Does this describe you?
Have you eaten/lived this lifestyle and lost weight while doing it?
If so then you mightcould be interviewed for an article in a well known fitness/health magzine (Hello Andy! This could be your fifteen minutes).
Email leslie here.
Damn, the Bag Lady has abused her body for so long, it won’t even speak to her anymore!
She needs some tips on losing the spare tire around her middle. (no, it’s far too large to be called a muffin-top!) Help me, Miz, help!!
Sadly, no. I don’t listen to my body as much as that makes it sound. I don’t diet or count calories, but I do tend to follow certain rules/guidelines to my daily eating. I am tempted to read the books on IE, though, as it sounds like an important step is to make the mind/body connection stronger.
HA! I am NOT that person!
I’ve tried to be. Really. But them my body says: “You neeeeeeddd brownies! LOTS!” And then it changes its mind later.
Thanks for giving us a heads up about this,, though!
I’m with Ashley, those brownies just CALL to me. They need me, and I cannot let them down, right?
I didn’t know that there was a name for it, but that’s actually what I do. Five years ago I decided it would be better to be healthy and to accept my body/current weight than to yo-yo my whole life, and just started focusing on how my body felt after eating, after walking, etc. I feel so much better after a light meal with vegetables and lean protein than I do after eating 12 rolls or a bag of cookies (yes, I did the experiment). And sometimes it still feels really good to have some potato chips or a cookie, but it only takes a little to satisfy.
I hope the article that is written doesn’t sell it as a way to lose weight, because that would be counterproductive!
For the most part, that’s the way that I try to live. But even though it’s common sense, it’s a lot easier said than done! The problem is we’ve got so much variety, and food is so tasty, so how could a person not want to eat all of this yummy food?
It’s been over a year that I’ve been paying close attention to my body and really listening to it. I can usually get a pretty good sense of what it is that it needs… but, that’s not to say that I don’t ignore it sometimes:)
ha! that’s me, all right … if you want to interview another writer/runner/mama/blogger, lemme know, but i’ll understand if you need more diversity 🙂
I wish I ate like that, but I must join the others in saying, “No, sorry!” I try to do this, though… Does that count? 😉
Well, if they ever need to interview someone who NEEDS a daily dose of sweet stuff, I am there for you!!!
Yeah…. that’s a big no. My intuition tells me that cake is REALLY GOOD and spinach is for LOSERS…
I can only eat that way to maintain my weight. I learned from an article linked to Cranky Fitness that I gained the weight that I’m presently trying to lose from quitting exercise. I maintained about 25-30 pounds more than before for 5-6 years without any effort, by eating intuitively. I ate intuitively while I exercised for years and maintained a weight in the normal range.
I suspect once I hit my goal weight that as long as I exercise I can maintain my weight unless I’m eating a lot of restaurants. I could maintain my current weight by exercising alone without needing to count calories. I took a break from watching calories for two months during the holiday season to eat junk food with my kids and gained only four pounds which came off the first week of my next diet.