I’m an odd one.
A fact we’ve established even in our short time together.
I love skulls (please to think think sugar/day of the dead or girly not scary or pirate-y or human).
I adore rub on tattoos and having enough readers to “require” this of MizFit’s caricature is my dream.
(The caricature which, of course, includes a tattoo of a girly skull. good times.)
Even *with* all that said & recognized I am baffled by my inexplicable longing for this.
Does it stem from the days of my youth and my memories of speidel id bracelets?
(please to cue cheesy music and a movie-style montage where MizFit sports a SPEIDEL engraved with her boyfriend’s name whilst he does the same with hers. Yes, People, this really happened.)
Or, perhaps, it’s more a fear that with my sleep deprived & now caffeine-deprived brain I truly could forget my name rank & serial number?
Regardless, it’s enough to make me take up off-road running simply to have an excuse to “need” one.
this definitely is a trend.
Not a fun one like pulling a Winehouse (& going from black to blond to black again in the BLINK OF AN EYE) but a trend none the less.
Personalized diet recommendations from none other than the US government.
and, if you’re really open to criticism, they’ll give you some (finger quote) advice (UnF.Q.) on your activity level too.
I ventured over there with all intentions to see what the us gov thought of MizFit—but was quickly sucked in by the My Pyramid Blast Off Game for kids.
Who can resist helping the childrens reach Planet Power by fueling their rocket with healthy foods and vigorous physical activity??
Not this bandana’d woman.
Consider yourself warned.
Finally? A little something I call (all together now) IF I HAD A MILLION DOLLARS.
If I had a million dollars I’d buy you all this.
The MizFit in me says I’d then lovingly cover it in fantabulous self-love affirmations for you, but the over-worked under-paid wifemamadaughter in me knows I’d probably use it upon which to scrawl my shopping list.
The frugal girl in me says “$40 for that vase?!?” They make chalkboard spray paint so you could buy a cheap vase and paint it yourself. But then the lazy side of me says that sounds like a lot of work.
Government recommending anything frightens.
ID bracelet? Hmmmm…I’m a little nervous that anyone needs one but a dementia grandpa/ma could be styling in case he/she got lost.
How sad is it that craftyless-MizFit NEVER EVEN THOUGHT OF THAT!
Im off to michaels to check that out at some point here before 2025.
amen on the government, sisterfriend. amen.
I had the bracelet… Ashley ( with Adam so delicately carved into the back).
I wonder if you could spray paint a pringles can with that stuff?
(cue musical interlude. perhaps of the song MEMORIES.)
life was so SIMPLE then, huh?
simple like I know it would NOT be for me to spray paint anything.
please to do so and submit your photo for my admiration!
Is it weird that I would rather have that as a huge coffee mug than a vase?
Maybe its just me.
I did crunches last night and cursed MizFit on the final set. But I still have plenty of love for ya
Coming? a crunch video. we can do em together and you can scream at my face!
(coming? the MizFit might be finally relenting and proffering her training services. who can say?)
and Im confused.
we *cant* drink out of a vase?! 🙂