(Movie anyone?)
Please not to panic if the MizFit appears a tad discombobusheveled for a bit— we’re revamping a bit up in herre.
by Carla
(Movie anyone?)
Please not to panic if the MizFit appears a tad discombobusheveled for a bit— we’re revamping a bit up in herre.
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Keanu Reeves’ best role!!
I love randomly quoting bill and ted’s to screw with people 🙂
awesome movie dude!
Aww. Slingblade! I work with a girl that I swear can quote every line in the movie!
Oh and Miz. saw your response on my page. Do Do is exactly right! BWAAAHHAAAAA. I am slacking on my blog since my vacation. However, workouts are moving right along.
Keanu Reaves was in Bill & Ted’s?!? I think you guys just blew my mind.
Oh my dearest Charlotte—If you are not jesting GET THEE TO A BLOCKBUSTER.
Ooooh a SEARCH button!! You put that in there just for me didn’t ya 😉