subtitle: MizFit shows you precisely how poor her balancing skillz are after Renaissance Man puts her through a workout.
(please to note I am simply *happy* to be there as, with the onset of the Tornado, it had been TWO YEARS since we’d worked out together.)
Laugh. Mock. Pat yourself on the back for possessing better balancing skillz than your MizFit. Enjoy.
I’m fairly confident that I (and everyone within a 5 foot radius of me) would sustain severe injuries if I were to engage in BOSU. You’re much more stable than me (possibly in several ways!)…
Well, I personally would have fallen off and broken my nose. And taken out the camera man, too. Such are my fantastical balancing skills.
Nice dismount at the end there!
Very well done.
The Bag Lady has terrible balancing skills. She is the second-klutziest person she knows. Her sister-in-law is the only one worse. Don’t know what it is that has attracted these brothers to such klutzy women – must be our charm and wit (or the fact that we were sitting down when we met….)
You did much better than I would have done. 🙂
Okay, your gymnastics “finish” is the awesomest thing I have seen all day!! And the Bosu is a learned skill – seriously. I’ve been doing it for a couple of years now and rarely fall off and I would not say I have better than average balancing skills.
PS> What are you wearing on your head? I couldn’t tell from the video. And whatever it is, does it help with the sweat? Because I sweat like a pig in heat.
Great Job! Balancing on the BOSU is hard..but good ab work!
I have always wanted to try Bosu! Now, not such much…Sometimes my standing Yoga poses can lead to disaster.
As and ex-gymnasdt, i enjoyed the dismount also.
You should flip it over and do squats on the black side, thats my favorite.
Oh good, you ARE human! After seeing your amazingly toned arms in the other videos I was beginning to wonder… 🙂
I’ve only ever tried the bosu once. I may or may not have lasted approximately 0.2 of a second before falling right off.
yeah, Renaissance Man (who bosu’s regularly) duly mocked the MizFit’s lack of ability.
MizFit? She’s now demanding a bosu for her birthday (you know, since she’s stuck home with the Tornado so often and doesnt get out much)!
Oh and Charlotte?
It’s a knit (crochet? who knows. it was a gift) skull cap with a skull & cross bones on it.
it helps with my SWEATING if by (FQ) helps with sweating (unFQ) you mean makes me feel BAD A** —-which I do 🙂
I lose my balance doing calf stretches, you are walking on a high wire compared to me! YOU ROCK!!
Wow, you have great legs!
And I DID laugh! So thanks!
So that’s what those things are for. I had no idea. Love the balancing act. Love the mizfit.
I’ve used one of those balancy things before. They are HARD!!
With the awesome-ness that is your arms, it’s nice that you can post a video where you don’t look quite as much like an expert! 🙂
so now we know what your weakness is!! 🙂 You must get a bosu for home use, they are $99 at Target!
and my toddler loves to jump and play on it too so we get to do stuff together. Someday I will be brave (like you) and post a video too.
Hey, that’s great! The BOSU is a stern master. You will be better in no time!
You so totally stuck the landing at the end. Karolyi would be so proud.
bela OR the girls from Bring It On—Priscilla.
Burrrr, it’s COLD IN HERE. There MUST be some Toros in the atmosphere!
LOL. totally watched that the other day!!
HA! Love it. Was that Renaissance man chuckling there at the end?
I know nothing of the Bosu…but I’m sure I could pull out a one-handed handstand…no prob…maybe a backflip if I’m feeling up to it. (*pffft*)
Great Job!!! You are brave, girl. In no time, you’ll be bouncing and doing those bicep curls all in one move
Well since I have yet to try the BOSU, you are doing better than me!
I am happy to say that I laugh everytime I read this blog. You are also the lucky winner to be tagged. You and Metropolitan Mama seem to have a great knack for writing so this should be no problem.
I love the Bosu!!