but YES, People, she, too, hath a bike to give away (cue confetti shaped like Lance Armstrong).
This amazing Fuji crosstown 2.0 bike is coming to you Courtesy of Lipton White Tea and the Free Your Y campaign.
(definitely check out the campaign. my fave part is the ARE YOU YOUNG ENOUGH quiz which tells you your YQ or youth quotient. Turns out MizFit’s spirit is a fetus. Who knew?)
I know. I know. cut to the chase:
How do you win?
Same as ever, People. You can be entered to win for the lowlow price of a comment below. This time, however (there’s always a catch huh?), you must share one little tidbit with the MizFits.
Tell us one thing you do in an effort to stay active and fit and YOUNG which others might be surprised to know about you.
(still young? (*waves to mallory*) make something up. help us oldiesbutgoodies feel better!)
sadly the MizFit is an open book, but hers would either be dancing with wild abandon to Yo Gabba Gabba OR hula hooping—much to her chagrin she caint enter the contest.
Can you leave a million comments and how will you know when you win (law of attraction, People. Think positive.)?
You can enter only once and, if you dont have a website linked to your comment where I can contact you, PLEASE leave your email address.
I shall draw the winner/announce on May 2nd.
comment away.
Disclaimer: The Pepsi/Lipton Partnership will provide a check for $75.00 to be used for professional assembly of all Lipton Fuji bicycles awarded. Neither Pepsi Co. nor Unilever is liable for any injuries, damages or accidents that may result from the receipt, assembly or use of this bicycle.
Another disclaimer: The Lipton Peeps sent me samples of their Diet Peach Papaya tea, white tea bags, and some to-go sticks all of which I tried and LUUVED before I agreed to give away the bike. which now is starting me thinking you mightcould have not cared about my highly ethical product love as you’re prolly all about the bike anyway.
My effort to stay active and fit and young: Let the TV and MacBook rest and go to the zoo, the park, indoor places where my toddler can run (with me chasing him, of course). There’s this Jim Cosgrove song that I love. He says “You’ve got to laugh a little, dance a little, pray a little every day. And if you forget to play a little, you’ll dry up and blow away.” I try to make that my motto.
To stay fit, I swim in mall fountains, complete with snorkel and flippers. These make it a little more difficult to run away from mall security when I get caught, but you get one HELL of a workout!
Telling tall tales, I find, keeps me young.
Awesome give away!!
Let’s see – I think having two young kids helps keep me young, but one thing specifically? I play power rangers and ninjas with my son and we come up with moves together and then practice (mine usually resemble some sort of tae-bo routine, his usually resemble jumping wildly and then flinging yourself to the ground). We do this in the front yard. Yes, neighbors probably wonder about me.
Well, I gave this advice over on Cranky, but I’ll give it again. I too am still young, but this is the advice I got from my Grandma who lived well into her 80’s and my still kicking it 96 year old great aunt.
Be physically active every day. Walk, run, swim, stroll along the sidewalk, whatever, just move! Then, do a crossword, read a book, and engage in stimulating conversation to keep your mind young. And laugh as often as possible!
I add wear sunscreen. Everyday.
OK. This is kind of embarassing. When I can’t get motivated to go for a run or do some strength training or when I’m having a blah day, I put on some club clothes, start my “Party” mix on the old iPod, and dance around my apartment. For HOURS. My cats hide when I do this, that’s how awful the dancing is…
don’t tell anyone, but I put in a Wiggles DVD and go dance crazy with my son. We wiggle. We do Dorothy the Dinosaur, who hop like a kangaroo and wave to wags the dog. Thankfully no one has ever caught this on film because it is not pretty. But it keeps me young and is a great workout! 🙂
PS: I love the bike.
I love bellydancing. Even though I don’t have access to classes anymore, sometimes I will pull out my coin belt and do some dancing when I am home along. Even my wonderful husband doesn’t know this one 🙂
Leigh anne
Now that the weather is nicer, we’ve been playing outside a lot more with the kiddos. It’s amazing what a workout a little chase, a lot of pushing of swings and general running around is!
