I give you this first link with a smidge of hesitation.
In all honesty I almost shared it a week or so ago but held back.
while the recipes look pretty good ( Im not sure we—the royal—need to go the wonder bread route but that’s neither here nor there) for some reason I take issue with the whole phrase (FQ) comfort food (unFQ).
Food as Fuel? yes.
Healthy Food Which Tastes Great & Can Be Whipped Up In A Jiffy? sure!
But food as comfort? I dont know. Isnt that pretty much what the bulk of us are trying to *end*?
Healthy comfort food. Dont use the wonder bread but perhaps try the chilli. DONE.
These healthy food magnets I really, really like and am sorely tempted to order (subliminal message: company? please to send me a set.).
Unlike some of the food information stuff we’ve seen lately (hello text messaging?) I like how the magnets are more scientific-feeling than calorie-focused as each magnet listis the key nutrients along with the nutrition information.
It’s like a periodic table of food (aesthetically at least).
This next link/article from lifehacks—ten hard ways to make your life better— I truly found compelling.
It seems, at times, that it is simply human nature to always look for the easier, the shorter, the quickest route to whatever goal it is we seek.
It’s trite but true that so often the difficult & challenging endeavors are the sweetest once achieved. I read through the list more than a few times and realized while Ive started many of those items Im not sure how many I saw through to completion.
Friday food for thought.
And, finally, the *freebie.*
This weeks treat? Some yoga love.
(Again, it bears repeating how GENEROUS people are— please give some love back clubhouse’s way over at etsy.)
I find the scent of lavender calming and I adore (not surprisingly) the warrior pose.
So empowering.
You know the drill. This can all be yours for the price of one comment below.
Get to it. I know you have some whitewhite Wonder Bread snarks.
I absolutely love the magnets — I think I will order some to let my kids help decide what we should eat. We can pick things that go together to form healthy meal plans, and then make our healthy list and head to the store!
Ooo, I like those magnets! They’re really cool. And I love comfort foods, partly because for me, they’re the types of foods we ate at big family get togethers – Thanksgiving, Christmas, all that jazz. It’s easy to adjust the old family recipes to make them healthier.
Im struck with MizFitspiration
perhaps we mightcould get a bulkorder discount on the magnets.
I too LOVE the magnets. That is WAY COOL.
more comments later as my tornado is up and at’em. He slept until 8:15 today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I like yoga! Sometimes, even if I don’t do the class, I just sit quietly in the back of the room and “move” to a much better place!
I’m definitely going to try the mac n cheese and the chili. I think I’m hungry now….
Digging the “10 Hard Ways to Make Your Life Better”! I’ve actually been volunteering with a local dog shelter for three years now and it’s become the most fullfilling part of my week. I love having that commitment and it has actually brought me new family members (both human and canine) as well. Now I guess there’s no excuse for holding off on those dance lessons. Can MizFit give advice on overcoming two left feet???
jules? what is this 815 of which you speak? the day is practically over π
Teresa, sometimes ya gotta live. Lemmie know if you toss in the white bread (*wink*)
and heather? THANKS FOR SWINGING BY. now the feet-troubles? MizFit hath no ideas. have you seen her hula hooping?
The Mac and Cheese made me hungry and I am so happy that I am too lazy to make that. I would eat all of it!
The cute, cute, Yoga sachet with the Crane pose reminded me of the position I found myself in yesterday. And YES I am bragging, that is one hard dang pose!
Off to legs and back (HATE IT)
The Bag Lady is getting high speed internet next week, and when she does, she will be checking out all the links people post! In the meantime, she just uses her paltry imagination. (it simply takes too long for everything to load). Sigh.
Meribeth—-you are my inspiration. that’s it. carry on.
and Bag Lady? MizFit is horrified at the fact she immediately thought I COULDNT LIVE WITH OUT HIGH SPEED π
duly noted. she’s addicted.
and you know what? not waiting around for stuff to load and, well, LIVING might not be a bad thing!
Those magnets are such a great idea! But I wonder what kinds of food they’ve got for each of them? I’m assuming it would be general types of foods like apples and such… a bulk order might just be necessary:)
Anything that has “Healthy” and “Mac and Cheese” in the same line has my attention! Yum! π
I enjoyed the β10 Hard Ways to Make Your Life Betterβ – I agree that finding new ways to keep ourselves challenged and motivated is really important. All of those “hard things” are what make our lives more full and make us more interesting.
Presently, more like perspiration…ewwww, High Speed and running water, two things I can’t live without…oh and then there is Eddie Izzard and, oh well, back at it!
I’ve seen those magnets before and I thought the same thing, periodic table for health..lol…
I can totally relate to the life hacks, “start a business.” I’m feeling that pain (good) now. One thing I’d add to the list is “Tackle an emotional issue you’ve been avoiding for years.” Doing this was by far the best thing I did for my health.
Happy Friday!
ohhh!! pick me, pick me!
love those magnets!!! Bulk order! I’m in!
However the 10 hard ways really really rock. I loved it.
thanks for the great links you keep introducing me to blogs and new etsyers I did not know about…
Happy Friday and Happy Easter!
Been reading your blog and love the way it has motivated me. I’ll be back! I can tell now that Im not getting enough protein. Thats why Im always hungry!
I’m in for the magnet bulk order.
Saving the other links for non-holiday weekend time.
Oh, and I too heart Warrior–specifically Warrior 2. I always feel so powerful. LOVE it! Need the sachet.
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The Lifestyle Channel features the Waterhog while looking at rainwater tanks.