Welcome to Friday Links I Love.
Some weeks this post seems to all flow together in an almost Seinfeldian manner where the freebie is the one thread which yanks the entire entry into place.
This isnt that week.
It is, however, chock full of things I love.
First, this resume tee makes me want to look for a job again. I would totally wear that around town and Im certain that it would work. Go forth, buy a tee, and return to tell us of your successes.
digression: when I started out as a personal trainer I worked in a Gold’s Gym. For some reason I decided it would be a good idea to, when I wasnt training people, let everyone know I was a trainer (you can see we’re headed somewhere awkward here).
I inexplicably decided I would IRON ON to a pair of sweatpants the words personal trainer. In my memory it was down the leg yet Im praying it wasnt on the booty and my memory is simply failing in order to protect me. (please to also note MizFit can never center anything and is a messy crafts maker)
Anyway, I had a new client call and she immediately signed right up for 24 sessions (the big bucks in those days).
I, of course, felt quite prideful & assumed my fab reputation must have spread around town. I asked her: who referred you? where did you hear about my services? to which she replied: I SAW YOU AND I HAD TO SEE WHAT KIND OF TRAINER IRONED THAT SHIT ON HER SWEATS.
moral of the story? I was 24 sessions richer and she stuck with me three times a week for years. Iron shit stuff on everything.
Ive previously sung the praises of Noshtopia and you are entirely missing out if you dont read Stephanie’s other blog Back In Skinny Jeans but what I covet most about Stephanie? Her amazingthickshiny hair.
Much to my chagrin Im already eating everything they say here——so I guess Im just stuck with the thin strands I have.
Along the lines of last week’s link about men feeling media pressure to look perfect have you seen this?
it’s hilarious (to me, anyway. Im a child that way) and perhaps a little bit o’retribution for the I eat what I want and I dont exercise I just look like this and you should, too of Hollywood.
and lastly, something which Ive been talking about a great deal recently with my friends: what would you change about your life if you could go back and change ANYTHING.
Along the same lines is the notion of what would you say if you could go back in time and give a tip to your younger self? While lifehack came up with some great suggestions/ideas Im fairly certain I wouldnt say a single thing.
Ive made the proverbial crapload of bad choices in my life but all of them have come together to make me the MizFit I am today.
Any road not traveled or diem not carpe’d might have led me to a different outcome yet Im not one to look back and wonder WHAT IF? You?
(ok. that’s not entirely true. There mightcould be a few hair disasters involving dreadlocks and an awful eggplant color in which I might intervene)
This week’s freebie is from a fellow blogger upon whom I have a massiveYouGotYourStuffPublishedAndYouCanWriteYerArseOff WriterCrush.
Shauna has generously donated a copy of her book to this week’s winner.
Id give you a sentence on the book (blogger loses weight, writes about it fabulously, and keeps it off) but it wouldnt do her justice.
Here’s the synopsis of The Amazing Adventures of Dietgirl:
In January 2001 Shauna Reid was twenty-three years old and twenty-five stone. Determined to turn her life around, she created the hugely successful weblog “The Amazing Adventures of Dietgirl” and, hiding behind her Lycra-clad roly-poly alter-ego, her transformation from couch potato to svelte goddess began. Today, 8,000 miles, seven years and twelve-and-a-half stone later, the gloriously gorgeous Shauna is literally half the woman she used to be.
In turn hysterically funny and heart-wrenchingly honest, “The Amazing Adventures of Dietgirl” follows the twists and turns of Shauna’s lard-busting adventure as she curbs the calories and learns to love the gym. There are travel tales from Red Square to Reykjavik, plus romance and intrigue as she meets the man of her dreams during a pub quiz in Glasgow. As her UK visa rapidly runs out, will she be deported back to Australia or will love triumph? Entertaining and action-packed, this is the uplifting true story of a young woman who defeated her demons and conquered her cravings to become a weight-loss superhero to inspire us all.
Check out her blog and, if youre not fortunate enough to win a copy of her book (for the lowlow price of a comment below), buy a copy yourself.
(yeah. I said it but the link does offer free international shipping!)
I love DietGirl–long time lurker over there!
I’m with you re the younger self–I’ve wasted a lot of time regretting the stupid things I did when I was younger, but the truth is that I wouldn’t be who I am without the benefit of those experiences. And I kind of like who I am! (Oh my God, did I just actually say that and MEAN IT??)
Have a great weekend!
I’m all about free books. And I also wouldn’t change anything about my past. I’m pretty happy with the person I’ve become.
I don’t have any advice for my younger self. Mistakes are important to make in becoming who you are and learning about yourself. As for things I would change, there is maybe one thing I would have done differently in my entire life. But, if I had made a different decision in the first place, would I be where I am today? Who knows!
The Bag Lady would tell her younger self three things: don’t light that first cigarette; stay out of that car; don’t get on that horse!!
Of course, if she hadn’t done those things, she wouldn’t be who she is today. (which might not be a BAD thing, but she’ll never know…)
She did, however, email that link to her step-daughter, but is afraid it will only piss her off more. Sigh. As Gena says, mistakes are important to make, but decisions that affect other people should not be made lightly.
The book sounds like something the Bag Lady should probably study…
love that we are starting this friday out on a LINK LOVE and SELF LOVE note.
Your PT iron-on story has got to be one of the funniest I’ve ever heard! (‘Cause I hear a LOT of iron-on stories you know) This will probably surprise you but I’m such a fan of crappy iron-ons. It’s a combination of my love of snarky sayings across my chestage and my extreme cheapness.
As for advice for my younger self – am I the only one who would do it??? There’s not a lot I would change but there is one huge thing. But mostly I would just want to tell her “You know, it’s hard right now but it all works out great. You’re going to be just fine.” And then I’d give me a hug. And then younger me would punch older me in the stomach and run away. I was a weird kid.
