The other day I dropped the Tornado at a friend’s house, a few errands (including the bank) & came back to join the playdate.
The first thing she noticed as she climbed in the car was the lollipop Id tossed in the cupholder next to me.
Mama whats that?!ย she asked (apparently still mired in the phase where children ask questions with exceedingly obvious answers).
I told her how Id gone to the bank drive through and how the teller must have seen the car seat, known I had a girl (she loves to hear that part) and slipped a lollipop into my cash back envelope.
Oh I wondered Mama because I know you dont like sweets.
I sat with this remark for a moment.
My first thought was What do you mean?! I love sweets. and then I realized—-I no longer do.
Allow me to back up a few decades.
I was a sugar fiend growing up.
I was the reason why my mother would go to bake cookies and discover she was out of chocolate chips (yes I ate the whole bag(s). sorry mom.).
I stole (repeatedly. sorry sisters.) my siblings Halloween candy year after year creating elaborate stories about robbers breaking in and only making off with snickers and Bit O’Honeys.
I spent every last penny of my allowance on candy.
I CLEARLY recall stating to my mother (during a shopping trip where I stood gazing longingly at the sweet treats stacked at the checkout) as soon as I was a grown up I planned to buy all the candy I wanted because Id! Have! My! Own! Money!
I guess I was like any other kid (because rare is the kid like my niece who really might select sushi over sweettarts!)—multiplied by ten.
All these thoughts were running through my mind as I responded to the Tornado:
I guess youre right.ย I dont like sweets.
The concept and the two sentences were as entirely perplexing to me as they were to her.
We went on with the rest of our day (to my surprise she never asked the have the bank bestowed lollipop) and yet I still mulled over her comment.
Kids notice everythingย was part of what stuck in my mind. They may not comment in the moment–but they’re taking note & filing away.ย This gives me hope as we segue more to the WINGS of roots & wings.
I guess I no longer like sweets.ย When did that happen?! was the other piece caught in my cranium.ย Im certain I would if I ate them (whats not to love about a slab of cake or a slathering of icing?) but since I switched to mindful eating my body never asks for them.
(I know. I needed more than a moment to let that realization sink in too. And I live with me.)
I have no willpower (we can talk about this more if you’d like—but I do not).
Ive simply gotten to a place where I no longer seek the sweets.**
I think for me a great deal of this was never deciding to eliminate sugar.ย Im a rebel. A misfit. And in a way I believe we all are.
The moment we are told we cant have something —or not to thing about something—it becomes all we can focus upon.
And it’s for that reason I always come up EMPTY when asked for tips on breaking sugar addiction.
For me (apparently. upon reflection. thank you Tornado & bankerdude)ย it all started a full iteration BACK when I STOPPED, LISTENED TO MY BODY (food, fitness, family *and* faith) AND GAVE IT WHAT IT ASKED FOR.
Now you.
- Are you a sweetLOVAH who finds herself surprisingly reformed? how did you learn to shed the sugar?ย <——TIPS PLEASE.
- Are you a SugarSlave who’s ready to shed the addiction? What have you tried? What has worked/not worked? <——LETS DISCUSS.
**Lest you believe Im bragging allow me to share another Tornado story.ย She announced, days later, DADA HAS A SWEET TOOTH.ย I had a moment of GO! MOM! until she continued & said: YOU MAMA SOSO HAVE A SALT TOOTH. (**cringe**) Yes.ย Yes I jerky-loving do.
It’s amazing what kids soak up from just being around us.
I long for the day I no longer have a sweet tooth… but guess the ‘not craving’ of anything in particular would be good.
I love sugar. A lot. Too much. I dream of my next treat.
That’s my confection confession.
I love sugar too.
I don’t eat too much now but I always want it.
What’s mindful eating?
Also called intuitive eating but mine is so…wonky misfit’y I dont wanna call it intuitive eating.
essentially listening to my body and giving it what it NEEDS.
