This is more of a viewer mail snippet.
I really do try and keep these anonymous (even though most of you say you dont care) so I hacked away at this email and ended up with this;
My mom and I are going on a yoga and nutritious eating retreat together!! At Shawnee Resort in the Poconos!!
Why did I choose to share this with you? A few reasons. Sure there is this. Im feeling it and woman enough to admit it.
(Hell, just reading the word retreat practically lead MizFit to weep at the mere notion of relaxing and om’ing for more than a few moments at a time.)
But beyond that me-me-me digression, this emailer is doing what we women often just give lip-service to: she’s making time for herself.
And, while doing so she’s, making time to spend with someone she loves.
And, while doing so she’s being healthy.
I know not all of us have the time or resources to do a full-on retreat, but all of us can make the time to do a mini-retreat for ourselves or, if you’re like my emailer, ourselves & a loved one.
Be creative.
Do a Saturday Retreat day where you meet up for some early morning yoga outside (if it’s warm where you are) or inside with the room only lit by candles.
Take the time to go to a farmers market and buy FRESH produce & ingredients for a decadent yet healthy breakfast.
Wave buh-bye to the people in your life whom you usually spend the weekends caring for and hit a local spa for one wont-break-the-bank treatment.
Or encourage Those For Whom You Usually Care (their Dances with Wolves name) to go out and create your own at-home spa experience.
I know. I hear you grumbling.
MizFit hath done the same bitching lamenting herself: Who has the time? Who can find the extra money? Who is going to watch the kids? Who will take the SpecialNeedsBullmastiff out to do his bidness?
Ill let you in on a little secret Ive finally discovered after THIRTY EIGHT (please to send your “youre 38? no way!!” emails to IDoFaceYoga24/ years here: ASK.
It’s amazing how eager friends & family are to help you make/find that time for yourself.
(and not just because we inevitably come back to them happy, relaxed and ready to return the favor)
So what’s your plan?
Mine? Im gonna hit a few deadlines and then prance my not-so-pretty-feet to get a french pedicure. The Renaissance Man and the Tornado can fend for themselves.
There is nothing like a relaxing pedicure to soothe my stress after a long week. Unfortunately, my “self retreats” ususally involve watching the TV have have tivoed when I am too busy working to watch during the week. Not the healthiest way to relax I know. But to each their own, right?
You KNOW MizFit begs to differ, Sam.
If she could chill on couch with the Real Housewives or Millionaire Matchmaker with out sticky clawing Toddler Tornado hands or the, err, flatulence of a specialneedcanine——she so would.
it’s all about the relaxing.
and the flax/omega 3’s as they start us on our way.
you know, i’m lacking in this area these days. since giving up the forceable (sp? to lazy to look up) removal of leg hairs by hot sticky mess via another person doing the ripping, i haven’t spa’d in a while. i needs me a pedicure but the hubby just left for the big city so i’d have to take the toddler who doesn’t toddle with me.
i get excited over the prospect of a solo trip to the grocery store. sad.
pledge to make time for the toes soon!
Solo trips to the grocery store are downright decadent. I so agree, Priscilla!
My plan? Go to yoga tonight and not feel guilty for leaving right at the end of dinner with the dishes still undone and the toddler not in bed.
I find it funny that in your 20’s all you want is constant noise, crowds, and go-go-go. Then later into the 30’s and heading into 40’s, the idea of sitting on the couch or a park bench or even a quiet library sounds heavenly.
During my 30-day walking experiment, I’m finding that I’m enjoying the stillness and daily sounds of the outside in my neighborhood. It’s a nice break from the, what seems like loud now, gym.
Priscilla? I talk a good game but we shall see huh? toes as of YET unpainted but Im determined.
and poor.
perhaps I shall ask for 30 min ALONE to paint em myself.
Heather? you KNOW Ill be checking in on you with regards to that 🙂
and Stephanie? amen. Id pretty much do anything for a park bench, a book and some quiet. and then after 5 minutes Id miss the Tornado Im sure.
i’m also taken and the lovely positive relationship your emailer has with her mom. Me? Good relationship, yes, but while I’m at her house next week? Lots of bad southern food and naps, instead of healthy and yoga.
Maybe we’ll roll I mean walk our way around the block!
I just had to comment on that link. Thanks for sharing! You know bath time and spa stuff is my thing.
However have to be truthful and say that I hardly ever take the time to do it myself.
Promise to try out one of the recipes and tell you what happened. 🙂