When last I left you Id announced my excitement about attending a YOGA FOR HIPS workshop.
Since many of you asked it was held at this facility BUT BUT BUT this is NOT NOT NOT a sponsored post (to their delight Im sure as the ramblings unfold…):
What I didnt share with you is I wasnt all that excited to go.
I signed us up. I gots Ren Man all kinds of YES!! LETS DO THIS THING!! WE SIT TOO MUCH!! pumped. I longed to bail.
Like a lot.
I almost did that thing where you pick a fight with someone JUST so you can storm off in anger (thats a thing, right?) so I didnt have to go.
But Im getting ahead of myself.
I LOVE MY LIFETIME FITNESS. (<—– again, to clarify, this is NOT a sponsored post. Im just smitten.)
And while I’ll do yoga it’s typically by DVD in my domicile.
I wont lie. I quit. A lot.
That said, I will lie. To myself. Frequently. About both the state of my HIPS and the status of my CORE.
Which is why I signed us up for the workshop and why I looked like this immediately before:
The Tornado attempted to inspire me.
The husband just hoped to contain me & not let me run away.
I did almost run the opposite direction as he happily ambled down the hall to the studio.
But I did not.
I entered the studio.
I resisted giving the instructor a big ‘my piriformises (what IS the plural?!) are all kinds of owie today’ diZclaimer.
I unfurled my mat.
What did I learn:
- My definition of WORKSHOP is not the universal one. Id erroneously assumed it would be sort of a lecture. Seriously. I almost brought a notebook (#nerdalert). Id thought we’d leave having learned a series of specific poses we could do at home for our hips/low back. I was incorrect. The workshop was essentially a two hour class. For Ren Man and me it was the equivalent of running a half-marathon when we’d previously walked a lap around the track. We paced ourselves (I spent a ton of time just hanging in pigeon pose), but were surprised at the format.
- I love doing yoga with Ren Man. Thankfully he knew enough *not* to meet my gaze when doing so would have triggered me to erupt in inappropriate giggles. It was a Ren Man winwin.
- I still cry on the mat. Im unsure if it was the length of the class (120 minutes versus 60) or the repeated reminders of where I used to be (hello backbend with ease!) versus where I am now (fearful and afraid to even attempt) but I cried. I think the only thing which helped me to NOT become a sniveling mess was the awareness my husband was OMing next to me. I care not what strangers think.
- My body is begging for more core work. (seriously. that’s all Im saying about that one.)
- I still live a fearful yoga-life. More than a few times the instructor came over & suggested I use a block to get into a pose. Yet, when I ATTEMPTED said post I could, in fact, do it sans-block. I was simply afraid. I dont yet trust what my body can and can not do in yoga. This ‘fear’ is still highly unfamiliar territory for me.
- I need to be more grateful for my family. I think I appreciate them. I try and do something each day to demonstrate my appreciation. I still fall short. Quite frankly I’d have been a sad, broken mess after the workshop were it not for Ren Man & the Tornado. We LAUGHED (all 3 of us). We made fun of ourselves (Ren Man and me). We went to Pei Wei.
(stops, rereads, realizes she may have been hasty in her I LEARNED NADA assertion.)
I guess I did learn at the workshop—just not precisely what Id anticipated/planned.
Now you.
Have you ever attended a yoga workshop? What were your experiences?
Got any good links or information on HIPS-specific poses you’d like to share?
When was the last time you went to Pei Wei Asian Diner after a good cry?
Bea says
July 31, 2012 at 4:46 amI love your honesty.
Shelley B says
July 31, 2012 at 5:12 amDying at the thought of you almost bringing a notebook to the yoga workshop!
Amy says
August 2, 2012 at 6:58 amLMBO!
Me too!!
Healthy Mama says
July 31, 2012 at 5:17 amI think I may have assumed it was a traditional workshop, too?
I might have gone to too many writing workshops though and there we never do yoga LOL.
And yes Miz.
I cry on the mat every time.
Angela @ Happy Fit Mama says
July 31, 2012 at 5:31 amI think you learned quite a bit and you didn’t even need to bring a notebook.
