Before we head into the viewer mail I wanted to do a shout out of sorts.
A Can we get an AMEN?! holla of love to a magazine which doesnt waste precious pages on the proper make-up to wear to the gym or how to make yer arse look best whilst using the elliptical just in case your future spouse is on the treadmill directly behind you.
Experience Life is a magazine which belongs on all of our reading lists because they are what they purport to be (as do their editors’ blogs. I know edutainment is an overused no-no term, but it applies here, People. Check them out.) :
Your road map toward real and lasting self-improvement.
It’s all about that second to last word.
We can easily starveoverexercisejuicefastDEPRIVEOURSELVES into a temporary fix. It’s time to find a plan, err, road map for the long haul.
Enough evangelizing (can you tell Ive read one too many puff pieces on Sports Bras That Will Make You Look Two Cup Sizes Larger!!).
As a special Hump Day freebie Im gonna draw a winner from the comments for a year subscription to Experience Life Mag—–because that’s just how the MizFit rolls.
(we now return you to your previously scheduled Viewer Mail)
Dear MizFit,
You did a video with the BOSU ball where you fell off (thanks for that it made me feel way better about my own lack of balance).
That made me start wondering how I know if I have bad balance for my age? or if Im fine?
hope that makes sense.
Thanks MizFit!
First, Im so glad that I could make you feel better about yourself as the MizFit lives to serve.
(Oh that I could pretend that I fell off ONLY to make people feel less badly about their possible lack of balance. Sadly that’s my current state. I *am* working to change it—-but that’s a Renaissance Man Hath Proclaimed Himself My BOSU-trainer post for a different day)
There is, in fact, a simple test you can do to see where you fall within the norms of balance for your age.
It’s easy, fast, and a diagnostic test which Ive thus far avoided taking.
Stand next to a piece of furniture upon which you can steady yourself should you need to.
Fold your arms across your chest, raise one leg and bend it at the knee approximately forty five degrees.
Check the second hand on your watch and close your eyes.
How long can you hold this position without uncrossing your arms, tilting sideways, moving your standing leg or touching the bent leg to the floor?
Repeat this test on your other side and compare your results with the norms:
*twenty-forty nine years: 24-28 seconds
*fifty-fifty nine years: 21 seconds
*sixty-sixty nine years: 10 seconds
*seventy – seventy nine years: 4 seconds
*eighty plus years: typically cannot complete test.
How did you do?
In all seriousness, there’s a reason Ive skipped taking the test:
I know that I need to improve regardless of where I fall (pun intended) and there’s nothing like that last line to encourage me to try and be the 80 year old who can finish the test.
If you take the test at home—-hit me up in the comments and let me know how you did!
My question is on your opinion of my weight training. I am in the routine of around 3 days a week and had my weights setup where I would do back and biceps one day, chest and triceps the next and legs and shoulders on the third day. I do abs every time I workout. I normally do three sets (12, 10, 8) and on the last set I am really pushing it to get the 8th done. I generally do 2 exercises per body part. Does this sound right or should I be incorporating more into my workout? Thank you so much for the advice!
First, let me note that there was an initial sentence here which—while the emailer didnt use these terms—asked about HIT cardio versus longer cardio. That’s coming in a different viewer mail post.
OK, this is both an easy and a difficult question to answer (please to take a moment and refer to the disclaimer at top of site). It is, indeed, a good rule of thumb to begin your weight training routine by working your ENTIRE BODY twice a week, your entire body three times a week and then, as the emailer has, further break down your routine into focusing on specific body parts more intensely.
Here is where the gray area comes into play (what are your goals? physical limitations? time constraints?).
I normally do three sets (12, 10, 8) and on the last set I am really pushing it to get the 8th done. I generally do 2 exercises per body part.
Not knowing any of your background the 12, 10, 8 repetitions and finding the last few DIFFICULT is precisely where you want to be. Too often we (the royal) get stuck in the three sets of 15 repetitions (where the last set of 15 reps is as easy as the initial) either out of laziness or misplaced fear of developing bulky muscles (MizFit WISHES this myth were a reality)——so kudos to you for pushing yourself!
