First? This week’s winner? MamaRunsWithScissors. Email me at and I shall get you your hat!
Now? a shout out of MizFit product love. (& a reminder: Im not being paid for this endorsement—much to my bank account’s chagrin.)
Want some PB2 and cant wait for the freebie? look here.
Already in possession of some and searching for creative recipes? look here.
No clue to what Im referring when I mention the Protein Almost ‘Cakes? head this way.
The entire concept of dried peanut butter totally ICK YOU OUT? hit me up in the comments.
please to enjoy.
yum, yum & triple yum! devouring my protein pancakes right this minute!
I know this appearance is kind of…WONKY
off to don the MAMAbandanna and then I shall fix.
Hmmm—you find the most interesting things!
I, too, am not particularly trying to avoid the good fats, yet I do find the concept intriguing for when you want to boost protein without the extra fat. Will have to give it a try!
Still need to come across some Chia seeds… I don’t know why I seem to be incapable of ordering online, but I for some reason I need to see the stuff in a store before I go for it. Actually, it’s just laziness I think.
It is FAR better, Crabby, not to do the internet order.
I can vouch for the chia but have gotten some NASTY stuff in the name of ‘ooooh, that looks *tasty* on my screen!’
We (the royal. the bumbling band.) are revisiting Chia next week.
I’ve foundulated (found + formulated. G-d forbid I follow a recipe to the letter) a couple of ways to make the seeds more palatable (for when you track em down)!
I’ve also been hesitant to try it as I use a raw almond butter and a natural peanut butter mix. I wasn’t sure if the PB2 would be nutritionally “worth it” but maybe I’ll give it a try!
I’ve never heard of PB2. Thanks for the post about it…it looks like a healthy peanut butter substitute. I probably won’t do away with regular peanut butter entirely because one of my favorite weekend snacks is peanut butter on toast. Yum! But I like the idea of having something that’s in a powdered form…and the recipes on the PB2 website look yummy. If only it were available at a store near me…looks like I’m going to have to order.
we’re wonked, people.
and Im off for the morning.
working on it!!
THANK YOU, Shelley.
MizFit should know her limitations and have left the comments wonked but the video videoing.
duly noted.
Hmmm. Why would one want to eat peanut butter without the fat? That’s the good part of the peanut butter – all those mono- and poly-unsaturated fats. On that note though, I usually choose cashew or almond butter (or raw nuts) rather than peanuts or peanut butter. It’s that whole overabundance of Omega-6’s in our diet.
I’m with Crabby about the Chia. Still dying to try it. Still too lazy to find it online!
I miss the fat (and just plop it in myself mostly) but adore this for a quick stirring in (oatmeal, shakes/smoothies, thai noodles, baking) AND for travel.
And life.
You KNOW there is always a jar in my trunk 🙂
(I’m so excited about one chia tip I’ve learned. Testing today. Sharing next week!)
Intriguing. I’m possibly the most ardent lover of peanut butter that has ever lived, so the idea of powdered PB is a bit blasphemous to me. But I’m willing to give the pancakes a try…
I hear you, Jen.
I was amazed at how good it was (& thankful as I’d ordered a four pack).
Very cool. But I love the smooth texture of peanut butter- I think I would be saddened by eating a powdered peanut butter. Even so I think this is something that I’d like to give a try!
I will have to give this a try! Thanks!
Hmmm…this sounds interesting! I love peanut butter, so this might be a nice alternative for making shakes and things.
Wow..this does look very interesting! Hmmm…might have to give it a try! (Also plan to try that Almost Cake recipe)
Thanks MizFit!
Dried peanut butter sounds delightful!
So even though this goes through quite a bit of processing, it still fits with the eating clean thing? I imagine it adds a great flavor to oatmeal!
it does and it is.
I’m one of those who have not heard of PB2, so thanks for getting me up-to-date. 🙂
AND now I know what those Protein Almost Cakes are! 🙂 I would so try them.
Ok, I’ve tried PB2, and I swear I’m the only person in the U.S. who doesn’t like this stuff. I love peanut butter, and this stuff just doesn’t measure up to me. Any hints to making it better?
Never heard of powdered PB before. Sounds interesting. I eat organic crunchy PB, and have made some of my own, and the taste is fabulous. I love the MUFAs in the PB, as this is one of my fave ways to get them.
It also has sugar added, though, right? I was thinking it would be good for smoothies to add the pb flavor, but the sugar kind of turns me off.
So crazy! I’ve never heard of powdered peanut butter…I bet it would be good. 🙂
just bought some PB2 and was so eager to try it I opened it and dumped some into what was left of my berry smoothie, what resulted was a PB&J smoothie delight. Sheer love of the PB2 here. It is def more peanutty than regular PB but I really like that. It is officially my new smoothie additive!