My hips don’t lie either. I should sit in pigeon all day. I’ve learned from my yoga teachers that the hips are the fountain of youth. If you neglect them, they’ll increase your age 10 fold. Love ’em and you’ll be youthful for ever. Well, maybe not forever. 🙂
Natalia says
July 31, 2012 at 5:35 amI cry on the mat too! At yoga classes and especially at a foam roller class.
Jill @ Fitness, Health and Happiness says
July 31, 2012 at 5:48 amWhen I read that you were going to a yoga workshop I just assumed it would be a class 🙂 I love yoga but I have found that I only like it for no longer than 30-40 minutes. It took me forever to learn how to relax but when I did the experience was totally different.
I’ve been looking for hip poses too.
Eve says
July 31, 2012 at 7:40 amI spend my days in pigeon pose.
Runner Girl says
July 31, 2012 at 5:49 amI love this post on so many levels.
I admire how you knew you did not want to go and still went.
I love how Ren Man went with you and the Tornado cheered you one.
I adore you, Mizzy.
lindsay says
July 31, 2012 at 5:58 ammaybe that was the purpose of the workout shop, to break you down then build you back up.. stronger, with less fear, more faith, and together (with REN MAN). yes, i think so.
MizFit says
August 1, 2012 at 6:00 amYES. YES.
Mere says
July 31, 2012 at 6:00 amI saw on your Facebook page that you said Ren Man saw you cry.
I think I would not like that for my boyfriend.
Did you feel all kind of uncomfortable afterward?
Mandy says
July 31, 2012 at 6:14 amYou learnt loads. It seems to have been worth every minute – crying or not. You can’t fix something without facing some bit of your fears.
I can’t see The Boy EVER going to a yoga workshop – with me or without! Give me a proper pilates workshop and I’d be there in a heartbeat. It’s helped my hips/glutes/ITBs/core massively.
Nancy says
July 31, 2012 at 11:11 amThankmyou for sharing this.
More than you know.
Ida says
July 31, 2012 at 6:15 amI love the bit at the end.
jen says
July 31, 2012 at 6:22 amoh mama
how I love thee
and thee honesty you spew
we are booty sisters, so stick with me
together we will om til we’re blue.
we will be pain free.
we just need to be patient, who knew?!?
you will see
together we get thru.
together with me
and the family who lives with you.
hugs from me!
hugs to you!
(it’s a wee bit early for this chica and I amstill on 1st cup of coffee – I hope you enjoy my lil rhyme anyway!)
Lindsay @ Lindsay's List says
July 31, 2012 at 6:25 amI could sit and look at pictures of your beautiful legs all day long!
MizFit says
August 1, 2012 at 5:59 amYoure so so flipping sweet.
it’s the seuss.
he be hypnotizing 🙂
Alicia at Poise In Parma says
July 31, 2012 at 6:26 amThe definition of yoga workshop is tricky to define, and you are a FAR braver woman for going to a 2 hour hips workshop than I! No matter what I know 2 things: to always bring my notebook and the fact that I will be DONE for the rest of the day.
My teacher says we store all our “emotional sh*t” in our hips, so I wasn’t surprised to hear that you cried. When I’m having a hard time emotionally on my mat, pigeon pose always brings me to tears – for the emotional release not the physical one.
As for poses, I can’t recommend this one enough: a frog pose variation where you lie on your back with your feet on a wall, your ankles and knees at 90 degree angles. You press your feet into the wall to engage your leg muscles while working your hips open. An easy one to do while watching TV! (This pic is traditional frog, so flip the woman on her back for the variation: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-99q1gEqiSv8/Tyb5lmd8M4I/AAAAAAAAAd0/mdKCCGHKfO0/s400/frog%2Bpose%2B2.jpg)
Also check out this page of Yoga Journal: http://www.yogajournal.com/poses/finder/anatomical_focus/hips
p.s. you + me + yoga together at FitBloggin’?
Miz says
July 31, 2012 at 7:55 amIT IS SOOO ON AT FITBLOGGIN. you would have to beat me off with a (soft loving OMing) bat 🙂
I swear I could have just sat there and sobbed on the mat.
IM TOTALLY THE ONE WHO COULD DO BACK BENDS AND WALKOVERS ETC with fearless ease until I woke up one morning about 3 years ago…hmmm…two years I think.
I can totally pinpoint the day too.
