Tornado & me on her first day home in Texas.
(yes to carlabirnberg.com but that MONUMENTAL SHIFT shall come in 2013.)
The move to which I refer is away from my beloved ATX and onward & NORTHWARD to the bay area in California.
(Or is it Bay Area? See? Im already behind in the vernacular!)
The move to which I refer has absolutely zero impact on my blog and yet even just sharing on a few social media platforms Ive been touch by how youve leaped to connect me with friends/places/restaurants/schools in the area Im a little hesitant to begin to call home.
It has all reminded me of the positive POWER OF SOCIAL MEDIA and how much I look upon you as true friends—-and not strangerfriends*.
I cant lie to you — and to Ren Man’s huge dismay him either—and say Im excited about the relocation yet.
I love me some Texas. I adore me some heat. I embrace me the weird.
As a result this woman who doesnt love quotes has fallen back upon this one as a mantra (origin unknown. anyone?):
Change isnt part of life—change is life.
I figure if I can impart that wisdom to the Tornado at SIX she’ll be far far ahead of where I am at forty-three and a half.
And thats where I am today on this day after Halloween morning.
Working to embrace change.
Seeking your insights.

My new favorite tee?
- When was the last time you uprooted and moved? Any tips for this woman
who has resided in the ATX for twelve years and has the clutter to prove it?
- Have you spent much time in the Bay Area (bay area?)? Is it as unflaggingly cold & damp as I surmise?
- Wanna come hang with me as I box stuff up? We could film a FAB packing-as-workout DVD!
Im a misfit. In my early days of blogging I clearly delineated between friends I’d met in real life and those to whom I felt close yet had never met. Friends who could pass me on the street & Id not recognize although we emailed multiple times a day. Part strangers. Part friends.
Oh Carla… change is so bloody hard! But I bet groovy new adventures will await you in California. I hope there’s a big dose of sunshine as well.
What an exciting time!!! Embrace the new experiences and people you and your family are about to encounter. It will be amazing! It’s scary, yet so many unopened doors …. so much awaiting …. gah! Very fun news! π
Totally excited. Just a little weather apprehensive π I’ve gotten quite wimpy being a Texan
“Change isnt part of lifeβchange is life.” What a great quote. I know that as soon as I embraced this attitude I saw an immediate change in my outlook on life, attitude towards working out, and effort in my health in general. It has helped me focus on just getting the job done (whatever that job may be).
Good luck with your move! π
I’ll be right behind you. Moving from the midwest to miami was a HUGE change, but I decided to embrace the adventure and it’s been fine. Now as we wait to see where they will send us next I continue to simply think of embracing it or as a chance to do those things I always said I would…then again I don’t have a child to worry about!
good luck to you and hey the bay area, now that’s somewhere I actually visit so maybe…
I need that quote too because I hate change.
Which must mean I need change?
Where in the Bay Area are you moving?
oooh, soo fun! I would love to move somewhere new just for the adventure.
Anyway, I seriously considered a move to SanFran in the late 90’s–I was there on biz for 3 weeks and just fell in love with the place. All of it, just amazing. I was there in the month of Sept and it was just perfection.
Wishing you the very best of everything on your move. Coming over to help you pack would rock.
Ive moved Australia to California and back. It is hard even if the moves are your wanting. Even harder if they are not. Change is exciting and I’m sure you’ll embrace it. Leaving friends and family for me is by far the worst part. Having trips back planned and exciting things in the new place to look forward to help a lot. Good luck, you’ll take it in your stride and great things will await you.
You’ll have a blast in the Bay. There are definitely quirky awesome mizfit neighborhoods. Why the move?
Other good plus:
You’ll be in the same time zone as me.
You’ll be within driving distance from Foodie Awesome McBody.
You won’t have 150 degree weather in the summer.
And you’ll have the Giants (even though I don’t watch baseball.
The Tornado looks adorable. How does child feel about move? Excited for your move, but still bittersweet leaving a place you’ve established roots in.
And, even more incentive for me to visit NorCal. McBody has been awaiting my arrival for ages (it’ll happen soon!)
As someone who has moved 3 countries in the past 5 years and has another (smaller but still significant) move possibly ahead, my advice:
1. EMBRACE the change. Change = challenge = growth
2. Start decluttering now. And then keep doing it.
3. Keep busy when you move since that be the quickest way to settle in. You’ve already got the social media contacts helping you but I found that finding my people in some way and being extra social initially made the moves a lot easier in the long run. I found book clubs etc which created ready made circles (even if they didn’t turn into friends) and I’ll do that again when/if we move next year.
After freaking out a bit (read that as: a LOT) and panicking about our move, I had an acupuncture session and my naturopath said something that resonated with me: You need to trust. Trust that the right thing happens.