Well, I skateboard (longboard) to stay young! I hope to be able to continue skating into my thirties. It is a really relaxing and fun thing to do. I grab a bunch of my friends and go for a long (sometimes 2 hour) cruise around town on our boards. We don’t do any tricks or try to show off, its all about having a good time and getting outside! Even better if we can stop for frozen yogurt after were done! I also like to go to play grounds and try and do all the things that came so easy as a child…have you tried the monkey bars lately? Its hard, but gets easier with practice! And if you haven’t seen any of the Bartandaz videos from NY, check them out! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IMjFN-m2VOM&feature=related
I used to bicycle all over the state of Florida as a teen. It was my primary mode of transportation (the other one being catching a ride with a friend), and provided me many hours – nay days – of enjoyment!
In my twenties I danced. I still dance. I used to teach ballroom dancing. These days I hoop dance, bellydance, ballroom dance, pole dance, … you get the idea. I often break out in dance at random in public places (and song, too), much to the chagrin of my teens. 😉
But mostly I lift heavy weights. I love feeling strong and powerful! Too many women fear weightlifting, thinking they will get all huge and bulky, and look like those women they see online with all the muscles. You know… the ones who are taking steroids and look like men? Yeah. Well, you’re not going to look like that without a lot of steroids, so don’t fear the weights!
My favorite thing to do that makes me feel young and wide-eyed is traveling to a wonderful city and walking miles and miles to experience all it has to offer. When doing this in Paris, walking 10 miles a day is also an excellent excuse to stop once in awhile for a tarte aux framboises to keep the energy up. 🙂
Walking my continually puppy-spirited dog Finnegan also keeps me feeling young. We can walk the same route twice a day, every day and he never ceases to find something new worth exploring. He makes me laugh every time.
I go to the gym and work out with weights 3 x a week, walk 2-3 times a week, ride my wore out old bicycle, and try to eat healthy.
Well I look about 17 now even though I’m 30, that keeps me feeling young, you know the zits and pig tails and all. My body feeling young would have to be flying kites, walking in the park but most of all we laugh, a lot, in our house. I run to stay in shape but running with my girlfriends is my outlets and since we’ve known eachother since high school sometimes we fall into that high school gossipy habbit, which again makes me feel young! there you have it.
I decided at the age of 46 to become a Personal Trainer. Still studying and plan on getting that exam done by September. That will be one month shy of my 48th Birthday. I love Extreme Fitness and pushing my body to exhaustion. Why? Becasue I am competing with my 23 year old son!
Like Anne, I grew up in Florida and just thinking about the Beach makes me feel like a younger!
Hope none of you work in my building, but I sometimes will play a little “Ding Dong Ditch” on the other Tenants! Did I just admidt that?
With boot camp class and running, I work out about 5 – 6 times each week. I eat clean, and love to learn new things because I’m a firm believer in keeping your mind “active” as you age. So for me, keeping the mind active means playing soduku and knitting. 🙂
Okay, Mousearoo made the awesomest comment I have ever read. I laughed so much it was hazardous for a woman who has naturally birthed four babies. I hope he/she wins just for that!
That said, my way of feeling young is to tell people I’m 45 and then grin as they gasp, “You look 10 years younger than that!!!” But then I have to tell them I’m really 29, so I guess I look 6 years old than I am. Hmmm… maybe time to rethink that strategy.
(Actually – the way I stay young is to never take myself seriously!)
It’s all about the bike, enjoy your tea…
I find that acting really annoying and bothering somebody close to you to no end really keeps me young. and doing things like “watch this” and showing them the coolest dance thing you just invented. and then “now watch this” and doing pretty much the same thing but with jazz hands. and chasing them around the house until they try it.
Oh I also like to show my half chewed food across the table to people. That’s young-like right?
Or maybe those are just immature…
Nice bike! And I love the white tea.
I like climbing on the roofs of buildings in the middle of the night, especially school buildings… it’s very exhilerating and certainly keeps me active and fit and young! (Not that the young thing is so much an issue for me; people assume all the time that I’m 16 and I’m pretty sure I’m going to be asked for my ID for the next 10 years… sighs).
