I have been trying to get in some type of cardio workout at least four times a week. What are some general guidelines on the length of time you should be trying to do cardio? I have heard that 20 minutes a day is all you need but that seems so short. What would you recommend for someone trying to do cardio to feel more in shape and maybe lose a pound or ten along the way?
I loved this email because it, like the water question, seems to be a common one.
first? my personal experience.
One word: consistency.
I dont think it matters how long you do your cardio (using the above example of twenty minutes as the starting point) if you do that same time. week in and week out. six days a week. truly WORKING HARD while your doing it. non-negotiable.
Me? I choose not not work all that hard during my cardio time (Im woman enough to admit Im more sweating over whether Winehouse’s husband really is trading her photos for drugs while in prison than the RPMs on my bike) but I do my thirty minutes six days a week. PERIOD.
I could probably work HARDER & do it less frequently but Im not about risking any exercise-induced sweat droplets on the In Touch Weekly.
The U.S. Surgeon General’s office? They’d like you to do thirty minutes per day minimum on “most days of the week.”
What would I recommend given what Im doing & they’re saying?
MOVE. Every single day. For at least twenty minutes.Without thinking of it as exercise.
MOVE. Five times a week. Where the focus truly is EXERCISING. Start out with twenty minutes and, if time allows, as your fitness level increases move slowly toward a goal of thirty minutes.
Remember, current research indicates that 10 + 10 + 10 DOES equal thirty. FEEL FREE to break your workout up into time manageable segments——you’ll get the same benefits!
Okay I went to GNC today. That is a scary place. I found flax in the container like you had (i thought) but the lady said that was not ground, so she told me to buy Super Flax Meal GNC Natural Brand. Is this right? Enriched Flax Seed Powder.
I looked on GNC website and could not even find it.
I love your email. Too many trainers and fitness people completely forget the fact that GNC *is* a wholly terrifying place when it isnt somewhere you frequent. Hell, MizFit is there on the first day of Gold Card week waiving her key fob discount card and even she gets overwhelmed at all the shit offerings.
You got it right! Ground & you’re all set!
Not to be critical but you arent much of a cook. Your recipe directions from last week were quite unchef like. I have a recipe suggestion. How might I submit it?
SpecialNeedsBullmastiff, MizFit’s Canine
Thanks for noticing, SNB! Im NOT a cook! Feel free to email me any and ALL recipe suggestions and you can be featured as the Guest Chef of the Week!
Oh, you want my recipe for boiled chicken?
What a fabulous blog! I can’t believe I’ve been missing out on it. Any plans to move to the Tennessee Valley, MizFit? I’d be happy to send some business your way in the form of my out-of-shape ass!
welcome, Julianne and CAREFUL what you say. You never know when I just might show up in the Tennessee Valley and whip yer ass into shape!
and PJ? I HEART the boiled chicken. that plus a spritz of bragg liquid aminos? HEAVEN.
Have you ever tried the Bosu ball for a workout? I was wondering what kind of cardio I could achieve from this.
great question Rachel.
Im on it.