This will be an awesome move!!
(Plus, I’m more likely to find myself in LA than Austin so who knows, I may actually get to meet you one day!)
Aw Carla! I’m sorry that you’re sad. Moving is a huge deal, it’s stressful, and that’s for people that WANT to move! I’ve moved from FL to upstate NY and back again. We had a lot of clutter both times. We had a garage sale both times we moved, whatever didn’t sell we donated. I kept anything I wasn’t sure I could part with.
It’s OK to be sad! That’s a good thing for Tornado to learn too! Often times when we start a new chapter in our lives we feel many things, I think sad is in there too. Change can be bittersweet! I’m confident that once you get there and get settled you will have a lot of exciting adventures.
You will thrive anywhere as will Tornado and Ren Man.
Packing for a cross country move will have its own challenges but with any move it is a good time to donate, clean out, and reorganize. This is always good!
Might need to buy some new winter gear for everyone. Wet weather stuff maybe??? I’ve only been there once and all I remember is the wind….cold, cold wind. Thankfully being by the ocean made up for it!
So, I went into the move to NC kicking and screaming. 4 years later, I love it now, but I will tell you that I hated it for a good, solid year. Compared every place, activity and person to HOME and it all fell short. For a year.
It changed though. I made a friend. Found my YMCA. Realized how mild the winter was.
But it took a year before I’d give it a shot.
I get super SAD.
And have told the husband again and again and again how I fear the cocooning when it’s gray cold and DARK EARLY.
Here in TEXAS at least it’s dark early and lovely warm π
(and yes. this is it. today. Im completely carpe the thursday to whine and then Im done. Im smacking on the smiley face and embracing the move.)
I know the change will be difficult, but you’re moving to an amazing area of the country. You’ll have so much fun exploring! (You may want to get to work on a matching MizFit jacket and leggings to go with the skirt. π )
I was there in October and the days were cloudless but definitely cooler. But I still don’t think you’re going to get a winter.
Change is hard. And moving is hard. But in the end you will have a lot of new experiences because of it and that is the fun of life! Good luck on your move!
Oh, Miz. Most of this comment will have to happen in an email.
I moved two years ago and am still adjusting. I suspect, however, that you will handle it with far more aplomb than I. But I know how much you lovelovelove Austin and so my heart hurts for you today.
I’d move back to the Bay Area (yes, it’s capitalized, lol) in a heartbeat. And Oakland is close enough to both Berkeley and San Francisco that you won’t lack the weird. π
Also, the wonderful thing about the weather there? You can play outside in the afternoon! Mild winters! Lovely summers!
You’ll be fine.
You’ll get heat and you’ll get weird. Seriously, no shortage of weird. I love that area and visit every summer to see my family and friends. I’m emailing you.
As a military brat, I get jealous anytime I hear someone is moving. I know it’s hard and will have moments when it seems even harder, but you guys will find a new community out there and you will love it. (And the opportunity to purge clutter to move is just awesome.)
Good luck!
wait? WHAT?? Oh i am excited but also sad, please tell me we can meet soon. I might have to beg you.
Love the bay area and you are gonna love it!!
I hope the move goes easily. I moved only once – from the Boston area to Kansas, in my early 20s. Talk about a change! My parents had relocated here and I couldn’t afford to go to grad school in Boston and live on my own. I fully expected to return to New England after I graduated, but here I still am, now having lived more than half my life in the Midwest. Who’d have thunk it!?
ALl the best with this latest adventure! The Bay Area is awesoe, but I’ve only visited. My biggest move was when we moved to Europe 2 weeks after our wedding. Huge fun!
You’ll be back. I give it 4 years.
(The good ones always come back)
I love to move. I guess that comes from marrying a military officer and relocating every few years. I like the new of it all…people, places, things!
My 2 from experience tips? If you can manage to have movers do it! Let them pack, move, unpack and get rid of the trash for you. First, find a gym connect with the locals. It will be a great stress relief and great information about the area from the people who live there.
Happy moving!
Step 1: Buy those rubber boots we were talking about the other day, with the frogs on the toes.
Step 2: Become a left-leaning, granola-eating, liberal-voting, shrub-snuggling, bunny-hugging — oh, shit — you’re already there!
Step 3: Prepare for some awesome culture, amazing diversity and things to do with the Tornado, oceans, mountains, hiking, kayaking, skiing, wine-tasting (well — Tornado gets grape juice) and balloon rides.
Step 4: More pointless government regulations and taxes than you can shake a stick at.
I may have to email you, because my response on this is so darn large.