PS Jen I do the same thing all the time. Except my cat just stares at me in disgust rather than hiding (she’s too lazy to move:))
Randi!!!!! Jazz Hands! I love it! And, I love exclamation marks!
i wrestle men women and children every wednesday
its a great workout and bonding session–a blast!
signature submission: pillow choke
signature escape: scissor sweep
hmmmmm……..let’s see……just one……..
quite often, i ride my “very used” bike barefoot to the corner gas station store for either m&ms or chik-o-sticks…………..with my hair in pigtails….
The Bag Lady stays young by staying active, laughing a lot and shakin’ her booty. (OMG, did she actually say that?! Gives you a clue to how old she actually is! Sheesh!) Running from crazed cows will keep you young…or make you old a lot faster…never have figured out which.
Woohoo! A free bike AND yummy tea? WOW!! What a pick-me-up on a dreary day!
I’m with Scrumpy’s Baker on this one – I stay young by exploring new places and new experiences.
Also, I wakeboard in the summer. I always feel young and STRONG when I’m zipping across the wake…..or face-planting, as the case may (often) be.
Good times.
Love the bike-thanks for the chance to win it!
Little did I know years ago when I met my husband that I was ensuring I’d stay young, he’s 10 years younger. As I’m in my late forties, he’s well, in his late 30’s. We had kids late for me (40 & 43), “on time” for him! I also have a slew of younger friends due to my kids and they keep my outlook fresh! Combine it with Kelly’s (fitnessfixation) brutal and inspiring workouts helps keep the body younger.
stay active fit and young- play with Bug as much as possible- preferablly outside where we can both run around.
Tonight we had fun digging a hole for our laundry line and then we trimmed bushes.
I have also determined that I am not doing enough for my arms- I can not longer hang on the monkey bars at the playground- do you have any thoughts on what I might do to help with this? I need to be able to keep up with Bug as he attempts to climb and hang on the bars.
Love and hugs to you,
What fun! And such great comments! 🙂
To stay fit and young, I turn on fast-paced music and dance as silly and as crazy as possible with my husband until I am laughing so hard my stomach hurts, I can’t breathe, and I gotta pee!!!
My son recently graduated from a tricycle to a scooter – a two wheeler without pedals. I run next to my speed demon as he learns the rules of the road: don’t bump your mom or ride over her toes and for heavens sake, don’t ride faster than she can run!
Love your face time videos!
Okay. I gotta admit I’m with all the crazy dancers here. I put on some crazy ol’ punk rock like the Ramones or Bouncing Souls, and do the signature punk dance: the skank. Yes, it’s called skanking, and it is arguably the stupidest looking dance known to man.
If I’m feeling really mean, I make the dog dance with me. The cats and husband look at me like I grew an extra head. BUT! It’s so much fun and really does put me in a better mood.
To stay young and fit I love to take walks out in nature. Either at the zoo, to gaze at the beauty that is the animal world, or just in a park in my neighborhood. Being out of the gym and feeling like a part of life happening all around me brings peace to my spirit as well as exercise to my body!
The Boy and I play on the trampoline – sometimes soccer, sometimes hockey, sometimes war (yes, with swords and all – he is ALL boy). At bedtime we read books about dinosaurs and because I can’t pronounce their names I make them up – and they sound ridiculous – and we laugh until our bellies hurt. That keeps me young. Laughing with my son.
Wow, there is a lot of competition here! (Pick me! 🙂
I am young, although I feel/think/act much older. So to revert to my actual age, I spend time with children or go out with a fun group of friends. Nothing feels more youthful than freely laughing.
One thing that I have been doing lately is to do some sort of exercise during commercials when I am watching a show, instead of just sitting there.
I stay active by doing something every day. Usually I hit the gym early in the morning, but if that doesn’t happen I find time to fit something in. I stay young by having two young children and play with them every day. If I take them to the park I don’t just sit and watch. At home we dance and play together.