Miz, you hit it when you said the piece about we immediately want when we can not have.
I cut out all refined flours for a while and obsessed about them.
Id stare at other people eating them LOL.
It became all I thought about!
I am a sugar lover and my hubby will buy sweets and like your chocolate chips, they are gone and I am the culprit. So we have discussed this and now he asks me before he buys them and if I am having a week where I no my willpower is off, I tell him “no thank you, not in our house”. I try to remind myself when I do accomplish something, “I am not a dog so I do not need to reward myself”.
Plus dining out with clients is hard, because they get the whole treatment from start to finish. And I have to remind myself that it’s just the same old rigamaroo. ๐
It’s true when you cut something out of your diet without realizing it you don’t miss it. It’s when you’re told NO MORE CARBS—NO MORE SUGAR you want it.
Moderation leads to ellimination. For me it was sodium (in excess, I never add it to anything) still working on sugar though ๐
My name is Jennifer, and I’m addicted to sugar. There, I’ve said it. I have tried giving up sweets for Lent and managed to go 40+ days without a drop, but as soon as Easter Sunday arrives, I’ve got a stash of gummy bears on my nightstand ready to devour. I would LOVE to one day wake up and find that this is no longer my truth. Sadly, my mother was a fellow sweets lover and I fear I’ll take this vice to my grave. Thank God I run:)
not a sweet gal.
totally addicted to salty & greasy
savory things
Me too.
Do you crave this stuff Miz?
It seems as though you have a lot of will power.
I eat the lollipops as soon as they come with my cash.
Oh man, I do love sugar but I like to “save” my sugar for more indulgent sweets like cupcakes and desserts and not eat lollipops and other sweets.
I am a HUGE sweets lover. Unfortunately, sugar does not love me, I wind up with a bloated belly, upset tummy, and a general feeling of yuck. Now that I have come to realize how sugar makes me feel, it is easy to avoid it. With that being said, I do partake at times, and I see that when I eat something really sweet, I crave it more. Those two insights are enough to help me avoid it…unless it is my Grandmother’s homemmade thin layer chocolate cake… that cake is just too good to avoid.
My husband and I are opposite. I crave eggs and meat and he’s got the sweet tooth. I am with you, cutting out refined foods years ago helped!
I’d love to know how you started I.E.
Any tips for me?
Certain times of the month (ahem) turn me into a sugar monster if I’m not careful. Otherwise, it seems to be waning as I get older. As in, the older I get, the worse sugar makes me feel.
I feel hung over these days even when it’s not a binge.
Sugar isn’t my friend.
If I don’t eat them I don’t want them. Too much sweet makes me nauseous these days. If I have to indulge a spoonful of nutella works for days and days. I keep a few treats around – maybe so I don’t feel deprived? Rarely eat them. I do love ice cream. Same goes there. If I leave some in the freezer I leave it alone. If it is not there I will drive to the DQ for some. It’s all in my head……
I like sweets, don’t love and it’s mostly “healthier” sweets, like chia pudding or greek yogurt with some chocolate chips. I do eat chocolate on most days of the week, but it’s a small amount. I’ve found, since being pregnant I like sweet in the form of fruit over everything else.
I just did a post last week on my former sugar addiction and how I managed to quit. I never believed it would be possible or my overwhemling cravings would now be for butternut squash with cinnamon. Cold turkey and detox is what worked for me. I still enjoy sweets when I eat them (I’m not crazy!) but at least the cravings are gone. Better yet, when I eat them I’m satisfied with a little bit. That’s the biggest change. One cookie (not the whole box) and I’m good now! Yay!
I love sugar but am really trying to cut back!
I’m a candy addict.
I don’t know how I’d even begin to know why my body wants. I think it wants cookies ๐
Mine mindfully wants cookies too, Miz.
