(statistic from In Style magazine)
This time last year I wrote a post where I posed the question (to you and to me): if we could flash foward to 1.1.12 what would your BIGGEST healthy living accomplishment from the past year have been?
Many of you played along at home chimed in with lofty & creative health living goals you were confident you’d achieve in the next 365 days.
I chimed in as well.
I shared with you *and* I printed it out and hung it on the wall of my office.
The goal I was super-confident I would look back and see Id achieved was this:
I found the ever elusive harmony in my workout life. I discovered how to OM, STRETCH, LIFT & PLAY enough to keep the booty-pain at bay and train for another half-marathon.
I am the 82%.
Here I sit (on my balanceball chair) with a weetad of booty pain and completely sans harmony in my workout life.
I am the 82%
Here I sit pretty much certain Im bailing on this & OM none too happy about it (nor am I OMing as much as Id planned)
I am the 82%
And yes. Here I sit with all intention to make the *same* goal for the end of 2012 and with all optimism (Im easy that way) this will be the year I finally achieve it.
I am the 82%.
Now you.
If you glance back at last year’s post (both body & comments) did you chime in? did you achieve what you’d hoped?
If you take a moment to think about where you were this time last year did you achieve what you’d planned/resolved to?
If you are like I am and did not—do you plan to remake the same resolutions?
Are you, too, the 82%?
Please to normalize for me in the comments below…
oh i can’t deal with resolutions. Life has too many curve balls for us. I like being the 82% because it keeps me striving toward balance. Again, I plan on striving toward laughing more and stressing less. In every area! In play, in marriage, in work, in self.
Cheers to 82%!
Well, at least you’re in good company! I’m there too.
Mmm, I’m not sure I even want to go back to that post… but I might.
I too am the 82%.
I didn’t plan it this way. I AM planning for next year!!!
Interesting statistic!
Another reason I do not resolve 🙂
I commented last year and NAILED my goal.
You had me at that number.
I typically make big resolutions and then quit after a day or 3 and loathe myself.
I try not to set resolutions…try! I think it puts too much pressure on it. I like, instead, to set mini goals for a couple months!
Hhhm. I guess I didn’t comment on your post last year. I did write my own “resolutions” posts and was just revisiting them for a December 31st post. Even though I kept some/many I am making the same ones again. I am thinking of it as “renewing my vows” to myself. 😉
Coco, I am making very similar goals each year, and I love the idea of looking at goals/resolutions as “renewing my vows to myself.”
I saw that in In Style too and it helped me feel better about last years failures.
I am not promising anything to 2012 yet.
Coco, I love your idea!!!
Last New Year’s, the only thing I resolved to do was to keep my head above water. I did that, but I will, however, renew a resolution from 7 years ago: eat smarter, move more. So as long as the 82 percent covers more than just the previous year, I’m like you! Hope your ((booty)) cooperates in 2012.
I have been setting pretty similar goals for the past few years. They aren’t anything big but just a reminder of what I should be doing (daily movement, mixing up my workouts, not stressing when I’m not perfect, living in the moment (at least for a bit) every day, etc.) I love Coco’s wording “‘renewing my vows’ to myself.” I may have to borrow that phrase… 🙂
Happy almost 2012! 🙂
Definitely the 82%. Since 2003 my New Year’s resolution has been every year: lose weight. This year isn’t different. The only good thing about it is that I close every year a bit lighter than the year before. One day my resolution will be: maintain my weight. I hope on January 1st 2013.
I commented and had entirely forgotten that goal from last year.
I love this post, Carla.
I am the 82%.
I am definitely part of the 82%! I think I have made my resolution every year to reach my goal weight, and it has never happened. It’s on my list again this year!
Nope, I’m in the 18%. I accomplished all I set out to do in 2011. Every single thing, excellently and gracefully.
Please, no one wake me up and ruin this dream. I’m at the part where I win the lottery…
Shoot. I’m awake. Might need to change your image to 83%. 🙂
I’m the 82%
I’ve been the 82% more times than I care to admit. I made a resolution for this coming year to be able to run a sub 30 5k by the end of next year (December 2012). I wrote about it on my blog the other day so the gauntlet is out there in black and white. Let’s see where I am in December…yikes!