The 2 exercises per body part? GREAT and if you wanted you mightcould do more.
Are you exhausted after your workout? In a rush to get home/to work & an extra exercise might actually make you not lift at all? SKIP IT.
Have the time/energy/motivation? I say go ahead and add one in!
3 exercises per body part with the routine you’re doing would be perfectly fine and, as always, LISTEN TO YOUR BODY.
Feeling many or all of the below?
- Washed-out feeling, tired, drained, lack of energy
- Mild leg soreness, general aches and pains
- Pain in muscles and joints
- Sudden drop in performance
- Insomnia
- Headaches
- Decrease in training capacity / intensity
- Moodiness and irritability
- Depression
- Loss of enthusiasm for the your workout
- Decreased appetite
you may be overtraining so cut back for a few weeks and see how you feel.
As far as the ab work: three times a week is not overtraining at all (& my abpinions are an entire post in and of themselves)
Got better ideas, MizFits?? Lay em on us in the comments.
Balance Test: I tried this two times because the first time I tilted right over. Second time I held for 78 seconds but probably could’ve gone longer if I hadn’t have gotten so bored and quit. It was much harder than I thought but I do lots of balance work with yoga…so I think that I’ve stumbled upon some tricks that makes balancing on one leg easier. But it is much difficult with the eyes closed. I am still 28 so I imagine that my balance number will go down as I get older.
This test makes me feel better because I generally feel uncoordinated. I’ve signed up for my first “body step” class tonight and now that I know I have some sense of balance, my confidence in how tonight’s class will go has gone up. No doubt I will still trip over my own two feet…but as least I can balance. LOL!
Hey Kathryn, you made my day already (mightcould I go back to bed?) as MizFit is ALL ABOUT the self esteem pump.
cant wait to hear how class goes!
The MizFit as an octogenarian will be a force to be reckoned with, I predict! Ooooh a test! Pick me, pick me!!! What, there’s no gold star at the end? Awww. Balance is one of my very few legitimate athletic skills (the other ones being no sense of shame and a willingness to try anything) so I quit after a couple of minutes but it was a nice way to start my morning.
PS> I agree with everything you said about Experience Life Mag. Great read.
Keep watching your front porch!
Your Ms. No Sense of Shame 2008 sash is on its way!
I’m happy to report that I passed the balance test with flying colors–hooray! I’m definitely going to check out Experience Life magazine. I’m always looking for a good read that doesn’t make me want to pull my hair out…
Kudos on the test and enjoy having a head chock full o’hairs after you read the mag.
It’s refreshing to say the least.
great test, I actually have great balance! (thanks to my nighttime BOSU use!)
Experience Life is a great mag–it’s published by Lifetime Fitness, yes? Good stuff!
Amen! tell it like it is sistafriend!
Weeee – passed the test! Does it count if I did it sitting?
I need more to read. The bajillion books I’m reading for school just isn’t enough. Please pick moi 🙂
PS – Me gusta your nuevo look-o
I really think my problem with strength training is TIME. I want to get my cardio in (45-60 minutes) and then I feel like I don’t have enough time to devote to strength so I either don’t do it, or if I try to do some it’s half-a$$. Any tips, Mizfit?
The Bag Lady tried the balance test. WTF happened to her? She used to have much better balance! (Of course, if she were an octogenarian, she aced it…!!)
Thanks for the suggestions for the magazine. Also enlightening me on the word edutainment. heh
3 times a week for abs is definitely not overtraining! Sometimes I go for 4, depending on where I am in my programs.
I asked for Experience Life for Christmas and I didn’t get it 🙁 That magazine is freakin’ amazing, but with this college thing, of course all my money goes to surviving!
And no I have not read Martha Becks, but I will check her out now!
Oh, great magazine!
I have not tried the balancing test, because I read this after my speed intervals running session. No doubt that would skew my results (or at least give me an excuse in the event of failure!). I will give it a try tonight, but I think I can pass it. My balance has improved greatly over the last few months.
Welcome and many ideas coming your way in a Monday Facetime.
Jay? Love Martha. Watch for a Finding Your Own North Star post coming soon on MizFit.