First, re:moving in general…
Moving is simply an adventure. I’ve lived in some 5 states, I’ve moved with only three suitcases and $200 in cash when my van broke down days before a planned move. Often I sell everything, and move with whatever I can fit in my car. The point for moving for me is that you’re moving someplace BETTER.
Let’s face it, if the opportunities you have in the Bay area weren’t as good as the opportunities in ATX, than you wouldn’t be going. And as you prepare to go, THAT’S what to focus on.
One thing I like to do when I leave a place is to do a “Farewell tour” I go to some of the places I’ve wanted to go in the area, plus some old favorites. I take a lot of photos. I say goodbye. Then I move on.
Now, for the Bay Area…
If I could afford it I’d live there. I LOVE Berkeley, all the craftsman houses, all the quirky shops. I love China Town. I love the nearness to Monterey Bay and the aquarium (and the whale watching trips… you can’t see whales in Austin!) You have redwoods across the Golden Gate, you have nature centers (the Hayward), you have Cal Academy, you have the Pier and all the wonderful things there (including Aquarium of the Bay) You have one of the best mass transit systems I’ve ever used, and if you miss Austin quirky, head to the Mission District.
The Bay area offers everything imaginable within a day’s drive, from the big city vibe, to quiet woods, to the deep of the ocean. My eldest daughter lives for the day she can go back there. I only dream of living there, or at least having a part time home there…
As for the weather? Yeah, it’s colder than Austin, and it’s damper. But it’s not like you’re moving to Seattle. You’ll adapt quickly.
When you visit, go see the “Painted Ladies” (beautifully painted and historically restored victorian homes in SF), Go to the nature center at Hayward. See the Golden gate (morning when the fog is rolling out is spectacular) and go see the redwoods (Yosemite is also a hop skip and a jump: fabulous waterfalls, the largest trees in the nation). Take a section around the bay and just explore. There’s always something amazing to see. And if you’re interested, I can tell you where to get the best Salvadorian Quesadillas (which are NOTHING like Mexican Quesadillas) and the best pizza in the bay area.
I am SO excited for you! You have this marvelous opportunity to explore and be part of a very unique and engaging part of the country.
Oh, and I hesitate to mention, but the Ghirardelli chocolate factory offers tours…
Wow… exciting. I haven’t been to the US at all… so am a bit hazy on the geography.
I have, however, moved about quite a lot. At one point I’d lived in 4 or 5 countries and 7 or so different cities within about 7 or 8 years!
Of course I’ve just finished moving myself, although I still have unpacked boxes.
Am sure you’ll all thrive on the change. (It’s just the packing that’s yucky!)
I’m one of those weirdos who loves change. If things don’t change after awhile I start to get restless. And then she moved into a house with wheels….
The Bay Area is GREAT! It’s beautiful and there are tons of things to do. I can understand being sad about leaving TX though. Austin is one of my favorite cities but I really thing you’ll love SF. As far as decluttering…keep things that you will use and/or hold sentimental value. We got rid of most of our stuff and I can honestly tell you I can’t even remember most of the things we gave away.
I’m very excited for you! It’s going to be an adventure! We’ll be going through the Bay Area on our way back home (whenever that is) and I’d love to meet up since it didn’t work out in Texas.
Ugh! I know moving and change are scary and they can suck – but just think of how many people you’ve impacted in ATX and how many more you’ll be able to reach in the bay area. If I was in TX, a) I’d be warm instead of freezing up here in MI and b) I’d gladly hang with you and help you pack. I’d even help unpack in CA. π
I’ve spent plenty of time in the Bay Area! I must say, San Fran is my fav city in the US! The weather will depend on where in the area you live, but look at it this way, where ever you live in this area, you can travel an hour or less and be in completely different weather!
I KNOW! Ive now learned the term microclimate. who knew?
I’m all for adventures and I think y’all are about ready to embark on an awesome one! And don’t worry– the Bay Area definitely has quirky, so I bet you love it!
Congrats?? And good luck! Moves can be stressful…from what I hear. I’ve only moved from an apartment as a single girl into a house and now a married woman. I guess I’ll find out whenever we move! π
I’m feeling for you. Major moves are HARD, especially that first year. But something good comes from every place you live and I know you will find that good in your new locale. Having the Tornado will make it that much smoother, too, b/c kids are a natural connection to others. Good luck throughout the entire process!
And I will say, the last time we moved was 15 years ago. I came kicking and screaming from Phila. Did NOT want to go. But this, of course, is home now. San Fran will be for you, too!
I know you don’t want to move but I am excited that it is the state I live in & although far away still so close! Maybe we will finally meet!!!!!
My dad moved us a lot when I was a kid. It was tough, I will be honest…. new schools & making friends & changes in states – it was hard. I think you will do fine & Tornado will embrace it.
