Happy Friday!
My first link is something which has been weighing on my mind a bit.
To know me in real life is to know that Im a big fan of the Power of Positive Thinking/Law of Attraction.
I have a vision board in my office which Im always updating (it has everything from tiny goals to loftylofty ones pinned to its surface) and a matching gratitude board which hath pretty much outgrown its borders.
I found that when I didnt employ something like a vision board (it has taken many forms during my life and not always physical) I tended to lose sight of my goals merely by accident/lack of a constant reminder.
I think that’s why I liked this post so much. it’s action oriented and works to point you toward success no matter what your goals are—anything from getting into shape to changing careers.
Numbers 12 and 17 really started me thinking. You?
Speaking of the fact that I tend to ramble when fridays were to simply be posted links here are two links I love specifically FOR the fact that they’re short, sweet & concise.
100 words? MizFit couldnt dream of being so terse. She shall try and learn a thing or 3 from here and here at sixty second science.
I was entirely sucked in by the allure of the tagline: This will just take a minute (duly noted for future less verbose facetimes).
On a pre-freebie serious note: did any of you miss this post?
The original comment about losing weight being the same as surviving cancer was posted at gawker.com.
The ever on top of things women at BFD, however, sparked quite a conversation in their comments about the remark.
I guess the woman later retracted the statement (saying she did beat a disease by shedding her excess weight) yet Im not certain people are ready to forgive her ignorance quite so quickly.
are you?
Ok. On to the more cheery freebie.
This week the uber generous blackbird tees have decided to offer ANY one of their winter selection to the MizFit weekly winner.
Me? Id choose this (or pony up any extra required cash for this which we know I adore) simply because I could.
you know the drill—–comment away.
Great round-up!
I’m so much more a day-dream about things person than an “action” person–of the 24 steps I’d be lucky to take two of them.
But the McSlackers of the world are necessary and useful in that we allow all you motivated action people to feel very, very productive by comparison! I take my role very seriously.
Wow, number 17 has definitely been instilled in me as a result of my college soccer career. But, technically, for most games, we were the underdog, so it didn’t take much thinking to consider ourselves the underdog. I think number 19, keeping your sense of humor, is very important because too many people take everything, and themselves, too seriously.
Really, it’s not that serious. 🙂
First, thanks again for the protein supplement advice!
I love the 24 weekly actions–#8 (Take Action Every Day) is a challenge for me. Like Crabby’s comment above, I tend to be a dreamer more than a doer.
I followed the links all the way back to Emily Brill’s blog, the socialite who made the asinine cancer analogy, and now I’m not so willing to forgive. She’s hopelessly self-involved; I’m pretty sure she still doesn’t understand why people were angry with her cancer comment, she’s now just trying to placate the PO’d responders. She refers to herself as a 5th Avenue misfit, I think she needs to wake up and be a MizFit!
Mercedes, that misfit remark rang too close to the supermodel’s “I’m just like you! I was *so* awkward and ugly in highschool”
About the same level of sincerity, huh?
I’m not ready to forgive either.
This list will probably go right next to my own vision board.
Love #17. Also, #2 and #10.
That comment was total ignorance. Although I daresay she’s enjoying all the attention.
Love your pick in T’s MizFit!! Can we share a closet, please?
I printed out the 24 Weekly Actions for Creating Lasting Success! Thanks MizFit!
I try to practice positive thinking too but as the old saying goes, “When you work with donkeys its hard to soar with eagles!” LOL
That cancer remark is terrible. I will take being overweight any day next to cancer. I would be afraid to make such a remark!!
having cancer does not equal being overweight. I mean, I *kinda* see that they’re both struggles but so is doing more than 12 pushups for me, and I would never compare myself to a cancer survivor after completing rep 13.