Okay, I could lie and tell you about my amazing fitness regimen, but I struggle there. I could also tell you about my amazing lotions and potions to keep my skin looking young, but other than lathering myself in SPF 35, I’m still experimenting there, too. The truth is that I started my family later than a lot of people and I kept on having babies until I turned 40. That makes me the oldest mom in kindergarten this year, but it helps keep me young, too. This afternoon my youngest and I will work on mastering his skateboard (my last attempt at Christmas left me with a small concussion, but hey!) Then we’ll chase the dog who will get out of the yard, and then I’ll take 10 loads of laundry up and down the stairs, and then we’ll head over to the elementary school fair and get our temporary tats. Am I still wiggly and jiggly? Yes :(( but I am also feeling pretty young for a middle-aged mom.
To stay young, I love to do things reminiscent of my childhood – ride a bike, color, or go ice skating!
To stay active outside of going to the gym, I try to incorporate extra physical activity at work or when I’m just hanging out at home. I’ll take the stairs instead of the elevator, offer to run errands for co-workers, or take a walk around the block when I need a break. At home, I’ll do crunches or squats during a commercial and I always walk to do my errands. Sometimes I even do arm curls with my grocery bags on the way home from the store. I look silly but every little bit helps!
i have had the best morning reading all of these…there are some really cool creative peeps out there!:) thanks for the laughs!
i like to express my inner kid by biting off the ends of ice cream cones…the pointy kind…are they called sugar cones??? then i suck the last bit of ice cream through them.
also…strapping on my roller skates with flames and donning a frilly tutu do the trick too!
btw…this give-a-way is sooooo freaking awesome!
I left a comment on the same topic over at Cranky Fitness, too, but I like youth — and that bike!
I think speed keeps me feeling young — I *hate* “grown-up” fitness routines. I think we forget to find a way to cut loose, whether it’s working in a few all-out sprints, playing a sport or even just jumping in place for 30 seconds a day. And it turns out moving super-fast sometimes may increase the amount of HGH in our bods, too — so science tells us to break the speed limit to feel younger!
To stay young and active, I play with my two boys, who are six and four. We prefer to play outside, even in the snow! I also take a fitness class twice a week at work and I always take the stairs instead of the elevator. Now that the weather is warmer, we’ve started our destination walk/run/bike rides to breakfast, the video store, etc.
Me, to stay young and fit I hang around with cool people who have a positive mindset. Negative couch potatoes can infect you with their slug mindset if you let them; I hang around cool blogs where people talk about staying fit and motivated and where push-ups refers to the exercise not the bra.
Being active keeps you young — and beats the heck out of sitting on the couch being gloomy 🙂
Durn, I broke the Free your Y quiz! (put in my age and up pops an error).
How I stay young? I have a dozen friends who are about 25-30 years younger than I. Keeps the mind active. They are always surprised when I know about a hot YouTube video or hot website before they do!
Young is a state of mind- and as long as you keep your mind and your life full of laughter, music, and fun people you also will stay young
I’ll tell you the truth to youth…no joke. You ready?
Now you know. Get on it!
Well at least I know who to blame for the broken quiz lol….For me, it is all about play – I take my pups to the dog park and we play tag, hide and seek and we just run and chase dandelion fluff and tennis balls and soccer balls. It is fun…and they just make me laugh so much and I get a good workout running after two labradors…I also love to ride my bike – just to ride. I don’t focus on anything but the joy of riding anywhere and everywhere….i just go for hours and hours…so this contest would be way cool since who doesnt’ need a new bike???
I attempt to stay fit by moving the body pretty much constantly. Cooking and dancing go great together! But for me, staying young is all about relationship. Connecting with people, being interested in new experiences, learning to love something new … that gives me the unmistakeable-sparkle-in-the-eye-don’t-be-deceived-because-I’m-still-a-pistol look and FEEL of youth!!
cool, a free bike! 🙂
play with animals, dance in my room, walk everywhere, and sing loudly wherever i am. (considering my voice, that may be more annoying to other people, but oh well).
and laugh, always.
What do I do to stay young? I chase my 4 year old daughter as she’s biking wildly down our street. As she grows older, she becomes better on the bike. And with age, she gets faster. So my leisurely neighborhood walks have become short jogs.