There are amazing things & places & beauty where you are going – weather depends on exactly where…. but so much to see & do.
I have also moved a bit as an adult due to leasing & not owning but all in the same area.. I hate the packing & unpacking except that it forces me to “spring clean” & I am not a cleaner! π
I would help you but right now you are too far away BUT coming closer!!!!
It is tough Carla – I so understand!
Moving is hard, no doubt. From age 2 – 27 I lived in the same small town in Nova Scotia. In the same house even. Then at 27 I moved to PEI for a job, all by myself. It was really hard. And sad and scary. But also good and somewhat empowering as I demonstrated that I was capable of being on my own and taking care of myself. Then two years later I moved to New Brunswick for a different job. I’ve been here for 13 years now and hope not to move again anytime soon.
It will take a while to get settled, but you will get there and eventually it will feel like home too.
Congrats! I actually spent part of my childhood there (ages 4-11). I loved it! Just beautiful and although it can get colddddddddd in the summer at night, the climate is actually very nice. I’ve lived in 8 states. I’m hoping SC is my last one π
Well, I just moved across Austin (from North to South) and I am still adjusting to all the newness. I am sad that you are leaving and even sadder that we have yet to meet up again. I’ll come film an ab/moving video with you and I will bring even Sophie to keep E entertained : )! Or maybe I should just host a going away party for the usual suspects at my new house- just say the word and I will hook it up- sooner than later! You will be missed, Carla.
Look on the bright side – your allergies will clear up!
Oh, and it could be worse…. you could be moving here. Where we already have over a foot of snow.
I’m jealous of your move. Actually, right now, I’m jealous of anyone who doesn’t have snow.
You’ll be fine.
Buy an umbrella.
And a thick sweater, lol!
I can’t be of any help. I moved only once in my life and that was from my parents house to the house I know share with the love of my life.
I am curious and if you want to share: why are you moving?
3 years ago we uprooted and moved to Cape Cod from Boston. It was a move that was for our family…and I have never looked back! Our daughter LOVES it here! Even though it was a hard transition for us adults…in the end it was worth it all!! Good luck with the packing…not my favorite part!!
You will do great in the Bay Area. I last lived there when I was working n the wildlife dept for EBMUD (utilities) and almost moved into a “clown” commune in Oakland. There is much weird. You will also do well with change. My last big move was Miami to Colorado four years ago. I hope that was more of a culture shock than what you will go through. I am a Cali native though and did my undergrad in the redwoods a few hours north of where you will be living. There is a lot of joy and weird where you are headed too.
EEEEE!! So excited for you!!! Can’t wait to hear about your new place and your new adventure! It is going to be AMAZING!
There is plenty of weird and wonderful to satisfy your taste buds (and all other buds, for that matter) in the bay area. Was this first an opportunity for you or Ren Man? Sounded like this wasn’t your first choice. Eh?
Good luck!!! I stand a better chance of running into you at your new digs than back in Tx.
it is the husbands job. Im excited about the potential of all this? Im excited about the potential of all this.
I find moving simultaneously thrilling and terrifying! We LOVED Austin and still miss it, but the west coast is also stunning π We get stunning fall colours at this time of year too, something we missed in the ATX. I bet you will find lots to love in your new home…and plenty of weirdness π
Embrace the change. It is hard uprooting, but there are always so many new opportunities and people to meet in a new community.
I have had several big moves over the years. From NY to MI. MI to CO. Then CO to IL. Then IL back to NY. Lots of moving. I told John when we move again, we are hiring movers. I am not lifting another sofa or washer ever again. Period.
I live in the Bay Area!!!!! I grew up in Boston, lived in New York and then SoCal for a while, and I LOVE it here!
The weather varies quite a bit depending on where you live. We’re on the Peninsula just south of San Francisco, and it’s very mild. In the city itself it tends to be a bit cooler, and warmer again in the East Bay.
It’s a great place to live, terrific for the Tornado, and if you like weird, SF is the place to be. π
Feel free to email me & I’ll give you my contact info. If you need ANYTHING, LMN.
Excited that you’re headed our way! Would love to introduce you and your daughter to Stetson, my racehorse π
I will kind of be your neighbor -being about 20 miles north of you. (and yes, that is my favorite t-shirt!
I moved to the Bay Area 15 years ago, uncertain how I would feel. I moved in the middle of an ElNino winter (which the forecasters say you will doing too). The rain! Even for an Great Lakes gal the rain amazed me.
It took time. That first year was all about learning new weather patterns. What they meant. What to look forward to.
Now? I wouldn’t leave.
The mornings are cool. From Dec. to April the heater may come on. And in the rainy winter it never seems to warm up. You’ll want a sweatshirt or two.