On a more lighthearted note, I also like that Bardot shirt – especially how her face is placed a bit down on the torso. Very sassy!
love the vision board idea!
i have experienced that stuck feeling so many times and am finally (at 38) getting the hang of taking action to overcome it and not just sit on my butt watching tv, eating bad snacks and ignoring things! i think the vision board can be one more tool to help me with this.
thanks for starting my friday off well!:)
p.s. so not ready to forgive……i don’t think it really matters to her though….sounds like an attention monger…no matter what kind!
Leslie I absolutely agree with you. And I’m kind of amazed that anyone WOULD make a comparison like that.
MizFit those shirts are SO cute. For the Weekly Actions, #9 is one that I’m constantly doing and #13 is such good advice. Also, I love this: “Feed your passion, and your purpose, with deliberate actions; not convenient excuses.” Thanks for the links!
Also as an aside- my boyfriend picked up this protein powder called Ovaltine. Do you know anything about it?
MizFit, I can forgive Miss Socialite her ignorance because I understand that the point she was getting at was that she has to work at it every day. It was an incredibly stupid and inane way of expressing that, ascribed WAY more drama to it than is warranted, and unwittingly gave offense to…well, just about everyone. She probably shouldn’t be allowed to speak, or write, without a six-second delay, I’ll give you that. 🙂 The same can definitely be said of me at times – though I hope I’ve never said or written anything quite this astounding.
There’s really no way of addressing this without offending someone. Either cancer survivors, those of us who have lost loved ones to cancer (pretty much everyone!), people who are dealing with food or weight issues, or Fat Acceptance proponents. In many cases, one person may be all of the above. I fall into every category except the “cancer survivor”, but I’m not that offended. A little disgusted, but not really offended.
The bottom line is, stupid people are everywhere. You can’t change them, you can’t fix them, and you can wear yourself out trying. With people like this, I just shake my head and move on. She’s 25. Hopefully someday she will understand that her Seven jeans fitting a little tight is not at all on a part with cancer or Cardiac Amyloidosis. I mean, even if you agree that obesity IS a disease, not all diseases are created equal.
great points, Valerie.
I think I also forget that how mature I was at 25 might not be the maturity level of a pampered socialite.
here’s hoping she reflects back later in life and cringes (and, as per a different post, mightcould choose NOT to change the remark because it has made her into the caring loving understanding giving selfless socialite she is today).
Love the links, and #17 is a great point. Thanks again!
I totally do the vision board. I also have a dream collage hanging in my room. It sounds so incredibly cheesy when I type it out — but I guess that’s just how I roll. 🙂
Okay, I’m gonna have to get a vision board going. Sounds like a great motivational tool, and I could definitely use some motivation right now. I’m more of a procrastinator than a doer.
Valerie makes some nice points about the cancer=weight statement. I’m personally wondering if this socialite has ever lost a close friend or relative to cancer. She must not have suffered through this type of loss, otherwise she would never have made such a ridiculous comparison. I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt. But it was still a dumb thing to say.
I only read the first and second comments in response to the BFD post on the disordered-eating socialite, but I thought the two comments perfectly summed up my reaction (in order, actually) to the statement from Emily.
I have to say, I totally agree that cell phones should not be allowed on planes (go Peter DeFazio! He’s one of mine). How quick we are to forget that less than a decade ago, no one was using phones. And now we can’t go anywhere without them and feel compelled to answer every call, no matter how inconvenient. Planes already put me too close for comfort with a large group of strangers, and I’m just picturing (hearing) several bored solo travellers loudly gabbing about nothing throughout the entire flight. You wouldn’t be able to escape it. Please spare me!
not that I don’t already have a job, but if I was jobless I’m not sure I would have the balls to wear that shirt around, especially with my real resume on the back!
Love your idea of a vision board. Planning and writing down goals makes them more of a priority for me and puts them in the forefront of my mind, as opposed to forgetting or ignoring them.
I really like that 24 weekly actions list. Thanks for sharing! Every point was great! Yep, #17 is a real good one. I also like #2.
I love that idea about a vision board. If I had a separate room to devote to an office, I’d totally do that. 🙂