So a new bike would be the next logical step 🙂
I’m doing this same contest over on my blog too, but I figured I can enter on OTHER people’s sites! I want a free bike!
Something I do to stay young and fit that might surprise other people? Since it’s hard for me to stay active during the day at work (sitting at a desk all day will do that to you), I do squats in the bathroom and wall push-ups so that I can be doing SOMETHING to move my body. 🙂
To stay young– I try not to take myself too seriously.
To stay fit–I move it. Anyhow, anyway I can. Inspirational websites provide ideas when I run out of them. 🙂
to stay young, i laugh early and often
to stay fit, i elliptical my heart out
To stay young – I exercise for energy
To stay fit – I spin, which in turn gives me energy 😉
To stay feeling young and fit I like to balance my work with my play. If my fitness regimen is getting a little to rigid, I’ll throw in something fun and stress-free to even things out.
Can I enter twice? 😉
(OK, OK, I know… I’m trying to sneak in an extra entry, and that’s not fair… I really would like a bike, though…) 😀
Riding my bike makes me feel young. I always feel like I’m flying and immediately feel like a little kid! It’s great exercise and the endorphins are unbeatable.
Okay, here goes,
At 41, I still wear my hair long, wear thong underwear and listen to “hip and up to date” music on my ipod. Seriously, my husband and I make it a family affair when we try to get in excercise. When we go for our daily walk, we have our kids ride their bikes with us.
How do I stay active? I work, I walk, I take the steps, I play with my kids, I try to win bikes on websites…all little things really.
How do I stay young…honestly, I don’t. If by young you mean that I am delusional enough to think that I can do everything that I could do at 25 (like do several shots of tequilla and expect to stay upright…or conscious!!!). I’m not old…but I’m older and I think it is better to except it and move on. I have a great life…even without the tequilla shots!!
(ok…have to stop laughing at Randi’s jazz hands…)
What keeps me young? (Ironically the same thing that makes me feel old):
Having children.
(Seriously. Trick or treating, Santa Claus, monkey bars, the tooth fairy, sugar cereals… think about it folks.)
Wow! A bike! That would be really cool!
Okay, here’s one of the things I do in an effort to keep fit. I run around the yard with our dog. Sure, the neighbors think I’m crazy, but the dog loves it! I chase her, she chases me, I run out of steam, then she chews on my arm until I start going again. I wonder if she’d chase me on a bike……
I also hula hoop. I love the hoopnotica and hoopgirl videos. Talk about motivating!
I also run agility with my dogs. That’s what motivated me to get in the shape in the first place! The dogs love it, I have a blast, and I’m learning to move my body in ways I never knew a non-athletic person could.
I would have to agree that having children keeps you young. Try keeping up with an 11 year old! We love to walk & run around the trails at the park. Her favorite thing to do is ride bikes at the local bike trail. This trail is over 70 miles long and is absolutely gorgeous. She’s in need of a new bike this year. Hopefully, I can pass my old one down and enjoy this new one. 😉 Other than that, I hit the gym 4-5 times a week and play softball on our church league.
Thanks for the chance to win an awesome bike!!
What an awesome giveaway!!! In order to stay fit, I train and enter amateur fitness competitions. It’s so exciting to get up on stage, all covered in PAM cooking spray (yup, that’s the secret), and display all my hard work.
The Cuteness keeps me young. Every day, I make sure that I make time to just be silly and LAUGH with him. And at only 2-1/2 I sometimes have to work REALLY hard to make him laugh. But it’s worth it. And once he starts laughing, so do I.
Since I’m not really in that great of shape, I’ve been trying to get more fit. To do that, I’ve been trying to spend as much time outside doing STUFF in the yard and taking walks. Mr. Poj has a hard time walking – so in the summer, we make sure we swim a lot.
As the Cuteness gets older and more active, I’m hoping the same will hold true for me! (I know I’ll get more older – hoping to get more active!)
Ok, I feel guilty leaving a comment because I already have 3 bikes, but hey, I NEED another bike!
Some fitness extras include mountain biking with a trailer, practicing the plank while kids are soaking, duck walking, leg lunges, etc when they are outside playing.