I don’t make resolutions but I can tell you that the age hormones have been way worse than I thought. The fact that I am getting thru this & willing to work to stay fit, healthy & keep my weight from going up – and it sure wants to no matter what I do – is a huge accomplishment. Those that hit this as rough as I did/do, will understand when they get there. Others, I did not do as well like making some money working in a health/fitness related field.
Carla, curious about the injuries.. I have some stuff going on right now but working thru it with dynamic stretching, RumbleRoller & regular stretching.
The age hormones are a killer. What they do to our body, our sleep, our mood is not easy. Let me assure you that getting through to the other side is SO worth it. You’ll be amazed.
This is my first year making specific goals.
I will let you know on 12.30.12
I want to be the 18% LOL
First, I think the 18% are lying. Second, I can’t believe I didn’t comment on last year’s post. What rock was I under? Finally, I have set the same goal for the last 3 years. 2009 was a crash & burn for weight loss & healthy living. 2010 & 2011 were big successes, although I didn’t make the progress I wanted to. For 2012, I am being more specific in my goals, making the more measurable and therefore more attainable. I feel a blog post coming on … 🙂
LAUGHED OUT LOUD at your first sentence Heather…
Ha! Not only did I not achieve my goals, I won’t get there with them this year. How things change…
Ha ha ha! My comment was to reach my goal weight…and I’ve completely ditched the whole goal weight concept. Not sure what percent that puts me in.
I did make the same 5k in under 30 goal as last year though, because I didn’t reach it. Determined, that’s what we are. 😉
Wow – ironic that you told us to “normalize” since I went back to read my comment and it had to do with achieving “normalcy.” Did I do it? Nope, not even close:(
I am the 82% this year. I had plans to lose extra weight and get back into triathlons and swimming but I was too stressed and overwhelmed. Even thought I trained and exercised to my hearts content, I didn’t quite have the motivation to get back fully into racing nor swim. So, I am making some of the same goals this year but I am ready. Already got started and have lost a little weight and went swimming for the first time in almost 2 years on Tuesday night. I am going to complete a half IM this year!
Tis the season for these posts, just did mine too. Not sure where I fall- I make goals for all the aspects of life I want to change/improve upon/make progress in. I make a lot of them. Some I nailed, some I fell short, and some I willingly abandoned. I’m fairly pleased with my year though!
I am too!!!
Last year at this time I was in a bad place having lost my oldest brother to lung cancer. I vowed to myself to use the loss as a reminder that taking good care of myself is not up for negotiation. I am at peace and feeling excited about the coming year, so I’d say this year I’m not in the 82%.
I am def in the 82%. I feel that I am more dedicated than ever to reaching my goal weight in 2012. Let’s go!
I’m the 82%
This misery is glad for company I guess!
I did it this year, Miz!
I lost 25 pounds. I’m the 18%!
Thankfully discovered I did not post. Though I enjoyed scrolling through the comments, seeing friends -some whom I did not have last year- and wondering how they did.
The difficulty with making resolutions like yours -that require healing, etc.- is that we don’t have the crystal ball to see what will become the future roadblocks. Though that’s not a free-pass on finding balance in your life.
I have one over-riding public goal for 2012: to bench, deadlift and squat at least my ideal bodyweight. (Working toward that should get me to ideally get back to weighing that!)
I don’t make resolutions, but if I did, I would surely be with you all in the 82% camp. Great company, to be sure!
I don’t make resolutions anymore but I know that in the back of my mind it’s always there: “lose those last 5 pounds.” And I just can’t! I’m not willing to cut out things I love (red wine, restaurants, Mexican food…….) and will continue to eat them in moderation. But that also means I won’t lose that last 5…
This is why i don’t make resolutions. When the time is right and i become able to change something, it happens. Seldom is that at New Years.
I’m working on finding a focus today. (just one thing) I suppose because we’re a few days away from a New Year I could interpret that as a making a resolution. Sometimes things way beyond our control get in the way of our goals (READ: sometimes you get hit by a truck) and it changes things. That’s ok. Its how we find our way back to the path that counts…right? Even it that makes us part of the 82%! xox
I’m not a big resolution maker. I’m much more of a “process” person than a goal person, I guess I take things in baby steps and celebrate along the way. Have a wonderful Thursday Miz!!!
