Face Yoga.
MizFit has one word: harrumph.
The first 8000 times I saw this I thoughts “eh, this too shall pass.”
Now? Im wondering if it really hath become a trend in the set-with-whom-MizFit-doesnt-run.
I dont get it.
why do exercise gurus think they can exploit our ‘oh no! we’re aging!!’ insecurities with (stupid QVC items & now) yoga for our face so that we can “soften” our wrinkles (huh?) and avoid going under the knife.
MizFit knows how she shall avoid going under the knife: she’s not gonna sign up. (or she’ll try this. Im not proud.)
On a more helpful note: a tip.
A few of you have emailed asking what to look for when you’re grocery shopping. Youve mentioned (great point!) that you’re aware you should be reading the labels now but what on EARTH are you reading for?
Let’s keep it simple to remember. look for 5 things. five fingers on your hand. (is that simple or hath I read Dr Seuss’ book Hands Hands Fingers Thumb one time too many?)
fats: more than a few grams of saturated fat per serving? PASS.
Many would say to pass if there is even one gram of transfat. sure, that’s a good thing to do but would definitely fall under Do As MizFit Sayeth And Not As She Does. Too hardcore for me.
fiber: always better to have more fiber as it helps you to feel full in addition to keeping you (FQ) regular (unFQ).
search for things (breads, cereal etc) which have 4 grams or more per serving.
serving size: how much is a serving? is the bag teenytiny and yet it contains 1345873 servings with 10 grams of sugar per? pay attention. you might still buy the item but at least you’ll be aware.
sugar: more than 10 grams per serving? even MizFit might pass on that one and she HEARTS the sugar. save it for your treat day.
ingredients: less is more.
the longer the list and the more packed with words you do not recognize (& which sound vaguely like chemicals) the less healthy it probably is for you.
Remember, it’s all about being an informed consumer when you make your choices.
Whatever those choices might be.
I think that’s the point of all those seemingly inane lists which ramble on about how foods we already know are junk food arent good for us.
Treat yourself. Indulge. Just be aware of what you’re doing, enjoy it, and get back to your regular food plan after the celebration in your mouth is finished.
Have a great Tuesday and remember there’s nothing like facial contortions to soften our wrinkles, Ladies.
Who knew?
i just attempted to touch my tongue to my nose and i swear i look 10 years younger! OM!
my comment? pizza that makes you look younger? am i dreaming? or just be sucked in my another cruel marketing ploy? š
DG? welcome. I adore you site and am honored you swung by.
now, dont forget the MizFit when all through your day people mistake you for a toddler given yer new found youthful glow.
Youre welcome (*wink*),
If memory serves youre in NYC?
shall we each grab 5 pies, meet in between us & chow our way to a smooth countenance?
Thanks for the nutrition label tips! Your trans fat comment made me giggle in a trading-tuna-for-twinkies-at-the-back-of-the-schoolyard way:) Love your site! Am adding it to my feed reader.
Thanks for the comment on my blog! Stop by often:)
I laughed out loud at your 10:30 comment, especially because last night the phone rand at 9:45 and I was not only asleep but flabergasted that “someone” would be calling that late!! Oh to be 17 again (actually I don’t think you could pay me enough to return to high school!). Thanks for the grocery tips, the labels always kind of throw me off. Basically if I can’t pronounce it, I figure I shouldn’t be eating it.
Charlotte, MizFit was ALL about the schoolyard trading. I detested the twinkies though. I was for sure a chocolate ZINGER kind of gal.
and Kristen? who DOES call that late? up in herre it’s always someone wanting money (& never anyone wanting to give!).
Face yoga? Huh…guess my momma was wrong when she said I shouldn’t make funny faces or my face would freeze like that.
And twinkies are over rated…I’m all about Little Debbie Swiss Rolls…yum (I will add that I can’t remember the last time one actually passed my lips so I’m not eating them while reading MizFit – promise).
face yoga.
i am just going to age…gracefully…..or not.
my goal is to just keep up with matthew right now.
speaking of ingredients, did you get my email with all the “crap” that is mixed in with my flax meal? i did not know if it should have all those big words.
Annoyed by face yoga lady (mutter mutter not what yoga is about mutter mutter teaching people to fight their bodies not celebrate them mutter mutter pout).
Frightened by QVC lady (did anyone else click on that link? Yikes!).
Glad I’m not the only crazy person muttering over food labels. I hadn’t been checking serving size–good tip–but I also check for high fructose corn syrup and sodium content–there is literally ONE loaf of bread I buy–EarthGrains 100% Natural.
I was (am, in MODERATION) a Nutty Bar girl, myself. I have a *thing* for peanut butter.
By the way, I’m never buying the “easy spread” all natural peanut butter again. It’s ooey gooey gross. Back I go to microwaving my peanut butter so I can spread it. š
Can you tell I’m cranky today? Toddlerman was up half the night for the second night in a row.
Any suggestions for surviving extreme sleep deprivation with a smile? (which you seem to do, fearless leader of the Mizfits)
Michelle, If I recall right those are the Ho-Ho wanna be’s?
this post hath gone horribly awry š
Heather, I hear you on high fructose. I personally fret not about it (as there is a huge limit to what I can watch for/obsess about) or salt—-but I do for the Tornado.
Great bread tip as well.
The smile? It’s real alright. and then real VANISHED at the end of my day.
like 8pm (cue music indicating that MizFit is BEYOND old)
I would love to take a video of a classroom of people doing face yoga. I think it would be quite entertaining.
I don’t buy anything at the grocery store without looking at the label. It’s true, if you don’t know what it is, why are you putting it into your body? And just because something sounds natural doesn’t mean it is so look it up ie. Crystalline Fructose sounds like it is from fruit but actually it is a derivative of cornstarch which is also where high fructose corn syrup comes from.
I was getting pretty edgy reading this. If I say Iām disagreeing with your post I would say nothing. Reading this is meaningless waste of time.