Oooh…shiny bike.
I stay young (I’m still young, I think, but its subjective) by constantly challenging myself with new things. Heavier weights, longer runs, new games, new cooking techniques or trying new food, going to new places, just saying yes to any new thing life offers. I love to learn, it never stops.
Oh, and wrestling around on the floor with my two big dogs. Makes me feel like a kid.
When I was young, I did not ride my bike with our neighborhood gang wearing a heart rate monitor. When I was young, I did not time my hill repeats. When I was young, I did not worry about whether or not I beat my PR booking from my house to my friends house.
I did not count sets, reps, fartleks, calories, watts, pounds, meals, gray hairs, negative splits, or anything else for that matter…
Wait, there was one thing…. I counted the minutes, the seconds, until I finished my homework, did my chores. It was then I was set free as I flew through the neighborhoods on a black huffy, sans helmet, hooting and screaming on every down hill till we made it to the woods where we rode the trails long before anyone of us ever owned a Mt. Bike with full suspension.
So, when I want to feel young I jump on my bike, ditch the technology, and just ride till I am exhausted and grinning because I know I have just laid the smack down on my 38 year old body and forced it to remember what it felt like to be 13 again.
Rides (or runs) like that feed the soul. If you feed your soul, your body and your fitness will follow!
Staying young is all about attitude. It’s about sitting on floors and coloring with my students, never thinking I’m too old for hopscotch or freeze tag, it’s about laughing, truly laughing — so hard that your belly hurts laughing — as much as possible.
Staying fit is about finding joy in life — no matter what dark rain cloud is hanging over your head or on the horizon. It’s planting flowers in the garden, walking the dog, chasing children and hiking up big Colorado mountains. It’s stopping to take a moment to breathe and smile and remember that at the end of the day, life is fun and it is your one big event and how you get to the finish line is up to you. I choose to skip and spin and twirl my way there — in a pink tutu part of the way– until I can’t walk any more, then I think I might try to skateboard or ride a bike like I had when I was 10 with a bell and a basket for my dog! and tassles on the handles bars and a big grin on my face and a feeling of freedom in my heart…….
In an effort to stay young, I make sure to use great products on my face, lots and lots of lotion, I make sure to get as much time outside as I can, and I try new things – yoga, salsa dancing, joined a book club, and so on. I really just try to keep moving forward, always forward. And of course I stay tuned to carlabirnberg.com!
I’m back, yay Bike is still there!
I dance party with my wee one all the time. We like to kick it old school whenever possible.
I also love love the white tea!!
I spend as much time playing outside as I can: I take long walks with friends I’ve known since kindergarden, I strap on rollerblades and knee pads, in the winter I ice skate. I also drink lots of water, sing and dance to the radio, and eat super healthy!
That’s easy, baby….I skate and listen to Journey on my iPod. Yeah, my roller blades are circa 1998 but they fit me like a glove and I feel fit and powerful on top of the ole in-line blades!
Girl, I listen to ‘ol school freestyle and jam-out with my daughter!
We jump on the bed (Shh…dont tell hubby in case one day it breaks!), dance around the house and play tag (in the house too).
Ok now…pick me, pick me!!!!
What do I do to stay active and fit and YOUNG which others might be surprised to know about you – I dance every chance I get :). Oh, and I always swing on the swings. I think I had a kid so I could do all the cool kid things.
I make my 10 & 12 year old sons exercise with me. They laugh at my pathetic push-ups and I pshaw their poses (yoga). I also lie like h*ll about my age and hang out with my 20-something niece.
I stay fit by running 3-4x a week and going to Boot Camp 2x a wekk — always with people I love to be around. Keeps me fit and young! And, as some other moms have mentioned, I spend tons of time outdoors with my kids (almost 4 and getting close to 3) — and I have personal experience with every slide at every playground we go to! And most of the swings as well. And the monkey bars….
ps – We’re getting our son a bike for his 4th bday — how cool would it be if Mama got one too???? Pickmepickme!!
