Im beyond freakin excited.
I mean, Ive totally read this magazine since I was young.
Before I started weight training & after I added my freshwoman 40.
I never, ever thought I’d have the chance to share my videos on their website.
And yes.
There’s a chance I shouted HELL YES! IM SO IN! even before the poor woman who called me had the opportunity to finish her sentence about my submitting two videos a month.
And yes.
There’s a chance I played it super, ultra-cool.
I think we all know which way it went down.
You’ll have that.
Oh, if you arent going to Fitbloggin (or havent left yet) & have some time on your hands I’m doing something new.
If you feel like it you can click over to Shape Videos and watch me.
My first video is listed under workout trends and talks about starting a meditation practice.
Only if you have a moment.
It’s totally no biggie.
You rock!
You need to be more prominent Miz.
Just my early morning .02 LOL
Soooo super excited for this since I can’t be with you at Fitbloggin.
Off to check it out and you crack me up!
How exciting for you and congratulations. I am off to watch and learn..
I always need more MizFit videos.
I want your arms Miz.
See you at FITBLOGGIN Mizzy!!
Shape needs to have a a MizFit channel 🙂 I’m just sayin’ since you’re the Mayor and all.
Woops. Was I shouting there? Sorry. I hope I didn’t wake anybody up. Or disturb people on the plane. OR ACCIDENTLY LET EVERYONE KNOW!!!
Congrats…to Shape 🙂
I’m so proud of how well things are going for you Miz.
ahhhh… congrats Carla. That is awesome!!
I’m excited that I’ll get to congratulate you in person this weekend. 🙂
I’m a new reader and you are too funny.
Holy confusing link Miz!
What Wendy said 🙂
Wow. I knw you were the coolest before. But now…..omg. What goes around comes around. You give so much you deserve to be recognized.
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! How freaking cool! I need to start incorporating some meditation too- and the morning sounds like the perfect time for it. Can’t wait to see more 🙂 🙂
Go MizFit!
Next stop DVD?
greetings from the airplane to fitbloggin. pre-takeoff I mean. there’s an entire HIGH SCHOOL BAND on my flight. Methinks I shall be employing the OM the whole way 🙂
Thanks so much for sharing in all my joycitement.
As we’ve already established you.guys.rock.
I will meditate before my Fitbloggin flight.
Will go watch now 🙂
congrats carla! that is so exciting! See you at fb!
Totally famous!!! How exciting! All your hard work is paying off! HUGE CONGRATS to a lady that really deserves this!
That’s awesome! I love that you display such confidence and yet are so humble. 🙂
How cool is that! Going now…
Carla you look great! so happy for you!
I’ll bet you flipped your lid!!! Congratulations – off to click the link now. 🙂
Damn work is interfering right now. You know I want to click!
See you later….. 🙂
That is amazing! Congrats! Looking forward to meeting you this weekend!
Awesomesauce! I just watched it. Totally need some meditation in my life. See you later tonight!
Carla – that is so exciting!
I wish I were going to Fit Bloggin’
It’s totally a big deal! Great video. Hope to be at FitBloggin next year. Missed it this time around. Would be great to connect with you again (it’s been way too long since the Chicago meet up a few years ago).
Safe travels!
Awesome news….Congratulations. Keep on rocking out all this good stuff and keep the goodness flowing.
Congrats! That’s so exciting!
Oh no, no biggie at all. 🙂 Congratulations!
Oh, so you are going all famous on us now?? I see! Congratulations! The world needs more Miz 🙂
OK you crack me up. And you are super famous now!
Yes yes a MizFit channel.
Your video was confusing to find.
What an amazing opportunity Miz!! I’m so excited for you, and will be proud one day to say “I knew her when her blog was just a wee lil thing!” 😉
Nope, not a big deal, no way….LOL! Wish I was meeting your crazy self tomorrow :*( Sending much love and wishing you safe travels!
YAY!!!! love your straightforward style. SHAPE is so lucky to have you!
SOMEBODY is excited! haha Congrats, that is such awesome news! I haven’t been on here in a few months and you’ve been a busy gal. Nice work!!
Thank you for the reminder. I need to do doing more meditating.
Congratulations!!! You are awesome!
Congratulations!!!! Excellent magazine and they are lucky to have you!
Congratulations!!!! Love the magazine and so inspired by YOU!!!
Om proud of you!!
Loved the video! And I’ll even DO what it teaches…imagine that. 😉
Wanna hear a funny?? Right after your video, the commercial that came on was extolling the deliciousness of the chocolate chips in Chips Ahoy cookies. For some reason that tickled my funny bone!
YAY!!! off to check out your video
have a great time at Fitbloggin!!!
CONGRATULATIONS, Miz!!! So exciting. Before I lost weight I used to read every Shape magazine with a brownie and my classic coke LOL!
Exciting! And your video is so appropriate to my post today (about refocusing through all my home life chaos by being and how I want to meditate/pray/focus a few minutes every morning about listening to my body’s needs). The advice was great and timely.
So tickled for you. What a great opportunity to inspire and help even more people out there. I have to say I kinda rolled my eyes when you said it was a post about meditation but, by golly, it was excellent advice and I think I could totally pull it off following your guidelines. Thanks!
Can’t wait to hear your reports on Fitbloggin’. I will be there some day. I will.
This is fantastic Miz!!
Awesome video.
So, so cool!!! I’m super excited for you!
I’m sure you are having a blast at Fitbloggin right now! Enjoy!
A huge, fantastic payoff for so much of your efforts. What a great reward!
Squeee! Your vids are the best in the biz! (Wow, I’m a poet and I don’t even know it! Stop it, I mean it! Anybody want a peanut?) Sorry, couldn’t help myself there.
I’m so excited for you – the SHAPE community is going to find out what we already know: how fun, entertaining, witty and informative you are!
Woot! Woot! Woot! You rock lady!
Hello Everyone,
I just found out about FitBloggin but will definitely be there next year and hope to meet a lot of you. In the meantime I will follow along with posts and video from the conference.