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Subtitle: your freebie winner shall be announced tomorrow as the MizFit is off Passoverabrating with the family.
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Just heed your MizFit.
(and no, that’s not me at a different life-stage in the article. it’s clipart.)
I never stretch cold, fearing injury and feeling to tight being my main reasons. Thanks for covering stretching between weight sets. This is something I do, but I do it mostly to relieve any tension in my muscles after the set, particularly large muscles like my quads and chest. Good to know I’m doing this right!
Happy Passover! Thanks for the advice on stretching. Do you give any credence to the whole stretch each body part after working it to “lengthen” the muscle? I know that that is a foundation principle in Pilates and ballet-type workouts (current experiment, yeah!) but I’m not convinced that makes physiologic sense. And hey – any advice on stretching my IT band? My hips are super flexible so the typical lay-on-your-back one does nothing. (LOVE the pink bandana!!!!)
Why YES charlotte I have a few thoughts 😉
More when MizFit is not *hiding* from Tornado in the bathroom of the Atlanta airport furtively thumbtyping on sidekick.
I love stretching! It feels great. I’m so glad you’ve emphasized the importance of it.
So, does stretching to reach the cookies hidden on the top shelf of the pantry count…?
Thanks for the information on stretching. Nice to know I’ve been doing it right! And love the bandanna!
The Mizfit needs a spot on this radio show out of Atlanta. Dr. Fitness and the Fatguy. I am campaigning to have her on. Don’t you all agree she needs to be a “guest” on their show?
OOH, love the idea of MizFit on air!!!
As a runner, I’m a big fan of stretching at the end of a workout. It feels so good, it’s almost like a reward at the end of a run. I read somewhere that you should always end a workout on a positive note so that you’re more likely to keep doing it, and to me, stretching is that.
Thanks for the stretching tips, I was so much better at stretching when I was playing team sports. Must remind myself to stretch more.
Great tips. Thanks!
While I was almost religiously stretching post-workout, until I saw your bicep video, MizFit, it never occurred to me to stretch between sets. I’m doing it now, and I think it’s a big help.
Sporting the head gear – love it! 🙂
Great advice on stretching. It feels relaxing at the end of a good workout.
I hope you’re having a wonderful Passover celebration!
Great advice!
Can you weigh in on how much rest is suggested after weight training? I’ve always understood that it is most effective with an alternating schedule – one day on, the next off. Would that hold true for push-ups and sit-ups,as well?
I do stretch during my workouts. But I’ve always done yoga as well . . . and don’t have time for it now that I’m doing the personal trainer thing. If I’m just trying to get 15 minutes in a day, is there a pose/series in addition to sun salutations that you suggest?
I’ve been stretching for over 20 years now, and I stretch cold. Perhaps I’m an anomoly or my body is just used to the cold stretch after all that time. I have never had an injury from cold stretching. I did learn about stretching between sets from a trainer I had awhile back. This was a great reminder, and another chance to be awe struck of your arms 😉 I’m such a fangirl!
Thanks for the link! I have not been stretching between sets, so I will start. I will continue to stretch after, too.