How do I stay young and fit? Luckily I’m still young….but I plan to stay feeling young for a long time by (a) getting enough sleep (I close my office every day for 30 minutes and take a nap on the floor), (b) constantly mixing up my workouts to keep things interesting, and (c) taking time for yoga and meditation. These things make me feel happy and help me forget about any stressful situations that might have come up during a regular day. Feeling happy and stress-free makes me feel like a kid…and not like the grown-up I’m supposed to be. 🙂
I am a professor and I think my students would be surprised if they saw me out for my daily walk. I live near a lake that has a fitness trail. Originally I thought that doing the trail every day would be great. But the sit-ups, pull ups, etc are boring. INSTEAD, I walk around the lake and go to the kids playground. My students would be surprised to see their professor and her friends on the teeter-totters, monkey bars and parallel bars. Moving, laughing and loving living will keep me young! If I can stay fit while playing, you can too!
Of course I’d suggest the usual exercise and diet stuff, but I also recommend whining. It may make everyone around you feel old and tired, but I always feel refreshed and youthful afterwards!
But mainly the healthy diet and exercise. Not as fun as whining but probably more effective.
Well, to feel young I generally lie about my age (I will be 24 on May 24, and though this may *SEEM* young to some, I feel old). Then I probably go into a like a Limited Too to buy clothes since I still pass for a high schooler. A high schooler who is not yet old enough to drive (this is why the age-lying works so well).
But to continue these fortunate circumstances which keep me looking young I:
1. use a good skin care twice daily
2. exercise DAILY to keep FEELING young
3. drink kool-aid once a week (even if it is sugar filled) and make sure I get the grape-y purple moustache. (IS that how you spell moustache?!)
My son has just learned to ride his bike (without training wheels) so lately, I have been sprinting after him. I worked up a serious sweat the other day. With the training wheels, he just went a lot slower. Hmmm, this is also why I now need a bike!
To stay young and fit I play tennis about 5 times a week. I also enjoy taking my five year old beagle on 3 mile mega walks on the weekends! At home we eat plenty of whole grains, fruits, veggies and drink loads of water!
I actually want to be older because although i am in my early 20’s (which to me is young) i always get told i look twelve! But to stay fit i stay active by running most days of the week (although cooking is a very active “desk job”)and eat clean and I eat well. I savor those rich indugences and never settle for mediocre dessert!
Hi to all you youngins! I stay young by making sure I have a sense of humor about myself and by sweating (the good sweat, not the flopsweat) as much as possible. And shopping at Forever 21. Some say cheap, I say youthful.
Every couple of days I take my two labs to the local dog park. Mostly I walk around the park–the dogs love to hang out with me, run off, then circle back to check on me. But I get my REAL exercise when one of them starts a tussle or all-out fight with another dog, or if my male lab jumps the fence, which he likes to do sometimes. Then I get to run like heck and exercise my vocal cords at the same time!
I walk to class (as a college student) everyday, even when it is 20 below, windy and snowy! I refuse to learn the bus schedule so that I can sneak in extra activity. I also love to do workout DVDs in my apartment when it is bad out, and bike out in the nice weather when I can. Too bad someone stole my brand new bike my freshman year! 🙁
Hi! I’ve been lurking a lot on your site…
I am still considered a young’n, but I do have certain things that make me feel like I’m in high school all over again. One of my favorite things to do is to play hooky–either by myself or with friends. Now, I have the freedom to work when I want, so I’m not technically playing hooky, but there is something so freeing about spending a day when you should be at work playing grownup. Usually we pack errands or obligations in our weekends and days off, but when I play hooky for a day I just like to GO with no set agenda in mind. It is an unbelievable feeling.
To stay fit, I do the typical grown-up things: run, bike and swim. Nothing too saucy there.
I’m still pretty young, but I definitely have a skin care regimen I follow and I only drink water (with a few festive drinks on occasion). I try taking stairs when possible to stay fit, and I don’t think my friends have noticed yet that I always try to park my car as far from my destination as possible (without leaving a big valley of empty spots though). It won’t make me break a sweat, but I’m hoping it adds up in the long term!
wow, seeing this post I now realize why this approach is important mankinds wellness, thank you! Thanks