But after 10 am or so, it warms to a delightful temperature. NOT hot but comfortable. You won’t need to run AC. You’ll be able to open doors and windows.
You’ll learn to live in layers. Literally. But we all do that figuratively, too.
And we in the East Bay embrace the weird!
we are so alike and Im fearing the rains and the SADS…but in a way it is good to know and be emotionally ready!
Moving can be scary and fun all at the same time. I’ve learned to embrace change! We tried to move last year, but it just did not happen for us. I’m really excited for you!
oh mann. Well even if you’re less than thrilled, at least you’re able to say you’re not excited YET. That’s what it’s all about! Plenty of time to discover what your new home will have to offer π Good luck!!
I’ve never lived in the Bay Area, but have visited a lot. Winter is never worse than ATX winter, summers are milder, there is fog and damp but it’s definitely got a lot of gorgeous.
I uprooted and moved from San Diego to Austin 5 years ago. I needed a change but was freaked out. The thing I told myself was “if we hate it, we can move somewhere else” and that calmed me. Nothing is final. We had planned to be here 5 years max. I mean, it’s TEXAS. But I fell in love and we have no plans to leave anytime soon.
What has sparked the move? Austin is such a cool city!!!! But so is SF. Seriously. One of my favorite cities. You will not get heat, but you’ll definitely get lots of weird. π
Welcome to the west coast! Bring your rain jacket! π
I hope you can find some excitement for it. It’s much more fun that way. You can borrow some of mine…I’m too morning sick to use it much right now anyway π
Best of luck with the move. We moved from Seattle to Boston. Big change, but it was all worth it.
I’ve moved a fair share but it’s never been a big enough move to lose touch with my family and friend (they always remained close in proximity). With change comes growth, whether we like the change or not (or not quite yet). We adapt, move forward and we learn as we go along π
Oh Carla, I love me some Texas so much and wish I was there. I also love CA in many ways- enough that we are buying a place in Palm Springs for their 350 days a year of sun, sun sun! But I also know that I would not want to be a full time resident- I just don’t quite fit in…. I’ve many, many times stopped on my way down to LA or Palm Springs in the SF and it has always been so windy. Also foggy mornings. I believe it is more like Seattle in that way- weather is not perfect, but when it is, it is glorious beyond. Don’t know where else you have lived or your political leanings, but be ready for the left coast- it’s a doozy! You will find more than enough of the strangely wonderful in SF. Have had many a good laugh at the people watching there- think guy in pink short shorts that match his dyed pink poodle! All I can say overall is that it is great advice to embrace and enjoy. Almost nothing is forever and you may just love it. π
It’s far, it can be gloomy, but you’ll have your people. And you’re going to love the weird that is SF. And I, for one, am going to be happy to have you a little bit closer by. We can finally share a chia shake in human form.
I have moved a bunch earlier in my life. Each time took adjusting, but I always felt I grew. Now, I’ve been in the same spot for few years. Sometimes, I get the itch, but I’m learning to grow here for now! Good luck with your adjustment.
Welcome home! This is marvelous news.
I love, love, love the Bay Area. The weather in July & August is often a surprise (jacket time!), but there will be plenty of heat w/o scorching. The fog is lovely. The proximity to oceans/rivers/mountains is amazing. There is plenty o’ weird and beautiful and amazing.
AND – it’s not as dark and rainy as Portland (or Seattle), so I’m a wee bit jealous.
I moved several times growing up, and since graduating college, have had two big moves. The first (and biggest) was South Dakota to Los Angeles. The second was with the architect to Portland.
Change, even sought after change, is big and scary and new. AND AWESOME. Embrace as much as you can with the process and everything will work itself out. As you know, the more you can approach this with an attitude of “this will be great,” the easier and more fun it is for you and your family.
Having made that move just last year: Houston-Sacramento-Houston (so glad to be back home), I can say this…San Fran offers Yoshis (as does Oakland), tons of hills (understatement), Bay to Breakers 12k – it truly is a moving party, free Yoga in the park, great dim sum, cherry blossom festival in Japantown and various other activities.
What I have learned from moving as an adult, any city can be fun if you get out and explore. There are many things I didn’t get to experience in the year I was in NoCal: Cowgirl Creamery for one but if you want to be out and enjoy the landscape, you couldn’t have picked a better location.
Physically moving has never been an issue for me. Restless heart that way. The emotional “moves” are what make my legs kick and my arms flail. Leaving behind lifestyles that sustained me, even in the shallowest of ways was tough but in the end, always worth it.
You and the Tornado will have adventures!!
The Bay Area rocks! We have a whole lot of fun things out here.