Kids really are far more observant than we realize – kind of scary LOL. I used to love sweets, not chocolate, but cookies or ice cream, or cookies….I’ve definitely changed my tastes by cutting out sugars as much as possible. These days I think PB2 mixed with stevia on a plain rice cake is a sweet treat!
I have to agree with you. I have been doing a 10 day sugar free challenge and these last two days have made me greatly desire SUGAR. However, I have also learned what I can have in place of the nasty stuff. I feel more energetic, less bloated and healthier all around. It has taught me to be intentional in my choices and CREATIVE. has done a great job with the challenge. Hopefully, I will become more like you in NOT desiring sweets!
My standing comment used to be that sugar was my drug of choice. Now i don’t even eat commercially made salad dressings in restaurants because they may have sugar in them.
For me, it took realizing that some people can stop at one, just like some people can stop at one drink. Those of us who can’t, should stay totally away.
So i added more and more healthy things to my diet, especially juicing vegetables which took away the sugar cravings. Eventually i had no room for the addictive substances, white sugar, white flour, white rice, white potatoes, etc.
Now i tell people those are white like cocaine and heroin for a reason, and that i am a recovering addict, 7 years sugar sober.
Like you, i give my body what it asks for and likes, good food that nourishes, and i don’t miss the stuff.
Interesting… I never really thought this was something we could change. I have a brother who doesn’t like sweets. I have one son who doesn’t either. (Where did THAT come from!? Not his dad or me!) When I go without, I crave them less over time. But I never feel like I don’t have a sweet tooth; just that I am in control in the moment. And then I decide to let myself enjoy them “in moderation.” And maybe that’s what needs to change. Because as much as that seemed “normal” to me, it might be “better normal” to just not eat them and then evolve into the person who doesn’t even want them any more. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
BTW – I know you have shared what you eat in the past, but I don’t remember if you eat “natural” sweets, like fruit. Right now I am big time craving and eating things like strawberries and apricots. Do you eat those or in your mind is sugar… sugar, regardless of the form.
wrangling my day but the short answer is YES BUT NOT SOLO.
I find for me I need fat and protein with my fresh fruit or all I do is eat fruit eat fruit CRASH HARD.
Oh Carla, how I wish I was like you! ๐ I listen to my bod but even though it has been years & years & years since I was heavy & ate for heavy – well I still want all those foods I don’t eat anymore & still crave a few of them often! ๐ I do my clean eating but I still think it would be nice to have a cinnamon roll or pop tart! ;-). I am happy with the foods I eat but still crave as evidenced by my weekend cookie treats! ๐
I didn’t like sweet things at all when I was growing up. The worst gift anyone could give me was candy.
But then, sometime in my 30s, I “discovered” sugar, and I started liking it a bit too much.
At this point, I try to stay away from sugar, but I still have a cookie or a small slice of cake occasionally. I just don’t do well with rules, and if I say I can never have it, I know I’ll rebel.
thats me and the jerky. I swear Im grateful every day I dont have high BP as it would be a STRUGGLE for me to give up entirely.
as soon as I told myself no salty snacks—Id obsess.
You are my twin with the halloween candy.
The thing is now I eat my kids’ candy not my sibs’
Interesting! It’s amazing how our tastes and behaviors can change without us noticing. I definitely definitely have a sweet tooth, and agree with you that it will always ‘taste good’ if we were to have it, but when I DO refrain from eating those foods and simply eat clean, natural, unprocessed foods, any cravings subside and I don’t SEEK those foods out.
However, when I do have sweets, it only makes me crave more. Bad cycle! Yet I love me some chocolate.
I’m a reformed sugar addict!!!!!!! I went from, way over 60 grams a day (and I don’t eat junk either…all natural stuff) to under 25 grams! Only fruit, no processed stuff. My tips are HEALTHY FAT! Loads of coconut oil, avocado, and Fage total full fat yogurt, if you can eat dairy. It really curbs cravings and fills you up…I have more energy now too and I feel like my exercise performance is at it’s best!