I didnt know the name yet but my piriformis hath seized up…
jen says
July 31, 2012 at 11:37 amcan I totally be rude and invite myself in here?!?!?!
Alicia at Poise In Parma says
August 2, 2012 at 6:53 amYES! I’m happy to lead all of us in a yoga session at FitBloggin’. The more, the merrier!
Cammy@TippyToeDiet says
July 31, 2012 at 6:32 amI learned that there are yoga workshops for specific body parts. I had no idea.
Katie @wishandwhimsy says
July 31, 2012 at 6:34 amI’m always SO inspired by how “in-tune” you are with what your body needs. I aspire to be in that place where I know my body so well some day, though I am taking steps to get there.
Coco says
July 31, 2012 at 6:46 amMy patience for yoga ends at about 25 min, but I have done a one hour class a few times. I might enjoy having done a two hour class, but I’m not sure what it would take to get me in one in the first place.
Natalia, there are foam roller classes? OMG!
Miz says
July 31, 2012 at 7:55 amId love foam roller classes too!!!
cheryl says
August 1, 2012 at 10:29 amInversions. A good two hour class has inversions!
Barbara says
July 31, 2012 at 6:47 amOh, how I relate to this. Yoga (with an instructor) = amazing. Certain I stretched out enough to gain an inch in height. Yoga with my DVD at home….lots of falling over sideways and my kids jumping around me saying, “Look, Mom! I’m a ninja!!” Not so peaceful. 😉
Thus, I think I will join a gym this fall.
Mary Anne in Kentucky says
July 31, 2012 at 6:53 amI preach The Yoga too much (for someone who is not, and doesn’t want to be, a teacher) but yoga is all about overcoming the fear. Listen to your body, not your mind.
Mary Anne in Kentucky
Lindsay @ The Lean Green Bean says
July 31, 2012 at 7:13 amomg “i almost brought a notebook” – i LOVE you. hilarious!
Brittany says
July 31, 2012 at 7:16 amMizzzzzz! The mere fact that you went to this workshop with no desire to just affirms that you are such an open, strong woman! I stink at yoga. I am antsy and impatient. Holding a position for a minute? How about 5 seconds? Recently, my hip abductors have been giving me some serious issues, so alas, my trainer suggested doing yoga. *Cue the sighs* Okay, I guess. I found this: http://www.fitsugar.com/Yoga-Poses-Your-Band-23478872?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+fitsugar+%28FitSugar+-+Healthy%2C+happy+you.%29&utm_content=Google+Reader. It’s stretches for the hips and IT band that have helped me. I hope they help you too! I’ve never attended a workshop, but maybe I need to? 🙂
Rita says
July 31, 2012 at 7:20 amYou inspire me to let go and feel on the mat rather than shove my emotions inward.
Jody - Fit at 54 says
July 31, 2012 at 7:34 amNever done yoga but I keep saying I must! I am still stretching a lot so I can do my splits & stuff after 15-20 minutes of warm up when it used to be wham bam! 🙂 YES, I could do backbends & back & front walkovers in the early days & afraid to try now – that afraid word you mentioned. My hips are much better since I started doing the things I have mentioned to you before BUT I could always benefit from more…. I don’t have a yoga class like this at my gym.
I love that RenMan came & both he & Tornado helped you thru! 🙂
Luckily I do a ton of core work & always have along with lots of back work too! 🙂
Will you keep going?
cheryl says
August 1, 2012 at 10:27 amyoga is NOT stretching..just sayin’!
miz says
July 31, 2012 at 7:41 amI’ve not yet mastered the iPhone keyboard.alas I can’t comment back eloquently 🙂 till I’m at computer.
Mollie says
July 31, 2012 at 7:45 amIve heard you talk about and tweet about your piriformis. What’s is that?
Jana says
July 31, 2012 at 8:13 amI want to know too!
Stephanie Lambert says
July 31, 2012 at 7:56 amhey love you did it and that’s all that matters. its the journey not the destination. I used to do and teach yoga, but damned if i’d try a backbend right now I’d probably break my pretty face. Practice, and doing it even though you’re afraid. Props to you my painted sista!
