I adore when things work out like this: our freebie and one of the links flow so nicely together.
This weeks freebie? From another company MizFit adores (and really, People, I dont like that many. Im snarky that way)
I own this tank top and wear it all the time.
Initially I wore it simply because I liked it and now that Ive so many balls in the air (the germy plastic kind in which my Toddler Tornado likes to frolic) I really do wear it as a reminder.
As a reminder to just BE where I am and not always working toward GETTING somewhere else.
And yes, this same tank top** can be yours for the low, low, price of a comment below.
MizFit? She’s a little jealous but she’s working to BE INSPIRING and be generous.
Over at Zen Habits they are also focusing on how to be present (see? isnt that serendipitous?). There’s no free stuff involved (*sigh* I know) but stop by anyway.
I was thrilled to discover this next one. We’ve previously established my lack o’prowess (interest? who can say) in the kitchen and now HarperCollins is going to be kind enough to post one of their cookbooks online for free. The book is by Food Network star Robert Irvine (name means nothing to me, you?) go here to check it out.
Lastly? I might have a new secret blog crush. This blogger is ballsy, funny, sarcastic (MizFit HEARTS the sarcasm), gutsy and an amazing writer. Check out this post. Read it. PONDER IT. What would YOUR answer be?
Now, last week more than a few people emailed me and said they couldnt enter for the freebie because they had no weight loss success story to share.
*MizFit scratches head*
Im drawing out of a hat boot my Tornado hath outgrown here, People. The only rule is there are no rules.
**edited to say GREAT POINT COMMENTER. Im sure you could select a tee shirt if you wanted. it’s all about the BEING PRESENT how ever *you* feel best.
Woohoo! Come on, big money, no whammies!
My answer to the question on the BFD blog:
Dear heartbreakingly sweet 14 year-old:
What you see when you look in the mirror depends more on how you feel about YOU than on what your physical self looks like. Don’t think that happiness only exists inside a pair of size 0s; a quick glimpse into the life of a model will probably convince you otherwise. Tell you what: make a list of things that people like about you. Add the things you like about yourself (which may be different). And while you’re trying to internalize just how *amazing* a person you are, pick one or two of your best physical features – your legs? your eyebrows? – and concentrate on those. I may have a squishy tummy right now, but those arms are looking good, and damn I’m a strong woman inside and out to boot. It’s a lifelong quest, but a darn worthwhile one.
that’s a fantastic answer.
especially the features you love part.
manyMANY mornings what MizFit loves most about herself isnt the sagging Samsonites under her eyes but her ability to GIGGLE in the wee hours of the morn.
good reminder.
Wow, lots of links and stuff to read and FREE stuff too!
Me. in a Tank Top. Hummmm……….. gotta think about that. OH NO, let’s not think of that.
Well if I win, I would hang it up and it would be a reminder of my goal and that someday I could put on a tank top.
Rock on.
Good point, Julie.
MizFit was using TANK TOP as a sort of blanket term.
Love the “simple guide to being present” link – comments:
I recently began (and skimmed) a book called “How to be a Happy Parent.” Not that I’m miserable – but sometimes it just isn’t fun for me.
The book talks about living in the present moment. Sitting on the floor with your kids as often as possible. Stop multi-tasking all the time. Enjoying this short time – as the kids will never be this age again. Not worrying about the messy house, dirty dishes, unmade beds, etc. (or for me the dog hair everywhere – HATE THIS).
I am trying very hard to change my world to a stress-free zone. It is tough for me. I need a certain amount of chaos.
thats such an astute remark you made about needing chaos.
so many of us thrive on it.
so many of us refuse to admit it.
my friends in real life (*wink*) hear FAR TOO OFTEN about how I need to be free, ready and willing to join my Tornado in her world ANY time she cares to invite me.
I dont wanna risk looking back and recalling her patting the space by her side, inviting me in, and my saying “hold on. I need to work just a little bit longer.”
Needing chaos. I never thought of it that way. OUCH.
I learn so much from this site. I DO need to live in the moment.
Sorry I missed the point earlier, the whole picture of ME in a TANK blurred my vision.
Andrea, thanks for the reminder and new way of looking at this.
Wow. Ok, i love the Be Present site and goods. I see a new shirt in my future, free or not. π Thank you! AND – I’ve bookmarked the other links as well. So much to read and think about!
An answer for the 14 year old… one thing I’ve noticed more and more as I get older… that the most attractive women to me are the ones that are confident and send off a vibe that THEY love the way they look and that they respect their bodies. This is why one of my most important goals is to raise my children to be CONFIDENT. I also know with my own self – that if I’m exercising a healthy amount and eating appropriately… I feel good – and FEEL that I look good. I strongly believe that it doesn’t matter what size you are as long as you take care of yourself, feel good and present yourself to the world that way.
Chaos lover right here.
Dang. Never thought about it that way before.
Step 1: Acknowledging.
Oh soooooo much to think about . . .
favorite feature? My new (and I kid you not about this) Katie Holmes haircut.
It’s really cute.
Must read the being present article (when I have more time for being present). This is a big problem for me too (I so agree with Andrea about the dog hair). I just need to keep reminding myself to SIMPLIFY. But it doesn’t always work. *sigh*
I love what Melany said about confidence. And about FEELING good. And about . . . . everything.