I don’t crave sweets nearly as much as I used to, although, when I’m not in a good place emotionally, I might be tempted (but I usually go for salty/cheesy/crunchy). When I am taking care to understand myself I get into that groove of “food doesn’t control me and I don’t have to control food.” And like you, I decided a long time ago that I’d never say never about any food. It might make everything go a bit more slowly, but that’s a good thing. So the tip is: ask yourself what the heck is going on? You may have to dig deep and it may not be pleasant, but it works.
OH! I read something recently that said that chocolate cravings may indicate magnesium deficiency. And that a cravings for sweets in general may indicate deficiency in chromium, carbon, phosphorous, sulfur, and tryptophan.
POINTS UPWARD. Interesting!!
I like rules – maybe it’s the lawyer in me. If I tell myself that I am not going to eat something ever, I won’t. Moderation – only eating a little bit of something I like has never worked for me very well. I always want more. I also – unfortunately – am not yet great about listening to my body. I always used to joke that my hungry/full switch was broken, but maybe the truth is that I choose to ignore it sometimes. ๐
There’s a reason why my blog is called *CaNdYFiT* lol. I absolutely love, LOVE candy! From childhood to teenage-hood to adulthood ๐
That being said, I now treat myself to these sweets treats from time to time as opposed to making a meal out of them (oy!)in my newfound lifestyle! In getting into the habit of controlling and moderating my sugar intake and by making a switch to good and wholesome foods, those sugar cravings are bare to none (but don’t get me wrong, I still love my sweets!)!
I guess you can say, I’ve tamed the *CaNdY* Monster ๐
Amazing how we change and adapt! I’ve never felt better!
I wish I didn’t like sweets. My first downfall is that I LOVE baking. I usually send those goodies off with the hubby to work (#sorrynotsorry).
I try to curb it by keeping small square of dark chocolate in single servings, so when I get a craving, I don’t binge.
I listen to my body (most of the time) but since the womb I think I’ve loved me some sweets…mostly baked goodies, cakes, pies, cheesecake and my demise I’m sure will be chocolate peanut butter cups!
I keep it in check most times…
this weekend not so much ๐
Having a father who has both a severe sweet tooth and diabetes helped form my take-it-or-leave-it attitude to sweets, I believe. I enjoy the occasional dessert, but I’m fine without it, too.
Oh, almost forgot your daily #earworm…
I don’t have a sweet tooth until you add in fruit. I can pound back watermelon and apples and oranges and ooh ooh grapefruit and grapes and yeah peaches don’t stand a chance around me. But a lollipop? We have a dish of them they go nowhere. Chocolate is my least favorite food or smell so no thanks… But fruit!
A few weeks ago I took my kids to the movies (Madagascar 3 – see it in 3D- we did not, and now wish we had) and I consumed as much candy as I could (my junior mints, their m&ms and reeses pieces) and afterwards had a terrible headache and just felt AWFUL. The whole thing just seemed so ridiculous and immature, and I decided I was done with the sweet stuff. For the last 3 weeks I have been MOSTLY free of sweets and sugary junk foods – I just tell myself to do it for one day – then the next day I do it again. It hasn’t been a struggle or a battle of wills because I’m finding other yummy, healthier options (hello greek yogurt and granola). Do I think I’ll never have any sweets ever again? No, but I’m going to try and make them special occasion-type treats instead of every-day-sometimes-several-times-a-day treats. My over-40 body just can’t handle all that sugar anymore and that’s okay.
Jill, I’m going to try the Greek yogurt and granola. I had thought about low-glycemic smoothies with berries, but the yogurt would be quicker. When a craving hits, the easier it is to grab something good for me, the better. Awesome idea!
I don’t have sugar in my apartment. I don’t have salt, either. That way I’m not sprinkling it on stuff. I can no longer tolerate things that are sweet: Some juices, ice cream, most candies (I keep some hard candies on hand for blood sugar dips). It’s a problem, because I find that a lot of the protein bars and drinks are just too sweet for me to drink anymore, and I long for the salty, savory, and sharp flavors and find myself out of step with food fashion. It’s harder and harder to find things that AREN’T super-sticky sweet… even if it’s “low sugar” because it’s made all the MORE sweet with artificial sweeteners.