As for weather, it really depends on what part of the Bay you’re going to be living in — San Francisco and Berkeley get kinda cold and gloomy, but San Jose is sunny and warm much more of the year. Oakland on the east side of the Bay, and the Peninsula on the west side are kinda in between.
Winter does get kinda rainy in any part of the Bay, but we don’t get snow or anything silly like that (except occasionally way up in the hills).
Our close friends just moved to Walnut Creek- they wanted to avoid the typical bay area weather- and love the weather in Walnut Creek! That whole area is much warmer than SF itself!
I suspect you will grow to love it in in the Bay Area! So much to do! (And yeah, we include the “the.” However SF folks do not put a “The” in front of freeways like southern californians do. Living in San Diego now it’s an annoying adjustment. They say “The 5” like somehow their stretch of highway 5 is the only one in the universe. Harumph. Up north you just take 580 or 101 or whatever.
As others have said, the further east, the fewer the clouds. For example, Walnut Creek is sunnier than Rockridge which is nicer than SF east of twin peaks which is still not bad. All of those are quite habitable and not nearly as dreary as further north, like Portland or Seattle.
Just, for goodness sake, avoid neighborhoods west of Twin Peaks; they are their own microclimate and not one I imagine you’d like very much!
Carla we are so happy for you! Yes change can be hard, but yet also really exciting!!! As you never know where that change in life where take you!! We love CA and would love to live there one day.
Good luck with the move!!
Look up the lyrics for All I Ask by Crowded House. That’s what I try to think of whenever I notice change resistance in myself. I moved to another country at the beginning of this year and in general have moved a fair few times in my life…what I’ve learnt is that you have to be kind to yourself. Settling in happens in its own good time and can’t be rushed. Until then some spirit of adventure is required.
No! That can’t become your favorite new t! Not the A’s!!! π
What a time for you. My husband and I moved to upstate NY 12 years ago and I know it would be hard for us to move at this point. We’ve thought about it a few times, but we’re still here.
Good luck with everything. I know a few people who moved from NY to N Cal and LOVE it. I hope you end up loving it too!
What a huge life change!
I’m sure, like any other venture, you’ll take this on with your kick-ass attitude. π
WELCOME to my home!! But I would never imagine anyone describing the Bay Area as cold, damp, or dark. You can find any kind of weather you like, and 30 degree differences during the summer between the coast and inland are not at all unusual. But for some reason the amount of ocean influence on the weather and weirdness factor of any particular place are strongly correlated. The communities in the East Bay where it gets hot in summer are distinctly more conservative.
I’m a South Bay native, and can tell you that I almost never get SAD (only one year when we had WAY more than the normal amount of rain by erasing a 5 year drought in one season). Most days are overcast in the AM, but it burns off by 10…you might miss the heat, but you’ll still see the sun…we’re not Portland or Seattle! In winter we stay warm enough to be able to grow citrus in our backyards, but also cold enough to grow cherries too.
WOW! This is a huge change! I’ve not moved a ton but every move has been pretty major (change of city/state/and country most often!)…Any change and transition is tough. But the neat thing (for me!) is that you’re moving to my hometown area! And you want nice weather and WEIRD? Oh yeah – you’re going to a good place for that (and I mean that in the best way possible!). π Perhaps I can now visit you when I go home! At any rate, thanks for sharing this big move (literally) with us – we’re along for the journey!
i wish you all the best with your move. i travel for work to CA often and love the Bay area. change is never easy but always ends up working out. much love to you and your family during this move.
The fog and damp are mostly in the west part of San Francisco. Oakland area isn’t too bad. I love that area – especially all the junk/ antique/ renovation ships. Every time I move I miss where I was and also love where I am. I think it’s all dependent on internal happiness and attitude, so you’ll be fine.
I just moved this summer so I have great packing and moving tips. Label everything where you want it to go. Color coordinate. Don’t pack things you won’t use.
Let the Tornado pack her own special things she needs separate so they don’t go on the truck. Keep out the things you need until the last week before the truck arrives and for the last month or so live with the amount of clothes like you are on vacation.
So much more but I’m sooooooo excited for you three. Make the trip as fun for the Tornado so she is excited. Plan fun trips in advance and let this be another adventure.
I packed up and moved 8 years ago to a town where I knew nobody 12 hours away from all my family & friends. It now seems so long ago that I do not even remember why I did it, but I know it was the best decision of my life.
I am in mad crazy, ridiculous, love with my new hometown. I was meant to be here. It fits me. I wish you the same fabulous experience.
My last move was to the college town an hour away, and i’m still here. Know that i’ll be praying for you all, that you will have peace and an easy move.
