Thought I would be able to navigate my way through this Lipton quiz, leave my quote and sign up for the bike, but they came back and said I didn’t have the right computer formating to pull it off–up until now I just thought it was computer saavy/now I find it is computer tech! Ahhhh for us “older” dogs….they can now whack us coming and going! I am so glad that you all (the younger generation) will be able to save us all from ourselves! and to know that bike riding is still in style!! Yippee…………
Guess I will just have to resort to prayers to win a bicycle this time!! Thanks for the send and the invite! Mee
ah, alliteration. My favorite time tested title tactic.
I hope I don’t miss this! Headed out for vacation, see you when I get back. Yep. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO computer while I am there.
oh, why the heck not. I’ll play. enter me, s’il vous plait!
Thought I would be able to navigate my way through this Lipton quiz, leave my quote and sign up for the bike, but they came back and said I didn’t have the right computer formating to pull it off–up until now I just thought it was computer saavy/now I find it is computer tech! Ahhhh for us “older” dogs….they can now whack us coming and going! I am so glad that you all (the younger generation) will be able to save us all from ourselves! and to know that bike riding is still in style!! Yippee…………
Guess I will just have to resort to prayers to win a bicycle this time!! Thanks for the send and the invite! Mee