Yes, People.
I know you might not be too too curious about “why men leave woman” (they do? it’s not we who commence the leave-age? who knew?) or “homemade enemas. How to make them” (oh that I were kidding on that one).
Sadly, MizFit isnt the multimillion dollar corporation we appear to be (SHOCKING, I realize) and the google ads hath appeared as a way to defray costs and, perhaps, lessen the volunteer effort of my attempt at world domination.
that’s it.
move on.
Id never say another word about WHAT to DO with aforementioned advertisements (but you DO never know. MIGHT have some fantastic recipes!)
I actually subscribe to the feed and only see the current post. Just FYI, but hey I might have to check the ads.
ooooh, good point Julie.
Does that mean I shall have to pimp the BUY A POOR MIZFIT SOME BEEF JERKY link?