I’ve dreamt of picking up and moving to a totally and completely new place many times but that just scares me. I think that I like to dream about it. While I’m excited that you will be in the Bay Area (easier to stalk you there when I come home to visit my fam), it’s hard and takes time to get used to the idea especially when you love where you’re at. But I think that you and your family will have lots of amazing adventures in store in CA. It is a lovely place, close to the ocean and mountains and amazing outdoors and food – kind of like Austin but without the twang? And, where you will be, it’s not all that cold and damp. It’s rather lovely.
The west coast rocks!! I bet you will love it! Enjoy all the new things to explore π
Best to you and the family in your move. Uprooting is a huge endeavor. I don’t know if I have the guts to move at this point in my life. I dream about it but ever take the plunge? Never.
!!!! I’m so excited for you! But, I LOVE moving, hence my blog name “Sojourning.” I wish you the absolute best and send you so much positivity and love! May the transition be smooth and wonderful! Look for all the amazing learning experiences that await you, from different cultures (yes the US definitely varies in its culture), to new experiences for your little one, to meeting new wonderful people who can teach you even more amazing things!
I’m moving out to Berkeley from Chicago in August, so I’ll be a step behind but not as much of a cold transition for me. The Bay Area has mild weather, to put it mildly π Warm during the days and cool in the evenings. I’m sure you’ll blossom out there and find your community and lots of love!
As a self professed gypsy ( albeit one who has never been to Cali, as we of the northern climes affectionately refer to it), I am always seeking a new adventure, experience and scenic “off the beaten path” road. I’ve found (as I’m sure you and your lovely family will, also) that one can find tidbits of nature to fall in love with anywhere, and I hear the Bay is no exception. You may have a great excuse to don your rain poncho now and then, but trust me, rainy days can be the most gratifying. I have really bad circulation, so I spent a couple of winters avoiding the cold and snow inside until I realized that we are advanced monkeys, and make specific clothing and gear to make us toasty! Then, nothing could stop me from a glorious hike in the rain. I’m sure you’ll find the rain to be yet another exciting, challenging change, and I’m sure there “ain’t no Misfit evah, nor no Tornado, neither who’d back herself down from a right good ‘ol challenge.” As my friend in Cali would assert, having never been down south.
Cheers to you in all your new adventures!
Lots of parts of the Bay Area are sunny and warm and lovely – look further south and close to the train stations. Is it wrong that I’m excited because now you’re just an hour flight away from sunny San Diego (& me)??? Any time you and the family want to come to the land of Shamu, Legoland, and 70 miles of gorgeous coastline, I’m your girl.
Hire packers. Seriously, it will save your sanity and possibly the happiness of your home. (I speak from personal experience,)
Good luck with your move!! My pastor has a similar quote that says “Change is the only constant” I wish I could come help you move, it is NOT easy! But you totally will get through just fine!
I’ve got no advice. I’ve barely changed zip codes in my 45 years. On the other hand, chances are greater that I could finegle a business trip to the Bay Area.
As a military family we move about every three years, our most recent and, hopefully final move was this June was from Washington DC area to Southern California. As many times as I have relocated, they are always difficult and stressful for different reasons. I find it takes it takes a good year to feel at home somewhere. Moving is like having a baby, exciting, painful, stressful but in the end joyful, wonderful and life would not be the same without it. You will meet new people, see new places and soon it will be home. You will never stop loving your older child (Texas) Good luck with everything and, I truly hope now that we are in the same state that I will have the pleasure of meeting you. xoxo
How exciting! No seriously π
I lived in the south bay for 6 years and it was anything but cold and damp. In fact, I was SO tan and blonde living there just from all of the outdoor activities. Not sure if the north bay (closer to SF) is different though.
You’ll love it! Well wishes with the move … the actual moving is the hard part, arriving is fun π
SF is chilly even in summer…Mark Twain once said “The coldest winter I spent was a summer in San Francisco”. The other side of the bay can be warm and downright HOT. Fall and spring can be warmer than July there!
Learn to swim and you can join us at the next Sharkfest (swim from Alcatraz to Aquatic park)!
YOU KNOW this english lit major has been quoting that at the husband nonstop too.
Im in the east bay—and need to brush up on my swimming skills anyway so….
perhaps I could be the towel girl.
Super Cool! I’m in the Bay and would love to meet a blogger I enjoy reading. I moved to California (Sacramento) from Hawaii about 15 years ago…then moved closer and closer to the Bay over the course of the next 11 years. I’m just on the East side of one of the bridges we have. There’s weather variety enough…but if you need more hot or cold it’s only an hour or two away. Welcome!
17 Years ago we made the move from Florida to Maine.
6 months later we moved from Maine to South Carolina.
9 years ago we moved back to Maine from South Carolina where we have been in one town for the past 8.