I’m actually fairly good at balancing, so I did alright with the test. It’s one of the few things I’m naturally good at, so I enjoy practicing it.
Thanks for suggesting the magazine. I hadn’t heard of it before, so I’ll have to check it out!
my FAVORITE magazine is Muscle and Fitness HERS. They are women with MUSCLE and real workouts with LEG PRESSES and weights high that 8 pounds. And even though the models are ripped, they are pretty and feminine, not how a lot of weightlifters are portrayed. I highly recommend it.
Thanks for the shout out! I suppose now I’m going to have to post something interesting or readable on my blog… 😛
Mizfit! you changed your layout..I’m lovin it…haven’t taken the balance test yet but only because I don’t do much standing of any kind for atleast an hour after rolling out of bed 😉 This mizfits is all about the sitting, sipping tea life…already living the octogenarian lifestyle?
Crap! I’m older than I thought. A whole /lot/ older!
Wah 🙁
A magazine that DOESN’T focus on how you look on a treadmill and the best way to apply make-up for going to the gym? Why, what on earth could that magazine possibly contain?
(and then I followed the link. And am currently extremely excited about this magazine. Definite swoon-age going on here).
I heart the balancing. And abpinion post to come? I like doing abs work more than 3 times a week too. Some people say that that’s the devil, other people say that it’s great to do them more often. Your thoughts?
10 seconds. Waa.
I’m going to try it again.
Oh man. Best outta three? First time, 5 secs. Second, 3 secs. Third, over a minute (got bored). My calf was going crazy trying to keep me balanced though. I have always been ridiculously un-balanced and clumsy. Which got me thinking… a coworker said that she heard somewhere you are more clumsy when Aunt Flo is coming to town. Mizfit, can you validate or disprove?
and I hadn’t even HEARD of Experience Life Magazine before this post. Very cool, and charlotte likes it too? ok I’m sold.
My new goal: to achieve the level of fitness and knowledge (i.e. Goddess-hood) as The MizFit.
You Rock!
In a couple of years when I am 80, I will stand atop a BOSU and flip off the World. I refuse to give up at any age!
Oh frak! I’m 55, feel (and kinda look) in my 40s, but my balance test pegged me in my 60s!
OK, I took this test a couple months ago and was in my 80s. So this is a trainable talent I need to work on more. (It’s that eye-closed part. After multiple sprained ankles, my proprioceptors are screwed…)
OK.. make a note: more balance work.
I love the website and your personality definitely shows. Keep up the good work… it looks like you’ve got a ton of visitors. Thanks again for checking out my website and hopefully we’ll be seeing a lot of each other.
John Fit
Wow, love all the comments about Experience Life — so nice to hear! As MizFit said, we’ve got lots of content online at, including an article for anyone looking to improve their balance after taking the test she described! 🙂
It’s called “A Balanced Approach” and is available in the November 2006 archives:
Thanks for the rave, MizFit!
Count me among the Experience Life fans. And 26 seconds on the balance test…not bad, I think.
Balance Test: My 80 year old self fell over and landed on my son’s guitar. Though with eyes open I can go a minute.
Make up that makes your arse look smaller: I wish. Wouldna helped the guitar though.
Sports Bras: Ugh. If anyone knows of one for the overendowed (it’s a curse after kids), please share. Having the twins squished together and up into my chin is in itself a reason to stay home.
Ok, I got 28 seconds. 🙂
Thanks for the tip on abs!
Great tips! I liked hearing your recommendations on weight training reps and frequency of workouts. Thanks!
The balance test I can do, but I took dance as a teenager, so maybe that doesn’t make it fair!
Balance: 40 seconds until the toddler thought it was a game and pushed me over.
I like the new look. Very clean somehow.
Love the advice as always.
I’ve never heard of that magazine/website, but it looks pretty cool. And the first thing that caught my eye on the homepage? An article about learning how to do pullups! Now THAT’S what I need! 🙂
I want the freebie! Will try balance test tomorrow.
On my left leg, I could do 12 seconds. On my right leg, I did 65 seconds, over a minute. What a huge difference between the two sides. Interesting test!