Morning comes early up in Chez MizFit.
It typically unfolds like this:
MizFit cracks an eyeball and searches ceiling for projection clock only to be reminded she’s frigging blind as a bat now.
Time on ceiling appears to look like a drawing of a fish.
MizFit, even in her haze, is cognizant this is not a time and proceeds to try and pull a Costanza and squint herself to 20/20.
Time reads 415 am.
MizFit ponders the fact that the Toddler Tornado will be awake in 45 minutes.
MizFit ponders the fact that her coffee is ready, waiting and the PERFECT drinking temperature having been brewed at 2am (questions? comments?).
MizFit hauls her ass happy self out of bed and commences her day.
Why do I bore you with all that?
Because it truly made me laugh out loud imagining myself doing these in bed morning energizing exercises whilst Renaissance Man still attempts to slumber.
Is your morning nothing like the MizFits or are you flying happily solo in your bed with morning sunshine pouring in the window? If it’s the latter pehaps give em a shot.
One of MizFit’s many downfalls is her dislike of all things mexican-food.
all things.
Guacamole? That *and* it’s accompanying chips could sit on the table forever and I’d take nary a taste let alone eat too much (just not my thing. that said, I have many a thing to be disclosed later).
Cant be trusted around the guac? An 100 cal pack is on the way.
Is it just because Im not a fan that it seems a tad….icky? or if I adored the ‘mole would I feel the same way?
LinkyLast but not LinkyLeast a silly frivolous one.
what kind of soul are you?
Me? Im a dreamer according to them. go figure (& I totally beg to differ.)
Speaking of people whom I adore and admire (Im world renown for my segues) I have two words for you NANCY REDD.
Not only is she a contributing editor at CosmoGIRL! Magazine (subliminal message: pleasetohirethemizfit. pleasetohirethemizfit) & an an AOL Wellness Coach —-her book BODY DRAMA is a must-must-must own for every young woman/woman/person who has ever met a woman.
Period. (oooh, accidental pun now intended)
Her (New York Times best selling!) book tackles the questions we *all* had (have?) from why is one of my breasts larger than the other to why do our underarms smell funky and every single thing in between.
Im so appreciative to Nancy for donating a copy of her book.
MizFit? she plans to purchase her own and finally get a few questions answered put that chickenbus away for the Toddler Tornado.
Check out Nancy’s blog as she is giving away some *fun* and intriguing stuff this month as well.
You know the deal. You’re entered to win for the price of one comment below.
Have at it.
All I have to say is guac is the best washed down with several frozen margaritas. Too bad frozen margaritas don’t come in 100 calorie packs. Then I would be set. 🙂
sam? you funny funny lady.
commence to inventing aforementioned 100 calorie margarita juice boxes for the MizFits.
My morning sounds exactly like your morning. Although in triplicate. (Do 3 toddler tornadoes equate to a hurricane? Even though I’m nowhere near water?)
I own Nancy Redd’s book. And I have all boys. Let’s just say that I really should have had this book when I was 12 but seeing as that didn’t happen, I’m really learning a lot now.
I’ve really got to start incorporating subliminal messages on my site;)
(note to self: stop lamenting STAT)
that has got to be tiring (and all the more reason to stay fitness experiment motivated huh?).
Im all about the subliminal messaging.
you should see my resume & cover letters.
I have to check out that book…
And it is crazy that you wake up at 4:15am! My goal is 5:30.. and that’s a stretch.
personally- 4:15 am is way too early. My toddler has decided that 6 am is perfect time to wake up- although I prefer 6:30. Thankfully it is still dark at 6 am and I can tell him that it is still night-night time and I will be back to get him when it is morning.
100 calorie gauc packs- bring them on- I love the stuff. Toddler loves it too and since he is in the picky eater stage, I am all for anything he will eat.
Love to you,
I’m still trying to wrap my brain around NOT absolutely CRAVING mexican food. Opposites attract. Thanks MizFit.
Charlotte is my hero! So I will not tell her what those boys are like when they are 23 as mine is. Hint****Start the food budget NOW!
Oh and Miz, 4 WHAT? Did you say A.M.? I thought my clock had only a few numbers 10:30 P and 5:45 A. Hmmm. Another hero!
Again, laughed out loud (bad timing because my seniors were taking a test – caused many 17 and 18 year olds to look at teacher with that annoyed stare that says, “you are really old and nothing you know could possibly be that funny”…). I too have a projection clock (because I thought I would be able to see it better) and to date have never once been able to make out the time. Thanks for a good friday morning laugh! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
4:15 eeekkkk.
my friends think matthew is loco for getting up at 6am. one lady said her and her kids roll out around 9am. HALF the day is OVER.
i peeked at nancy’s blog — LOVE IT. great another thing for me to look up. what caught my attention…………..yep…………how to improve your fiber for better poo’s. LOVE IT. NEED IT.
okay my tornado is having none of this “mommy reading blogs and emails today”
I met a woman the other day with four kids under five. Now what would that be?
