anyone else happen to catch the piece on NPR this morning about the first feng shui’d McDonalds?
A McD’s owner in Hacienda Heights, Ca. decided that, due to the increasing Asian population, he’d feng shui his restaurant to make it more inviting (his word) to that population.
Hmmmm, Hacienda Heights ownerman, Im sure you wanted to use this as a draw to your restaurant but MizFit is *just* cynical enough to think you mightcould have thought you’d feng shui us all into eating more food.
the best part of the interview?
the part which brought MizFit thisclose to spitting her protein shake out in laughter?
when the feng shui master referred, seemingly accidentally (?), to the McD vittles as poison food.
comedy gold.
to this woman anyhoo.
(the whole thing can be found here)
That’s hilarious!
Next time I find myself slinking under the Golden Arches for some poison food (helllloo my lovely little 99 cent hot fudge sundae) I’ll be sure to hold out for a McD’s that’s been properly feng shui’d.
(Yeah right.)
Wow, that is very interesting, wonder if that was a Freudian slip (“poison food”) or if he was consciously stating that. Either way, I agree with him!
hee hee.
poison food.
i felt like the feng shui guy was saying “hey I didn’t sell out. I was just trying to help.”
totally, heather.
and the audio? priceless.
Sadly, nothing surprises me anymore.
I can only imagine how protein shake through the nose would taste.
I’d like to think I had something to do with this (wink wink hard wink – if you visit my blog you’ll see the McDonalds ad). Sorry – Ijust love making fun of myself! In a good-natured, non-hating kind of way, of course.
Feng Shui is used mostly by old fashioned chinese. I dunno if it really works.,`”
sometimes the predictions of feng shui are true and sometimes it is not..-*
sometimes the predictions of feng shui are true and sometimes it is not.:;”
i really believed in Feng Shui and we always seek the advice of the Feng Shui master whenever we build a new apartment ~`-