Heather (Where's the Beach) says
July 31, 2012 at 8:08 amFunny how you assume you don’t learn something but you really do even if it’s not what was expected. Sometimes that’s the best though. And I agree, I need to truly appreciate my family more as well and not just assume that I do. Great reminder
Toni @runninglovingliving says
July 31, 2012 at 8:11 amLove this post! I love yoga, I have never done a workshop but I regularly practice in my own home. Sad to say I have been neglecting my yoga practice and you have inspired me to pick it back up! I think we could all precise our family more and every time I read one of your posts you remind me to do that, you are truly an awesome role model!
Gabby @ Gabby's Gluten-Free says
July 31, 2012 at 8:56 amLove this post! This is what yoga is all about – learning new things about yourself and conquering fears.
Carrie@FamilyFitnessFood.com says
July 31, 2012 at 9:03 am2 hours is a serious workshop. I try to go to a 50 minute class weekly and it’s such a challenge. I’m terrible at shutting down my mind. My yoga teacher this week suggested that if we find our mind wandering, we should count our breath as a way to focus back to what we are doing.
I love how you talk about trusting your body, it’s so true when it comes to yoga. I think we can do so much more than we give ourselves credit for doing.
Bonnie says
July 31, 2012 at 9:24 amWhat a neat, honest post, Carla. Thanks for sharing your experiences with us! To be honest, I kind of like the fact that it was tough for you to go because I feel that way about different classes and actually haven’t gone to very many! Only now that I’m at a gym and am occasionally subbing for others’ classes do I feel the need to try them out, and it opens me up so much!
I’ve never taken a yoga workshop before, but, like you, I KNOW that my body would benefit (all running and strength training without much stretching makes for a pretty stiff body, and I can feel it!)…Time for me to listen to my body too! Thanks for that reminder. Glad you and RenMan got to do this together too, and it’s neat he seemed so comfortable! The family that works out together… 😉
Talia @ Bite Size Wellness says
July 31, 2012 at 9:25 amI <3 yoga, but since I moved to the city and left my Core Power Yoga studio behind I have yet to "get into it again" with much sadness in that statement! The studios here are EXPENSIVE! I would love to attend a workshop and glad you had such a positive experience!
Robin says
July 31, 2012 at 9:29 amI love there are things about fitness even you do not want to do.
deb says
July 31, 2012 at 9:30 amI find myself living in that fear to move place every single day. And constantly dance with moving anyway or giving in to the fear.
That’s the main reason I decided to get some ART treatment for my hip. I HATE THE FEAR. But if the muscles don’t move right, that’s all I can rely on.
Yoga is THE prescription for getting over that fear.
It sounds like you NEED to go to class not fake it at home. I know – you don’t want to hear that. But I’m also betting that in your heart you know that yourself.
MizFit says
July 31, 2012 at 12:09 pmYOU NAILED IT. and yes yes yes I do. In my heart. where it counts.
thea @ It's Me Vs. Me says
July 31, 2012 at 10:14 am“I dont yet trust what my body can and can not do in…”
This. This is where I am every day. I live so much in this fear. Daily.
while I don’t cry during yoga, I do have a tendency to tear up on runs. Sometimes I blame it on the show I’m watching if I’m on the treadmill, but I think it has more to do with everything is at the surface when I work out.
I love your honesty. I love the pigeon post. And I’ve never eaten at Pei Wei.
Kia says
July 31, 2012 at 10:18 amYou are on the most beautiful creatures I know. This honesty is a big goal I strive for to guide yoga clients to. Hips are hard! We contain emotion and our resilience against the world in them… you arrive when you can let go. And crying is common as you dive into hip openers. You rocked this workshop, when is your next one?
Caron says
July 31, 2012 at 10:18 amMy daughter in Austin gave me yoga DVD’s for Christmas but I haven’t progressed very far with them. I am signed up for my very first class tomorrow afternoon. They call it gentle yoga and the description says it is perfect for beginners and concentrates on stretching, relaxing and meditation. I’m a little scared by it but going anyway. 🙂
Dr. Samantha says
July 31, 2012 at 10:28 amI think crying on the mat is a big old win.
I’ve been doing yoga since I was 19 (no, I will not do the math) and I consider it a successful class/workshop if I DO cry. Yoga is about physical but also about spiritual and emotional for many of us. It’s my experience that when I get to the deeply stuck parts of my body it runs parallel to deeply stuck emotions. When I’m willing to open (not. always.) and let it all go, it’s brilliant. Thanks for sharing your experience, lovely.