Love how observant children are – you are modeling behavior for them all the time, even when you don’t realize it! As far as sugar, for me, the less often I eat it, the less often I crave it. I just need to remember that more often so the ugly cycle doesn’t start!
I’m a chocolate gal. Switching to dark chocolate – good dark chocolate – has made a difference because I allow myself to enjoy it in small amounts. Yes, I like cake and cookies, too. But, I don’t keep them around to regularly eat. I use fruit to give me my sweet fix. Love it!
Great post!
Winks & Smiles,
Most of us love sweet; our bodies are wired that way! Ancestral humans who didn’t crave sugar and fat didn’t live for long!
I’ve found that the best way to reduce (still working on eliminate) cravings is to mindfully remove all added sugar from my diet for at least a week. That means reading labels carefully and paying attention to how much better my body feels.
Unfortunately, it’s all too easy to fall off the wagon. For me, a weekend of indulgence is enough trigger the cravings. Obviously the solution (for me) is just not to start again!
Love how kids state the obvious, which often turns out to be not that obvious!
Ah, the sweets.
I know exactly when I’m not eating enough because I crave the sugar: heath bars and ice bars! or heath bars in ice cream!
When my energy intake = my energy output I can walk down bakery, candy and freezer aisles without the slightest temptation.
My body – it tells me important stuff even when I don’t listen.
and for me if I ever get a sugar (more likely ice cream) craving it is always an indication Im dehydrated!!
I would say that I love this post but I feel like I’m starting to sound like a broken record.
I had a serious addiction to sweets – chocolate, ice cream, etc. There was no will power. I would buy something from the store (hoping to have it last) and within a few hours, it would be empty. I would feel sick to my stomach. In the back of my mind, the moment I started eating something and reached the do or die point, I would continue on with the rationale that “well, if I just finish this today, I won’t have to worry about temptation tomorrow.” So not logical. Over the past 5 years or so, it’s been my husband who has helped me. The biggest change was keeping the sweets and chocolate IN THE HOUSE. It sounds crazy. But, right now we have a container of choc covered pretzels, a stash of m&ms, ice cream, chocolate bars, twizzlers…the list can go on. I occasionally treat myself to a little snack – but I can now break a piece of the chocolate bar and put the rest away. I still crave the sweets – but the self control is there now to prevent me from overindulging the way I used to.
Oh wow, I was a sugar fiend as a kid as well. Froot Loops, Corn Pops, Frosted Flakes.. you name it, I was into it. Like you said (ever so genius-ly), when I eat mindfully now, my body never asks for it. I think one of the things that can definitely help to calm an addiction to sugar is gradually weaning yourself off it in every way possible. I used to use a ton of added artificial sweetener, and I started by slowly reducing the amount I used in my tea each time. Now I use NONE and only take stevia if I am really desperate for sweetness. Also, pick whole foods with natural sugars – fruit, carrots, sweet potatoes… all faves for this girl!
Interesting…I don’t crave sweets any more either. Also, if I eat them, I feel like cruuuuuuuuud.
I blame paleo ๐
You and I are so alike that way. I do think if Id not turned to mindful eating Id still be a sugarslave ๐
So funny because growing up, I didn’t love sugar that much (I don’t think?) but it wasn’t until college that my sweet tooth really made its appearance. I do like sugar but am trying to cut back on it because I don’t feel great when I have a lot of it. You’re right – being mindful and listening to my body = key. My husband on the other hand, sugar slave.
I like sweets, but I like different sweets than I used to when I was younger and it didn’t matter what it was as long as it was sweet. I don’t like massed produced sweets anymore like Chips Ahoy or dingdong things. If I want something, I either make it myself or go to a good bakery and get something.
