Ok, People, here’s the deal.
I initially planned to do the recipe/food thing once a week (if by initially planned you mean I decided to do it and MizFit struggles with an inability to let chickenbus go once she commences—which I do).
As we’ve clearly established Im not the one to whom friends and family turn for recipes.
Sure, I could just cut & paste or link to cooking light recipes Ive never made but first of all that’s not how I roll & second I think we all know how to do *that* shit googling on our own.
So here’s the new plan: I’m going to give you recipes of things I consume.
Foodstuffs you most likely would NOT ponder trying without some MizFitcouragement.
(And if the Food G-ds decide to bless us with another guest chef volunteer like the amazing Trace? I’d never say no!)
Push up your sleeves, place your excuses on the shelves, and open your minds.
I give you:
Oatmeal Protein Shake MizFitravaganza
½ cup dry oatmeal which has been cooked and allowed to cool
2 scoops vanilla protein (I tend to use this. just read the label. we want the FEWEST carbs possible per serving.)
sugar free syrup or sugar free maple syrup to taste
2 tablespoons chopped almonds (or flax seeds or peanut butter–preferably natural)
12 oz. water or skim milk
Directions: Blend in blender. Consume. Smile. Feel great, strong, energized & vibrant.
This next one mightcould tide you over until the You Bar people decide to toss some Friday freebies our way (I ordered my box and will let you know when they arrive).
No Bake Protein Bar
5 tbsp natural peanut butter
1 cup dry oats
6 scoops chocolate whey protein (around 130 grams protein/info should be on label. again, any brand just fewest carbs possible)
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 tablespoons flax seeds
1 cup non-fat dry milk
1/2-1 cup water (this seems to vary depending on the brand of protein powder. I dont usually measure out the powder so I compensate with more/less water)
Spray an 8×8 baking dish with non-stick cooking spray.
Combine dry ingredients in a medium size bowl. Add peanut butter. The mixture will be crumbly and dry now.
Add water & vanilla.
Mix until a sticky dough forms. Spread into pan using a spatula that has been sprayed with non-stick cooking spray. Refrigerate a few hours and cut into 9 squares. Wrap bars individually (sandwich bags/plastic wrap) or store in covered container between sheets of wax paper. Keep refrigerated.
(if you were the creator of these recipes back in the DAY feel free to out yerself. Ive had them for so long and changed so much I have NO IDEA from whence they originated.)
You mention eating “clean” quite often. In one of you upcoming posts can you take us through a day in the eating life of MizFit, i.e., what exactly do you eat to get/keep your buff bod? Thanks. 🙂
Thank you MizNotAChef.
I’ll take any excuse to eat COOOOOKIES! And the shake sounds good too – as I usually just throw protien powder, soy milk, water and ice in a blender. AND soy in my regular oatmeal grosses me out (but my husband devours it daily).
So….this is the best of both our worlds.
Did I mention that I love cookies?
I’ll send over a protein cookie recipe that I’ve been using as soon as I can get my kids detached from my ankles and my head out of a fog.
Sam, good point 🙂 now THAT might be helpful huh?
keep yer eyes peeled as well. soon YOU can have MizFit help you plan our your clean eating as well.
(cue music. upbeat? ominous? you decide.)
And andrea? ok so I now know you are a RUNNER WOMAN EXTRAORDINAIRE (sp? Im taking creative license) Id love the cookie recipe—-is that the key to your success?!
Do you really eat things like that daily? How on earth did you survive the ‘mala? Did you take canisters of protein powder or did you seriously eat nothing but eggs and jerky?
Just curious because I’ve never purchased nor consumed protein powder or whey protein so it is a little foreign. Perhaps that is why my butt is so big?
Michelle, I do. I caint lie to you. and it really is food as fuel as the Tornado keeps me running (literally) and when I eat shitty, errr, poorly I really CAN NOT keep up.
In the ‘Mala? no and yes. I didnt until my second KO. Then I did ask the Renaissance Man to being me down packets of Met Rx (protein shake) since I knew I was there for the long haul.
is a protein powder tutorial in order?
MizFit, what if one can’t tolerate fake sugar of any kind b/c it gives one a headache and one’s stomach responds, ahem, violently to it?
Any au natural options as a better than sugar but still real substitute?
(please to insert joke here, Priscilla, where I say honey and then you think Im calling you honey and it gets all weird. THANK YOU)
or for the Toddler Tornado Ill also use frozen berries!
We also use agave as a sugar replacement (I too avoid artificial sweeteners–lots of food allergies).
I’m planning to try one of the shakes and the bars sound yum. Do you have a stance on almond milk as a lactose replacement?
Does your toddler tornado help with the preparation? Mine tends to pull up a chair and dig right in while I’m cooking (totally my fault, I know, as I used to think it was cute to let him help).
Gosh – none of this sounds too good to me… but you know what? It DOES make me analyze my own eating and cooking-for-my-family habits and gives me some ideas of things I could do a little differently here and there. So – I still claim that these posts are successful if they help some of us make some small changes – even if we don’t all decide to eat as, err… cleanly as you. 😀
heather, great suggestion about the agave. I, too, like that in place of equal or whatever.
almond milk? LOVE.
Melany? that’s precisely the point and THANK YOU 🙂 for making it better than I. It is all about what youre “willing” to do. for me eating this way isnt a sacrifice or I really wouldnt do it.
also I dont eat like this seven days a week…Im all about the once a week junk food infusion to keep my metabolism elevated/body “confused.”
What about Stevia? I know it is a natural sweetener/sugar replacement…but I’ve never heard if it bothers people’s tummies. I don’t know a lot about it but it does taste yummy in my morning tea (damn I miss coffee).
I’m curious to know what kind of protein source you use for powders? I’m trying to avoid whey because I have milk issues and soy because soy is not as good for you as many may think. So far, I’ve tried hemp and rice and I like them.
Hey Stephanie,
Ive “stolen” your comment for a viewer mail 🙂
watch for it.
or perhaps a monday KITCHEN facetime…..
(and yes. sadly I have to agree on the soy)
verizon cell
i used Stevia extract as a sugar substitute because i am diabetic. Stevia is really sweeter than sucrose.:;`
While we’re discussing food glorious food. | MizFitOnline, Most folks are always trying out different spices as they are preparing meals. Spices will add flavor to a plain dish and make it scrumptious rather than ordinary. Not cooking with right spices may also ruin an entire dish in a matter of seconds.