Thanks for BEING MizFit.
Let me win!
Oh so much reading here. So glad Mike put us in touch. I will do my required reading over the long weekend and hopefully be able to comment more later.
Take care of your body and it will do the same for you…..
Definitely some good stuff here — can’t wait to get back and read more of it. I loved Melany’s comments about confidence — I definitely want to raise my kids to know how to love themselves and be confident in who they are (and hopefully not have to take nearly 40 years to get there!). And being reminded to stop thriving on chaos is important for almost all of us, I think!
Dang I love you guys.
Melany I totally agree on the confidence thing. My husband still says the first thing he noticed about me (before we spoke even) was how I carried myself.
I adore that about him.
heather? I REALLY LIKE that you unabashedly π say that you like something about you. women just too often DONT/cant even it.
tricia? secreting are you?
Meribeth? youre so right. and I detest people who say TREAT YOUR BODY AS WELL AS YOU TREAT YOUR CAR.
Not a good parallel for MizFit and her dirty/needing oil mode o’transport.
Katy? blahblahblahbetter late than never. I had to say it. π
thanks for stopping (running?) by.
Ummm…I was so excited about this tank top I started doing backbends! (ok, not really) Seriously though…super cool site with lots of cute stuff! And I HEART Zen habits..that article looks great and I seriously need a mental makeover right about now. Thanks for the Friday goodies! xoxo
Being present. NOT one of my strong points. I am going out and getting the book
Andrea mentions. I need to be a more happy and more present parent. Thanks for making me even think about this today —-as my nanny is gone and I have to be present ALL DAY LONG π
LOVE LOVE LOVE this site! So fun! I am in the middle of my second pregnancy and enjoy staying healthy and fit. I hope this website will inspire my post pardum bottom to get back into good shape! Thanks!
Becki, I love that phrase MENTAL MAKEOVER. now why do I think it’s trademarked by you? too good not to be (hinthint)
Carolyn? happy? present? playful? too many assignments going along with this parenting gig sometimes, huh? Im starting with PRESENT. Happy Playful Dopey and Sneezy will have to wait.
they shall get their day π
Does lying on the floor b/c you are tired and letting your toddler who does not toddle crawl all over you count? “Being present” sounds oh so much better than “look it’s drunk mommy”, albeit w/out the drinks. π
(As I look over at said wee one who is in a head to toe spaghetti ecstacy whilst sticking her finger up her nose. Good times.)
Want to comment on 14 year old but so very tired. Might just stretch out on the floor now….
(& Ive missed head2toe pasta ecstasy as well, but that’s a story for another day)
Quick answer to 14 year old…”High school sucks!”
Longer answer…It took me 30 years to gain the confidence that I should have had in high school and it had nothing to do with my body or my looks. I was skinny as a rail. I wasn’t drop dead gorgeous but I wasn’t the ugliest person either. How you feel about yourself is not always because of how you look.
Two quotes/sayings that I love…
“Do what you like. The rest will come.”
“Live the life you love. Love the life you live.”
Of course my all time favorite is “When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila and salt.” But that’s probably not the best advice to give a 14 year old!!
I love the shirt…pick me, pick me.
14 sucked!! That’s a hard question to answer. Everyone has a reason or part of their body that they don’t like. I’d answer her question with a question. Does she have a visual deformity? For example, birth mark,lazy eye, limp, etc. If not, first thank your lucky stars. Lots of kids are left with visual deformities for a number of reason that can’t be helped. For instance, when I was 11 I was diagnosed with bone cancer in my leg. I underwent numerous surgeries that left a 24 in curvy scar and they had to remove almost all the muscle so it’s much smaller than the other. Since I had this when I was growing, that leg is a bit shorter so I do walk with a limp. Running…haven’t be able to run since 5th grade! I’m now 28. I still long to run. I still dread summer wearing shorts and having people stare. So if she doesn’t have any of this and it’s merely she isn’t happy with the shape of her body, she needs to find the motivation to change herself if that is what makes her happy. I personally think skinny people look sick and most of the time their life revolves around staying that way and they are unhappy. So look in your heart and grab what makes you happy and run with it.
Thanks for leaving me the site again. I forgot to bookmark it in my haste and toddler banging on the keyboard, so I February 4th came and went and I remembered and couldn’t find it. I love the way you write, your perspective, etc. I am glad to be here and be part of this! Thanks for the invite.
You women are TOO COOL.
There’s nothing I love more than women who can support other women (the gift of aging–did I mention Im THIRTY EIGHT? (*wink*)–is that Ive learned that just because YOU are *beyond* fantastic funny hip smart fit and loyal doesnt mean Im not all that as well.
and a healthy dollop of snark on top?
ALWAYS a bonus in MizFit’s mind.
life is too short not to laugh.
BFD is great–and I love the other links too.
Free cookbooks, cool tank top giveaways–no one who comes to my blog ever gets anything free, I gotta work on that!
(And I’m with you on the awesomeness of women supporting women rather than competing).
Today I am present.
this is really neat…I love your tidbits and leads to other websites…and who wouldn’t want a cute free tank…thanks Mizfit
I would like to come here again. It sounds god to me, and thereβs a lot of interesting information here
Oh hell yes…. this is what I needed today. I fucking love your page, it makes me laugh every time I come here.