For example, I HEART the trends & am fascinated by pop-culture.
Im intrigued by what takes off and becomes the next —to date myself— Pet Rock & what goes the way of the 8 Track or, more currently put, those mini-DVDs which never quite struck the American public’s fancy.
Im either an early adopter or I strive to be the last soul climbing on the band wagon (very. last.) simply because my late adopting makes me giggle (please to see CROCS and cross reference under Jibbitz).
All that to say I was one of the initial Live Strong bracelet purchasers from Nike (yeah, Im saying it.).
So early, in fact, I gave a bunch as gifts and heard from the recipients months later thanking me/saying (pretty clearly) that they’d not even opened them until now as they weren’t really sure (fingerquote) what to do with them (unFQ).
And then the bracelets were everywhere (including on the ankles of numberous tweens which this ole lady found quite creative!).
And then the bracelets were EVERYWHERE.
Every nonprofit, social organization, event, and clique had its own special rubber bracelet (please to also see ribbons. both fabric and car-magnets).
So played out.
What does *that mean*? (alltogethernow) MizFit is ready to jump on the bandwagon.
I give you the MizFit bracelet (emblazoned with that one word. hard to see on video and *subtle* in person):
The above is what Ive been testing on myself & a few real life friends (if by testing you mean be honest: does this motivate you when you wear it?—–which I do).
You see, while I am the MizFit—-Im also BabyMama, Wife & DayJobEmployee.
There are far more days than Id care to admit where I would really, really, truly, very much like to skip my cardio workout.
I was searching for a motivator.
A reminder, if you will, of my alter-ego (my inner superhero) & the fact that it doesnt matter if I feel like doing cardio——I do it.
For myself.
For those who love me.
And (cue sappy music) for the MizFits.
This post started me thinking that, while it wont give you a NUMBER by which you can evaluate yourself (& all we know how I feel about that), perhaps a bracelet-reminder might be a small replacement for the scale.
On the days youre striving not to weigh.
A reminder that there are far more important things than numbers and that exercising & healthy eating is a gift you give to yourself (a theme to be expanded upon in this week’s viewer mail)
A nod to the fact that you’re not the only one struggling down this oft bumpy road to fitness and health, but that there’s a whole Bumbling Band along side you.
Questions? Thoughts? Love it? Lose it? Want it?
Hit me up in the comments.
Love it!! Weighing daily is so ingrained in my brain that I do have to remind myself (sometimes out loud) that I am not doing that anymore. This would be much less likely to make my husband think I’m going a little crazy lOL.
Leigh anne
I love the bracelet reminder… to be honest, i did the same thing when i was losing weight to remind me to eat right… except it was an ugly brown rubberband!
you two are EARLY risers like the MizFit & her Tornado and bullmastiff 🙂
Thanks for your kind words.
I love the MizFitlet and may offer em for CHEAP here if people would be interested.
If I could get a sponsor (Greetings YouBars or WeirdA**WeightLossFlipFLops company!) Id give em away for free!
have a great weekend.
I like the idea. I like a visual reminder of a goal/purpose; that’s why I wrote an “in case of morale emergency” inspirational quote on my arm in sharpie at my last big race. When I needed it, I pushed up my sleeve.
Love it! My LiveStrong band kinda does the same thing for me. I started wearing them 4 years ago when my father was diagnosed, and I’ve worn one every day since then. It helps to remind me to make the best choices I can and take care of my body. Even when I don’t want to!
Very clever idea! Wish I’d thought of it…
Aha, finally allowed to leave comments again!!!!!
You couldn’t comment, BL?
Ahhh wordpress.
I love and loathe ye.
It may have been my own computer – it still has “issues”!
I have my own set of bracelets that I’ll be offering to world (as soon as I finish writing the website). Cheap. So we’re all getting on the “bracelet bus.” I like yours too.
Mine? Many of us have a tendency to think unkind thoughts about ourself. (“I am so weak. I can’t do X.”). And I think this permission to be mean to ourselves also gives a kind of permission to be mean to the rest of the world.
So mine are printed (black on white/black on red) to say: THINK KIND. (and love yourself first).
But I still want a MizFit bracelet…
LOVE IT! I want one!
I love the bracelet – although I am a little sad that I wasn’t one of the chosen few to test it out to the world before you officially unveiled it. 🙂 Let us know where we can get one (or ten)!
Great idea! I could definitely benefit from something like this. Tattooing “smarten up” on my forehead hasn’t done much so far. Maybe I should have written it in reverse so it would make sense when looking in the mirror. Hmm… 🙂
roadtoambition? That made me laugh.
sam? thanks for your kind words about wishing you’d had one early!
Im trying to figure out a way to make em cheap as the plan is NOT to make a penny but merely to break even when you buy yer 10 (& MizFit is a wordwoman and not a numbersgal so she’s been in the position of ILL BREAK EVEN WITH THIS before and ended up losing money :))
Love the idea — especially the bracelet as a reminder that my strength and engery has an impact on the world.
Love it.
Love it!! And if you don’t need it as a motivator, what a great way to remind yourself that you are fit, strong and healthy!