Next week we move to another small town, still in Maine but away from the coast(where I LOVE being) to the mountains. Though still in same state still a big move with change.
As you do in all things, I know you will embrace this move and love where you land!
Twenty three years ago we moved to Northern California from Iowa. It was culture shock at first but now we can’t imagine living anywhere else.
We live 90 miles northeast of the Bay area,in the valley. We love where we live but going into the “city” which around here means San Francisco is one of our favorite things to do. It’s always cooler in the bay area, the food is amazing, the shopping is incredible. There are so many outdoor things to do and see. We love to go over and go hiking. You can walk everywhere. I can’t say enough good things about it.
It is much cooler and damp there,but you don’t need air conditioning in the summer! You are going to need to go shopping and get some long sleeves and long pants!
Wishing you all the best.
Of course I’m not gonna lie either. I am thrilled to the ends of my TOES that you are going to be my new neighbor. I moved here in 1982 “for a year or two” and… I’ve never left. If you embrace the weird, you are going to find lots of delightfully weird here. Also annoying and crazy. The weather?? If you like that 90-100 stuff there isn’t a lot of that but maybe you will come to embrace the cool lovely fog (which is how I like to refer to it) which is super comfy for exercise. You will get to use that awesome purple fleece you wanted a while back!! And BOOTS! Lots and lots of BOOTS!
I know that uprooting/leaving is a TOUGH thing. You gotta feel all that. But I am also bound and determined to do my best to welcome you with big open jumping-up-and-down arms.
P.S. It’s Bay Area. π
GOOD LUCK. They are lucky to have you coming their way.
I too have just moved from ATX to Southern Cali and it was a big adjustment. I’m from California so I’m so glad to be back. Good luck with your move!
Hey Carla,
We’ll be glad to have you in the Bay area! It’s not damp and foggy here (unless you live in the Sunset in SF…), it’s absolutely beautiful and amazing and there are so many wonderful outdoor activities to do. I’m sure you’ll learn to love it!
I’ve lived in San Francisco for a year now and can’t imagine living anywhere else.
Good luck!
I have a cousin in Austin, and I’ve always thought in the back of my mind that one day, I get there to see her, and I’d hunt you down and meet you in person! Now, I must find a cousin in the Bay Area (AP Style, by the way, says Bay Area is capped). Or, of course, you could land in Florida one day, and I could find you here. Regardless, best wishes and happy travels! π
I’m just bummed you’re not moving back to Carrboro.
In the Spring of 2002 we sold our house furnished – threw away our key and moved onto our sailboat, 700 miles away. We floated for 10 years, living simply and loved every minute of it. It was freeing giving up all the stuff! And now we have decided to become landlubbers again, moving into and outfitting a small apartment smack in the middle of the city… urbania. And I love it.
Change is wonderful. It is exciting and mind bending and it keeps me young!
I wish you well on your new adventure.
O.K. It only took me three looks before I realized that was an A’s shirt. Sneaky, sneaky.
You’re going to love it out there. You really will. Some of my best Travel Memories are from visiting out there. It’s beautiful and fun and you can do nothing or do everything in a day. It’s awesome.
I moved to the Bay Area over 20 years ago, and it truly has become home! Over the last 20 years, I have moved a few times within a 30 mile radius, and I didn’t like the “small moves.” I like knowing my neighborhood, my neighbors, where things are… Change is a part of life, and it is hard…
As many have already mentioned, the Bay Area does have a multitude of micro climates. I used to teach at a college less than 5 miles from my former house, and while it was often warm and sunny at home, it was often cold and foggy at the college…
Good luck with the move, and since you’ll be much closer now, maybe we can meet in person one day! π I don’t blog much anymore, but I’ll always remember you as one of the first blogs I “discovered” almost four years ago… And you are still an inspiration on a daily basis for how to live my priorities!
LOVE the pic of you and the Tornado! They grow up sooooo fast…
Again, best of luck with everything!!!!
Ahhh! It’s happening! I’m so excited for you. It’s going to be a big move but a great one. It’s going to be awesome! Maybe one day I’ll be on the sweet sweet west coast with you (if Tom ever decides to shut up haha) xoxox
I was raised in Marin County, Spent my entire childhood in the bay area. It is the most beautiful place in the whole world and you are going to love it. Good luck!
Just happened upon this. So excited for you! As you may know we just uprooted from Ohio to Arizona. It hasn’t been all fun and games but that’s what adventures are all about. Good luck!
I was so surprised to hear you’re leaving TX :). I’ve moved across the country several times too so I know it’s a big adjustment (one of those moves was to SoCal). I envy you a little for the adventures to come, but soon enough you’ll feel at home there. Love ya!