Holly A. says
July 31, 2012 at 10:32 amI love that you were nervous but you went anyway. I love that you’re not good at everything because neither am I. And mostly I love that even in a room full of strangers you’re not afraid to be you.
Paige @ Your Trainer Paige says
July 31, 2012 at 10:45 amTalk about a truthful post! Love it:)
I’ve only cried once during yoga, and yes, I think it was because it was an effing long class.
Kierston says
July 31, 2012 at 11:01 amSo honest and so thought provoking. Thank you!
I’ve never been to a yoga workshop but I would like to!
I learn a lot about myself on the mat…so I’ve learned.
Ren Man says
July 31, 2012 at 11:18 amI’m always surprised how hard yoga is. I can’t believe how much I sweat without traveling beyond the boundaries of my mat. I was also terrified I would wake up in the middle of the night in complete muscle lock from contorting myself, but I was surprisingly loose the next day. I hope we start doing yoga more regularly.
Roz@weightingfor50 says
July 31, 2012 at 11:49 amI would SO love to do a yoga workshop with you!!! (and I’ve cried in yoga before too…you are not alone) I also have that Shakira song on my mind now – apparently, my hips don’t lie either today!!! And I’ll be in my chair doing her amazing belly dance moves in my mind… Have a good Tuesday.
Sue says
July 31, 2012 at 1:03 pmI have never heard of yoga for specific body parts before this, I have only ever done a general class and Bikram Yoga. I will now be looking into one for my back thank you!
Shawanda says
July 31, 2012 at 1:08 pmhow do you feel now?
Janice @ Fitness Cheerleader says
July 31, 2012 at 1:24 pmWow! TWO hours of yoga? You go girl!! I do not do nearly enough stretching/yoga as I should and I may have to join you on the yogaing, planking and working on my core strength. My run today was brutal, and I was so much faster three months ago – I also had a much stronger core then too. Coincidence?
Lisa says
July 31, 2012 at 2:00 pmI would love to take a weekend yoga workshop. I need to find a way to LOVE yoga. My body needs it. Especially as a cyclist and a runner. I need it. But hate it.
Quix says
July 31, 2012 at 2:31 pmSounds like a worthwhile experience. Zliten and I tried partner yoga once, which was a lot of fun, but maybe not as productive as regular yoga. And there was lots of giggles. 🙂
I just cannot get my butt into yoga either, although said posterior could certainly use it lately (nothing chronic or bad, but I’m definitely pushing my limits on training). It just feels like wasted time to me when I’m right now in double digit hours training.
I’ve never had yoga send me to tears, but once it did give me this tingly woogy out of body experience which was awesome, but usually, it’s just a long stretching session for me. And I have to be careful not to go to class when I feel anything out of place, or I get competitive and hurt myself. Because I’m just that silly girl.
Troy Adashun @ Formulated Fitness says
July 31, 2012 at 3:36 pmI believe it is key to work your external obliques for proper hip health and flexibility. This will help you move a lot more loose and limber and give you better shaped hips as well. There are some great external oblique workouts such as bicycle crunches and side pillars.
Patrick says
July 31, 2012 at 4:39 pmYoga… someday I will give it a try. Until then, it’s yogurt for me.
purelymichelle says
July 31, 2012 at 8:57 pmnever done a yoga workshop, want too but a little scared. as much as I love yoga, I am not that good. Once I get over putting that pressure on myself, hopefully I can do it again.
cheryl says
August 1, 2012 at 10:26 amyoga is not about comparing yourself to others so there isn’t any “good” or “right way” or “not so good”. Do it!
Rachael says
July 31, 2012 at 9:11 pmI love the yoga at Lifetime. I used to tell myself that I would never do yoga because it was too slow and I wouldn’t get anything out of it. Boy was I wrong! I attend the Hot Vinyasa classes as often as I can. I am completely addicted. It is one hour of my day where I can actually shut my brain off. I recommend the workshops and classes to everyone.
Malik says
July 31, 2012 at 10:31 pmI need this!
