More than a few of you have emailed and asked my opinion on the bazillions of protein bars out there.
Which are the best nutrition-wise? taste-wise? which do I eat?
I could ramble on & on but since this is a trend day and not a MizFitRambles day I shall bottom line it for you.
I love protein bars.
My current personal fave? These. One of those bars fresh from the fridge & a cup of (all together now) decaf? BLISS.
Now, all that said, I dont eat many protein bars.
A few reasons.
First, a calorie isnt a calorie isnt a calorie. The quality of the food you put in your body is, indeed, important. A protein bar? FINE! A piece of grilled chicken and steamed rice? better. Bars definitely have their time & place but real food is going to get you to your goals more quickly.
The other reason? EATING ONE MAKES ME WANT MORE (yep. I did it. the full-on CAPS sentence.).
Their chocolate-y goodness really only serves to increase my sweets craving rather than satiate it.
You? honestly?
Now, all that said (I know. lots of saying for a trend post) I’m still gonna head over & order a few of these.
MizFit is all about taking one for the MizFitTeam and tempting her tastebuds in the name of new product investigation (AKA: C.S.I. My Mouth).
I adore that you can JACK UP the good fats with the addition of various butters & nuts, they actually let you CHOOSE your protein-type (soy, egg, whey etc.) and the other options (infusions? sweetners? who knew there were so many) have to be seen to be believed.
I’m thinking if I pack my bar with enough fat and protein and lower the SUGARS that my MizFit Barstravaganza might not trigger more cravings.
Ill let you know.
And—lest we get too fitness focused and stay too on topic here— I leave you with a silly trend.
Im not sure it *yet* qualifies as a (finger quote) trend (un-F.Q.) but that’s neither here nor there.
The important thing is that my mother in law and I hath somehow stumbled into a gag purse exchange at holiday time routine (ok. I started it.).
How FUNNY would this be as her Christmas BraPurse gift?
Im eyeing the Tiffany blue.
Love the bra tote! And, it’d be even funnier as a glasses case. Especially if you pulled it out of your purse mid-meeting so you could read the fine-print.
Protein bars? Nah. Give me my veggie sausage and a scrambled egg. But thanks for the info!
Edit: Sorry, I should have said: Protein bars are great on the go. I just can’t get into them.
But heck, who knows? At the rate I’ve been changing habits (which coincides roughly with the launch of MizFit) I may change my mind next week ๐
I love me some chocolate carmel Zone bars, but admit that I use them more of “desserts” tham meal replacement.
Shelley, I LOVE the idea of a BraEyeglass case. far better than a BraPurse. (Pra?) and Im all in for the portable veggie sausage and scrambled egg idea.
I think you’re onto something.
Git to creating.
Sam? Duh. good point I didnt make. bars are GREAT as dessert substitutes. high in protein and good fat. THANKS.
Mizfit you are so smart.
I thought I would get some protein bars but I liked them WAY too much and ate the entire box…………hummmmm
Thanks for the awesome post and reminder that ‘whole’ food is best. we have to get off this processed crap. (can I say crap on here?)
I do love the bra tote!!
I use protein bars as the forced snack I am supposed to eat in the late afternoon to keep my blood sugar stable…but you really have to read labels. Some are loaded with crap. South Beach makes some that aren’t bad…and some of the Atkins ones are okay. But you are right – if they are really yummy, I want more.
Really curious to hear how the create your own turns out. Sounds great.
Julie, let the C-bomb fly up in herre! also, Im totally you in the lack of protein bar control which hath led me to thinking that perhaps creating a NOT SO FANTABULOUS tasting youbar might be the way to go!
something healthy that tastes HEALTHY.
MizFit will surely EASILY be able to employ moderation then.
I tend to ummmm . . . overdo (to put it mildly) any attempt at using protein bars. I will admit that I have attempted to literally live on water, protein bars, and apples (which was healthier than the water, cottage cheese, and tomatoes phase in college). In short, I abuse them if I use them at all. The dessert replacement idea is interesting (I’ve been trying, in my new world of moderation and MizFit, to replace dessert with fruit).
Hey Heather!
this shall have to be a post for later BUT MizFit says NONONO to *just* fruit.
bottom line? the natural sugars in the fruit.
more bottom line? Not bad for you but BETTER for your blood sugar levels/feeling SATIATED to add in protein and fat too.
(I know. too much info in too short a space not enough details. keep watching. MizFit is gonna offer her one on one services)
I have NEVER once had a protein bar…..
Now I gotta try one!!
Not a huge fan of the protein bar, but I do like Luna bars. My current fave, tho, is the Kashi trail mix chewy granola bar for b’fast. Otherwise I don’t usually eat breakfast and that my friends is baaaaad b/c then I eat my way thru the evening.
New diet tip: it is way more fun and satisfying to watch your toddler who does not toddle eat a mini cupcake than to eat one yourself. hint: she smears/eats the icing first.
Tricia? SUCCESS! I now officially feel like a pusher-MizFit. If only I lived near you and could offer the first protein bar taste for free.
Priscilla, really? REALLY? I beg to differ on the cupcake. You (read the non-toddling toddler) can keep the CAKE but I’m all about the icing.
I am becoming a purse fanatic, but that one does nothing for me. Now, MFH told me he saw one shaped like a bustier – that I would buy in a NY minute!
I’m the same way with the protein bars — I enjoy them, but I’ve been trying to cut back. Like you said, given the choice between a protein bar and a real meal, the real meal should win out every time. (But that small, wrapped package is so very easy to slip into your purse!)
Great site. ๐
I couldn’t understand some parts of this article , but I guess I just need to check some more resources regarding this, because it sounds interesting.