We’ve established on previous episodes that MizFit is not a dietitian.
Bottom line? I often disagree with dietitian-esque recommendations (especially on protein intake)—-except for this time.
Much to my surprise I wholeheartedly agree with all of these and especially the fast food one.
(to know me in real life is to know that my Toddler Tornado thinks that Chickfila is a food emporium know for its fruit. this isnt my doing either—simply her tastebuds.)
All Im getting at is that it’s so easy now to go to fast food restaurants & eat healthy or, if it’s a treat day, NOT & still indulge in moderation.
Ever seen Mark’s Daily Apple?
His quite information-packed blog is pretty famous in the health blogger community & (*cough* unlike someone we know *cough*) he does his food posts in HIGH STYLE.
I tell myself that he employs clip-art (you know, so I feel better about not providing you with a Muffin in a Moment photo) but something makes me think otherwise.
Check out this post about what you should chomp on *today* to feel better *tomorrow* (or, if you’re not in the mood, just gaze longingly at the photos as your MizFit did).
and LinkLastly another cool site that’s new to me.
Noshtopia (love the name).
Her post about food pyramids is a really well written comparison and definitely got me thinking about which I prefer/most closely adhere to.
While I pretty much do a mish-mash of em all—all if forced to choose just one I think it would be the Harvard Healthy Eating pyramid.
Im all for exercise as the base/foundation of everything & adore the notion of processed white crap stuff to be eaten sparingly.
I just dont think that eating much processed white is good for us & that was before I read the study on refined carbs increasing chances of age related macular degeneration.
I shall climb down off my soapbox and send you her way. Stephanie says it far more poetically than I.
It does all beg the question: which food pyramid most closely resembles your current way of life?
Is there a different one/a combined one to which you aspire?
And now why you’re really here:
This week’s freebie? VERY cool and, as usual, I have to say how generous people truly are.
Ive always been intrigued by the notion of chakras (this is a really neat test regarding how open each of your chakras are. check it out if you have a moment) and this week we have a chakra soap freebie.
For just the price of one comment below the winner gets to select the chakra and scent of her choice.
(the number of scents offered amazes this non-soap creator.)
me? Id pick the 7th chakra/jasmine scented.
I can always use additional higher reason love and awareness & word on the street is that jasmine has a calming effect on its sniffer.
MizFit is all about the calm love.
Chick-fil-A!! Your toddler and my toddler should really get together, lol! See you in the food court!
Don’t tell anyone, but I have a total blog-crush on Mark. You are so right about his food pics…ahhhhh. And noshtopia rules! Stephanie is one of the most creative gals in the biz.
I love Mark Sisson! He actually works with MDB.
I also thought at the end of the Chakra test it was going to read “you are a loud person and very opinionated, sit down and shut up.” I was pleasantly surprised when it didn’t.
Have a good one……
calm love,
i wanta some!
I love the soap site (I am always looking for stuff like that to give as gifts). The Amber or the Jazmin would be my pics on scent. Also I must say I completely agree with you on Bob Greene, while I appreciate his advice, people do not relate to perfection, they relate to others like themselves. As far as the food pyramid I just focus (atleast while I am pregnant – 23 weeks down many more to go -) on fruit and veggie intake. As always, you rock!
charlotte? ahhh food court. schmooood court. MizFit hauls a** to the ritzy part of town for her ‘fila 🙂
indoor play area and all.
Meribeth–I had no idea about MDB/Mark. Everyone HEARTS the apple huh? (and your comment make me laugh)
Jules, and a scented soap would be SO DESERVED for you right now, huh?
and Kirsten? MizFIt SOOOOO relateable. Dum Dums & sometimes Little Debbies Snackage and ALL.
The soaps are beautiful. Thanks for posting that!
I need calm. Problem child is on her way over. Thinking calm thoughts. will not yell. Will not yell. Will reward self for not yelling with fun trip to Target.
On another note, M (and can i just mention to everyone that she FINALLY took two steps unaided last night???) has discovered the joy that is Cinnamon Life Cereal. Only 2g fiber per serving, so perhaps we will have Fun Cereal Fridays around here since, alas, no Chick F. up in these parts.
I loved all the diet tips. Good stuff!
Neat site re: the chakra test. Right now I’ve got some other things to do but I’ll come back to that and take the test, thanks for the info! 🙂
Definitely needing some chakra soap today. I’m feeling very out of balance.
Links good; Mommy tired, overwhelmed, almost defeated. One of those days.
Priscilla? please to let us know how those two grams work out for you/the diaper changing (Ive no clue. is that a lot for a child? who can say. must google).
JoLynn, I know. sad that life so often calls and interrupts our playtime huh? What is up with that?!
and Miss. Heather? hang in there. been there (at times I feel I live there) so I get it. completely.
I love the webmd article, especially since they said we can drink on the weekends AND eat pizza…hooray! I already do this, but enjoy a little validation.
As for the soap…what a great site. I think the lavendar or coconut would look and smell nice in my new cottage. 🙂
I’m totally into chakras too. In fact, I have read a couple of those books that were recommended. Beautiful soaps. I wish there was scratch & sniff. Interesting test results I got. Kinda makes me a little sad though. Guess I need to look into it.
Thanks for the link and support. I really appreciate it!
Wow, I am new at this, I started going to the gym for the first time in a loooong time, I can always use some info about food, I usually make my own conclusion about what to eat, I usually ave to have some Dark chocolate, oh well, the soaps sound great!!! I will be back!!!!Thanks!!
First of all, I’m so sorry it has taken me so long to come find you!! I’m happy to see that even though your subject has changed, your writing style hasn’t!! (ok – that sounded really stupid – like you are a different person now!!) I’m also glad to hear that the Toddler Tornado still gets a shout out every now and then.
I tested my chakras which is very unlike me….interesting results.
I will be back!!!
(Ali? loved the beads. cool site)
I wont bore you Alicia with the benefits of dark chocolate—but nibble away 🙂
and Kim? so happy to hear from you *and* that you slid outside yer box and tested your chakras. that’s what life is about, huh?
and Stephanie? we’re so similar (except *sigh* for your luscious hair) that Im not surprised you, too, are intrigued by this all as well.
ok, way too weird that we both talked about chakras this week in our blog/newsletter. great minds. i don’t even know anything about them – but one day would like to learn more.
Thanks for the great post, Mizfit
Loved the chakra test!!!! Really enjoyable.
Also, confess to being fan of chickfila for kids as only fast food allowable sometimes, and of course, dark chocolate
Alas, my chakras are open, must be all that chakra soap…
Melissa O
Andrea–it odd huh? great minds and (in your case) fast running bod.
the older I get the more drawn I am to the entire concept.
in my 20? it all made me giggle.
Melissa, thanks for your generosity AND for stopping by!
It’s gratifying to see not only that such positive things happen, but that they are being REPORTED.