Kiya Krier says
July 31, 2012 at 10:46 pmI work at Lifetime! I teach Zumba there. Geesh, everyone goes there. I haven’t gone to any of their yoga workshops yet though :S
Deborah says
July 31, 2012 at 10:50 pmI’m afraid I just don’t get enough out of yoga. Don’t get me wrong. I don’t think it’s easy or a waste of time, I just don’t enjoy it.
My legs / knees are hyper-mobile so I often overextend and hurt myself as well….
Will you be going back for more?
cheryl says
August 1, 2012 at 10:25 amthen you need to take a power yoga class and focus on the strength and balance and less on the flexibility part maybe?
Janine says
August 1, 2012 at 1:08 amI didn’t know there were workshops just for certain body parts. TWO HOURS is an eternity, Mizzy.
cheryl says
August 1, 2012 at 9:50 pmnot if you have done several iron mans or multi-day bike rides…2 hrs. is a blink in time!
Sandy says
August 1, 2012 at 2:51 amI’ve been taking the summer off from my yoga class and now I’m somehow afraid that I can’t go back and be content for an hour class. So funny to hear others get the same antsy feeling. I have been on 2 yoga retreats where we had 2 hours of yoga in the morning and an hour in the evening. Can’t think about that right now either, my mind just doesn’t want to be still. I have to admit that I always left class when they started meditation. I mean my mind is fearful of just sitting even for 10 minutes completely still.
search iphone apps says
August 1, 2012 at 5:08 amSome really fantastic articles on this internet site , thanks for contribution.
Dora says
August 1, 2012 at 5:44 amI know my body loves yoga, but I don’t.
I struggle with monkey mind.
Kerri says
August 1, 2012 at 5:50 amGood for you for going and not putting up a fight!
Uli says
August 1, 2012 at 5:52 amSo MizFit.
The question remains:
MizFit says
August 1, 2012 at 5:59 amI AM.
It is on my schedule for friday.
I feel as though I dont have time for it.
Im going to make me make the time.
for my HIPS sake.
Jen says
August 1, 2012 at 5:56 amI wouldn’t know what to expect with a yoga workshop either. They word workshop would have made me want to bring a notebook too!! But I do like the idea of it being a 2 hr yoga class. That’s incredible. I think it’s equally awesome your hubs came along as well.
MizFit says
August 1, 2012 at 6:37 amLOVE THIS.
The woman who taught the workshop emailed me this last night.
I’d like to share a quote with you that is one of my favorite when I’m facing my fears and doubts. It’s from Yogananda.
“A negative attitude limits us in whatever we try to do. In India they say that when an elephant driver wants to temporarily leave his elephant, he ties the animal to a post or a stake with a straw rope. When he comes back later, the elephant is still securely tethered to the stake. The elephant thinks he is tied fast and can’t get away because of this little rope, but it is only a straw—-he could break it with just one jerk of his neck and be free. That is the way we are sometimes: tied down by doubts and all sorts of negative thoughts, ideas and attitudes. These convince us that we can’t improve our situation. But we can. All we have to do is change to positive thinking.”
cheryl says
August 1, 2012 at 10:23 amThe fact that an elephant thinks it’s tied to anything is SO wrong.
I know it’s a metaphorical “lesson”-but yeah.
India does not have it all together-hence the huge power outage.
Just because it it “cultural” doesn’t make it “right”.
Fran says
August 1, 2012 at 6:47 amI love that you did this as a couple.
I’m not a huge fan of yoga but I do it from time to time because I know it’s good for my muscles next to all the running.
Shelley says
August 1, 2012 at 7:43 amUgh, yoga. I’m with you, sister, though I could never describe it so hilariously.
I have a hard time getting through yoga. I do it, once in a while (maybe that’s the problem) and when I actually get through it without swearing, I feel as though I’ve reached a new spiritual plane. Yoga is awesome. I’m just not.
And I love the parts about your family and the power of positive thinking. This is honestly what I think of when I think of you – being in control of your own happiness, and owning it, and positive thinking.
Nichol says
August 1, 2012 at 7:45 amI have never done yoga but should, actually I’ve never been to a gym *sigh*. I give up way too much, something I’m not proud of. One day, I’ll do it, and stop the fight! Glad you are doing this together!