My main goal was to run a half marathon which I did.
I find specific resolutions like I will lose x amount of weight or I will save x amount of money to be much more difficult. Maybe keeping it more general helps you actually get there?
I, my sista-from-anotha-mista, am in the 82% club. That’s why this year I won’t be making any resolutions personally. That way I’ll be in the 18% next year when you ask this question. 🙂
Not for me this year.
Well, I didn’t comment on your post last year, but maybe that’s because I don’t set goals or make resolutions (any more). But of course I’m in the 82%…and proud of it!
Fricking 81% !!!
Sure I wanted to put that tri-plane model together, but after not doing it, I stopped trying. I never make New Years resolutions, but I often throughout the year decide to do things and do them. It’s much easier on the guilt that way
PS There are some new studies on low dose DHEA and menopause as an FYI. If it works, the stuff (DHEA) is cheap and over the counter.
Huh, went back and read comment. Didn’t remember it at all. But, have accomplished it. In spectacular fashion. Huh – who knew?
I have never made a new year’s resolution before in my life. I wonder what percentage I am? 🙂
I am making a more specific resolution this year, to get to and stay in a weight range and to hug the floor of that range, not the ceiling. My other resolution is Progress not Perfection – not easily measured but my goal is to just keep adding good habits and eliminating bad ones.
I lost 50 lbs. I’m the 18% 🙂
I want to lose weight in 2012.
Yup – I’m the 82%. I’ve given up on resolutions completely. Giving myself a year to achieve something is really just giving me 11.5 months to ignore my goal. This year, I’m going for simple aspirations.
Thank goodness I was on a blog hiatus then and apparently didn’t stop by to declare myself… so I can remain in blissful ignorance as to what I thought I’d accomplish this year.
Am seriously considering some 2012 goals though, and think it’s an excellent idea to try stay accountable this time. Fingers crossed. May even join the resolution hordes and blog about it… we’ll see!
A few years back I changed from outer directed goals to inner directed goals….so my goals for 2010 and then I rolled in to 2011 — was peace, love and clarity. Those were my goals — feeling those — then I used various outer goals as strategies to get there.
It works great for me!
I found my goals for 2010 the other day and I achieved none of them, so I’m renaming them ‘goals for 2012’ and moving on! I had grand plans for last year too but writing them down doesn’t get them done unfortunately. Only doing gets them done.
For 2012, I want to lose these pesky 20lbs I’ve regained and get myself to a point where we can start trying to have kids. Oh, and get good grades in my Masters. Oh, and get a job again.
Hopefully, those 4 are achievable!
I don’t really do New Year’s resolutions… probably because I’m always resolving to do stuff better, like every day. I like my guilt served hot and regular;) I love you. And that’s the real reason I am sneaking around my self-imposed and totally-delightful Internet ban. So I can tell you that:)
Ah, but this year, maybe I’ll actually keep that resolution. Maybe.
Made them. Achieved them. Went beyond!
I usually don’t make the same resolutions twice, for two reasons:
1. My resolutions tend to be VERY specific. Instead of “lose weight,” I say “work out daily” or “learn to do a pullup” or “do a 5 minute plank.” Less likely to repeat any of those.
2. If I don’t achieve a resolution in a year, there is probably a very good reason why – and it’s not likely to change just because it’s a year later. If I wasn’t able to “do a pullup” this year, why would I be able to magically do it the following year? It clearly wasn’t important to me, so that’s why it didn’t get done… and that’s totally fine. But I would rather reevaluate my priorities and make goals that are currently meaningful and important… otherwise I’m just going to keep failing at them.
Really interesting statistic!
Honestly, this is the first time I have set actual goals for the new year. In the past I’ve always had things I would like to do, but I never took any of it too seriously. Of course, I always make mental notes of things I want to accomplish or set short terms goals that can be reached in a month or two.
This year is different. I’ve come to a point in my life where I am really embracing the idea of a “resolution”. I really want to challenge myself to see what is possible for me. I’ve set goals for all aspects of my life and have included things in my daily routine to act on those goals.
I’m excited. I’m motivated. My mind is in a different place. I’m looking forward to seeing what the year will bring.