subtitle: it’s a nudge. a nice, gentle nudge, but a nudge none the less.
make your own.
join The MizFits.
just get moving.
by Carla
subtitle: it’s a nudge. a nice, gentle nudge, but a nudge none the less.
make your own.
join The MizFits.
just get moving.
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Wow, I was just about to ask you if you had a team. I was about to sign my girls and I up.
I think you can add yourself, Lori, but let me know if *I* need to add you.
MizFits UNITE.
Our pants no longer tight!
(yes, Im slaphappytired and it’s only 7am)
have a great day,
For some reason your team is not showing up. Was there an option to make it public? Can you please add me? Thanks!
ok, I DO need to add team members.
If you wanna be in just post a comment and I shall add away.
(thanks Lori for the heads up)
You are on there now. My daughter just joined and now you show up.
I added you 🙂
(and need last names to add…just FYI. feel free to email me and not comment.)
Um, I’m confused! All I see is a description of a “virtual race”?? What are we supposed to do? Do we need to pay money? Is it a fund raiser?
clicking should take you to the WOMAN CHALLENGE page.
if you join then I can add you to The MizFits.
(not at computer so I cant say fo’ sho’ what youre seeing)
This free eight week challenge encourages women and girls to walk 10,000 steps or get 30 minutes of moderate exercise every day. The WOMAN Challenge begins on Mother’s Day, May 11, and ends on July 5, 2008.
Add me – add me!! I joined last night.
glad to know im not the only one confused- add please!!
is it cool that i usually do 12,000 steps a day? HUH? ok, im showing off.
I want to be in!!! I couldn’t figure out HOW ot join and get on your team.. So add me and I’ll join tonight before I head out for dallas!!!
We had a great weekend, glad you did too! Just saw the challenge, this is great. I think we are going to sign up!!
I need to add you.
I need to know your STATE, CITY AND LAST NAME.
Feel free to leave in comment or email:
So excited you are signing up!
i’m in! (the team is listed under Texas, The Mizfits)
Thank you WO Mommy.
Please to add yourselves!
(Yep, I’m in TX ;))
If you can’t figure it out THEN email me!
I’m in!
MizFit, you don’t need to add them all. Make sure that your state is saved in your profile so that it gets listed. then everyone just has to go look up under that state to find the MizFits and join your group. 😉
I joined and joined the team!
I think when I looked the site maybe just had not refreshed or something and the team wasn’t there. When my daughter joined shortly after it was. Just click “Join a team” and then pick “Texas” and the teams are listed alphabetically.
I’m in!!!
Thanks for the link. I’ve already put walking more as a goal for my May Challenge and participating in the Woman’s Challenge will give me an extra nudge………………..:)
I got my niece to sign up! I might if I can count the 5 hour walk I took on Saturday… : )
I’m in. That site is not for the blonde at heart (me) Good Lord, took me forever to figure it out.
thank you for saying that, Meribeth.
granted I was doing 5 things at once but it befuddled me entirely at first…
OK can you add me too? I know late to the party. But I just had a chance to read about the challenge.
Maybe the thought of MizFit coming after me and cracking the whip will get me in shape.
I’ll email ya 🙂