for them!
Kidwise this works well, if your friends are doing X people are likely to think you are as well.
Huh – I’m not sure what this says about me. I keep a lot of very different company. On one hand I think it makes me well rounded. On the other hand though maybe it makes me a social chameleon with implied inauthenticity? Not sure… although #FF peeps generally just lump me with other fit bloggers so no complaints there. Congrats on making it in with Jackie!!
Congrats Miz!!! You fit PERFECTLY into this group! You are all strong and inspirational women!
I am doing the happy dance for you!! That’s amazing, and you absolutely belong amongst that group.
Miz, you really are an inspiration… I love the quote about how your friends illustrate who you really are! My wife and I are now hooked on your motivating blog! Thanks !
I couldn’t agree more, have lived by this quote my whole life. My mother used to say it to me.
thank you. and welcome aboard the craziness 🙂
kudos to you!!
thanks for visiting!! i love your blog and this is a great post 🙂 very cool!!