Dear Dana,
Huge fan here.
From your Living Single days, to your jazz cd, to the universally panned but MizFit-adored Taxi & Last Holiday.
Your picture book Queen of the Scene? Still a tad too old for my Tornado but already purchased & at the ready (with its accompanying cd no less.)
You exemplify—or at least the small glimpse we, the unwashed masses, are allowed to see of you—being unapologetically yourself (my goal for the Toddler Tornado if I might share a personal tidbit) & comfortable in your own skin.
All the above was why MizFit shed a protein-packed tear when she heard the news about your signing on with Jenny Craig.
Visions of you screeching FETTUCINI (ala a certain 80’s tv star) floated in my head & saddened me a smidge.
Had I been wholly wrong about your body love?
And then I saw your commercial.
You talk about becoming a size healthier. No mention of shedding a specific number of el-bees or working to achieve a specific size.
You focus on preventing diabetes and other health problems as a reason for losing weight.
When you mention that TWELVE is your favorite number you mean the number of friends/family who signed on to do Jenny with you—-not a dress size goal or pounds shed.
Thanks, Dana.
In this era of stars saying “I dont exercise and I eat what I want (small girlish giggle). Im just lucky I guess!” and then starving themselves/subsisting on a diet of lettuce & gummy fish you truly are the QUEEN.
Word. She rocks.
Hi, I am thin and really don’t need to lose weight at all. However it’s frustrating because I have thin limbs, but I can’t get my stomach flat. Number wise on the scale I don’t want to lose weight, but I am not sure how else to have less belly fat. Often, I see girls with bigger arms or legs than me but flatter stomach. Any suggestions? Would more ab work help or just make me stronger in the abs and not smaller there. Thanks!
I loved her in Last Holiday and Taxi too and when I heard she was doing the Jenni commercials my nose kind of wrinkled up a bit. I was THRILLED to see her focused on HEALTH instead of size! Dana Owens I applaud you for putting the focus where it needs to be. You are gorgeous at your current size and I know you’ll be gorgeous at what ever size feels right for you!
Thanks for this post MizFit! You ROCK!
I am a huge fan of Queen Latifah! I was uncertain how to feel when I heard she had signed up with Jenny Craig, but I have to admit I am enjoying her commercials. She is truly a role model and I look forward to watching her journey to healthy.
Well, I’m glad that Jenny Craig appears to be putting the focus on health, and not on size. There are so many more important reasons to lose weight than in an attempt to be able to hide behind a light pole.
Oh, the Bag Lady is old and out of touch. Is this Dana person actually Queen Latifah? The Bag Lady has seen the commercials for Jenny Craig with the woman she thinks is Q.L. (the Bag Lady doesn’t watch a lot of TV) and is impressed to hear that she is more concerned about health than about her dress size. The Bag Lady is awaiting the next commercial when she sees how much this person has lost. Of course, the Bag Lady could stand to lose 50 lbs herself, the lazy bitch.
Ya’ll make me laugh. Cry. It was better than Cats.
That’s it.
Carry on.
Love it!
I could definitely sign my name to this letter. She is standing for losing weight– but without sacrificing the body-confidence we all admire. Don’t you just love it? Lets hope that people will take steps for their health for the same reasons.
ok, I have to admit that at first I thought “who is dana, is there someone new?” and then I thought “Taxi”? I don’t remember a dana, just Latka and Tony, etc.
and then I opened the comments and realized I am NOT the brightest bulb on the tree. (and obviously did not click on the great links that Mizfit has supplied!)
anyway, I totally agree that she is a much welcomed changed to the other JC promoters! I cringed when you mentioned the fettucini commercial, I had forgotten all about it!
That’s awesome! I love it when celebrities focus on health instead of weight loss. Thank goodness there’s some realistic role models out there who are really thinking about the image that they’re projecting to the masses.
I knew the queen had signed on with JC but I haven’t seen a commercial yet! (too addicted to the tivo…)
will go find one one youtube…
ps. Here’s an interview with dana and diane that’s pretty cool:
you might have to snoop around on the page to get it…
Queen Latifah is both a great singer and actress, i love this girl.:*: