Subtitle: Bid a fond farewell to the GLARING sunlight as I shall rectifying the situation next week.
You’ll also be glad I didnt draw the winner on camera as A. I decided not to compel you to watch to see if you’d won (dont thank me. buy me beef jerky.) and 2. I’d become so excited about our impending flax-chat that I knew I’d run long.
And I did.
Your omega 3-starved bods thank me.
Gibb? Email me your mailing address
Holy Crap – I think you sold me on flax seeds and I had serious doubts. Regulate my blood sugar, give me energy and help me be calm? Sounds like a lot to expect from a simple little seed but on my next trek to whole foods I will look for them.
You have been telling me about flax seeds for years, but I never remember you mentioning the stress-reducing benefit of them. I think that a trip to GNC is in order. 🙂
Call me a lemming but I’ll be picking some up today, too!
I have actually been incorporating flax for a couple of months. Less stressed….hmmm…maybe but I also cut my work hours by half.
Try adding a couple of spoons of ground seeds to stone ground oats made with 1/2 water and 1/2 organic apple juice. YUM YUM
Michelle? speaking of a lot to expect: please to put on your To Do List: attempt to cook with flax seeds/flax oil.
you know.
because MizFit knows you have NOTHING else going on.
Yes ma’am. You think MizFit seems stressed out NOW? Imagine how Id be sans the calming effect of flax.
mind blowing.
Priscilla? LEMMING.
Karen, Ill definitely try that. Got any other recipes you’d wanna share? Email me!
Wow, I think I too shall buy some. I mean it cannot hurt.
I am kinda excited.
I can’t wait to try it!
Julie? while it might not be the cure-all as touted (not by ME I mean 🙂 by the research/literature) it DEFINITELY is great for overall health.
it’s all about the omega 3’s.
Karen? if only there was some sort of tattoo tie-in here. Renaissance Man wants a tattoo of a Koi….and THAT’S a fish….and SOME FISH contain omega 3’s!
MizFit, did you just use Lemming as a verb? 🙂
I’m definitely buying some!! I bet they’d be good on yogurt. Si?
Bandwagon, consider yourself hopped.
Thanks, MizFit!
I won, I won!! First, I would like to thank the Academy. And the director and my agent. And to all the little people that I stepped on along the way…nah, nah, na, nah, nah! Sorry, I don’t win that often…I got carried away! I’ll email my address.
So, can you get omega 3 in a supplement form and is it as effective? See, I’m a picky eater and I don’t like nuts…so I’m guessing I won’t like something nutty tasting. And I don’t like fish, or olives. Told you I was picky.
Wow Gibb – you are picky my dear. Try adding some to your tequila – hehe!
Why YES SHELLEY I DID! Thanks for noticing.
Gibb? Im confused. Sorry. Did I mention somewhere you had to enjoy the flax seed? (*scratches head*) I think I merely told you all it could do for your HEALTH and instructed you to COMMENCE. I shall review the tape 🙂
(and congrats! Im jealous of your win)
Michelle? You jest, I know, but MizFit tried the FLAX OIL and added it to a chocolate shake (back in the day) and the resulting BURPS?
worse than (Id imagine) Gibb’s dislike for anything nutty.
I thought that if you ground your own flax seed it had to be refrigerated and eaten w/in 24 hours of goes rancid. Is the pre-ground stuff different?
youre right Trace!
Buying ground flaxseed does save the step of grinding the seeds yourself, but it must be stored in an air-tight and opaque container in the refrigerator or freezer after opening and you’re ok.
Ok, I got my ground flaxseeds. I can’t quite eat them by themselves – the aftertaste is a little bitter to me – but I mixed in some vanilla soy milk and made a teeny tiny bowl of cereal out of it.
Sorry, one more question re the amazing flax seed: can we get these with the same benefits in a pill supplement?