I think it is just hard growing up (period) — for boy and girls.
But I love the guac! And what is 100 calories of guac? Like, 1 scoop? Not worth it. Just make your own and eat it all!
Next time I even try to complain about my own toddler, smack me upside the head. Not only does she nap, she sleeps until 8am most days.
LOVE guacamole – except in the ‘mala. It was kind of blah and sucky there. I kept wanting to spice it up with some garlic and cilantro and… Also a little amazed that you live where you do and hate mexican…must make eating out interesting.
And yes, you are the queen of segue ways! One of the reasons you make us laugh.
Guac that comes from little packets bothers me. Because it is creepy and not so good. The uniform smoothness, the squeeziness. Real guac is chunky and delicious. Sigh.
I have to read Nancy’s book – the reviews sound impressive. A much needed antidote to all the toxic slug out there about women’s/young girls’ bodies. As a mom of an 18 year old girl, I’m especially sensative to the messages out there, and I know of many college-aged female students who struggle with eating disorders and cutting. We all need to love our bodies and have a sense of humor about those aspects that others judge as less than perfect.
Love! The links and the guac. MizFit will be so proud to learn i am going out for a massage sans toddler who is about to toddle.
I heart guac. But it must be made fresh. Preferably at the table or on my counter (hmmm, I was going to complain about the toddlerman preventing that, but he might enjoy helping). Very frightened of the 100cal packs.
Charlotte, I bow down before you and your toddlerhurricane. Please accept my reverent admiration.
Want the book. Need the book. Considering posting a second time as my alter-ego to increase my chances of winning. Or just buying the book I guess. But alter-egos are so much fun. And cheaper.
If I rub in that I can see my projection alarm just fine (although I can never find it–toddlerman is always moving the clock), would it help that I have “bad eustacian tubes,” so I get adult ear infections? That in fact, I have one now?
Oh watch out! I am a visionary soul…
Did the survey, I am a hunter soul! LOVE IT! Could it be more accurate: “People sometimes see you as arrogant or a know it all.”
duly noted that MizFit can go off and have a life (read: get smeared with applesauce by an angry toddler) and ya’ll take care of yourselves.
roots & wings People.
That’s my child-rearing plan and was always the personal training philosophy.
now me? today? Ill take the roots & roots (especially if it means I get to do the applesauce smearage this afternoon!).
too much above to comment on but I had to add that I, too, am ICKED OUT by the guac.-pack.
I think we all need a GENA (link above with her comment) in our lives to cook *for* us!
I have two tornadoes (boys as well) and I grimace at the thought of having THREE? Charlotte, how do you get anything done, especially blogging!
I think the 100 calorie guac is a great idea, but I would be digging into more than one pack. (and licking them clean!)
I am off to check out Nancy’s blog and try to ignore the madness that is unfolding around me!
Mexican – YUM – Guac – YUCK! I’m an Old Soul. (but then again, most days I feel like I also have the Old Body to go with it)
And for the record – I’ve done my chair exercise once this week! One more time before Monday. 🙂
Slow and easy mornings in this household – Ella is not an earlier riser, and neither am I (8:30-9:30 am). I was once, and my first and third sons were too.
I learned that the early bird does not always catch the worm, and that staying up late is underrated.
I like Mexican food, but not Guac. Thanks for linking to Nancy’s blog.
Ok, you totally cracked me up today with your comment on my blog, I couldn’t help it, I started laughing as soon as I saw the “finger quotage”.
The toddler Tornado-now that’s classic!
w.o.mommy? so curious if you HEART nancy as do I.
(go YOU! kim!!)
Lisa, I love your wisdom. and understanding. and *support*
oooh, glad I could give you a laugh Miss. Katio. Love your blog.
and Kim? Id like to take credit for the creativity of the nickname but, I SWEAR, if you saw her you’d have thought of it as well.
Well, thanks, MizFit! I do love cooking. Although it appears from these comments that this may change and/or be more of a challenge once we add kiddies to the house!
That is waaaaaayyy too early to get up.
I LOVE guacamole!
Mizfit I beg to understand why u hate mexican food? have u tried the real thing? meaning no tex-mex but real? it’s a force to be reckoned with…and nothing like what you find at mex fast foods…
I make my own guac and agree w/washing it down w/margaritas while watching the sunset. But in reality, have not done that in a long while.
Great links and yes have read great things about Nancy.
Of course I need her book.
3 Girls aged 8, 6 and 3.
Imagine that.
DAMN Melissa.
Im about to pony up and buy me AND YOU the book.
(perhaps it IS high time to treat yerself to a cheat night o’guac and margaritas!)
LMAO…I’m excited about BodyDrama. I have two daughters and hopefully it’ll be suitable for their perusal when I’m done with it. 🙂
My only wish is to leave this page and never come back again! Retarded stuff! How could anyone believe it?