PS> I looooovvvvveeeee books. And love Diet Girl!
Wow, Shauna. Just wow.
I don’t think I’d tell my younger self anything except to tell my adolescent self how little the people from that time will matter later in life. Though I don’t think that matters much to a kid in the moment.
And, I *love* the Fit/Fat/Feed website. That is hilarious!!
I posted a “letters to me” blog a while back with the same topic of “what would you tell your younger self”. While I totally agree with even the crap decisions made in life make you who you are today (and I have made plenty…). I think I would have told myself that boys at that age DO NOT matter! Oh yeah, and that my mom and dad are actually smart people looking out for my best intention (and not trying to destroy my life).
Kirsten H.
There is this shampoo called Nioxin that helps w/thin & thinning hair. When my mom got radiation therapy she began using it. Anyway, I use the shampoo, it doesn’t smell fantastic, but it works.
I think I would have a few things to say to my younger self… like BE NICER to people, and to yourself! I don’t have great memories of my stupid teen years… ah well. And I do hope I’d end up in the same place as I am now, but maybe with a few less cringe-worthy moments of how I behaved. 😐
Oh, MizFit, say it wasn’t ironed on your keester, pleeease. That is hilarious. I’m still a wallflower when it comes to self-promotion, so that would terrify me.
I wouldn’t change anything, I don’t think. I like who I am for the most part, and wouldn’t want to screw that up. I would tell my younger self, “Mom is right, you’ll be a late bloomer, but it will all be OK.”
I would love to win this book!
The thing about making mistakes that bothers me is when other people make mistakes and recognize what they did wrong, but when they see you start to make a similar mistake, they instantly try to stop you from making it. I’ve had a lot of my friends try to intervene for me and tell me not to do this or not to do that, but every time that happens, I tell them that I know that they already made the mistake and I’m probably going to make the mistake too, but how am I going to learn if I’m only learning from their mistakes and not experiencing it myself? Every time that I make a mistake, I learn so much more than if I hadn’t made it at all. I get some awesome life experience, usually feel rather silly for having gotten myself in a huge mess, but I get myself out of it and come out with something I never would have had if I hadn’t made that mistake.
Also, I would love to see those sweatpants!
Ooooooh, I would love this book! She is so inspiring!
I was starting to think what i’d like to say to my former self, when I thought, what would I look a future self to say to me now. I think that is much more interesting and shows more of who you are right now.
Me? Aside from winning lottery numbers or how Lost finally turns out, I’d like to hear that I will make some friends in my new town and become as active as I’d like to be if I just fricken start.
sort of like an advice to yourself thing.
ok, that fit fat or feed is FASCINATING! (even more intriguing is it that Lance Armstrong came below Clive Owen and Matthew McConaughey…)
Fit fat or feed, the only one I can say I really looked at was David Duchovney, he was all about wearing very little on Californication. I didn’t say this is a bad thing!
I am with Bag Lady on the cigarettes and Shelley on cherishing those I knew when I was younger. I also would have taken more chances….
I am still young, no really, its true. Anyway, I would tell myself to go for broke and do your best and not to worry about failing. Dietgirl, what a great superwoman!
mizfit how i have missed thee.
site’s back up.
come play.
Well, I must say that I have a LOT to say to my younger self. Not that I am unhappy with how I’ve turned out, but better choices could have been made, and better planning could have been done! But enough of that. The Amazing Adventures of Dietgirl looks so interesting.
TOO MUCH TO SAY (such is the punishment for the MizFit for actually working on her day job today :)) so I shall just give a shout out to MALLORY:
girl, that made me LAUGH.
your first four words of comment? priceless.
(oh and Randi? I LOVE YOUR IDEA. blogpost ahead for you? Im looking forward :))
As usual, so many things to say and so late to the party. Such is life.
1. Book sounds awesome!!
2. MizFit, if you did iron on your fanny, I know you totally ROCKED it!
3. To former self:
a. It’s not constant migraines, it’s panic attacks. Ask for meds.
b. Yo, P, don’t go stalking (hee!) the loser ex-boyfriend. So. Not. Worth. It.
c. YOU ARE NOT FAT. Just wait – fat comes later!!! Whee!!!!
4. Bag Lady: sounds like we should talk about our daughters. 🙂
Much love to the MizFitzzzzz!
I’m w/ Sagan – can we see a pic of the pants?
If I had the chance to say something to my younger self, it would be that you are beautiful no matter what, and to live for myself and no one else. I’m not sure it would have helped at the time, but it’s still a good concept, right? 🙂
Are you late to the party, Priscilla, or ARE you the party? who can say.
and, alas, Eileen and Sagan the pants are no longer.
This was (waitforit) about 13 years ago.
hell, even the memories were dim 🙂
M., who was thisclose to redoing the pants and doning for a monday facetime.
GROOVY! I will look forward to posting the book to an exotic location 🙂
Perhaps then I should iron on this to a t-shirt, “Will blog for food”…lol…Thank you so much for the link love, and the compliment about my shiny hair. I have to thank mom & dad for the good hair genes, as I do nothing except wash with generic shampoo & conditioner from Whole Foods. It’s $1.99 for a 16oz bottle (cheap).
Diet Girl’s book sounds like a good read. Must check it out. And to my younger 19 year old self who’s been needing lots of attention lately, I say, “Be kind to yourself. There is no need to be perfect. Progress not perfection.”
I need one of those tees for my laid off husband!! Excellent idea to put some fun into the job search!!
I just wanted to write and thank you for mentioning resume tees. We’re a small company just starting out, so it means a lot when someone gives us a nod. And your iron-on sweatpants story is fantastic. Should you ever decide that you’d like try a custom shirt out instead, drop me a line.
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