subtitle: We MizFits are (a little less un) famous (than before)!
First challenge? A sub-tag of sorts.
Priscilla of the Ten Things I Love About Myself Espoused Daily Whether Im In The Mood Or Not fame gave her pretty manicured thumbs UP to my tagline of Bumbling Band O’MizFits
It is my personal fave as, while I love the sincerity/truth of At the core we’re all the same, I oft find myself feeling a smidge snarkier than that might convey.
What’s YOUR creative tagline for the MizFits?
Shoving Square Pegs Into Round Holes Since February ’08?
Im confident you can do better than I.
Second challenge? What would *your* personal tag line be?
(And none of this “goals are dreams with time lines” shit niceness either.)
Be honest.
Be your true self.
Be the name I draw from an old cowboy boot and youre the WINNER of a SURPRISE freebie!
Oh, and if your (FQ) true self (unFQ) is really that nice then, *sigh*, I guess you get special dispensation to be sappysweet.
Mine? It appears to be sweetness & light on the surface but not when you carry it around in your head all day.
What question do you want your life to answer.
It is perfect in all situations. This morning?
What would it look like to walk around all yesterday with toddler food smashed on my shirt & have no idea until nightfall?
The other day?
What would it look like to have ginormo duffel-sized bags under one’s eyes and not attempt to even cover them with make-up?
you get the idea.
take your time. mull it over. gonna wait a while to draw this one.
I actually saw your shout-out on That’s Fit yesterday, and remembered today that I wanted to come over and tell you CONGRATULATIONS! I read that site pretty much every day (it’s a staple in my Google Reader), so it’s very cool for you to have a mention there! π
ooh i will think on this! i have no tagline, but i am a fan of having a personal theme song. i was trying to think of one that fits my frazzled mommy lifestyle, and 9 to 5 popped into my head – ha!
surely i can come up with something better than that. do the dixie chicks have a new album out? somehow i think the winehouse won’t work, even if we do love it so. M sings along now “no no no” complete with E’s patented shoulder shimmy.
Damn, now I want a tagline and a theme song. And while I’m at it, how about a cute logo and a color and a fragrance?
But having picked “McSlacker” as a last name because I’m so lazy, I suspect too much thought is involved to get anything else customized. Can’t wait to hear what other less lazy folks come up with.
And congrats on the That’sFit post! I steal ideas from… er, find useful information at That’s Fit all the time.
Thanks Zandria. it’s all baby steps to not being invited to Oprah’s couch π
Priscilla? Crabby? Alas, Renaissance Man is in the music industry (in. as in not a musician. dont get too excited.) so I believe Im compelled to have a (FQ) playlist (unFQ) rather than a single song.
but I do have my plans and the DO NOT include being one of those sites where when you visit the music immediately starts blaring.
those sites make an ornery MizFit wanna scream.
Happy Spring Forward.
Oh, Mizfit, you are so much more than a fitness site to me. You are a purveyor of useful info. Like, say, daylight savings time starts today. Because some of us didn’t know. Because we clearly don’t get out enoough. Or read the paper. Or watch local news. MizFit keeps us INFORMED.
sounds to ME as though Priscilla is gunning to be the first MizFit O’The Month profile.
I love being part of the Bumbling Band of Mizfits. I think my personal tagline is:
What Would *I* Do?
Can we have Superhero Mizfit names?
Except I don’t know what mine would be.
Hmm, a tag line? First I had “Do not confuse waiting with being defeated” then I had “smile on my face love in my heart” now I have “I want to move on to the next life phase”.
heather, I love that. we (the royal) spend too much time fretting about what others would do in our stead. (although I did have a few clients make bracelets with WWCE on them. can you guess what that stood for?)
and, of course, Trace I love and get yours.
and yet your MizFit gently encourages you to be in the moment.
This doesn’t really describe me so much as define my rules for living:
“Wetness of unknown origin freaks me out.” I utter this phrase numerous times a week and my friends know to step back if I ever step in a puddle while wearing flipflops or sit down on a mildy damp seat. Even in a rainstorm, that stuff will make me lose any sense of order or calm. And sticky Elliptical handles? Ewwww.
That is all.
I want want want a superhero name, and I do NOT want it to have anything to do with my ability to fish poop out of the bathtub with ease.
But it’s always about the poop these days, isn’t it?
ooooh, weighting game! this:
βWetness of unknown origin freaks me out.β
can *so* cover myriad situations.
and Priscilla? gotcha.
I shall cancel your fancy hand tooled leather jacket with FEARLESS FECAL FEMALE lettered on the back.
you’re now relegated to BadA**Bicep McGee.
(feeling regretful?)
Good idea. I gotta think of a tagline now. My theme song of late has been Eye of the Tiger, more because I’m gearing myself up to get back into the dating game, and I need to work on those mojo muscles…lol…
do I feel a facetime coming on? my mojo muscles are exceedingly flabby…
M., who wonders if it is—indeed—the THRILL OF THE FIGHT?
Am I too late?? Was gone for a week and have been reading backwards in a MizFit frenzy this morning!!
MizFit tagline: MizFit: a cheerful, generous, relentless kick in my dimpled glutes. (I mean this in a really, really good way.)
Mine is trite but true. This is really a guiding principle for me, for better or worse: The wost day spent above ground is still better than the alternative.
Frank suggests that my tag line might also include kicking ass, but then he thinks I’m much feistier than I really am. π
this would require creativity, something that I seriously lack! I love your core tagline, although there are a few rotten apples out my way. π
As for me, I’d have to say “never underestimate the power of a workout”. It cures all. Especially when faced with screaming toddlers!!
or a protein shake with a shot of vodka? π
I lived in guatemala for a bit and there was actually a cafe which sold smoothies with vodka shots—always struck me as odd.
Your tagline idea has me thinking. How does a person define themselves in just one line? Not an easy task.
The song is much easier……….It’s my Life by Bon Jovi. Oh, yeah Baby, that gets the blood moving……………..:)
Protein shake with a shot of vodka?? NOT yummy.
Tagline ideas….I have nothing.
Keep up the good work. LOVED catching up today.