Dear MizFit,
I have 2 questions for ya
1) blah blah blah Im keeping this one a secret as Im gonna use it later or else today’s post would be long and we all have lives to lead and jobs to do and crunches to crunch.
2) Any tips on how much H20 one should consume in a day?
Dehydrated Near DC
Hi Dehydrated Who Resides Kinda Sorta Near Where MizFit Grew Up,
Short answer? more than you’re getting.
Returning to the (rambling semi-coherent) message we all took away from Monday’s Facetime: set yourself up for success.
How much water are you really drinking each day now? Add a little more to that (a bottle, a cup, an extra glass at lunch…) and there’s your place to start.
Despite the media’s hype recently water intoxication is really quite rare.
As a result, the bottom line answer is as much as you can tolerate (if by TOLERATE you mean how often you can visit the bathroom during the day—which MizFit does).
Now, the real question all of us wanna ask: how little can I get away with drinking and can I count my coffee/other drinks?
The proverbial eight glasses of water a day is probably a good place to start. As far as coffee & other drinks “counting” the prevailing wisdom on this seems to change yearly. LUCKILY we’re in a year where doctors are saying sure! count the water in your other liquids toward your 8 glasses a day. Heck, even throw in the water in foods you eat as well (fruits/veggies etc. where there is a high water content)!
Here are a few tips for getting in your Daily Eight:
*measure it all out into a large container first thing each morning (this would make me wish to bash my head against my now-brewing-decaf coffee maker but it works for some).
*carry the “to-go tubes” (a number of brands make these flavored powders) with you in your purse so that you’re more likely to grab a bottle of water on the go than soda (now *that’s* more my style)
* drink a glass before and a glass after you eat. This will not only help you get in your water for the day but you’ll also eat far less! (please to read my thoughts on measuring out water in the morning but, again, this really works for many people! It kind of works to make MizFit a little sick…which mightcould be the point!).
One last tidbit. This may just be an old husband’s tale but Ive found it to be true: if youre craving ice cream it’s simply your body’s way of telling you that you’re dehydrated.
Now I know you have some thoughts on THAT one.
Please to comment away.
I have a total knee replacement with metal rods up my thigh and down my lower leg. What can you hook me up with? I’d love to get rid of the huge roll I get when I set down. Kinda grosses me out!
Hey lisa,
I moved your comment over here so other people could read it and chime in if they wanted.
M., who is off to do research on total knees!
Blasphemy. Wanting ice cream means dehydration? Lies, I tell you. Dirty, filthy lies! But hey, since I can’t really indulge in ice cream much right now, maybe I’ll try a glass of water instead (mmm, mmm good) and see if it works. If it doesn’t, I might have to come looking for your husband.
My husband and I argued about the if-you-add-something-can-you-still-count-it-as-water the other day. He was trying to tell me I couldn’t and I was telling him that adding a tea bag doesn’t change the fact that I started with 16oz of water.
And out of curiosity – why does your blog email me my comment every time I leave one? No biggie…I’ve just never seen a blog do that before.
it’s SUPPOSED to send an autoresponse when Ive responded.
lemmie trying turning that OFF.
(runs and chickenbusses with computer setting)
now? anything? 🙂
and it really is almost a year by year thing with the adding in things (cucumbers? coffee? sparkling splenda’d water) counting as water or not.
I cant see that it’s the same BUT Im not questioning as I like it.
That ice cream thing makes sense to me. I know I always feel thirsty AFTER I eat ice cream.
Really? You’re brewing de-caf now? Woman – have you completely lost it? 😉
I like the water post – I’ve actually been known to make a New Year’s resolution of “drink more water” on more than one occasion. However, if coffee counts as water… I could actually say drink less water. Hmmm, that just blew my mind.
Okay – I’ll compromise a bit
IF, and only **IF** one can make water TASTE LIKE MY FAVORITE ICE CREAM (that would be chocolate raspberry truffle or cake batter) than I shall drink more water than humanly possible
Sounds fair to me!
I’ve heard the ice cream bit, too. My solution is to have a little bit of ice cream after a big glass of water.
You know…having my ice cream and drinking it, too.
thanks for the water tips! Filling my bottle right now.
Tessie, youre as I am. Eat the ‘cream THEN drink the h20!
and TRICIA? I so love my Splenda Sparkles. not chocolate (YET but we can DREAM) yet they are still (sigh) not a replacement for a Dove bar.
and shelley? now I need to know. are you a ToGo Tube’r as am I?
I adore those.
and adore the fact that they NEVER accidentally rip open in my jampacked bag.
The comments on today’s post are almost as funny as the actual post.
Michelle – of course as usual HYSTERICAL.
I am trying to drink more water. Maybe if I eat more ice cream I will crave more water?
Maybe I missed the point somewhere? heee heee
I love this stuff called total lemon. It’s dehydrated lemon that comes in little packets and SO EASY to add to the water. It may be TMI, but if you have to improve your fiber intake because you’re taking prenatal vitamins and they have unfortunate side affects (like me) you can mix benefiber into the water and adding the total lemon makes it easy to drink.
Congrats on the decaf transition!!
MizFit? I’ve been known ToGo Tube from time to time but also, I just really like water.
It’s a good thing someone invented those to-go tubes. Without them I would drink no water. None.
But then my water would have chocolate chip cookie dough chunks in it and that… just does not go.
Someone told me to drink 1/2 my weight ( in ounces) a day.
And I just got a crazy artificial sweetners email… if left in elevated temps can turn to toxins… so I am scared of the TO-GO packs.
Tricia- of course your fave ice cream would be cakebatter… as in cup cake batter.
I just tried the Crystal Light tubes and I have to say I think the fake sugar gives me a bad headache. DO NOT WORRY – regular Kool-Aid (ade?) also comes in single serve tubes.
I love just water, too, tho. For those of you who aren’t crazy about it plain, try putting it in the freezer for a while so it gets icy. kind of like a slushy then!
and i’m totally going to try the benefiber thing. 🙂
Trace, you might be a guest blogger and all but I cant lie to you.
that total lemon? TOTAL CHICKENBUS 🙂
(I guess there arent enough toxins in there for my palate Ashley 🙂 and Im confident youre right about that—but having cut BACK on my morning caffeine Im taking the risk. right now anyway. a woman has GOT to have a FEW toxin-related vices, huh?)
Im like Karen…..and NOT like Priscilla.
The water becomes like a SLUSHY, P?!
Sure. if you add sugar and food coloring and SUGAR and…
Love your comments.
Nothing better than learning and laughing.