Full disclosure: while I did succeed in reigning in my rambles—the following video was filmed using coffee cans & cereal boxes as a tripod. That, my friends, is precisely how the MizFit rolls.
The winner of Body Drama (and of whom I am exceedingly jealous)? Kelley.
you know the drill. Email me your mailing address and thou shalt receive yer prize.
Today? Biceps.
It’s all about the form, People.
I love these videos! Sometimes I wonder about correct form and what I can do different throughout my workout. Now that I fond your blog, I can come here and find out!
Love the videos! Keep them coming!
You rock my friend!
Um. Your arms. They’re ridiculously hot!
Come to my blog for tips on how to make your triceps flap around on a windy day!!!!
Toddlerman says “Carda strong.” (I don’t know why he substitutes a “d” for the “l”).
Virtual pinch–you’re not wearing green. 🙂
I take it back. I guess your shirt is sort of green.
Ashley? thanks so much for your kind words…you and the SCRUMPY (I lvoe saying that: scrumpy!) and michelle made my morning.
Now, Amy? Im in. For some reason I imagine that my flapping tri’s will whisk me away somewhere in fabulous flight. canyon ranch anyone?
heather? it took this nonirish woman (who obviously does NOT get out enough) a second to get it—and then I did 🙂
pea green all the way!!
Video is great. Your demonstrations show how easy it is to work the muscles. Your arms rock!!!
Thanks for the video. I just love your arms and now it’s my goal to have arms like yours one day!
Thanks for the video! I just upped my weight on biceps and probably needed a reminder to keep my form in check.
Cindy? that is SO it. all of this is simple huh? it’s the *doing* that can, at times, be a big ole pain in the glutes.
Eileen, you’re so kind. and do I sense you’re gunning for MizFit of the Month as well?! (coming soon…)
Gena, your comment made me think that, perhaps, I need to have reader facetime as well 🙂
so I can see that form!
Hey! Where’d my comment go?
I was just going to say
a) I’m totally going to try the soup can thing in the mirror just to check my form
b) love facetime
c) How long have you been a personal trainer?
What a cool idea, Facetime is! 🙂
Your arms are crazy, woman!!! I’ve always had weak upper body strength; it’s something I definitely should work on.
Katieo (whom Im longing to call O’Katie),
alas Im no longer a trainer (more than you wanna know under mizfit minutiae on homepage)
bottom line? I knew I could help more people in different ways via writing about fitness (my day job).
that said, a MizFit Exercizes With Soup Cans-n-More workout dvd is actually coming soon (the title? a joke. the dvd. notsomuch.).
Susan, WELCOME! thanks for stopping by. women just have weak upper bodies by nature—–but we dont have to!
Your instructions are really helpful. I’d never heard that about stretching out the muscle you’re working on when you’re in-between sets. Great video, as usual! 🙂
I love your videos. What may seem simple to you is often an OHHHHH moment for me. Like the stretching in between, which I now do every time.
Thank you!!
Get that toddler in there with her little cans of tomatoes paste! LOL How cute would that be?!
You are an inspiration.