Anna says
August 1, 2012 at 7:49 amWhat is a piriformis?
Melissa says
August 1, 2012 at 8:39 amLove this post, I need to try yoga.
Dr. Mark says
August 1, 2012 at 9:41 amWe all feel like this about our fitness routines at some point or another. Heck I feel this way most days. But you did what most people fail to do which is why you succeed and will coninue to do so….you did it anyway 🙂 Good job.
Cheryl says
August 1, 2012 at 10:21 amI have always worn my running stuff to yoga. Many do. Refuse to buy special yoga clothes as it’s all about marketing. Love being next to the girl in pajama pants splattered with paint!
I “OM” with joy-and even harmonize at times.
Dr. J says
August 1, 2012 at 12:56 pmI’ve done yoga classes where I was the worst one in the room!
I was still the best me I could be.
The end.
ConnieFoggles says
August 1, 2012 at 1:12 pmI took yoga in college and I went through an emotional catharsis too. So imagine, college where you want to fit in and be cool. And I’m a sobbing mess. It was all worth it.
Michele @ Nycrunningmama says
August 1, 2012 at 1:39 pmNever attended a yoga workshop before…I think I would be too scared to sign up!!
My hubby and I used to go to yoga twice a week together (when we were dating)…It was oddly romantic and intimate despite having a room full of people =)
kim shand says
August 1, 2012 at 2:12 pmSeems like you made a good investment of 2 hours for the return of a few light bulb moments! Connecting mind to body and getting both to agree on what is possible is quite a journey (I’m still in process).
To keep your hips happy try my video to transform hips
Or my chair yoga
Yum Yucky says
August 1, 2012 at 2:14 pm120 minutes? 60 minutes? Either way, I must have Yoga ADD. 20 minutes is all I want. Any more than that and I’m bored for something more fun… like couch-azzing.
Rock on with your Yogification. Go, gurrrl.
angela says
August 1, 2012 at 2:33 pmI used to take yoga with both my husband and daughter. Bringing family to class is the best way to go and support each other when it’s hard or frustrating or just downright emotional. My daughter and I are starting back tomorrow, I’m super excited!
Cindy says
August 1, 2012 at 4:09 pmReminds me of the time I went to a yoga workshop for people that had arthritis. My freind fit the description and didn’t want to go alone so I cam with her. I figgered I would be the star of the show. They got us twisted up like pretzels and had us lower ourselves to the ground. No problem! Now untwist your legs and lift into downward dog. Big problem! I can’t lift. I can’t fall over. I’m stuck. I start pulling on my foot trying to get out of the position and I look over at my freind. She is stuck and yanking on her foot. Well that was it for me. That big whooping laugh that I usually keep hidden came roaring out. We got help at that point. My friend was mortified. Me not so much. I still think it was funny.
Rhea says
August 1, 2012 at 4:26 pmI love this.
Tesa @ 2 Wired 2 Tired says
August 1, 2012 at 9:02 pmGood for you for giving it a try. I have not tried a yoga workshop yet but would love to some day.
Emily @FamilyNLifeLV says
August 1, 2012 at 10:17 pmGood for you for going, and getting it done. I cry a lot in yoga too. I think that is the point, to open up and release what needs to be out.
Christine @ Love, Life, Surf says
August 1, 2012 at 11:20 pmI have yet to attend a yoga workshop although I do attend classes regularly (or used to!). I really want to do an inversion workshop because I am just not comfortable with them but everything a workshop comes up, I talk myself out of it. For hips, I love love love me some pigeon. For me, that’s the pose that really gets into my hips the most. It too me a long time to trust my body enough to actually USE props, etc. rather than just muscling my way into a pose.
Sandi says
August 2, 2012 at 7:43 amMy back hurts too.
What are piriformis?
charlotte says
August 2, 2012 at 4:54 pmLove this! And I’m so proud of you for doing it and sticking it out! I actually have a yoga workshop coming up in a couple of weekends at The LifeTime too!! I wish I could go with you – although there would be inappropriate giggling for sure then;) But you didn’t say if it helped your hips/back/butt issues??
Dennis says
August 4, 2012 at 2:41 pmI’ve never tried yoga and not sure I could do it. I have a bad back that limits my range of motion greatly.