I’ve heard a lot of great feedback from people who have eliminated sugar, it’s probably something that I should try myself!
I also don’t really crave sweets the way I used to. I think how I got away with it is that when I would crave something sweet, I forced myself to have something healthy like an apple and maybe some peanut or almond butter on the apple. After awhile, I started craving that instead of the sweet. Now most of the time, when I see sweets I’m really not that interested. I’m trying to do the same thing now with my potato chip cravings, LOL. I do still like a little piece of chocolate every now and then, but I know I won’t eat a whole candy bar, just a small piece.
And yes, little ones notice everything. They keep noticing as they get older too, so it is very important to show a good model of what you would like your child to be. That way it seems natural to them.
I no longer have any idea what my body would ask for.
Or where to begin.
Ive so so been there, too.
Let me gather my thoughts up into a post ๐
Sweets taunt me everyday. Too often they see me give into their love songs. I’m a sucker for a sucker you could say. I have to realize this and recall this the next time I am enticed, which will likely be within the next hour or two. Some love songs are not good for you.
I think you hit the nail on the head for me with mindful eating. My body never wants sweets. Given, I’ve never had a huge sweet tooth, I’d much rather splurge on chips and salsa, but I’ve reached the stage of healthy eating where my body prefers healthy food. It was a long process, but it feels good to be here!
That’s interesting! And kids are so observant.
I was definitely a sugar fiend when I was obese. Now, 110 pounds lighter I am still drawn to sugar but try to limit it as much as I can. Haven’t completely beaten it yet!
Sugar fanatic over here. Love it, Love it, Love it. Skittles? yes please. M&M’s yes please. Sorry, I know I’m supposed to be the runner that treats his body as a temple and only has the goodness flowing through my veins… well, this temple loves it some candy and is okay with it. ๐
Don’t get me wrong, moderation is key. I’d say I have a bag of candy maybe once or twice a month, but that doesn’t mean I’m not thinking about it all the time. The calories always get me. I look at it and think: 180 calories for one bag means another 2 miles I have to run. Worth it? Sometimes yes, sometimes no.
I go in spurts…some days I want sweets and others I’m totally fine, but I probably should have less sugar!
I go in cycles. Sometimes I’m good with less, but lately I’ve had one little thing about every other day. I am definitely a salt-tooth as well, and found out that as an endurance athlete who does a lot of training outside, I shouldn’t be skimping on the salt anyway (seriously, when I made a concious effort to cut it for a few weeks my training and body really suffered), and I have no health reasons to limit it, so it works!
I’m trying to give up sugar right now. My cravings are so strong, I feel like a real junkie. I don’t think moderation is going to work for me. The more I eat, the more I want. Is there a 12-steps program for sugar junkies???
I don’t like candy, or “hard sugar” as I call it, but I love pastries! That’s my weakness. I have found that I’ll crave it if I have it, but if I go through the “withdrawal” and eat really cleanly for a while, the cravings go away.
I’ve successfully quit for short periods, getting through the first week is the hardest, but once it was out of my system it wasn’t an issue anymore. I can notice, though, that I’ll crave even after just one sugary treat, so I try to be careful and be ready to fight a craving knowingly when I choose to eat something sweet.
I think I may have gotten tired of sugar. I still love it when I have it have them, but I don’t HAVE to have them anymore. I just woke up one day, decided it was time to give them up, and it just…worked. If I continue to practice moderation, it doesn’t come back full swing like it used to. ๐
Oh I was just thinking over this today!!! (Okay, so I think about sweets every day, yes I do.) I try and do the same as you – listen to what my body says it needs – and it’s worked decently well for me for the past two years. But the problem is, it sometimes screams that it NEEDS candy. True, it’s because I’m tired, stressed out and over-workedout but knowing the reasons doesn’t change the end result: my body craves sugars. The obvious solution to this would be to get more sleep, drop the stress and quit doing long, high-intensity cardio workouts. It seems so clear when I type it out here and yet… here I am, with a handful of chocolate chips.