Also wanted to tell you that the day after I ordered my youbars I got an email saying they have shipped. Can’t wait to see if my combination is any good. Thanks again!
I don’t just want it, I NEED IT!!!!!!!!!!
“eating is a gift you give to yourself” – thinking about your line over and over and over
It’s time to reveal my secret.
I must confess — I’ve been shamelessly using you, Mizfit. Whenever I need motivation to get my sorry and ever-spreading butt in gear, I go read motivating blogs. It’s easier to slack off if you think everyone else is being a human slug as well. But when I read about how you keep going even when you don’t want to work out… well, I’m shamed into exercising myself. (I’m not proud. I’ll use shame, guilt, whatever it takes.)
great post!
I like the bracelet (does it say mizfit on it?) BUT
I’m savin my pennies for some of those sassy shorts.
O’Katie? You’re too funny to leave the blog world!
Why did I think that a subtle band (yes, the word MizFit is the sole thing on the ‘let. Less being more.) would be better than an emblazoned arse 😉
Merry? I’m honored.
And tricia, lori, dana? I’m trying to get a company to sponsor a bracelet giveaway
We’ll see.
Am I the only one with bad eyes?? I could not for the life of me figure out what the bracelet says! Although I gather from katieo’s comment it reads MizFit? Clever idea – love the orange:)
MizFit is entirely aware she needs to cease & desist emptying the bank acct with her clean eating and funnel the money toward a real video camera.
Until then:
yes. they say MizFit upon their lovely orange surface.
I wonder if a bracelet would help me. I’m sad and pathetic. I tried having to pay a trainer. Or humiliating myself in front of others and publicly doing a weigh in. Or having my husband constantly remind me that I must workout. Nothing’s work. Maybe jewelry will be the trick… 🙂
Love it. Want it. Just think of all the classy/creative jewelry and clothing lines you could have with MIZFIT enblazened across them. It’d be great. It’s like when people have all of their furniture from IKEA, all of us bloggers could have wardrobes of MizFit stuff. Running down the street wearing MizFit shorts and a MizFit Livestrong bracelet (somehow simultaneously munching on a MizFit youbar)? What an image! 🙂
MWL? First assignment?
Let’s shift that IM SAD AND PATHETIC to Im worthy of doing something for ME.
MizFit is never a fan of humiliation as motivation either.
you CAN do this—-piece of rubber around your wrist or not.
I hope you keep coming back (and when you do keep yer eyes peeled for a post on negative self talk :))
thanks for the belief in the enterprise which is the MizFitnation.
(really? no not really 🙂 although a wise blogger once wrote a post relaying the notion that we should all think we are the greatest thing since sliced high-protein low processed bread!)
I SO believe it takes a village (bumbling band) to succeed—–now we just need to get a deep pocketed company to realize the same and sponsor us.
LOVE IT! Absolutely love it! According to my kiddos I am often that person that jumps on the bandwagon after it’s driven out of town and is no longer “cool”. I must say that this additional motivator would be something that I would take part in as soon as available.
And you were right about my post yesterday. It is time to stop using “trying to stay on plan” as an excuse and at the risk of sounding like I missed the bandwagon again…”Cowboy Up” and get on plan…OK so that was cool four years ago. I’m still a Sox Fan at heart!
And I LOVE that you called me “missy”! That made me laugh!
The video of your armband makes me laugh 🙂 Wait.. did you bring your video camera into the gym? The things we bloggers do…!
Yes and no.
According to the masses (if by masses you mean my Renaissance Man—-which I do) the (*cheapest*) flip (video camera) I use barely qualifies as such.
And yes.
I do always have it in my bag (ahhh, BabyMamahood) and dashed out and grabbed it.
Since it’s smaller than my ever present sidekick handheld it wasn’t too noticable.
Or at least that’s what I tell myself.
Very cool!
And sorry for my tardiness, I seem to copying your strategy and am the last one on the wristband comment bandwagon.
For some reason I’m not the bracelet sort, but if I were, that’s definitely the one I’d want!
I didn’t even know a person could get a rubber bracelet like that personalized…but it makes sense!
(I had to read through the comments to see if anyone else had trouble making out the words on the bracelet, because I couldn’t make it out on my screen.)
So it says “MizFit!” Very cool. And yes, I definitely consider you a motivator. 🙂
i couldn’t see it on my computer…..i’m gathering it says “mizfit” from the other posts. cool idea……i’d wear it. visual reminders are great for me! plus, i LOVE orange!!
Bring on the bracelet!!!
MizFit, I love the bracelet. And after my year with Shape and of being measured and judged a success or a failure according to the scale, I’m completely in tune with the idea of using an article of clothing to measure my success in maintaining my weight loss.
It’d be way too easy to start freaking out about a number that can be affected by so many different things.
Thanks for the great reminder 🙂
Visual reminder, eh? What a grand idea. I so need the reminders. One bump and I’m off the wagon, generally. 😀
Thanks for the kind sentiments on my blog. Appreciate everyone’s support so much.
LOVE it.
I’m a little late on the bandwagon myself here. 🙂