First? here’s a new site I discovered & already adore.
and yes.
feel free to laugh that it isnt really new (MizFit is a smidge behind the times with this one) but like NBC used to say with regards to rereuns (anyone else remember this campaign?): if you havent seen it—-it’s new to you.
Definitely check her out.
This next one is worth a skim—I guess. But really, People, this is supposed to help me pass on dessert?
For some reason I doubt it. Especially for a woman who learned to differentiate DESERT and DESSERT by remembering that her fave sweet treat had two S’s because she always wanted MORE!
speaking of things we already knew (because we were—werent we?) but which, according to Men’s Health Magazine, bear repeating: everything you think isnt good for you — isnt.
And finally.
The part you really came here for: THE FREEBIE!
As I say every week I completely, utterly and totally love this stuff.
I cant recall how I discovered them (cant recall or wont admit it was by googling “high protein cereal” repeatedly. either way) but once I did Ive never looked back.
Great for you (soy protein, natural whole grains, healthy fats, and lots of fiber) and really, really good tasting to boot.
MizFit’s own personal addiction? This.
You? You’ll get to choose if you win this weeks freebie as Kay’s Naturals is generously going to mail you a sample pack of all that they create.
You know the drill. The above can all be yours for the LOW LOW price of a comment below.
(and I know you have some thoughts on that men’s health stuff)
I found your site on google blog search and read a few of your other posts. Keep up the good work. Just added your RSS feed to my feed reader. Look forward to reading more from you.
Karen Halls
How sad is it that virtually every one of my favorite foods are on the Men’s Health worst of the worst list? Why can’t pizza, cheeseburgers, pancakes and brownies a la mode be the “good for you” foods? 🙂
lol…wishing I had a pack of gum last night when I broke into the red wine and horseradish dip!!!
The 20 worst foods was great! We used to Aussie Cheese Fries in college, but haven’t in years. We have wised up. I browsed your new favorite site too and I think I want to make the Banana Protein Bread.
Kay foods looks yummy, except for the sodium in their chips. I wanted to get the protein ones for Savannah, since she loves veggie chips, but no protein.
After I watched the documentary, Super Size Me, I haven’t wanted any fast food restaurant food – and that was two years ago. Now if I could only find a documentary about the horrors of potatoes!
First? WELCOME KAREN. I checked out your site as well. Really interesting/informative.
and Sam? I know. (shakes head sadly) that’s all I have to say.
Carrie? My Tornado adores the cereal. Every morning I fight my natural urge (read: cheapness. this healthy eating is NOT for the weak of wallet or–if you’re like I am–you just cut back elsewhere) and share ;).
Debra? LAUGH OUT LOUD. I needed that. THANK YOU.
2 new sites for me, thanks!
I’m not surprised by what made the list on the Men’s Health site. i sense EXACTLY how bad those things are for me when I lovingly draw them to my lips.
Loved how the Men’s Health site did the comparisons–dessert the equivalent of 3 Big Macs, etc.
I really don’t have anything profound to say as I’m desperately trying to pack for our trip to Texas (and do laundry and clean because OF COURSE I did none of those things last night).
We’re looking for the yummiest healthiest protein shake powder to take to Bhutan–apparently there’s not much chance we’ll like the food and we want to avoid the high sodium airplane food. Any suggestions, MizFit?
I WANT to like protein bars and shakes ….I really do but have had, shall we say, some bad experiences that I can’t shake out of my memory. My longing for chocolate may still win out.
I read a column last night in a health and fitness magazine that you could add cocoa powder to virtually anything just to get the flavor. It has fiber, protein, some fat and the cannister I looked at said 10 calories per tablespoon. Corrections, suggestions, (please say it is true and I will experiment this weekend)
Sorry, had to come back and apologize for my flip remark. In all seriousness, MizFit is helping me keep my (newfound) life plan on track, and I’m feeling strong and pretty these days! Thank you!
Heather, Id say PACKETS of anything first of all as Id not wanna haul tubs. For me the answer would be chocolate met rx. Id definitely recommend you do your own personal tasting and see what YOU like. (watch the sugar content)
Karen, it depends on the powder! (hows that for a nonanswer :))
gotta read the labels as some have a ton of added sugar. but experiment away and lemmie know what you discover/find.
The Men’s Health list looks disgusting to me, but I know if someone plopped a plate of those fries in front of me I would probably chow down!
Oh geez! I lived next to nearly all of those restaurants on that mens health list (macaroni grill, chilis, on the border, carls jr.) No wonder I packed on the pounds living there!
Workout Mommy? I thought that same thing. they did some good food stylin’ to make it look that unappealing!
Sandy, Ive always heard about carls jr (is it a Ca. thing?) and harbor a secret desire to FINALLY see what one is 🙂
First confession: Never had the Aussie fries, but the cheese fries at Snuffer’s in Dallas, complete w/the ranch? I LOVES ME SOME CHEEZ FRIES!
now I want some.
As for the Carl’s Jr…MIZFIT, you know we’d like it girl! Paris totally goes there.
I double the LOVE for Snuffer’s cheese fries!!! Bring on the worst cause sometimes they just make us feel best (for a moment in time)!
Priscilla, who is this “Paris” of whom you speak? I only read the great Russian novelists and view films with subtitles.
You perplex me.
and Deanna? You do not 🙂 All things in moderation INCLUDING cheese fries. sometimes only they will heal what ails ya.
Yes, that list was enough to make me not want to eat for days. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for the info. I am going to try that stuff out! Also thanks for stopping by.
I used to eat Kashi’s Go Lean (original) but have switched to Kashi’s Heart to Heart. It has less protein, but still fares pretty well in the sugar and fiber departments. Most importantly, I really enjoy eating it – and that’s important too! Anyway, thanks for the link to Kays – I hope that it will be my new favorite once I win the Friday Freebie!;)
I need to figure out how to make some money and then I could send snack packs to the world.
bring on the lotto!