This week?
Short & simple, People.
Sets, Reps, & Slovenly.
Please to enjoy.
This week’s winner? Heather M. You know the drill. Email me your info and your treat is in the mail!
by Carla
This week?
Short & simple, People.
Sets, Reps, & Slovenly.
Please to enjoy.
This week’s winner? Heather M. You know the drill. Email me your info and your treat is in the mail!
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[…] I too hope to have arms like Carla. Rather than just stealing embedding her video on my site, this will get you right to the […]
[…] Some chatting about/defining of weight training sets and repetitions. […]
[…] Some chatting about/defining of weight training sets and repetitions. […]
Sabrina was enthralled by Monday facetime today!
good thing as rumor has it she has NOT been executing (exeCUTEing?) either her sets or her reps properly.
The Bag Lady was also enthralled today – she thinks perhaps she needs more than soup in order to ever get her arms to look like Mizfit’s! In fact, she’s pretty sure that will never happen. But she is going to try some sets, and do some repetitions, and maybe, just maybe, she’ll be able to wear short sleeves this summer without looking like BaT Lady….
How long did it take you to get such nice defined arms like that? I’m working on mine, but progress seems slow. Like how much weight do you work with?
You have such good articulation! I’m interested in the same thing as Carol- how much weight do you usually work with?
Also, can you do chin-ups? I tried to do one yesterday for the first time and failed miserably. I really want to learn how to do them; do you know of any good exercises to get the right muscles strong enough to be able to do chin ups?
Um, yeah, the arms. May I just say, WOW.
Mistress Krista of wrote an article with a really good pull-up exercise progression. It’s called “Mistressing the Pullup” — see it at
(She also wrote a pull-up article for the upcoming issue of Experience Life magazine [], which will have a lot more pictures. But it won’t go online until end of April….)
I love face time, mostly because I get to drool over your arms and dare to dream that I too will have arms like yours one day! Thanks for the video. 🙂
carol/sagan? watch for a post on that. hadnt occurred to me to share but too much fer a comment-ramble!
Jen? THANKS for swooping in with the info.
and Eileen? you’re so kind. it’s appreciated!
I won! I won!
I would like to thank the academy . . . .
My sadistic personal trainer has me doing three sets of 12. What’s the different, o wonderful queen mizfit?
can you come visit my part of the world to work on my arms? 🙂
I say this today
(because I am celeb gossip freak) and immediately thought of you! (although she makes it look scary, whereas you don’t!)
WO Mommy?
I heart the Perez.
Since it was page
I knew we were kindred spirits.
Um, slovenly? *cough cough* And I think Madonna’s arms are fine. I mean, they caught her in a really weird pose. When she’s just standing around on the red carpet they just look very toned. Besides, someone really smart once told me “be strong! Take up space!” Who was that wise person? Think! Think!!
Come on admit it Mizfit, you did that stretch across your body to show off your tricepts right? 😉
(making up and then) starting my new weight routine tonight! I’ll keep you posted!
Gee wiz, those arms are killer! I’m looking forward to your future “How-I-Got-My-Arms-Like-This” Facetime!
I laughed out loud at that Randi
perhaps I should do a Behind The Facetime (like the Behind The Music)—if only you could see me staring into my vitamin/coffee cabinet and yammering away at the balanced camera (which I must like as tripods arent that pricey—-more that I want the BOSU.).
I couldnt plan anything that comes outta my mouth if I wanted to 🙂
I look forward to your Monday Facetime! (Don’t you just love those simple blank tanks? I get a lot of use out of mine.) 🙂
You should totally rock the bandanna soon!