Someday I DEEPLY hope to be able to be in the place you are now. Possibility??
Everyone says the moment you say you can’t have something the more you want it. I’m definitely a misfit in that area. Once I make a resolve to not eat or do something it becomes much MUCH easier. I was a slave to sugar. A SLAVE. At one point I hid out behind my house drinking from a syrup bottle. (Not my proudest moment.) The ONLY way I broke my addiction was to treat it like an addiction. An alcoholic does’t try to moderate alcohol. It lasted for almost 4 years. Then I thought I’d try listening to my body. My body is “broken” or at least confused when it comes to sugar. It ALWAYS wants and wants and wants. I’m struggling and know what I should do but I’m having a hard time making THE resolve. For me, that is the hard part making the resolve.
THANKS SO MUCH to all of you for the comments and the emails. Im up and writing and plopping into a post all my mindful eating thoughts. (Id say tips but that mightcould be too strong a word :-)) Coming tomorrow…
I am firmly entrenched in the SWEETS LOVER camp. I try to break the cycle. I just recently went through an 8 week sugar detox program (which I very loosely followed) and I felt great. Then I had dessert 4 times in one week.
It’s a hard habit to break.
I don’t really have a sweet tooth. Never have been, so I don’t quite get it. I often pick icing off things and didn’t even like raisins for the longes time because they were too sweet (I know it’s wierd). I’m more of a fluffy baking/salty snacking person. I do love fruit in all forms and some dried fruit, but actual super sweet stuff is really not my thing…
Except for dates. For some reason I could eat dates all day and night. Go figure…
I am a huge chocolate/sweets fan. I’ve recently discovered Caoao, which is what chocolate is made from. It is loaded with antioxidants,and low in sugar, but still very satisfying. This article has more info on it.
I recently bought cacao powder and added it in my protein powder enhanced waffles. =) It was really good!
Happy to say I am not a sugar slave. What helped me, though, was fighting sweet with sweet. I still eat about an ounce of dark chocolate most days. It’s a little taste of sugar but doesn’t leave me craving more (or other yucky kinds). Now I’ll still indulge in the odd piece of birthday cake every once in a while, but that’s about the extent of it. Feels good!
i have noticed two things lately…as my stress gets under control and I run less my sugar cravings have dropped ten fold…and yes much of that is listening to my body
I eat the lollipops as soon ad I get them from the bank ๐ It is good I don’t have kids yet.
I’m trying to cut down in sugar. Not working yet ๐
I naturally enjoy sweets, but I find I don’t always have them in my house I grew up with what they thought was hypoglycemia but now I think it’s a matter of not eating a balanced diet at balanced times. Mom has a salt-tooth and admits it! I grew up in a house with chips and peanuts and pretzels, so I have a learned salt-tooth as I call it. Living on my own I find if I don’t buy it I don’t have either. Then again I don’t allow myself to think anything is “off limits” except of course for things I’m allergic to haha
This is so me! The taste of sweets? Amazing. Always have loved the TASTE. The TEXTURES. The LOOK of sweets.
The feeling I get after? Not so much. It’s gotten to the point (because of sensitive blood sugar, maybe?) where I feel quite sick if I eat even a little bit. There’s a rush and my heart starts to pound, and it comes after even only a little bit of the sweets.
Does that sound fun? Heck no. So the sweets no longer seem fun to me. I am a master at the cake decorating and bake often, but only for other people who legitimately ENJOY the sweets-eating experience. It’s not an issue to “deny” myself the sweets because they make me feel TERRIBLE. Physically and mentally, since I know I am doing bad to the body. Although I can’t eat much fruit for the same reason, which is slightly different because fruit is good for the body. Like I said, sensitive blood sugar, methinks.
So glad I’m like Miz somehow. ๐
Nice job!